The Truth of Magic

Chapter 627

627 100 gold coins for a powerful race template

seeing that everyone’s interest had been piqued, zhao xu got excited and started to analyze the situation. ” it’s basically a charging character summon card. Strength comes first, and Constitution comes second.

“What about agility?”

“Agility’s main attribute is to increase defense. In essence, because charge sacrifices defense, it will sacrifice too much. The subsequent resources are also sacrificed in exchange for an increase in attack power, so it’s easy to be wasted no matter how high the pile is.”

When he said this, Zhao Xu also felt a little helpless.

In fact, his explanation would be more useful when he could register his character.

At this point, even if everyone wanted to change their attributes, they were powerless to do so.

In the past, in the Arthur game forums, there were as many posts about the direction of character cards as the stars. If an ordinary person was prepared to pay attention to this topic, they would definitely be confused and not know where to start.

And most importantly, players were looking at the strength of their current classes from the height of level 1-5.

therefore, the concept of ‘barbarians are good, warriors are good, rogues are good, and mages are good’ was common in the early stages of the game.

It wasn’t until Level 6-9 characters appeared that everyone understood that sometimes, classes were also divided into early, middle, and late stages.

Any class that wanted to carry the entire game in the late game would definitely be easier to play as a soy sauce in the early game.

At the same time, there were many posts, but not many could vouch for it.

A post written casually could determine the future strength of a character.

And after transmigrating, no one had the right to re-register an account if they regretted it.

And so, Zhao Xu’s familiar voice spread out to every single cave. When the live broadcast started, countless people in the audience would remember what he said.

Even before he transmigrated, the consulting communications on earth were extremely advanced, and zhongxia had never livestreamed to explain the topic of swiping cards in person.

For a time, countless caves were in an uproar.

Those who were able to come here in this chaotic era were either guards in groups or teams with 30% of their strength who dared to come out and explore.

Compared to the commoners, they were more capable of achieving what Zhao Xu had just said. And in this world where 90% of the people were battle-type, the charge that Zhao Xu had just mentioned had a wide range of applications.

some people even made up their minds on the spot to take the charge style from now on, and even recommended it to their children’s relatives.

“Do you have a pen washi? Where’s the mage? Quickly note it down!”

don’t be silly. Now that the mages have been conscripted, who would waste their time to arrange for them to be here? ”

then why are you still standing there? take a sword and carve the key points on the soil. Didn’t you record it like this when you first transmigrated? it’s only been a few days.

For a time, every cave entrance that the undead creatures passed through fell into an extremely chaotic scene. One party sang while the other took the stage. Everyone was copying and looking forward to zhongxia’s next ” true inheritance “.

In the pitch-black cave, the space was small and the walls were hard. The bonfire was barely able to maintain its brightness.

there were more than ten pairs of expectant eyes sitting across from zhao xu. they were also struggling to find a way to record this in the open, but they just couldn’t bring themselves to do it.

Zhao Xu didn’t seem to mind this at all. He continued to say, ” even though I can’t change it now.

Other than reincarnation, wish, and racial rituals.

but we can still analyze the race selection. Among them, humans are the best. The race adjustment for elves is to lose 2 points of physique in exchange for 2 points of agility, which is not very meaningful for charging. The dwarf lost 2 charm and gained 2 Constitution. It seems like it’s a good deal, but short legs aren’t very suitable for the character of charge.”

as for the half-orcs and orcs, their strength-increasing characteristics are quite simple. Especially the orcs who can increase their strength by 4, which means that their back three measurements are all-2. The price is too high.

At this moment, a female wizard raised her hand and said, ” “Didn’t the orcs not choose to be in the range from the beginning?”

the players listening to the livestream outside the cave had the same thought. a few of them were even surprised.

Zhao Xu nodded. I did cross the icy Plains and received the blessings of the orc Empire’s shamans and even the God of War, successfully turning into an orc player. however, i’ve also heard of someone who became a stone race-goliath. this race has +4 strength +2 constitution, and their larger size also has a jump bonus.”

“The remaining ones are the winged people of the wilderness race. Their flying ability is also extremely good. Of course, if you don’t care about their appearance, there are centaurs and werecreatures.”

As Zhao Xu spoke, he started to feel that the atmosphere was a little strange.

Indeed, in the early stages of Arthur, most players chose from the other core races.

Unless it was a double elite account like Zhao Xu’s, there weren’t many subspecies or even other unpopular races among the seven major races.

However, this did not stop the humans from spreading to other races through the use of all kinds of magic, such as reincarnation spells and racial rituals.

It was rare for the topic of charging to be brought up, so Zhao Xu naturally wanted to take this opportunity to point out a race that was suitable for the charging style.

As soon as he finished speaking, the dozen or so people in the narrow cave seemed to hear the thoughts of countless people outside and asked directly, ” Mr. Zhongxia, these winged ones, centaurs, and werecreatures all sound strange. Do they have any key special abilities? ”

Zhao Xu looked at the bonfire in front of him that seemed to represent everyone’s hearts and was jumping around. He laughed and said, ” because they’re also connected to the main schools of charge. For example, the winged ones are more suited for the dive style, while Goliath is more suited for the jumping style.”

as for centaurs, just the race adjustment alone gives A +2, which is a level 1 Warrior Centaur. In terms of the difficulty of leveling up, it is equivalent to a level 3 human warrior.

For example, the ” perfect human ” that Zhao Xu had met before and had already taken in as his underling was like a character that was over level 10 when he leveled up. On one hand, it was because his template was really outstanding, and on the other hand, it would be difficult for him to level up in the future.

In fact, if someone were to kill it, the amount of life energy they could obtain would be similar to that of a monster over Level-10.

but it’s worth it to choose Centaur. Strength +8, agility +4, Constitution +4, intelligence-2, perception +2, and because of the Centaur characteristics, charging with a spear is like riding a spear, not weak at all. It’s the same as the werecreatures. Although the racial adjustment is also very high, the increase in strength is also very good.”

After hearing what Zhao Xu had to say, everyone suddenly felt as if they had been enlightened. They also realized that they had still underestimated the importance of power.

As for the audience outside, they all drew the key points on the ” dive flow ” and ” jumping flow “, each trying to figure out if there were any extremely critical elements in them.

At this moment, the young warrior MA Yufan said bitterly, ” big brother zhongxia, what you’ve just said is something we can’t touch. Even if there’s a chance to change our race in the future, I’m afraid no one wants to change.

To a normal person, what Zhao Xu was describing right now would probably be more suitable for an elf’s lifespan of a few hundred years.

In reality, when the players outside the cave heard what these races were saying, they were also shouting and cheering for Zhao Xu to quickly end the topic of races.

What they didn’t know was that Zhao Xu’s eyes were locked onto a single piece of content in his mind.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to release it.

It just so happened that he wanted to go to the ice Mountain range and meet the mysterious black Dragon. It would definitely be a good idea to use this method to form a powerful charging Army.

Not to mention, with every additional race, the God of the evil dragons, Tiamat, would have one more enemy.

Zhao Xu didn’t mind letting his ” potential ” enemy get some sand.

At this moment, he revealed a meaningful smile.

Under the illumination of the bonfire, he even seemed to be looking forward to it, which also raised everyone’s thoughts.

The people on the outside could only sense the solemn atmosphere from the deep breathing.

next, I’m going to mention the final treasure of this charge style’s ‘race chapter’. It’s also a means that will break the balance.

after we get out, I’ll provide this method in Yanan’s sphere of influence. We’ll volunteer to sign up for merit-based admission.

Although the target audience was only a dozen or so people, it was still okay. When he met the main force, these people would help him spread the content.

This meant that most of the forces in Yanan could hear the news.

This was the real reason why Zhao Xu wanted to advertise here.

seeing how zhao xu kept them in suspense, everyone’s already drooped hearts started to lift up again, and they looked at him with eager eyes.

” this is a way to adapt to the charging currents perfectly without abandoning the original race. or rather, it is a special race template. ”

once the transformation is successful, you will still be a human, but your life limit can be increased to more than 400 years.

“What is it?” The young man’s eyes shone with a strange light. The other players who had not chosen a long-lived race in the beginning also had bright eyes, as if they had found an extremely cheap way to extend their lives.

the price is 100 gold coins, and you only need to be from the good camp.

At this moment, Zhao Xu was already thinking about where the real bug in this template was.

Being able to inherit the original race attribute, like the Centaur’s 8 points, would not be lost. However, it could erase all racial characteristics. For example, the orcs would no longer be afraid of strong light and would not be dazzled under the sun.

As he thought about this, Zhao Xu ended the last bit of suspense.

“Bahamut’s summon.”

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