The Troublesome Journey of the Chat Room Gentlemen

Chapter 9

“Xie’er: I can trouble Brother Aokong to tell Sister Bronya, don’t force yourself too hard, Seeer… It’s okay…”

“Aozora Hime: Sorry, I can’t tell you. I’m not in the same world as you.”

“Ciel: Is that so… I’m sorry for making such a request…”

“Qingkong Ji: It doesn’t matter, if I have the opportunity to go to your world, I will tell you. Look, don’t I get the three-day tour of “Kingyue World” now. I will definitely get “Honkai” in the future. world”.”

“Xie’er: Well, thank you Qingkong-san. You are such a gentle person.”

“Aozora Hime: Don’t use the word gentle to describe me…”

“Ciel: Ahh…yes, I’m sorry…”

“Dr. Roman: I always sound a little weird.”

Through chatting, Roman understood what Ye You meant by “Xingyue World” referring to his own world.

And not just one, but a collection of plural worlds.

But from his mouth, it always feels awkward to use a noun.

“Aozora Hime: What’s so weird, it’s just a matter of convenience. In the world I’m currently in, I’m in the world of dating. Black cats and snow are the everyday worlds, Sheffield is the world of Genshinji, and Neet-ki is Gensokyo.”

Dr. Roman was stunned.

“Dr. Roman: Why do I feel like you know everything?”

Even with clairvoyance, you can’t spy on information outside the world, right?

“Qingkong Ji: I don’t know everything, I only know what I know.”

“Neet Ji: @青空基, how do you know that your concubine is in Gensokyo?”

It seems that it is indeed the night of Penglai Mountain.

“Aozora Hime: I also know that you live in Eternal Pavilion.”

The owner of the forever pavilion, Penglaishan Huiye fell silent, and his beautiful and fair face was full of solemnity.

In the ancient Japanese-style building, there is a very different desktop computer.

The princess of the moon, a sinner for a moment and forever, sits on a tatami in a Chinese dress, her tiered skirts spread out like waves on the ground, she has a beautiful and upright Ji-style hairstyle and long beautiful black hair. Falling to the ground like a cloud.

The cold light refracted by the screen in front of Kaguya’s eyes made her cheeks even whiter.

“Who is he? Why does he know about his concubine? A prank by a monster sage… Or,”

The Princess of the Moon raised her head slowly, her clear eyes, looking at the distant sky through the bamboo window of the potted plant with half dead branches in full bloom,

“Chasers from the moon?”

No, the chances of chasing troops are extremely low.

No one knew better than Kaguya how arrogant they were.

Extreme self-esteem, extreme pride.

They disdain to deal with concubines in this way.

She took off her headphones and quit the web version of Super Mario.

“This chat room can no longer be taken lightly.”

Even if it is able to connect to another world, in the eyes of the Princess of the Moon, it is nothing more than that.

All she prayed for was a leisurely life where she could “quietly enjoy the afternoon sun”.

I don’t want the peaceful situation to be disrupted, that’s all.

Of course, if it’s your own initiative to “have some fun”, that’s another matter of course.

But it is by no means disturbed by people.

“Ling Xian, where is Yonglin going?” Kaguya looked around in the Eternal Pavilion, but did not see the sage of the moon, Bayi Yonglin, whom she trusted most.

“Master, she seems to have gone to the world?”

“What are you doing there? Forget it, Yonglin is back and ask her to come to my room.”

“Well, okay, princess.”

Ling Xian nodded, and the two long rabbit ears on her pink hair also swayed.

Ye You naturally didn’t know what he said, but it aroused Kaguya’s vigilance.

At this moment, while playing the game in the blank, he asked them what he knew about “Job Battle”.

“Qingkong Ji: [], can you send me a copy of your world’s battle novel?”

“[]: What do you want this for? You shouldn’t really become a male elf. Haha.”

Saying so, Sora found the electronic version of the novel.

“[]:”DATE·A·LIVE”Volumes 1~5.epub”

“Aozora Hime: You also use the epub format. By the way, it’s only 5 volumes?”

“[]: Because there are illustrations, illustrations are the soul of light novels. In addition, the fifth volume is already the latest volume. This light novel is good, and it can be animated visually.”

Maybe five volumes.

Ye You opened it and found that the battles in their world were similar to the battles she knew.

There is no female Gokawa Shidou.

Ye You frowned.

Without the advantage of the plot, as an elf, it may be very dangerous.

Small changes don’t matter, but the protagonists have changed, and that’s another story.

“Why don’t I go and check again?”

At that time, I just touched my chest, and then I concluded that it was a woman. Wouldn’t it be too hasty?

Well, to judge a person’s gender, just touching the chest is not enough.

Chapter 12 Kuangsan, can you let me pull it out first?

A high-density intelligence collection with quality, similar to the earth environment model Chaldeas, exudes a quiet cold light in the central control room, like an eternal celestial body.

Da Vinci frowned, digesting the information that Dr. Roman said.

Dimensional chat room, Professor Leif, the director of physical death… Get so much amazing news all at once, even a peerless genius who claims to be omnipotent can’t deal with it calmly.

“The dimensional chat room is put aside. For the time being, it is believed that it does exist, but only you can observe it. The information of the person named Qingkong Ji has to be taken seriously.”

The intelligence naturally refers to Professor Leif’s betrayal, and his appearance at the last moment, pushing the director’s consciousness into Chaldeas and causing her to completely perish.

“I still don’t want to trust Professor Leif…”

“Romani. Be skeptical of established facts. Rather, the information we accidentally obtain will make our actions go more smoothly. Anything, as small as the production of handicrafts, In a war so large that it decides the fate of a country, those who have more information will have the key points of the decision.”

“Ah… I understand what you’re saying, but it’s just emotionally…”

Da Vinci was wearing a gorgeous robe and tapped the floor lightly with a staff in his hand, “At this time, let me restrain my personal feelings.”

Roman sighed, not because he couldn’t believe Professor Leif’s betrayal, but because he didn’t want to doubt his colleagues who had been with him for many years because of the words of strangers.

They, too, had the same ideals and beliefs.

Otherwise it would not have gathered in Chaldea.

“Okay, Professor Leif put it down for now. He said that the director died physically, and I think the probability is very high. After all, that child is just a little girl who has not yet experienced the world, how could she have escaped the carefully designed explosion. So, we have to solve it The first question is,”

“Make a spiritual foundation that can lead the director to return…”

Dr. Roman touched his chin, his brows furrowed.

This is not something that can be said and done.

More importantly, it takes time.

Da Vinci said with a smile: “Let me leave this kind of thing.”.

“Can you make it?”

“Haha, who do you think I am?”

The omnipotent Servant, with a confident smile on his face, said, “Although I am well-known as a painter, I can basically do anything. I can make props and weapons. I have designed cities and built ships. Seeking omnipotence Wisdom, chasing fundamental knowledge.

Moreover, the [Guardian Heroic Spirit Summoning System] is an extremely huge project, and there is also research on the spiritual foundation. Give me three days and it will be done. During this period, all the affairs of Chaldea will be handed over to you, let me take a good look at the director, and don’t let her die inexplicably. Otherwise, the treasures I have worked so hard to make are dusted in the warehouse, and I will be very angry. “

“Ahaha, I see, please don’t laugh so terribly, Da Vinci… dear.”

… Ye You’s control of spiritual power has reached a new level.

As long as there is no battle, it should not be detected by the spiritual observation instrument.

In fact, he has been out of the imaginary space for a long time, and he has not caused a space shock, nor has he encountered the attack of Wuhe Shiori, or the attack of the AST troops.

This is a good start, and the safety factor will be improved a lot when you are in the crowd.

Just still hungry.

Now he can understand that his body is still the same body, but with more spiritual power, angels and divine power.

Therefore, if he does not eat normally, the hunger will always torment him.

It’s just that spiritual power is also energy, which can maintain the body’s functions and will not starve to death.

It is precisely because of the huge spiritual power that Ye You has been driving “passive”, so the attack of the AST troops is like a breeze to him.

This trip is mainly to confirm whether it is Wuhe Shiori or Wuhe Shidou.

If it was Gokawa Shiori, then it would be impossible to judge Murasame Reine’s actions.

She is the origin spirit, the final boss, it is very necessary to understand her behavior pattern.

In “The Battle”, Murasame Reine and Gokawa Shidou were lovers in their past lives.

Her love is very deep and pure. In the past thirty years, she has done many reckless things in order to resurrect her lover.

This is also the beginning of the date with the elves.

But if it was Shiori Gokawa and a woman, the premise of being a lover would be broken.


Ye You paused for a moment.

Is my thinking too limited?

Why can’t girls fall in love?

It’s totally possible for Murasame Reine to fall in love with Shiori Wuhe’s past life.

Thinking of this, Ye You felt that confirming whether it was Wuhe Shiori or Wuhe Shidou seemed less important.

So he stopped going to Laichan High School. After all, there is a certain degree of threat there, and his whereabouts may be exposed.


What’s with this sneaky feeling?

There is a feeling that the villain is lurking.

Ye You leaned on the park bench, not knowing where to go.

It was getting late, the setting sun was like blood, and the dim orange light shone on the earth, and the pedestrians around became sparse.

Suddenly, a vague figure, in the mottled dusk, with the setting sun on its back, walked slowly from the horizon with a dance-like pace.

Ye You skimmed away, it was an impeccable beautiful girl.

Even just staring at it, a sense of intoxication like the temptation of a demon rose from the bottom of my heart.

The girl was wearing a night-like Lolita dress. Because her skin was too fair and clean, it shone under the setting sun, and her long bangs covered her left eye, giving people a forbidden and mysterious feeling.

Her slender and slender legs were wrapped in black silk, stepping on round-toed shoes, and gracefully stepped towards Ye You.

Just as Ye You was about to get up, something grabbed her ankle.

Looking at it, the black shadow stretched to the feet at some point – two slender and white hands grew from there.

And the shadow is still increasing in area bit by bit, and finally climbs up on the back of the chair.

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