The Trial Game of Life (renjian shi lian youxi)

Chapter 91 - Elven Forest (9)

Take Celtic back to the stone gate again. This time, there was no one outside the stone gate. The two men and one mouse opened the door smoothly and found out that there was a wine cellar outside.

After a little investigation, Jin Cheng said, “It should still be underground.”

Kyle’s character is that the wine cellar is generally in the basement, either locked or guarded. He carefully leaned over to the door and saw that there were two elf guards outside.

The guards in Wang Ting were not only equipped with bows and arrows, but also had spears in their hands.

Jin Cheng asked McCain “When you were a prince, did you know that the dungeon is connected here?”

McCaw shook his head frantically, Jin Cheng understood that this was only discovered after he became a mouse. Celtic was dumbfounded. “Is he still a prince?”

“Squeak!” McCain put his hands on his hips, but he was an upright prince, how could he tolerate this one after another questioning. But he immediately remembered something, his ears fell down and fell into a low.

Celtic thought he had offended him and scratched his head. At this time Jin Cheng grabbed McCaw and said, “Now is it time for your prince to shoot, did you see the guard outside? You got out of the crack in the door, danced a dance in front of them, and then came in, Lead them to open the door.”

and many more!

He is a prince!

Celtic was frightened, but just about to discourage, Jin Cheng glanced over, “Otherwise you go?”

Celtic shut up.

Prince McCain was just plugged out of the door and almost squashed. He looked back into the door, and the two humans stared at him staring at him, sitting with him in the gesture of “go fast, go fast”.

Bullying too much.

McCain meditated a hundred times in his heart, “They are good people”, turned his head and sprinkled his anger on the two elf guards, raised his head and squeaked, and then squeaked and ran away before they responded.


“It’s an abominable rat, how could there be a rat mixing into Wang Ting, grab it!”

The guard speared out and nearly stabbed McCaw’s ass. Fortunately, his small movements were flexible. Celtic in the room shot again in time and pulled it in.

Jin Cheng kept sticking to the door, paying close attention to the movement outside the door.

The guard began to open the door without any accident. A mouse ran into the dungeon and nothing happened. If the wine in the cellar was damaged, the loss would be great.

“Click.” The door opened.

The two guards entered at almost the same time, Jin Cheng and Celtic also jumped out from both sides of the gate at the same time. One person covered the guard’s nose and mouth from the back, dragged into the darkness to stun, and directly blocked the mouth and dragged into the dungeon to close the cell. in.

About ten minutes later, the two elf guards closed the door and reappeared outside the cellar. But if you look closely, you will find that their two pointed ears are very unnatural.

McCain hid in Jin Cheng’s pocket and still guided them.

The place they are going to is the residence of Elder Evans. If you can directly find evidence that Evans collaborated with outsiders on the secret lake, it is undoubtedly the best.

Celtic worried that they would directly hit Evans again. “If he really marked me with a blessing, he wouldn’t be aware of our approach.”

“That’s right.” Jin Cheng was fearless. “We can catch him directly and save trouble.”

I didn’t do it just now, but I was afraid that Celtic was still in the other’s hands. I don’t know the situation is not easy to do. Now I don’t have this worry.

At the same time, Tangcuo took Hawke back, and everyone watched the new changes in the Secret Lake Fantasy. The original Secret Lake was just a lot of animals or **** beasts, and the goddess of nature. Now in the Secret Lake, there is another **** ship full of mysteries in the lake.

In the mist of 氤氲, there was a faint shadow on the ship shaking like a ghost ship in the legend of the sea.

There is no doubt that this is a masterpiece of the two sleepers in the small windmill harbor.

Seeing this, Hawke’s face is not generally unsightly.

Heimeng wasn’t in the mood to control him. His younger brother Hess was getting more and more sleepy, and he couldn’t hold it anymore. He couldn’t help but look to Tang Cuo, who could make him feel at ease, and asked “What now?

Tang Cuo looked at Celtic again, “What do you say?”

Hemon did not yet know the conversation between Tangcuo and Celtic, but he was not without doubt about Celtic, and he was even more suspicious when he saw his silence.

Celtic was silent for a moment and said, “I don’t know.”

Tang Cuo Dao didn’t expect him to come up with a solution immediately. If things were so simple, the anomaly of the Secret Lake would not remain unsolved for three months.

“Actually, when we entered the range of the Secret Lake, we were already in an illusion. This is your illusion. The druid was just right, you are not Celtic at all.” Tang Cuo looked directly at Kyle. Special eyes.

Who is the fake Celtic?

Tang Cuo tends to be the guardian of the Secret Lake, or the soul of the Secret Lake, which has been born for thousands of years. There are often such settings in fantasy stories.

After he explained this, the rest quickly understood that Hawke’s eyes widened suddenly. He looked at Celtic, full of consternation.

Tang Cuo swept his clenched fist quietly, thoughtfully.

There, Heimong frowned, thinking deeply, “That is to say, there are now double illusions, and there are many small ones in the big illusions. Can we wake him up directly?”

This he refers to as a false Celtic.

This is of course feasible in theory. Tang Cuo said, “The way we broke the illusion before was to eliminate the special item in the illusion that was for the sleeper. But what does this item correspond to in this big illusion?”

No one could answer, not even the fake Celtic himself. He just thought his mind was chaotic, as if he could not remember anything, that is, when he heard the name of Augustine and mentioned the natural goddess Cynthia and Louis, he remembered a little vague fragment.

Even as a foreigner, Tangcuo probably knows that God is far away from the Sicilian continent, and no miracles have been revealed for thousands of years.

“Do you remember things about the Tucha dynasty?” Tang Cuo asked. This is the dynasty of Louis XIV. Thousands of years ago, Louis XIV’s attempt to explore the secrets of eternal life and spy on the forbidden area of ​​the gods caused the entire dynasty to be destroyed.

Who is it that has such a great energy that makes Yueyin City trapped in the yellow sand forever, and wipes the roses from the mainland of Sicily? Of course it is God.

Louis XIV, the arrogant man who disrespected the gods, naturally did the thing that painted the true face of God on his album. And this also proves the fact that Louis has seen this god.

The Sicilian continent of the Tucha dynasty was two eras from the current Sicilian continent.

“Tucha…” The false Celtic muttered to himself, “I seem to remember a little bit, Louis was a prince at the time. He and Ai Miye are good friends, so they often come to Mihu to stay.”

The mournful night of Ai Mi finally appeared.

Tang Cuo asked, “At that time, Ai Mi Ye has not been on the throne, right?”

Princes and princes, of equal status and age, are more likely to be friends.

Celtic thought about it tilting his head and nodded slowly. “Probably.”

Tang Cuo asked again, “How about Augustine? When did he appear?”

There was a trace of confusion in Fake Celtic’s eyes. He thought, a dull pain appeared in his head. As if something was suppressing him, he wanted to break through the laminate, but it was difficult.

It was a long time before he finally found a gap in the laminate, and the picture of the memory made his tone sad, “Louis has not been here for a long time.”

How long is this for a long time, the fake Celtic can’t tell clearly.

“One day Mi Miye brought Augustine, who was still a little boy, and said he was about to return to the arms of the goddess. Augustine stayed and he spent a happy time with me.”

Returning to the arms of the goddess means death.

Tang Cuo heard this and roughly clarified the context of the story. Thousands of years ago, Louis XIV and the elf king Ai Miye were friends. Louis offended the gods and was condemned. The dynasty was destroyed, but Ai Miye was still alive.

After this, the remnants of the Tucha dynasty established the Rose sect and tried to resurrect Louis XIV.

Augustine brought back by Mi Miye grew up and established the Ivy League.

Old friends turned against each other?

In this way, the reason why the Rose Church has shot the Secret Lake is there. Whether or not there is something they want, in short, it is a place related to Louis XIV.

But where is Augustine sacred? He could be brought back here by Ai Miye and founding the Ivy League, which could not be a sudden character.

Regarding this, the false Celtic is unclear. Maybe it was Ai Miye who didn’t explain so much to him, maybe he forgot.

“Last question.” Tang Cuo looked directly at the fake Celtic eyes and asked, “Why did you become Celtic? In these three months, every time someone enters, you will be transformed into someone’s appearance.” Mixed into the team?”

Fake Celtic shook his head, “No, it’s me who feels the air of Aya Mi from you. You wake me up, so I came to your side.”

Tang Cuo didn’t expect this answer. It seems that the blessing of Mi Miye on the sword of ruling helped, and plucked the imprisoned corner. What he didn’t expect, Elder Evans must have never even thought of it.

After a pause, Tang Cuo asked another question “What’s your name?”

This question asked the other party. In the false Celtic eyes, Tang Cuo’s black-and-white eyes became the focus of all his eyes, and those eyes had-real.

What is my name?

who am I?

The false Celtic wanted his head to hurt more and more, but he knew that he should have a name. With the name, he can know who he is. He should have seen his reflection in the lake many times.

But now he couldn’t even remember what he was supposed to be.

He can be anyone, but he cannot remember himself alone.

Tang Cuo saw him with a painful expression and stopped asking. He suspected that someone had cast a spell on the fake Celtic, or what magic array was placed on the bank of the real secret lake. In short, there was a layer of imprisonment.

The premise of cracking the imprisonment is to find it, but where will it be set?

At this time, there were Tangcuo, Hemeng, Dorn, and the dwarf Hammo who had slept once. Hess was also shaky, and he was about to do it.

Surprisingly, Hawke is also very energetic, and has no other problem except his face is very smelly. Tang Cuo thought that a brother like him would not be indifferent looking at the elven wine, and he soon regretted why he didn’t drink more wine.

“It’s your turn.” Tang Cuo directly drew his sword. “You have two choices, say or die.”

Hawke was silent and stiff, because Tang Cuo’s inconsistent picture of stabbing people began to play in his mind. But Yu Guang glanced at the fake Celtic beside him, still trying to struggle, and said, “Aren’t you worried about the few missing adventurers? I saw them in the forest just now.”

Tangcuo “Oh.”

Hawke “What do you mean?”

Tang Cuo kindly explained, “Oh, don’t worry, just kill when you come.”

Hawke “…”

The Dwarf Hanmo thought Tang Cuo was really very reasonable, and played with his big hammer, echoing, “Yes, the sneaky ones are definitely not good people! The dwarf master hit their heads with a hammer!”

Hawke “………”

I tentatively think you are not scolding me.

Hawke held back, “The druid who faked you just now is one of them. Those people made it clear that they are all sectarian, and they must still be peeping in secret. I kindly tell you, don’t have something wrong, you have to come. Blame me for not reminding.”

Tang Cuo “So you are sneaking, what are you spying on?”

Hawk shut his mouth tightly, but the Heimong brothers and Dorn all looked at them together, letting him escape from nothing, and had to say, “It’s about the League of Ivy League, I can’t just say it casually.”

This matter was easy to handle, Tang Cuo looked at Han Mo and Dorn, “offended, please avoid it.”

The two left, and even Han Mo, who had always been irritable, had no opinion. Fake Celtic is still immersed in his own world, not paying attention to the situation here. Tang Cuo then gestured to Hawke-you can speak.

Hawke gritted his teeth and finally compromised, “We are here to find Lake Heart.”

Lake Heart?

Tang Cuo frowned with Hei Meng and Hei Siqi, and Hawke said it all, not to mention a few explanations, “The heart of the lake is the spirit that has been born in the Secret Lake for thousands of years. It will have endless benefits.”

Heimeng “So you want to take this opportunity to take it away from the Secret Lake quietly? Take it back to the small windmill harbour? Did you report the matter to the headquarters? Or do you want to go it alone?”

Facing a series of questions from Heimeng, Hawke could expect that after going back, the office in Montenegro will definitely make trouble for the small windmill on this matter, but even if he talks here, I am afraid there will be no change in the results.

The people in the Montenegro office have a stinky and tough temper and are known throughout the league.

Of course, the premise is that they can all go back alive.

Tang Cuo is more concerned about the “Lake Heart” issue, and it is no surprise that the false Celtic is the Lake Heart. No wonder Hawk just looked at him so strangely.

It turned out that he had been looking for him for a long time, and found that people were beside him, but he didn’t find him.

However, there is a dark cloud, and the abacus of the small windmill office will not be heard after all.

What happens to the secret lake when the heart of the lake is stolen, don’t think about it. Unless the League of Ivy Leagues wants to tear their faces with the elves, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

At this time, Hess finally couldn’t resist the sleepiness and fell asleep. As more and more people fall asleep, the secret lake in the illusion has also undergone more changes. For example, the beautiful flowers blooming on the shore, such as the trestle that continues to extend into the dense fog, and the dark and calm lake water also seems to be hiding a great danger.

Everyone dare not come close at will.

Time flows slowly, everyone scatters, or looks around for possible imprisonment, or bravely explores near the lake, but nothing is found.

Two hours later, Dorn also fell asleep.

Only Tangcuo, Heimeng, Hawke and Dwarf Hammo are left.

Tang Cuo was the one who dared to the lake. He stood near a reindeer, who was bowing his head to drink water in the lake, and occasionally looked up at him, his eyes were full of curiosity.

The goddess of nature wearing a golden gauze skirt had arrived on the trestle. She walked along the trestle until she walked into the thick mist, leaving only a blurry shadow. A white unicorn followed her step by step, occasionally rubbing her hand intimately with the horn.

Tang Cuo kept thinking and thinking, if he realized his brain, it would probably be a spinning top. He looked down at the lake, and the lake reflected his thoughts and thoughts, and spread out a piece of drawing paper for him to portray.

These are of course only his imagination, which no one else can see, but if Jin Cheng is here, he will probably imagine what Tang Cuo’s thinking map looks like.


In such a deep thinking, Tang Cuo will still think of Jin Cheng, which is verifying the truth-love makes people dizzy.

What is Jin Cheng doing?

He, dear instructor, will not really encounter anything, otherwise, how come it has not yet appeared? Tang Cuo thought this way, looking at his reflection in the water, and suddenly the light appeared.

He looked back at the fake Celtic and asked, “Is it true that no matter how I describe the secret lake in my sleep, the illusion will show everything as it is?”

Fake Celtic froze for a moment, then nodded.

Tang Cuo also asked Heimeng “What is the existence of the Sicilian continent, which can ignore all the blinding eyes and restore the real existence?” He originally wanted to talk about the magic mirror, but the Sicilian continent should not have this thing.

Heimeng thought hard, but he couldn’t really figure it out for a while, and the fake Celtic had no clue. Hanmo blinked, highlighting his erudition with an expression of “You don’t even know”, “Real mirror, the ninth-generation forging guru Gerardmy von Aska, the famous dwarf clan ·White…”

The dwarf’s name is really longer than the old lady’s foot-wrap.

Tang Cuo interrupted him, “Give me your wine.”

Hammo immediately covered the hip flask alertly, “Why?”

Tangcuo “drunken and dreamed.”

Han Mo is not stupid, and he can guess what Tang Cuo intends. He can present the real mirror in the illusion, and let the false Celtic see the real self in the mirror, thus truly awakening him and breaking the illusion.

After hesitating again and again, Hammo threw the jug to Tangcuo, and then turned around vigorously, daring not to look again. One more look, he may regret it.

Tang Cuo drank a little and was a little drunk, but he couldn’t fall asleep immediately. So he returned the hip flask to Hanmo, pulled out his sword and shook it, and decided to do something else at this time.

Hawk saw that he was about to draw a shadow when he drew his sword, and immediately asked “what do you want to do?”

Tang Cuo smiled. “Don’t you say that there are four others hiding in the dark? It’s true that they came to cut me while I was sleeping. I cut them first.”

I drank alcohol and it was super fierce.

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