The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 67 - Before dawn (6)

At the end of the conversation, Tang Cuo asked Qi Hui to tell Zhou Dahai that he would find a way to explore the attic. This week, the sea could be trapped in a basement for so long, and was scared to death by Yu Mochizuki, a non-aggressive ghost, which is not too reliable.

“Let’s sort out the current relationship between the characters and the timeline first.” Tang Cuo turned out to take out the cloth bag, and took out the things in the study and the room in Yuwanyue.

The three of them sat down in a circle leaning on the telephone, and Qi Hui could still understand when Tang Cuo first started analyzing. The further he became confused, he had to ask questions.

“Wait, you said that the maid wanted to climb the old man’s bed. I can understand, how could the case of broken body be related to the maid?”

Anyway, it was teammates, a grasshopper on a rope, Tangcuo patiently took out the half of the paper harvested from the mirror and the old pen in the maid’s room and said, “You write two words.”

Qi Hui suspected to write two characters casually, but the writing was not very smooth, because the pen tip of the old fountain pen was slightly split, and it was easy to catch the paper when writing the folding hook.

But what does this mean?

Qi Hui carefully looked at the words on the half of the paper, and compared them, finally found a clue. The words on the note were also written by this broken pen, so the maid did have suspicions.

“But maybe it’s her ghostwriting? Shouldn’t the lady be closer to her wife? The lady is sick, and maybe she can’t take the pen anymore.” Qi Hui asked.

“But the word seems to be drawn, and the gestures stop unreasonably.” Tang Cuo said. A person can write smoothly and freely, and it is not the same as describing other people’s gestures. If the girl is a ghostwriter, there is no need to deliberately fake the handwriting of his wife.

The maid secretly hid the old fountain pen, forged the letters of the wife and the secret passage of the attic, just because the lady was in this position. This is consistent with her motives of elaborately seduce the old man before her death. Unfortunately, the old man didn’t seem to appreciate it, and killed him with a single shot.

Blinking and blinking, Qi Hui pushed down Tang Tang’s way of thinking, “That note was discovered by the guests, is it also deliberately arranged? The family ugliness should not be exaggerated. If this matter is known to outsiders, the lady will die miserably.”

Tang Cuo did not answer, but when he solved the case, he was never stingy to try to figure out the psychology of the criminal with the greatest maliciousness. The maid must have played a disgraceful role in this matter, but she also underestimated the love of the old man for his wife.

Although that love has been mixed with endless hatred.

“Yamao’s diary fell off Yu Wannian’s body. Many papers were contaminated with blood, but a few pages were still very clear.” Tang Cuo picked up the diary, turned to one of the pages, and read, “1924 On June 24, 2014, I hated her, but I still love her. I know her heart may not be with me, but I will be buried with me.”

“Huh.” Qi Hui listened to this as if praising love, and didn’t know what to say.

Jin Cheng smiled, “Do you think that June 24, 1924, is the time and space where you are?”

Tang Cuo nodded, “Yes.”

Qi Hui was even more curious about the intricate polyhedral love, “So Madam and Yu Wangyue are still in the attic. Is there any… er, out of bound love?”

Jin Cheng shrugged, “If not, then in Wang Nian, he made his home like an iron cage, and poisoned his wife, and shut people in the attic, mostly Anjiahe in the Republic of China.”

Qi Hui “An Jiahe? Who?”

Tang Cuo “”Don’t Talk to Strangers”.”

After hearing this, Qi Hui finally remembered this childhood nightmare TV series. Even as a man, he shivered.

Tang Cuo took out a group photo of a family of four again and continued, “On January 3, 1923, the four were alive in the mansion, at least on the surface, they were at ease. Still on December 25 of 23, he died in Mochizuki, and his brother was in hope. He set up a hall of worship in the basement of the year, but spread the news that he was studying abroad in newspapers. Obviously Yu Mochizuki’s death was concealed. On June 24, 1924, the guests discovered that the majestic note broke into the mansion. Yinyue was then extinguished.”

Jin Cheng then replied, “In 1926, the maid was sedulously killed. She suspected that Yu Wannian knew that the note was a forged fact. Even when the incident happened, he couldn’t distinguish it carefully, but that was his wife’s handwriting. He is the person he is most familiar with. He would rather kill than let things pass, or accept the maid’s crawling on the bed. It won’t take long to find out the authenticity of the handwriting.”

Double reasons led to the death of Ma Hua, she saw Yu Wangnian’s diary before she died, and learned that no matter how hard she tried, she could not achieve her wish, and she might have been alive to death.

Tang Cuo “The housekeeper is Yu Wangnian’s confidante, he is involved in all things, there is no doubt. The lady should also have a person who can help her in this mansion, this person is probably a middle-aged maid. Although she Greedy steals things, but since it is greedy, it means it can be used.”

Qi Hui “What does she do to help his wife?”

Tang Cuo “pass the note.”

Qi Hui “Don’t you say it was faked by maidservant??”

Tang Cuo looked up at Jin Cheng. Jin Cheng seconds understood what he meant. Their eyes were intertwined, and Qi Hui was confused.

Jin Cheng was in a good mood, so he actively explained, “Did I not say that? In this time and space of 1926, there was a torn paper in the attic, which Lin Wan wrote to Yu Wangnian and said he would let him go.”

Tang Cuo nodded. This piece of paper is actually one of the strong proofs that the mammoth forged letters, because the two types of payment are different. One is the deliberately intimate “Your Tenderness”, and the other is “Lin Wan”.

Judging from Lin Wan’s ghost’s attitude towards Mochizuki, even if there is feeling between them, Lin Wan tends to be unilateral. If there are no special feelings, then Lin Wan is out of guilt.

“This also proves one point.” Tang Cuo said, “Yu Wangnian did conceal Yu Wangyue’s death, because even Lin Wan thought the real Yu Wangyue was locked in the attic.”

Qi Hui “What about that loft?”

Jin Cheng tilted his head and thought, “A stand-in?”

Then this substitute is too miserable, Qi Hui sincerely mourned for him.

At this time, Jin Cheng asked Qi Hui to stand up and make a phone call. Zhou Dahai ran breathless there, but finally brought them a relatively useful clue.

“There is no orthography under the bed, but there is blood in the cracks in the attic floor. When I crawled into the bed to look at it, I still found a used needle and medicine in the drawer, but I only knew one aspirin. “

Aspirin is a Western medicine. It was imported in the Republic of China period. The price is very expensive and there are few channels for obtaining it. Tang Cuo didn’t think that Yu Wangnian would be good enough for a stand-in, and there was no orthography under the bed. It was Yu Wangyue who was locked in the attic before.

The attic guest was locked in behind him, and the time was right.

But which unlucky ghost would be so unlucky? What does he have to do with this story?

Without further ado, Zhou Haihai continued to look for clues.

Tang Cuo picked up the work booklet he found from the butler’s body. The booklet was very small, so it only recorded the events of the past month, and the words were very concise.

Looking carefully, Tang Cuo finally saw something interesting.

January 6

Replacing a new medicine for a lady

Reinforced doors and windows

January 7

Recruit new maids

The record of two days in a row is on the last page of the booklet, which shows that January 7 may be the time of the butler’s death, that is, today.

Of course, it may also be January 8.

The replacement of new medicines, the reinforcement of doors and windows, and the recruitment of new maids all point to one message: Lin Wan wanted to let go of the attic guests leaked.

Jin Cheng said, “In this way, the maid may be the first to be killed in the 1926 massacre. Her behavior angered Yu Wangnian. He was not willing to kill his wife, so he killed the maid.”

Tang Cuo thought about this reasoning in his heart.

The maid’s death may be the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. Lin Wan, who was lingering on the sickbed, could not wait for her return, and she should be aware of the loss of things. The effect of the new drug must be heavier, Lin Wan died in despair and turned into a ghost.

However, the cause of Lin Wan’s death is still in doubt, because her ghost has trauma on her body, and it is not simply because of a dressing change.

The maid does not kill his wife before successfully climbing the bed. The maid and the housekeeper are even more unlikely. The man in the attic is still locked. Who killed Lin Wan?

Who killed her would make her hold such a big grudge?

Tang Cuo gradually felt that the story was developing in an extremely dark direction. He turned the booklet forward again and noticed a message.

August 8

The lady said she wanted to play the piano. I secretly found a new piano teacher for her, but lied that the lady went to German class.

This record is very special, because the housekeeper is a rigorous and uninteresting person. All the texts of his records are concise and concise. Only this one describes the causes and consequences, and even shows emotions.

Obviously it was secretly done, but he still recorded it completely, why? Because he is ashamed in his heart, so simply expose the lies to the place that can be found in the year and wait for the judgment of fate?

But what he thinks is not important, the important thing is-the young lady is learning piano.

There is a piano room at home, but he has to secretly go outside to study, which shows that learning piano is a taboo in the mansion. On the one hand, is it because of the midnight piano sound, on the other hand, is it because of the old piano teacher?

The butler’s words are also very interesting, “a new piano teacher”, there must be one before then.

“The one locked in the attic?” Jin Cheng raised an eyebrow.

“If your stand-in theory really holds true, you can play the piano in Mochizuki, and the piano teacher will also play the piano. Suppose there was a piano teacher before the mansion, then such a big family, the teacher must come to teach at home.” Tang Cuo Road.

The corner of the story was made up again.

However, these are just speculations at present, and there is no empirical evidence. Tang Cuofu put away the huge set of things again and decided to go back to Mochizuki’s room and take a look.

He hurried downstairs just now, and he hasn’t searched it carefully, and Yu Wangyue is there, which can be regarded as a temporary safety zone.

Qi Hui was still left to guard the phone.

The job of guarding the phone is boring and terrifying. Although there is no such ghost as Lin Wan on the first floor, the little ghosts wander back and forth in their respective areas, and sometimes come over to make a door.

Jin Cheng gave Qi Hui some fragrant ashes to defend himself, but this did not alleviate Qi Hui’s fear, because he saw Yu Wannian’s ghost also probe his brain on the closet.

As soon as he saw Yu Wangnian, he thought of An Jiahe. The light bulb above his head was still flashing. The increasingly dim and gloomy environment matched with the whimpers from time to time on the second floor, and he froze straight into the sole of his feet.

Qi Hui can only call frantically, and keeps calling when no one answers. Playing, he felt something was wrong.

Where is Zhou Dahai?

If the ghost of Yu Mochizuki is not offensive, then the time and space where Zhou Dahai is located should be relatively safe. Even if he missed the first and second calls while looking for clues, what about the third one?

What about the fourth?

“Something happened to Zhou Dahai!” Qi Hui shouted quickly upstairs.

At the same time, Zhou Dahai is in time and space.

A dagger glowing with cold light touched Zhou Dahai’s neck from behind. Zhou Dahai was so stiff that he did not dare to turn back. “Who are you? Player or nc? What are you going to do?”

The coming person has a cigarette throat and can’t judge the specific age. “You don’t need to know, as long as you cooperate well and don’t act rashly, I won’t kill you.”

Zhou Dahai quickly raised his hands, “I don’t move, I promise not to move!”

Behind him must be the player.

Zhou Dahai thought so, but could not figure out whether he was originally in this space-time or came from another space-time. The information he got from Qi Hui was limited, and he is still in fog.

And just behind his invisible, the person came out with a pocket watch, five fingers spread out, the pocket watch hung down, shaking naturally. The sound of “tick, tick” sounded in an instant, and Zhou Dahai could not see it, but a dial appeared in his mind and turned quickly.

The hour hand, minute hand, and second hand are turning faster and faster, so fast that the afterimage is pulled out.

Zhou Dahai was in a trance, almost lost in the dream of this time, until-


The wall clock in the living room issued a full hour, and it arrived at midnight.

The piano room on the second floor also heard the strange and cheerful “Songs of Gods, Lambs, and Crows” at that time. The familiar melody made Zhou Dahai arouse goose bumps, and his mind was instantly clear.

He didn’t understand what was going on for a while, but he suddenly realized that the dagger on his neck was missing.

Looking back, the uninvited guest is gone.

“Mother.” Zhou Dahai wiped a cold sweat.

Qi Hui on the other side was also unhappy. He did not know how many teammates had entered this copy. The only one who could contact Zhou Haihai was still in danger, making him anxious.

Tang Cuo frowned, Jin Cheng narrowed his eyes, seeming to think of something, and looked coldly around him. Tang Cuo saw this and handed an inquiring look.

Jin Cheng responded by blinking his eyes twice.

Tang Cuo understood it, Qi Hui didn’t understand it, he couldn’t help but feel sad-when is the big brother, why are you still frowning? !

It was fifty-six minutes before midnight in 1926.

Qi Hui’s anxiety did not last long, because Jin Cheng suddenly walked across the body, facing the empty living room and the second floor, and said loudly, “Rong Yi, don’t hide, come out.”

No one answered.

Jin Cheng embraced his arms and smiled and asked, “Are you going to learn about the five-year-old Meng Yufei who is still in the bed?

Qi Hui only heard Meng Yufei’s name, but she felt familiar. At this moment, a figure appeared at the corner of the stairs and walked slowly into the sight of three people.

Qi Hui’s eyes widened, but he didn’t expect that there was actually someone hidden there!

Rong Yi!

He remembered who this was, the red list second!

Qi Hui was almost a “recessed trough” blurting out, holding back.

Jin Cheng looked at Rong Yi with a smile, glanced at the pocket watch in his hand, and said, “I said, who is so insidiously cated, it turns out to be you. The second place in the Red List, the time-controlled person, does not need to do so Right.”

Rong Yi’s expression was cold, but his coldness was different from Leng Miao. Leng Miao is cold from the name to the person, and Rong Yi is cold with sorrow.

With a hard face, worrying about the country and the people, you can’t find the slightest happiness factor from him.

“The object is you, it’s necessary.” Rong Yi opened his mouth, and the vocal vocal effect brought its own vicissitudes. He stopped on the stairs and did not come down, fully expressed his fear of Jin Cheng by action, and then said “make a deal. The three known time and space, except here, all the time has been adjusted to twelve o’clock, Qin The sound has passed, and then there is only dawn.”

Jin Cheng smiled, “So?”

Rong Yi “You still don’t know the exact coordinates of the other two space-times, right? If I adjust the time here to twelve, you will completely lose your way to other places.”

Jin Cheng asked, “Do you think I am here, will you still have a chance to shoot?”

“But here, you can’t kill me. As long as you can’t kill me, I have a chance to shoot.” Rong Yi said, his eyes fell on Tang Cuo, “You think your partner can be in me Before shooting, do you find the exact time coordinate?”

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