The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 268 - The island of glass

After thinking, Yan Yun said to Zheng Yingying with a smile: “Little girl, I promise, as long as you can help me kill Mr. Crow and get his authority, I will immediately find a way to resurrect the river. How? Tang Cuo can testify for me , I’m talking.”

This is different from when Yan Yun used Meng Yufei to lead Zheng Yingying and let her choose one of the two. If that is a threat, it is now a real invitation.

Zheng Yingying looked over, her mouth twitched, revealing a standard good boy’s smile, and said, “Good.”

Yan Yun looked at her with her head tilted, “How do I think you don’t believe me at all?”

Zheng Yingying: “I only need to resurrect the river.”

Yan Yun asked again: “What if I accidentally killed Tang Cuo or Chi Yan during this process?”

“That Rongyi will also die.” Zheng Yingying already knew the relationship between Yan Yun and Rong Yi from Meng Yufei, and Yan Yun did not deliberately hide it.

She said, raising her head slightly to reveal the eyes hidden in the shadows, “All the people who are related to you will die, and I will find them one by one from the Qing Dynasty procedure, and they will be depressed.”

“Are you afraid that I will kill you now?”

“You can’t kill me.”

Zheng Yingying’s tone is very determined, making people wonder whether she really has any cards. Yan Yun didn’t want to start working with Tang Cuo and others now, and of course he didn’t want to move Zheng Yingying now. Only the idiots would make themselves hostile to the whole world, adding a lot of resistance.

“I’m very curious.” Yan Yun copied his hand and regained the appearance of the dangling dude. “If the price of resurrecting the rivers is to kill them?”

“That’s how disgusting this world is.” Zheng Yingying looked up at the sky, and there was no trace in the cold tone. “It’s disgusting.”

Yan Yun did not answer, he carefully looked at Zheng Yingying, and finally looked up at the sky along with her eyes. The sky in the copy is a sunny day, and there are no clouds in it.

Meng Yufei and the mouse also looked up together. The calmer Zheng Yingying is, the more Meng Yufei feels hairy in his heart, even standing under the big sun will not help. The mouse is still looking like a **** immersed in his own world, as if he doesn’t care about everything else.



A small voice sounded with the sound of a heartbeat, like the movement of a mechanical watch movement, and every turn was a heartbeat. It sounded in Zheng Yingying’s heart, because it was too light, and it always needed to calm down and listen carefully.

【Mechanical Heart】Has condensed half of the highest technology of the city of Eden. Although the Tiantian Tower has collapsed, the brilliant technological civilization will never fall. People will eventually understand that flesh and blood will decay, but technology will not. It is truth, uniqueness and eternity.

On the other side, a copy of “The Island of Liuli”, Tang Cuo and Jin Cheng again learned about the plot of this ring through the form of walking lanterns.

On **Luo Island, Baz was undoubtedly the target of the crowd, everyone stared at him, wishing to burn him to death on the torture rack. At the same time, some people in the Ivy League doubted Lancelot’s identity, thinking that he was not Augustine at all, but was mixed into the Ivy League by the instructions of the Rose Sect.

Even if some people believe that Lancelot is Augustine, they are not willing to admit it, because they do not want Augustine to come back.

Augustine has been away for more than 100 years, and the upper-level power structure of the Ivy League has changed a long time ago. When he returned at this time, he would undoubtedly threaten the status of some people, and may even trigger a round of liquidation.

There are fights in places where there are people, and even the Ivy League, known as the fight for justice, always has the shadow under the sun. Mrs. Catherine appeared alone in the Straits of Blackcurrant, and the test of Theodore is iron proof.

“The Island of Glass” is about Augustine regaining power and rectifying things within the alliance. In the story of the walking lantern, Lancelot is no longer played by Jin Cheng. It is the original Lancelot. He is more like Jin Cheng, who is more popular as a bard in the mainland, and his eyes seem to have Sicily flowing. wind.

And when Lancelot became Augustine, there was a little bit more majesty that precipitated from his years.

There is no doubt that this is a very charming minstrel and a qualified authority, with a hard-core wrist, and he is absolutely right. At the return dinner specially organized for him by Luo Dao, he personally held the small harp for everyone, wearing an ordinary cotton and linen shirt and deerskin boots, without shelves.

But in an instant, he beheaded one of the 13 arbitrators in public, and the blood was splattered at the dinner.

This person had secret contacts with the Rose Sect, and behind the July Rose incident was his impetus.

Augustine killed one, imprisoned another, and directly announced that the entire Ivy League had entered martial law, eliminating the Rose Sect at all costs.

If the previous Ivy League was constrained by various conditions and had been in a passive situation, and various actions were always one step behind the Rose Sect, then from this moment, the Ivy League officially began to counterattack.

Theodore’s situation has changed, but his soul is still affected by roses, and there are many “recollections” about Louis XIV in his mind.

He understands that one day this will be a disaster.

So he gave his ring “Nightingale” to Augustine, and the last passage of “The Island of the Glass” was a lighthouse gift.

**There is a lighthouse on the low mountain of Luo Island, which is the highest place on the whole island, higher than the towers of all magicians. A magical glazed lamp hangs in the lighthouse. It is said that the lamp was once hung in the palace of the gods, and it can be kept forever without the need to inject magic power.

In the middle of the night, Theodore waited for Augustine to deal with the Ivy League, and then he was invited to the lighthouse.

“Lancelot.” Theodore still used to call him that way. “This ring is named after my ancestor. She is a brave, upright and always knight with light. She is also the one who killed Rose herself. Today I will give it to you, if one day, the rose recovers on me, please use this ring-kill me.”

Ring nightingale, engraving skills: moonlight tide.

Augustine did not take it immediately. With the moonlight and lights, he looked at Theodore with unprecedented seriousness and said, “Theodore, I want to protect you, not kill you.”

Theodore answered him equally seriously: “Killing me at that time is also protecting me.”

Augustine didn’t speak, and for a long time, he finally took the ring. Turning around, he stood by the railing and looked up at the high moon, suddenly asked: “Theodore, do you know what your name means?”

Theodore: “?”

“It’s a gift from Tenjin.” Augustine looked back at him again. “Rose is not worthy of this gift, so believe me, Theodore, you will always be you.”

“I am willing to believe you, Lancelot, but things are changing, and in order not to allow the dark age to come back, we must be prepared for everything.”

“Yeah, but there have been too many sacrifices. I always want to keep something.” Augustin Mo was holding the ring in his hand, and his voice was weak. “I watched the dragon family perish in front of me, if not the Elven King. Ai Miye arrived in time, I am afraid that even I myself died.”

Theodore was silent, and Xu didn’t know how to comfort him.

Augustine smiled again and said, “It’s okay, Theodore. I know you never succumb to fate. You will stick to the last moment and fight alongside me, right?”

Theodore: “Yes, I will insist, unless death takes me away.”

In the eyes of the two eyes, the most sincere friendship flows. Augustine smiled and put the ring on, “I know you must have many questions to ask me, ask, I will answer you all.”

Theodore thought a little and asked, “The teacher said that the well of time is related to the secret of eternal life. That is the restricted area of ​​the gods. Is eternal life really there?”

Louis XIV tried to eternal life, violated the gods, and eventually led to the demise of the entire dynasty, but he still failed. Augustine, as his younger brother, a sacrificed child, has lived from the dark age to the present, and it is unbelievable.

Augustine showed a long-expected look and explained: “The Tucha royal family has always believed in the legend that the well of time can make people live forever, so they set the king in the moon hidden city and confine the well of time in the royal palace. Here, no one except the royal family is allowed to contact. After failing again and again, they all think that they have not done enough, or even throw their biological children into the well, in exchange for a glimmer of hope. But if this is really useful, how Will it lead to the series of tragedies behind?”

Theodore: “What about you?”

“My situation is different.” Augustine sighed. “The Dragon of Time loved me. On the last day, in order to protect me, he injected a lot of magic into my body and let me escape alone. Magic The essence of is the arrangement and combination of magical elements. My body stores so much time magic, the magical elements are compressed to the extreme, and my physique has been changed suddenly, bringing me a long life. But I am only a person after all. Suffering so much energy from the dragon family, I often fell asleep because of self-protection, so that when Louis XIV was killed, I could not be present.”

After a pause, Augustine continued: “It’s always a pity that I couldn’t kill him personally. But I know he will come back eventually, so I founded the League of Ivy Leagues. I have been racing against time for so many years, but for a hundred years. I still had problems with my body and had to fall asleep again.”

Theodore: “So you left a note on the Dragon’s Cliff to guide future generations to the country of Yueyin?”

“Yes.” Augustine nodded and said, “The well of time is in the country of Yueyin. There is the king capital of the Tucha dynasty. For whatever reason, if Louis XIV is really resurrected, he will definitely Back there. It’s just that when I woke up again, the traces of time magic left on me became more and more serious, so that my appearance had changed, so I simply changed my name to Lancelot and secretly monitored the movement of the Rose Sect. Counting time, thousands of years have passed, and it’s time for the rose to return.”

This last sentence, in Augustine’s slightly deep tone, contains a strong sense of destiny.

Theodore stood side by side with them, and they looked out from the railing of the lighthouse, and the sea ahead was vast. Cross the sea and then the vast continent, where there is a city surrounded by yellow sand.

The country of the moon, a garden abandoned by the gods.

For a long time, Augustine regained his brisk tone, “Although there are some old tunes, I still want to say-Theodore, meeting you in the Principality of France is outside the plan, but I like this accident.”

Theodore clasped the hilt with one hand, still in a straight posture, “My honor, Your Excellency.”

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