The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 83 - Elf Forest (1)

At the first glance of the copy, a piece of lush green broke into sight, from light green to green to dark green, and the towering ancient trees 100 meters high propped up the forest. The sunset passed through the gap between the trees, wading through the mountains and wading through the water, but it was not as rosy as the country of the moon, it was wrapped in a hazy mist like a fine yarn, noble, mysterious and cold.

In the double shadow of mist and trees, Tang Zuo vaguely saw some tree houses and the spires of the palace in the distance. A cloud bridge made of vines connects all the trees and the building together. Some vines have flowers on them, white and pink, which are blurry and unreal.

Elven Forest.

Tang Cuo meditated on the name in his heart and looked around, but did not find Jin Cheng’s figure. Obviously, they were separated again


Open the task panel.

Lunar country

Third Ring Elven Forest

Mainline visit to Secret Lake

Tang Cuo didn’t know where the secret lake was, and it wasn’t easy to walk around with the mist around, so he decided to go to the place in front of him to find out.

He didn’t walk fast or slow, keeping an eye on the surroundings, and it didn’t take long for him to discover that the tree houses and spired palaces looked as if they were not far away, but they walked far away.

There is something strange in this forest, maybe it is caused by a puzzle, or it may be caused by fog.

Suddenly, Tangcuo heard a faint voice on the right. He paused and thought a little, then he decisively searched for the sound.

Away from the bushes, he saw young men and women standing face to face under the tree. The huge ancient wood was like a towering canopy, shattering the setting sun and spilling on their shoulders. The prosperous branches still hang upside down like wind chimes, swaying gently with the evening breeze. The white mist is like a gauze, beautiful and beautiful.

One of them is a female elf with silver hair and pointed ears. She has a tall figure and a beautiful face. Although her temperament is slightly cold, her blushing cheeks dilute the sense of alienation and perfectly integrates nobleness with the girlish sense. Those bi-colored pupils are more like talking, so you can easily put you under the skirt.

The other turned away from Tang Cuo, but Tang Cuo could guess his identity without seeing his face, even if he existed as someone else at the moment.

Jin Cheng.

It turns out here.

So this is the scene of catching a rape?

Tang Cuo was expressionless but not angry, and even automatically entered the theater mode. He made no noise and leaned quietly against the tree, watching the men and women in the distance.

The elf took something to Jin Cheng and said something to him again, too far apart, Tang Cuo didn’t hear it.

Jin Cheng took it, but the elf suddenly lost, as if he heard something he didn’t want to hear. But for a moment, she turned and left, carrying the skirt and running faster and faster, and the moment she turned, there seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes.

Tang Cuo thought, if Jin Cheng is a 100% straight man, he must be alone.

“Come out.” Jin Cheng’s words interrupted his thinking.

Tang Cuo raised an eyebrow, not sure if Jin Cheng knew he was coming, or simply heard someone approaching. In thought, Jin Cheng turned his head, his eyes fell on him accurately, and his mouth laughed.


Tang Cuo shrugged, walked over generously and asked, “How do you know me?”

Jin Cheng “Your footsteps are different from others.”

Tang Cuo accepted this explanation. After the baptism of Yongye City, Jin Cheng’s hearing has reached an abnormal level, and it is normal to be able to hear it.

“What is your task?” Tang Cuo cut straight to the point.

“Visit the Secret Lake.” Jin Cheng said, raising his hand against the tree trunk and blocking Tangcuo’s way. “Don’t you ask what happened just now?”

“Oh, who was the nc just now?”


“What mission props did she give you?”


“Have you triggered the mission story?”

“It’s still wrong.”

At the end of the speech, Jin Cheng leaned slightly, the distance between the two sides was infinitely narrowed, and his breath was audible. He also deliberately lowered his voice, using a more magnetic and sultry voice to follow the instructions, “You think about it again?”

If the scars add to the charm of a mature man, then he is acting like a childish young boy. You have to make you jealous, you have to make you call his heart, otherwise you will make trouble with you, and put his deliberately on the bright side, not afraid that you can’t see it.

Tang Cuo, as a sensible and atmospheric boyfriend, had to cooperate with him, “What did you secretly say to the female elf? Why did you take her things?”

Jin Cheng smiled, “Are you jealous?”

Tang Cuo was expressionless, “Yes.”

Jin Cheng then bowed his head and kissed him. The smile on his face and his unpretentious look made Tang Cuo think he might just want to be a rogue.


Fortunately, Jin Cheng didn’t make any progress, and the topic of the two returned to the main business again.

The elf named Sofia just now is a princess of the elven family, with an extremely distinguished identity. She seemed to have taken a fancy to the minstrel Lancelot, specially asked him to meet here, and gave him a pendant. Jin Cheng also learned from her mouth why Theodore and Lancelot appeared in the Elven Forest.

The Forest of Elves is located in the central part of the continent of Sicily. If you travel from the Principality of France to the north to the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers in the south, you will probably pass by here.

However, the forest of elves is the territory of elves. Elves are noble, and if they are not friends they recognize, they are generally not allowed to set foot in this sacred place. The Elven Forest itself also contains rich natural magic elements, which often cause fog here. Ordinary travelers can easily get lost if they accidentally enter.

So although many travellers will pass by here, there are very few who can really enter the forest of elves. It represents mystery in the hearts of all people in the Sicilian continent.

But not long ago, the Wizard of the Elves encountered some trouble and issued a reward mission through the Ivy League. So Theodore, a young knight who had concealed his identity and experienced in the Ivy League office, took the task and came here.

As for Lancelot, he may have followed Theodore.

“You said that the change of the Elven Forest is in the Secret Lake?” Tang Cuo thought deeply.

“Yes, the Secret Lake is deep in the forest and seems to be a holy place for the elves. But three months ago, the mist there suddenly increased, so that the Elven King’s Court lost contact with the Secret Lake. They still couldn’t find a solution to the problem. That’s why I had to ask for help. Tomorrow morning, our group of people will set out for the Secret Lake.” Jin Cheng said.

“What effect will the changes of the Secret Lake have on the Elven Forest?”

“She didn’t say that in detail, but repeatedly emphasized that tomorrow’s itinerary would be very dangerous, and advised me not to go. My main task was to visit the Secret Lake. Of course I could only refuse. She gave me a pendant and said there were elves on it. The blessing of the king, I hope it can bless me. I have seen that this pendant cannot be put into the equipment column for the time being, and I don’t know the specific effect. It may be the task trigger item.

The blessing of the elven king? Tang Cuo suddenly remembered that there were similar words in the description of the Sword of Judgment-the sword of His Excellency Duke Theodore of the Hundred Flowers Kingdom, possessing the blessing of the thirteenth generation elf king Mi Miye.

“Who is the current Elven King?”


After the clues were interrupted, Tang Cuo and Jin Cheng discussed, and then they continued to walk to the tree house. Although the two of them walked together for a long time this time, it seemed that the fog had some way around, but they arrived smoothly.

The mist gradually spreads out here, the vision returns to clear, and a scroll of God-given elves is slowly unfolding.

The elf, no matter in which story has both noble and beautiful races, hides in the mysterious misty forest, and rarely shows his true appearance to the world.

And when all this was shown in real sight before Tang Cuo, he had to admit that it was indeed beautiful. It’s so beautiful that you can’t give birth to a wicked heart, as if it was the moon in the sky, so it should be hung high there without contaminating the world with dust.

So he began to produce a sense of unreality.

Three or two elves with pointed ears, dressed in corseted gauze, barefoot, carrying a bamboo fruit basket or holding a jug, walked over the path paved by rocks. Most of them have blond and silver hair, bi-colored pupils, fair skin, and beautiful appearance.

There are also many elves dressed as guards on the periphery, wearing boots and exquisite vines, protecting the chest and wrists, and carrying bows and arrows and quiver on their backs.

The tree houses are scattered all around, and there is no sign of any chiseling at all. It seems to be naturally grown from branches and vines, but the walls and windows are dotted with complex and elegant patterns.

The distribution of the cloud ladder, the flowers falling from the door, and even the patterns on a pottery bowl all show the elves’ unique artistic aesthetics.

“Theodore! Lancelot!”

Suddenly someone called their name in the front, Tangcuo looked around and found out that it was an old friend-the Celtic Knight of the League of Principalities of the Ivy League in France.

Celtic stood in the corridor of a tree house and waved to them. Tang Cuo and Jin Cheng walked up the tree house directly from the spiral staircase winding around the tree trunk and merged with Celtic.

Just when walking up the stairs, Jin Cheng looked back in a certain direction and frowned slightly.

“Where did you go? It worried me for a long time.” Celtic took them into the house.

“Nothing. Come here for the first time and walk around.” Tang Cuo said.

“Also, the Elven Forest is not always available.” Celtic looked around with a pair of small eyes, then closed the door and lowered his voice. “But I found something wrong.”

Tang Cuo “What?”

Celtic “Did I not just look for you just now, I couldn’t find any way, I just wanted to ask if the elf guards saw you out. But I found that the atmosphere between them was particularly tense and serious, as if they were always there Be prepared to worry about something.”

Jin Cheng “They are worried about the secret lake’s accident, isn’t it normal?”

Celtic “I thought it was normal, so I didn’t think about this task, so I came with Theodore. But I just found this under the bed.”

Spreading his palms, Celtic showed them a small feathered brooch.

He then explained, “This is a new product that has only been sold in the small windmill harbour in recent months. Have you seen the feathers on it? It is said that the feathers pulled from the chest of the game bird are very expensive.”

Tang Cuo knew, “This is the guest room. Brooches that have only recently started to appear here. You suspect that someone before us has been in the Elven Forest.”

“Yeah.” Celtic frowned. “But we didn’t hear anything.”

Jin Cheng’s eyes turned and asked, “What about the others?”

Because the reward mission came to the Forest of Elves, there must be more than three of them. Ask Celtic to be faster. Celtic had no doubt about him and said, “Did you say the few people in the small windmill office and the Montenegro office? Although we are all in the Ivy League, but they belong to different offices, I can’t say how much they know .”

It seems that there are not many people who went to the Elven Forest for help this time. The Guangqing League has come to the three offices. What Jin Cheng thought suddenly, “I remember the small windmill harbor is far away from here?”

Celtic had no doubt about him. “Yeah, who knew they were passing by, came in with us. Look at the golden equipment, I’m afraid that others don’t know that the water that the small windmill harbour drinks is made of honey.”

Just passing by?

Tang Cuo exchanged a look with Jin Cheng and glanced at the badge in Celtic’s hand. From the perspective of Celtic’s tone, the relationship between the various offices of the Ivy League seems not very harmonious.

Thinking a little, Tang Cuo tentatively said, “But no matter what, we are all affiliated with the Ivy League.”

“Yeah.” Celtic sat down, holding up the teapot and pouring himself a glass of water, drinking it out. “Who made us all from the League of Ivy Leagues? Even if we are remote country gangsters, they are Fluttering white sea eagle. In the eyes of the druids, dwarves, and scattered adventurers, we are a group. If something goes wrong here, our Principality Office in France will have to reduce funding next year.”

Celtic Wu was spontaneously worried. It seemed that he really hated the small windmill office.

Tang Cuo is not worried, but he is not very optimistic about the current situation. First, the large number of participants in the trip to the Secret Lake makes it difficult to control the situation; second, the elves seem to have concealed the situation of the Secret Lake. Coupled with the appearance of the badge and the princess’s words, the danger of this trip is directly on the three stars.

The third and most important point is that the main task this time is too simple.

Not to say the difficulty of the task, but to give the way of the task. In the first two copies, the task tips given to Tangcuo by the system are very detailed step by step. For example, after protecting the Grand Duke, go to the tunnel, go to the church after the tunnel, and even the route is planned.

But this time? Only one visits the Secret Lake. The degree of freedom is too high, but it is unsettling.

Tang Cuo took a step back and whispered with Jin Cheng avoiding Celtic, “What do you think?”

Jin Cheng arms, “Someone looked at me when I went up the stairs just now. It is about twelve hours before departure tomorrow morning, and I think we have to do something. Once we enter the secret lake, we may not come back. Now.”

Tang Cuo basically agreed.

The eyes of the two fell on Celtic, and Tang Cuo rushed to Jin Cheng to raise his eyebrows. Jin Cheng spread his hand and made an innocent appearance. After so frowning for a while, Jin Cheng took out a sprite ball.

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