The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 285

Yun Ci supported Gu Jingwen’s head and hurriedly wiped the rain off his face with her sleeve. She tore her coat and wrapped it around the gunshot wound on his body.

She hugged the man tightly in her arms. Her hand, which was bandaging the wound, trembled slightly. She kept muttering, “It’s okay... It’s okay, Gu Jingwen. I’ll take you back now...”

She didn’t know if she was talking to the man or comforting herself.

The rain continued to fall.

Yun Ci grabbed Gu Jingwen’s arm, put him on her back, and walked down the mountain.

The road was slippery in the rain, and she accidentally fell down.

She couldn’t care less about the pain. She quickly climbed in front of Gu Jingwen and picked him up again.

She walked and fell all the way until she finally left the deep mountains.

There were few people here, and there were no cars coming and going.

The man was very heavy. Yun Ci found it difficult to carry him. She struggled to walk forward. The cold wind carried the rain and cut her like a sharp knife.

She carried him all the way to the door of life and death. Yun Ci finally could not bear it anymore and collapsed at the door with Gu Jingwen.

A few nurses ran out.

“Doctor Venus, are you okay?”

Yun Ci pulled Gu Jingwen into his embrace and said while panting, “Immediately... prepare the operating theater!”

A few nurses looked at Gu Jingwen and refused.

“I’m sorry, Doctor Venus. Any patient who enters the door of life and death must obtain the king’s approval. You should know that.”

Yun Ci suddenly grabbed a nurse’s wrist and used force. He repeated word by word, “Prepare the operating theater!”

“What happened?”

A man in a white coat walked over.

A few nurses stepped aside.

Yun Ci raised his pleading eyes and looked at the man. “Carl, help me prepare the operating room!”

Carl squatted down and stretched out his hand to check Gu Jingwen’s nose. Then, he checked the injuries on Gu Jingwen’s body. Then.., he said unusually calmly, “Venus, there’s no need to operate anymore. He’s not breathing, his heart is not beating, and his pulse is no longer there.”

The cold wind pierced into Gu Jing’s bone marrow.

Yun Ci hugged Gu Jing even tighter when he heard that. He only looked at Carl with his bloodshot eyes. He gritted his teeth and said firmly, “Help me prepare the operating theater!”

Carl was silent.

After a moment, he said to the nurses, “Go prepare the operating theater.”

The nurses were a little hesitant. “But...”

“Go quickly. I’ll take responsibility if anything happens!”Carl interrupted them sternly.

A few nurses quickly ran away. A few minutes later, the operating theater was ready.

Carl helped carry Gu Jingwen into the operating theater and said to Yun ci, “Let me do the surgery.”

Yun Ci was wearing a surgical gown. The mask covered her face, so her expression could not be seen clearly. “No need.”

She walked into the operating theater.

Carl followed her in and assisted her.

Gu Jingwen lay on the operating table and put on the ventilator and catheter. There were a few straight lines on the display screen of the instrument, but there were no fluctuations.

The nurses looked at each other.

This was clearly... a dead man.

Yun Ci stood in front of the operating table and looked at Gu Jingwen’s pale face. She held the scalpel tightly, and something seemed to be blocking her chest, making it hard for her to breathe.

The quiet operating room was only left with the sound of ticking. More than ten pairs of eyes looked at her in unison.

Yun Ci closed her eyes and forced herself to wake up. She took a step forward and began to cut the flesh and remove the bullets from Gu Jingwen’s body.

When she was about to take the third bullet, Carl interrupted her coldly, “Enough, Venus, look carefully. He has no signs of life!”

“No... I can... I can save him.”Yun Ci raised the scalpel, but her hands could not help but tremble. Under her wet eyelashes, her pupils shook violently, filled with unease and helplessness.

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