The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 4 - Mr. Crow\\\'s blacklist

Tang Cuo, one step away from death, ransacked all the money and the Tarot card in Lu Wenming, and then stripped his coat to tie him.

The best harvest was a small package of dried meat in Lu Wenming’s pocket. Tang Cuo ate the dried meat and walked a few steps outside the door.

Outside the door is a corridor with five doors on each side. When Tang Cuo opened the door, the second door on the right-hand side also opened. A skinny middle-aged man leaned his head to see Tang Cuo. “You, you, you” for a long time, then retracted in horror.

The man was covered in blood, and it seemed to be a newly dead player of the same time.

After standing for a few minutes without any other trouble, Tangcuo returned to the house and began interrogation.

“real name.”

“No. J19756, Zhang Xing.”

“This is the world after death?”

“Yes, it’s not.” Zhang Xing shook his head bitterly: “I thought it was like this at first. Someone gave me a score to judge whether I went to heaven or go to hell. But everyone who comes here will hear a word and welcome back Yongye City. In his previous life, his mother was a trial in the city, a novice village, a pre-drama, and death is the beginning of everything. Then you said that we are dead or alive now? There is no way Count.”

“Enter Yongye City, and then?”



“Survival, earn points through game missions. Only if you get enough points, you can re-enter the reincarnation. During this period, you must turn in enough points every month to survive.”

Which ghost screening mechanism was invented by this ghost?

Tang Cuo thinks this is a problem. After he was reborn, he is no longer him. Why should he earn points for a stranger? Wouldn’t it be possible to live forever if you stay here?

“What if I don’t go?”

This question was asked, but Zhang Xing shivered as a whole, and his lips were white: “I am afraid that the elite in Area A will not have such an idea. Yongye City is not a modern society. There is no crime in killing people here, no morality, no law, only The most basic rule of survival… you have to pay points every month when you live here. I didn’t lie to you just now. The novice has a protection mechanism. As long as you pay 5 points in the first month, I can’t even be arrogant. Let you die as soon as you come.”

Tang Cuo was indifferent to this.

Zhang Xing had to continue with a white face: “In addition to points, there is a necessary condition for doing game tasks. Even if you have enough points to hand in, you have to do the task at least once a month. If you don’t take the initiative, you will be forced to do it. Trigger, you can’t escape. All the mandatory missions are nine deaths, and it is impossible to want to live safely. It is constantly pushing you forward, and backwards is death.”

“What is Area A?”

“It is the division of the area here. When everyone first comes, the system will put you in the corresponding area according to your rating and initial points. A total of seven areas, the area A is the strongest and the area F is the weakest.”

“Where is this?”

“Area F. The newcomers are basically in the area D. The area F has the most. I’ve been here for almost three months, and I’m just spinning around in the area F. It’s too difficult to get up, and it’s up every time. The number of points to be paid in a month will also rise, people like me, huh…”

Zhang Xing said, he fell into an inexplicable depression.

Tang Cuo didn’t bother to take care of his mood. The basic questions should be asked. Such a middle-aged man who is not strong in combat and needs to earn points by cheating newcomers can’t touch any core. Thinking for a moment, he asked: “The initial addition is based on the original addition and subtraction, right?”

Zhang Xing froze, nodding.

Tang Cuo got it. In general online games, the initial value is the initial value, and Wuli-8 should represent Tang Cuicai as a weak chicken, not even Xinshou Village. But the fact is that he is still the one who just put a debuff that is not fatal, so the initial addition here is only an increase or decrease on the original basis.

This original foundation is the so-called human trial game-Tang Cuo’s first twenty-four years of life.

But Tang Cuo was most interested in the tarot card and Zhang Xing’s battle mode.

Zhang Xing’s head is still hurting. Hearing this question, he no longer has any idea of ​​concealment. He has never seen a newcomer like Tangcuo, and even if he doesn’t say it, he will soon know that it’s meaningless to hide.

“The Tarot card was obtained during the mission. There are all kinds of strange things in the mission. Magic, martial arts, abilities, and various equipment, as long as you have a way to get it. But everyone’s final battle style is different, the number of ways. It’s not the same. I’m just a small person, not to mention self-contained. I don’t even know the threshold of entry. I can only play with props like the Tarot card…

In fact, Zhang Xing feels very strange. Why is such a powerful newcomer classified as the weakest F zone? He was kicked to the iron plate.

For a little while, Tang Cuo’s health has been restored to 7% because of dried meat. He stood up, frowning at the blood stains on his body, and decided to go shopping first.

He temporarily let go of Zhang Xing, but he didn’t let go, and he was stunned. There were still people above Zhang Xing. He was afraid that Zhang Xing would go back to rescue the soldiers and then burn his house.

Opening the door and going downstairs, Tang Cuo did not meet anyone again this time, and went all the way to the black stone street outside. There are also street signs on the street, a very common blue sign that reads: East Cross Street, District F.

Tang Cuo followed the route given by Zhang Xing, crossed a road, and suddenly there were more people.

It’s very lively, with neon signs hung under the eaves, windows on the street are open, music and wine scented out from inside, the smiles and slapstick on the faces of young men and women look like Zhang Xing The fear on his face is irrelevant.

Everyone didn’t look at Tangcuo with blood on his body, and the door of the tavern was suddenly broken. In the noise, a group of racks is being staged.

Someone is crying.

Someone is laughing.

People on the street are still singing and playing guitar. Tang Cuo remembers him as a former 18-line singer who died in a car accident a few years ago. A female student of Tang Cuo liked him very much and bought a bunch of flowers for him.

Tang Cuo stopped to listen to a few words, not very nice, and left.

The supermarket is three streets away, like a department store in the ancient times, with huge posters of **** girls from the 1980s hanging on the outside wall. Tang Cuo slowly walked in and walked around, selling a pair of socks for 1,000 pieces and 5,000 hot and sour powders.

In other words, one point can only be changed to four bowls of hot and sour powder.

Tang Cuo did not believe this evil and asked the aunt who sold hot and sour powder. Aunt likes this handsome guy who looks like he had spoken under the national flag since childhood, and told him that the current exchange ratio is one to one million.

Because the penny is not valuable. Now people burn everything, burn BMW, burn iPhone, and burn inflatable dolls, and the coins are burning pile after pile, inflation.

Tang Cuo decided to go back and beat Zhang Xing.

But Tang Cuo is not in a hurry to go back now, nor does he want to find the same students he knew. After eating and drinking, walking around the streets of Yongye City, he saw a quaint hot spring soup on the road, and he went into the bath with his newly purchased clothes.

The money searched from Zhang Xing was just enough for him to soak for an hour. But what he didn’t know is that just when he was soothed to take a bath, the game hall in the central area of ​​Yongye City was making waves because of him.

The game lobby is the task collection office.

The size of the Yongyecheng Game Hall is comparable to the most luxurious casino in Las Vegas. The overall shape is round. It is about the size of two football fields. It is about 30 meters high. The structure is all black steel frame and irregular glass. Crystals are cool and expensive. And once you step into the game lobby, the scene before you will make you dream from Las Vegas back to the 90s.

Doll machine, fishing, billiards, racing, Taiko Daren, fighting machine, lucky turntable, dancing machine, etc., almost all kinds of facilities have been here since the game hall appeared.

The whole hall was crowded, and at this moment, many people’s eyes were fixed on the three huge virtual electronic screens hanging from the top of the steel frame in the center of the hall.

Each electronic screen is a long list, arranged from one to ninety-nine, and the one that everyone is concerned about at the moment is called-Mr. Crow’s blacklist.

The list is as follows:

First place: Area A, G79081

Second place: Area A, E57456

Third place: Area B, F66666

Ninety-ninth: District F, K27216

“K27216? Who?”

“The blacklist hasn’t been updated in 800 years. Where did this come from? Are all the F districts on the list now?”

“Isn’t that the big man in Area A who was fined back?”

“Is there a character in Area A?”

There was a lot of discussion, and a small pink man suddenly appeared: “Will this new period of time be a newcomer? It has attracted such a great hatred value since the beginning.”

“How could it be a newcomer?”

“The newcomers in Area F are not too scared to pee pants, are they good?”

“That’s it!”

“Did you all forget the number one?”

“That’s different! People are from Area A, can you compare it! Moreover, Mr. Crow liked him so much, mom’s privileged class, which one will be blacklisted…”


The speaker talked left and right and looked at the eyes of the thief, fearing that someone might hear it. The people around seemed to think of something, and he was trembling and didn’t speak.

Not long after, everyone dispersed, and the waves brought by Tang Cuo gradually subsided. In this city, most of them are short-lived, and a blacklisted crane is at the end. There is really nothing to pay attention to.

The pink hairy fish usually shuttles among the crowd, turning around with great interest, but it seems that there is nothing interesting to see, and they leave with interest. Seeing where he left, it was Zone A.

Tang Cuo in Area F is thinking at the moment.

Anyway, he was also rated A, how could he be assigned to F zone? Because of the negative score? Is this a disguised punishment for negative points?

If so, then Tang Cuo will not be very happy in the next days. According to Zhang Xing, points can only be obtained from quests, and you want to get points directly in Yongye City unless you grab it. Once Tang Cuo entered the task, the existence of negative points would definitely cause him trouble.

Half an hour later, Tang Cuo’s health value had risen to 13%, and he returned to East Cross Street. At this moment, East Cross Street is much more lively than when Tang Cuo first came. Someone probed his brain in the window upstairs from time to time, looking at everything in front of him in panic and doubt. They can scare them away.

It seems that there are a lot of new players assigned to zone F.

The worst session is worthy of the name.

Tang Cuo glanced, but didn’t see Chi Yan, but he didn’t care too much. He walked upstairs in a brand-new windbreaker carrying a large bag of daily necessities, and didn’t want to say hello.

The rest of the people saw him, some people clearly recognized it, but they dared not step forward to say hello, and even someone shook his head frantically at him. Tang Cuo frowned, and vaguely noticed something, turned around and walked a few steps, as expected-the corridor was blocked.

Five fancy youths sat or stood, two smoked and two played cards, and one yellow hair was playing with the iron rod in his hand. When he saw Tang Cuo, the smoking mad man raised his eyebrows and glanced at him with a bad tone: “He looks like a little white face, but he can’t be wrong.”

Huang Mao immediately stepped forward with a smile, walked three times, and said: “Waiting for you for half an hour, now the newcomers are big-hearted, they dare to grab money when they first come, grab money and have the leisure to go to the supermarket, What did you buy?”

Tang Cuo was expressionless, too lazy to speak.

“Yo.” Huang Mao raised the stick to Tang Cuo’s heart and smiled evilly: “I’m grumpy, hurried back to bed?”

“What about Zhang Xing?” Tang Cuo asked.

“Do you still care about Zhang Xing?” Huang Mao happily gestured to his left and right companions, and then said: “Zhang Xing is still in your house. Do you want to see if he is dead? A new person can’t even do it. It’s miscellaneous, even if it’s dead. If you join us, how many people would be fooled by your face?”

The other four laughed together, smashed their cigarette butts, dropped playing cards, and drew out a weird weapon from behind, and came forward. The violence and ridicule in his eyes were almost uncovered.

Tang Cuo still expressionless, looked back at the street. People in twos and threes hid not far away and probed their heads here, but no one dared to come.

“You can rest assured that no one will come to save you.” Huang Mao sneered.

It is said that Tang Cuo just calmly took out a black steel bone chopping knife from the plastic bag of the supermarket, grabbed the handle of the knife and slammed it-it was the desired feel.

Huang Mao paused slightly, raised his hand to stop his companion, stared at Tang Cuo, and said, “Do you want to fight against us with a kitchen knife without any ability? I’m afraid you don’t know where you came from. Children, if you don’t want to die too ugly, it’s too late to beg for mercy.”

Tang Cuo asked: “Is there any?”

Huang Mao was irritated for a while, and this person, Zhou Zheng’s face, and the light and gentle tone of voice, all met his anger. But when he just wanted to speak, Tang Cuo broke out.

He hurried forward, and in front of Huang Mao in a blink of an eye, he slammed sideways. The bone chopper in his hand pulled out the residual image. He snapped the blade sideways and smashed Huang Mao’s half teeth.

“Ouch!” Huang Fei, who was photographed flying, bumped his companion back upside down, his teeth mixed with blood foam, and his head seemed to be caught in the door, pain and dizziness.

What abilities, martial arts, and tricks are now a mess.

Others are still awake, reach for their arms, and say something in their mouths. But Tangcuo’s bone-chopping knife didn’t stop at all. He was very fast and faster than anything. Before the opponent’s tricks came out, the thick bone-chopping knife was photographed head-on.


The bone-chopping knife made of black steel has a blade body and a handle that are one-piece, dark and glorious, and only the blade has a dull metallic luster. Not sharp, but big and heavy.

Immortalized, the fairy returned to the west.

Novice village whiteboard equipment, the first choice for murder.

The author has something to say to order now, as long as 998

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