The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 85 - Elven Forest (3)

When Celtic preemptively approached the Elf Guard with anger and questioned why his companion was missing, he was actually guilty.

An honest and kind knight, after all, is not good at deceiving people. But as soon as he thought of the elves concealing them, he couldn’t care about that much.

The other party’s reaction was as Tang Cuo expected, there must be some consternation, but their sinking face seemed to be mixed with something else.

Celtic repeatedly asked them to find Lancelot, the other party agreed, but still asked them to return to the team as soon as possible, not to delay the time of the team’s departure, but also asked them not to spread the news to avoid panic.

Celtic responded pretendingly and returned to Tang Cuo, saying, “There must be something wrong, we have to be careful.”

But in any case, the team was promoted as scheduled. It is led by a male elf who cannot see the specific age but is said to be an elder, and is equipped with six elf guards.

In addition, the composition of the team is as follows-two Ivy League offices in the Principality of France, three small windmill offices, two Montenegro offices, a total of eight scattered human adventurers, a dwarf, a German Rui two.

One of the human adventurers was Dorn. Yesterday, he had a great conversation with Jin Cheng and the two. When he saw that he was not there, he asked. Celtic was not knowing how to answer, and Tangcuo said, “He has something to do and he won’t go.”

Dorn scratched his head, and then smiled, “Lancelot is a bard. It is really not suitable for him to do this kind of task. Then I look forward to his masterpiece, maybe I will hear it when we come back.”

It seems that he thought that Jin Cheng was composing music with great concentration, and Tang Cuo simply defaulted.

The dwarf Hammo muttered aside. He doesn’t have many music cells. The most pleasant thing for him is the sound of a hammer hitting metal. While mumbling, he patted the hip flask covered with a belt around his waist, and he smiled when he heard the shaking of the wine.

This is also nice.

The three small windmill harbours completely ignored the situation here, and the three people gathered together to ignore others, a little arrogant. The silence and solemnity of the office in Heishan nodded slightly to Shang Tangcuo’s eyes.

Tang Cuo remembered these people’s reactions one by one, and as the team gradually went deep into the forest, his eyes turned to the distant Wang Ting.

Their route bypassed that place.

The deeper the fog, the deeper the mist, but for an hour, both the tree house and the spire of the distant spire disappeared into the dense fog.

The whole forest was quiet, obviously during the day, but the forest was very dull. The fog seemed to block the sunlight, and all the trees looked dark.

A tense atmosphere flows quietly in the team.

“Guru.” The dwarf Hanmo untied a hip flask and drank a sip of wine unattended.

A man with a single eyelid in the small windmill harbor smelled of the alcohol on his body and walked away a little bit disgustedly. The human adventurer Dorn couldn’t help but step forward to negotiate with the elves.

“Your Excellency, how long do we have to arrive?”

“You can call me Elder Evans.” The elder has a gentle attitude. “We probably need a natural time to reach the edge of the secret lake area. But when we get there, we can’t go in. You need to check it yourself.”

Dorn nodded, they all knew the content of the task, and they couldn’t fight back here. But for the sake of insurance, Dorn asked again, “There is no big danger in it, is it?”

Evans nodded, “Yes, the Secret Lake was originally where our elves were born. But since it was enveloped by mist, our family gradually lost contact with it, and now it is even more excluded. As an alien You don’t have this concern, which is why we will break the rules and invite you.”

“Elder Evans, haven’t any foreigners ever been there before?” The man with a single eyelid in the small windmill harbour somehow passed by.

“Yes, but there are only three in the millennium.” Evans smiled. “If you can successfully detect the strangeness of the Secret Lake and solve this trouble for my family, then you will become the elf’s closest friend, King. The door of the court will also be open to you.”

These words, I was so excited to hear Donne. Only by clenching my fists quietly can I suppress my heart’s upsurge. It’s a great honor to be a friend of the elves and enter the royal court. Even if they don’t get much reward from here, after returning to the human kingdom, their own nobles will invite them to become guests.

When the time comes, Ronghua will be rich and wealthy, at your fingertips.

If any aristocrat is willing to teach their true knighthood, their fate, and even the fate of future generations, will be completely changed.

Others are not as excited as Dorn, but more or less show their longing. Only Hammo poured wine into his mouth, after all, he came here just to brag after going back.

What a simple wish!

The **** of forging will surely bless him!

Hammo thought so, and couldn’t help but drink another sip of wine.

After Tang Cuo heard the conversation between the two, he instantly made up a lot of brains, such as the 101 ways of death of these people after entering the secret lake area. But what disturbed him most was the fact that there had been no changes to the task panel.

He remained calm and continued on.

After another hour, the team finally stopped. Everyone looked at the front as if forming a dense fog, and could not help being vigilant.

Evans turned around and faced everyone saying, “The front is the secret lake area. After you enter, you will go northward. You can reach the lake in about half of the time. Please forgive us for not being able to travel, but the **** of nature must Will replace us and shed blessings.”

It was heard that the man with a single eyelid came out more, placed one hand on his chest, and returned a noble ceremony, “Thank you Elder Evans.”

Evans nodded his head, then let it go, and made a gesture of invitation, “Please come in one by one, and I will bless you with the meaning of nature.”

The blessing of the elves.

Tang Cuo couldn’t help but put a sword on his waist, thoughtfully. By this time, the single-eyed man had already stepped forward and lowered his head, allowing Evans to shed divine light on top of his head.

That is probably a magic.

Tangcuo could feel the surrounding magical elements converging toward the hand raised by Evans, and then turned into a light spot, but could not determine the specific effect of this magic.

Soon it was Tang Cuo’s turn, and he stepped forward generously, bowing his head respectfully. In the process, he noticed that the blessing seemed to stop for a moment, but when he looked up again, he didn’t find anything strange on Evans’ face.

Celtic stopped in front of him and waited for him. In order to avoid revealing the flaws, Tangcuo naturally turned and left. Just before entering the thick fog, he looked back at Evans again.

Evans was also looking at him, his eyes were opposite, Tang Cuo’s eyes were far-reaching, and Evans’ stiffness for a moment, then restored into a deep lake that was difficult to see.

Both sides nodded, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, Tang Cuo suddenly had a thought in his mind, the name of this copy should not be called “Elven Forest”, it should be called “The Birth of the Actors”.

He may have been poisoned by Jin Chengtu.

After entering the thick fog, Tang Cuo glanced at the team in front and immediately pulled Celtic. He and Celtic came in deliberately until the end, the purpose is naturally to facilitate action.

“Celtic, I will cover you up. You will return immediately and stare at Evans while everyone is not paying attention,” Tang Cuo said.

“But I’m gone, isn’t you just the one here? No, we have lost a Lancelot and can’t let you order anymore.” Celtic sternly refused.

“I’m not alone here, I won’t place an order. But Celtic, I can really believe only you.” Tang Cuo’s attitude was tough.

Celtic is still not assured, but no matter what he says, Tangcuo is not relieved, “Well, Celtic, your task is not easier than mine. The temporary separation is for a better reunion.”

Celtic had no choice but to compromise, “Well, Theodore, you must pay attention to safety.”

Without further ado, in order to prevent the elves from walking away, Tangcuo immediately covered Celtic away. Fortunately, the fog was thick, and the visibility was only 15 meters. Celtic’s departure didn’t alarm anyone.

After waiting for three minutes, Tangcuo stepped forward and shouted, “Wait, Celtic is gone!”

He didn’t act too panic because it was not in line with his personal settings.

Hearing his words, the rest of them turned around, and the surprise and dignity on their faces did not seem to be fake. Dorn first asked, “What’s the matter? He didn’t come with you?”

Tang Cuo’s face sullenly, “Yes, we were walking together, but I just walked a little faster, then turned around and found that he was gone.”

Dorn frowned deeply, and other adventurers were slightly nervous. The two of the Montenegro office remained silent along the way, and finally opened the mouth, “Is there anything else?”

Both of them have dark hair and black eyes, which is rare in the Western fantasy world, and they are twins.

Tang Cuo “Actually, this morning, my other companion, Lancelot, disappeared. We reported the matter to the Elf Guards, hoping that they would help find it, but we did not expect that such a thing would happen after entering here. “

As soon as this remark came out, everyone changed.

The single eyelid man frowned immediately, “Why didn’t you say that early?”

Tang Cuo said indifferently, “Because you didn’t ask.”

“You!” The other party was choked, and it was at this time that the dwarf Hanmo hiccupped, and even made him not come to Taiwan, almost annoyed. His companion pulled him in time and said in a deep voice, “We are all members of the Ivy League. If something like this happened, you should tell us first.”

Tang Cuo glanced at him lightly and said, “Lancelot is not an ally, he is just my friend.”

The other party was choked again, watching Tang Cuo’s eyes grow worse. The two sides stalemate, and the two of the Montenegro office said “the quarrel at this time is meaningless.”

“Should first find a way.”

The brothers said the same thing in each of you.

The single-eyed man frowned, “Hemon, Hess, we are not arguing, don’t you see that someone intentionally concealed it?”

Hemonhes “No.”

Single eyelid companions “…”

Tang Cuo can see that the people in the small windmill office are really not very attractive. He thought about it a little bit and said, “It was my mistake not to speak it in time. I can apologize to everyone, but as the two said, the most important thing for us now is to find a way.”

Hemon and Hess looked at each other and looked at the druid together. One of them asked, “Druid has been a friend of the elven clan since ancient times. Do you have anything to say?”

Both druids shook their heads, “We are just like you, we are here to help, and we don’t know anything else. In fact, although the druids have good relations with the elves, they live in different forests. Today is our first Come here once.”

After hearing that, several adventurers have expressed obvious concerns. After discussing it, everyone decided to find Celtic in this neighborhood first, and then go to Secret Lake.

The result of the search is of course disappointing, and the atmosphere is gradually dignified, but since it has already arrived here, after hesitation, everyone decided to continue to move forward.

The further you go, the denser the fog becomes, and the visibility gradually decreases from 15 meters to 10 meters. In order to avoid the disappearance of others, everyone consciously approached. Twenty minutes later, no one disappeared, but they did not see the trace of the Secret Lake.

“The elf elder said that after he came in, he would be able to reach the Secret Lake in about half a second of nature, but now we are almost half a natural time away.” Dorn said solemnly.

“Go forward again.” Tang Cuo said.

The group set off again, and after another ten minutes, they still didn’t see any shadow of the lake.

Single eyelid man “Are we going the wrong way?”

The druid shook his head. “No, the druid can’t get lost in the forest. The direction we are going to is always north.”

It is said that a terrible guess was born in the hearts of everyone, that is, the elf gave the wrong information. But why should they do this?

Just as everyone was in doubt, a hurried footstep suddenly sounded behind him.

“Who?!” Dorn immediately drew his sword.

“It’s me!” The slightly familiar voice made Tang Cuo frown, and he stared at him. In the thick fog, the figure running quickly became clear, and it was the Celtic who had left.

He ran out of breath, wiped his sweat, and explained, “Sorry, I just broke up accidentally and went in the opposite direction. I finally caught up.”

Although everyone still had doubts in their hearts, they were relieved to see him come back. Tang Cuo frowned, waiting for Celtic to return

Beside him, he lowered his voice and asked, “What’s going on?”

Celtic “The elves were not there when I went out. I couldn’t find anyone when I looked for it. There was no way. I had to come back to find you.”

Tang Cuo looked at him and said nothing.

He reopened the task panel again.

Lunar country

Third Ring Elven Forest

Mainline visit to Secret Lake

No change.

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