The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 297 - God\\\'s Eyes

Time went back in time. In the fishing game, after seeing the mouse sticking the note into the belly of the fish and turning around to leave, he hesitated for a while to continue to follow him or find a way to fish the fish and find out.

After a few seconds, he made a decision. The chance of catching the fish was too low. There are tens of millions of fish hidden in this river. Even with more than one luck, it is impossible to catch the same fish in a short time. fish. By that time, the purpose of the rat may have been achieved.

Thinking of this, he immediately quit the game and continued to follow the mouse.

The mouse kept walking and kept walking, but he walked very casually and seemed aimless. For a long time, I couldn’t figure out his true purpose until I saw the familiar magic train.

All players in Yongye City know that there is a magic train in the city. The end point of the train is above the clouds. It is said that it is the true core of Yongye City, and it has the deepest secrets.

But has anyone really gone up?


No one really took the train, or maybe the people who took the train went there and never came back. In short, it will always be a legend and an unsolved mystery.

The starting point of the magic train is also erratic. When you see it, it is probably already in the sky, and it is an eternal background board. Fortunately, there are lucky people who can see it on the ground and want to get closer, but it has already made a whine and sailed towards the sky.

In the past, in order to attract the attention of others, some people made up lies about the magic train, saying that they had gone up and made up lies about the “above the clouds”, but in this nightless city with no history, these lies Like a small humble spray, it will soon be submerged.

So when Yu saw the train close by, he froze for a moment and settled in place.

It was the first time he entered Yongye City for so long.

The mouse ran forward excitedly. He didn’t even care about the people around him. It seemed that he didn’t even notice that there was one more behind him. He strode to the car in stride.

The car didn’t drive away immediately, just like the guests waiting for it on the booth. The front of the car was sprayed with white smoke, the whole body was pure black, and it was mysterious and punk.

The mouse walked around the front of the car and couldn’t help but reach out and touch the black, steel-cast car. After a while he went back to his original place and took out a yellow ticket. He nervously and expectantly put the ticket into a small opening next to the door. The very small opening just fits into a ticket, a bit like the ticket gate of the high-speed rail station.

Yu saw him going, and hurried forward. At this time, he couldn’t care whether he would be discovered by the mouse. If he didn’t do anything, he would let the mouse go, and he would definitely be scolded by Lilith.

People cannot be planted twice in one place. The last time the mouse was taken away by Yan Yun under his eyelids, this time can not repeat the same mistakes.

But at this moment, the ticket was spit out from that mouth again, and fluttered to the ground.

Yu Yiyi’s footsteps froze again, and the mouse’s body also froze. After a few seconds, he quickly picked up the ticket, and unjustly stuffed the ticket into the small mouth.

But in three seconds, the ticket was spit out again.

Yu Yiyi was a little confused about the development of this matter, and the mouse went crazy and started to test door by door. But the result was no surprise, every door rejected the mouse ticket.

The place is remote and there are not many players, but the train stopped here for so long still attracted some attention. They watched the mouse go crazy, and some of them couldn’t help but curiosity, and began to approach the train carefully, but they just took the approaching step, and the train seemed to be pressed the start button.

The whistle of “Woo” sounded again, and the wheels began to turn, slowly and unwaveringly leading the whole train towards the sky.

The wind blew up and blew the ticket that was rejected again into the air. The mouse widened its eyes and reached for it, but it grabbed the ticket and the train was away from him again.



“Wait for me!”

“Let me go up!”

The mouse grabbed the handrail beside the car door anxiously and was taken by the train. The screaming wind blew his ears, and also dissipated his cry.

In a hurry, Yu grabbed the rear of the car and followed. He remembers the last time he saw people hanging on the train, or when Crimson escaped from prison. Crimson was a fierce man. A string of “living corpses” was hung under the car. When he flew to the sky, he fell down like dumplings, and these people penetrated.

At this moment, I hung it one by one on the top, struggling to climb to the roof of the car and looking down. The Yongye City was brightly lit and crowded, so big that I couldn’t see it at a glance.

Different perspectives gave Yu Yiyi a novel feeling. He could not help but glance at it more, but he had to focus on the mouse again.

The mouse was still hanging by the car door, patting the glass hard to get in. But no matter what he did, the door didn’t move, and the glass didn’t break.

The higher the train, the higher the flight, until it reached the bottom of the clouds and circled above the Yongye City.

What is above the clouds?

I looked up one by one, and still saw nothing, showing that the end point was still far away. According to the usual practice, the train will still hover in the sky for a long time.

For a long time, the mouse seemed to be exhausted finally, and climbed to the top of the car to sit. The two headed one by one, and could not hear what the mouse was saying after a little while, but he saw the mouse’s mouth spitting like a curse.

It was at this moment that the fox rang.

“Bonfire foxing”, Yu one by one immediately thought of this allusion followed by “fish belly collection”. There must be a connection between the two, because the mouse hides the note in the belly of the fish before it can cause a chain reaction of hooting.

What happened next, as Jin Cheng and others knew. The sun rises and the sky is bright, the mouse announces Mr. Crow’s true identity in public, and encourages the entire Yongye City to kill him.

It’s just that no one knows. When they said these words, the mouse was sitting on the magic train passing by. Even Yu Yiyi is on it.

Mr. Crow’s non-response caused the rats to be anxiously corrupted, and the train drove them around the entire Yongye City, then continued upward and upward, and finally drove into the clouds.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, the sun’s light enveloped the score. Yu Yiyi looked up at the sky, as if he saw something under the clouds, but it was too vague, as if it was just his illusion.

The mouse stretched out his hand excitedly, kneeling on the ground, his eyes showing feverishness and excitement, as if chasing some light. The light comes from heaven, from the god.

“God—” the mouse murmured, “Please look at me again.”

Yu Yiyi thought he was crazy, but the lunatic never knew it. They just thought that all the people in the world were stupid. But it was at this time that there was indeed a pressure on the clouds.

It seemed like a line of sight fell on them, weighed so much, that Yu Yi could not stand up straight at all, daring to raise his head, or even dare to speculate in his heart.


is God!

Did the mouse really call God? !

Yu Yiyi’s inner turmoil swelled in a moment, even pushing the trembling of God’s instinct and looking up at the mouse. Tears were weeping in the corners of the mouse’s eyes. He was not as scared as Yu Yiyi. He only felt that his heart was wrapped in great happiness, and even happiness was so weeping.

He finally saw God again, just like the drifting ship finally returned to the harbor.

God really remembered him, and his guesses were all right. God must have disgusted k. He has fallen into an intelligence dealer since he was willing. How can such a person deserve to stand by God?

It doesn’t matter, it won’t happen in the future, k will be killed, and there will be no more eye-catching people from now on.

So God, are you here to see me?

I am your only faithful believer.

The mouse was so excited that the whole person was trembling, and the outstretched hand kept going upwards and upwards, as if trying to touch the existence above the clouds. Yu Yiyi was more and more shocked, and even clenched his No. 4 movement, preparing to run right away if something went wrong.

It’s crazy, it’s crazy, facing the gods or something, but it’s not something that an opportunist who is good at saving lives should do!

A drop of cold sweat slipped from the remaining forehead. He lowered his head, his head began to quickly think about the possibility of jumping off the roof of the car.

God’s coercion is constantly oppressing him. The **** does not appear, just a faint look, so that he can’t move. And as the train was getting higher and higher, I was about to break through the clouds, and I crossed my heart one by one, biting the tip of my tongue to temporarily let the stiff body recover, and turned and jumped down the car.

The screaming wind instantly poured into his ears, he fell face up, and then turned back to see what was happening on the train, his eyes wide open–

“Bang!” The train drove through the clouds to the top of the cloud, but the mouse hit the transparent barrier like a head and was caught off guard.

“No!!!” the mouse shouted incredulously, reaching for the train desperately, but caught nothing. The face that was originally full of happiness and surprise was quickly replaced by shock and injury.

“No, no!”


The mouse was struggling desperately, but his whole person was still falling, and the train to the finish line went away relentlessly, as fast as a gust of wind across the field.

God’s eyes are also going away. I don’t know if it is because of the distance or if he really has gone away. The pressure is getting smaller and smaller until he can no longer feel it.

I looked at the changes one by one and forgot that I was still in the process of falling. I looked at the mouse and then the clouds, and I was surprised. Did God just ignore the mouse? Why did He appear?

and many more.

Of course it is for k!

The mouse is going to kill k, and the city is full of foxes called “Awu”.

Yu Yiyi was surprised that he was taken away by the paranoid performance of the mouse, k but Mr. Crow, who did God appear not for him?

Can k? Where is he now?

k In Yongye City, standing beside a very ordinary street in the central area, he raised his head normally. The name of intelligence dealer K is loud, but there are not many people who have really seen him, so no players around him have recognized him.

The moment the **** cast his gaze, k raised his head.

“Awu.” The spirit called him in his heart.

“I’m here.” K took off his hat and put it on his chest, slightly lowered his head, and answered his words in his heart.

“Have you considered?”

“Think of it, Lord God. I just want to let you know that no matter whether I look up or not, you will always be in my heart; no matter where I go, they are all in this world, in your warm arms. I I did not abandon you to leave, you did not abandon me, I just intend to live a different way.”


“Yes, live alive.”

The **** didn’t speak for a long time, and there was a faint smile in his voice, saying: “Well, my child, I wish you a happy journey.”

k nodded again and said a “thank you” that was too light.

You can always see me, my dear Lord God.

No matter where I am.

I have written so many other people’s stories. From now on, I will also write a story of my own for you. If you meet me in the future, please take a look.

k The last words hidden in my heart, I don’t know if the gods have heard. He looked up at the sky that had lost his miracle again, chuckled, shrugged, put on his hat again, and turned to pass the players in the crowd.

He walked briskly, not at all worried about the commotion in the city, and even hummed in his mouth.

In the sky behind, came the hysterical cry of rat collapse.

“Ahhhhhhh!” It was a sound that was as big as shaking the sky, and there were even obvious ripples in the air, and the circle spread outward without any trace of recession.

[Scream] The skill of the mouse.

Rong Yi has just taught this trick in the underground palace, which is not strange to this, but the [scream] at this moment is definitely countless times stronger than in the underground palace. The powerful sound pressure not only caused the clouds in the sky to disperse all around, but also shattered the window glass below.

The crackling sounds of “click” and “click” shocked everyone. They all covered their ears and their brains were dizzy.

Because the distance is too far, this outbreak of the mouse does not really cause any major damage to the player, but its large range of damage is still too shocking.

Only K was not surprised at this. He remembered the day when Ming Wang “died”.

Behind the ultimate light is the ultimate darkness. In that city of bliss, those who put up rats to act as the king of kings hid in the dark and manipulated the entire Yongye City.

More and more people began to pray to King Ming, they regarded him as the only savior, and fell into the quagmire but were unwilling to save themselves. The so-called light blinded their eyes, degraded their ability to think, and praying again and again was self-hypnosis. Ignorance was born.

The mouse heard too many voices, too much struggle and pain. He was not a true Ming king. There was no way to resolve it. He could only endure hardship until he could no longer control his mind reading.

His mind reading was passively upgraded, but he also lost control, and the voice of the whole city rushed to him. He shouted, and the sun fell in the cry, and many people died.

People who were close to each other pierced the eardrums with this cry, their heads exploded, and the plasma scattered.

The City of Elysium began to run out of control, from absolute order to disorderly chaos, which took a day or less. The rat that fell to the ground survived because no one could recognize his identity as King Ming.

It was really a **** day in the history of Yongye City. The darkness, hatred, and sin suppressed by “light”, everything came out of the corner and became popular.

God cast his eyes.

The helpless mouse saw him, just like the players of the city of bliss saw the Ming King and prayed. k finds it interesting, because the history of mankind always circulates in this cycle.

He didn’t hate mice either. He didn’t do anything bad from beginning to end, just a puppet who was put on stage. The story of City of Elysium made K feel bored and tired. Having already retreated, he looked at the rat who respected God and decided to give him a chance.

It’s just a pity that he didn’t seem to learn anything for so many years, only learned to jump.

“kill him.”

“kill him!”

The mouse fell into the air, yelling in pain covering his ears.


“Damn Awu!”

Why? Why doesn’t He even look at me? why treat me like this? Certainly, it must be the ghost that Mr. Crow made, the one he made!

“Huh–” A metal arrow cut through the sky at this time, directly piercing the back of the mouse covering the ears of the mouse, and even hurt the wrapped ears. If it weren’t for a strong wind in the sky, this arrow would pierce the mouse’s head.

The mouse was slightly awake, looking in the direction of the arrow.

Jin Cheng has pulled the second arrow, but this arrow is not aimed at the mouse, but a sonic arrow, to convey his instructions to the various districts in the city.

“At all costs, kill the rats.”

In just a few minutes from seeing the mouse fall to now, Jin Cheng quickly made this decision. When the mouse is there, the wheel of light will be there. Many ambitious ambitions have it to **** it, and it is inevitable to come out and make trouble.

After the last celebration, the atmosphere of Yongye City has finally improved, but it can no longer be disturbed. Those bulls, ghosts, and snakes who had spun out of every corner did not deserve to sit in the position of Mr. Crow, which would only bring disaster to Yongye City.

It would be better to cut off their delusions from the source, and let them weigh their strength and then act.

The orders were issued, and the Rongyi, Lengmiao, and Red List teams scattered in the city all understood the meaning of Jin Cheng. Everyone is a smart person, no more talk, just do it.

The nearest one is Yu Yiyi, one of the best at seizing the opportunity, the former European Emperor.

It was at this time that Tang Cuo came out of the copy and got the latest news from Qian Wei and Peng Mingfan. He was about to go out to investigate the situation and Jin Cheng’s order came.

Tang Cuo Huo Ran turned his head, his hand was already on the hilt.

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