The Truth of Magic

Chapter 633

633 The past of earth, Who am I?

“You’re me?”

Zhao Xu couldn’t help but laugh. you don’t even dare to reveal your real body and you’re claiming to be me? ”

“I don’t remember splitting my consciousness into a body or anything like that.”

among arthur’s superpowers, there was no lack of means to split one’s own consciousness, especially psionic powers, which was one of the best.

Even arcane spells and divine spells had similar physical means.

It was not a strange thing in the world of Arthur to meet an identical version of himself one day. For example, there was a spell called ” clone ” in the level eight arcane spell.

It could create a lifeless clone of a living creature, and once the other party was killed, the soul would immediately be transferred to the clone. It was an alternative trigger-type ” disguised resurrection spell.

Another example was the level 7 ” simulacrum. this spell required a large amount of life energy and valuable rubies. It could create a replica of any creature made of ice and snow, showing part of the reality, but it could have half the level of the original creature.

So even if Zhao Xu was holding the gem of truth in his hand right now, he wouldn’t be surprised at all if he really ran into an existence that looked exactly like him.

” your history and development are very interesting. one of the lines,’wind from the void may not come without reason’, really touches my heart. ”

All of a sudden, the liches that were prostrating on the ground and leashed as if they were being leashed opened and closed their skeletal heads at the same time, making a similar sound.

It was a pity that Zhao Xu had already seen this kind of technique in the underground world. All sorts of fear and shock were no longer able to suppress him, much less affect his emotions.

However, after Zhao Xu thought about it for a while, he couldn’t help but sigh.

Before the players transmigrated, they had ‘divine protection’, so there was no risk of their consciousness being invaded.

After transmigrating, all the people on earth were in a desolate land, and there were not many who could cross the border.

Therefore, to a large extent, this meant that the other party had read the memories of the players below as soon as they came into contact with it. He had even understood it and used it.

Naturally, the entire Earth’s civilization was no secret to such an expert.

This was also the reason why earth had been suppressed in his previous life.

This was because what they knew, in a certain dimension, was no secret to these powerhouses who could control memories and consciousness.

If gunpowder and nitroglycerin could really be made into explosives in Arthur, then Arthur’s forces could quickly imitate them.

The Earth’s inherent weakness was that its secrets could not be guarded.

“Since I’m you, shouldn’t you obediently hand over your body and let me control it?”

The voice in the air had an amazing charm to it, and it made Zhao Xu feel that what the other party was saying made a lot of sense. It was as if it would be too much if he didn’t listen to it.

It had both magical and non-magical effects. It was purely the effect of a skill.

Zhao Xu immediately came to this conclusion.

“Leave it to me,”

“I know you still have a lot of things to do, but don’t you feel tired?”

“The integration and rise of the entire Earth’s forces involves so many people. Do you think you can handle it properly with your personality?”

there are a thousand people down there. After spending a long time with them, don’t you find it annoying to have to deal with their trivial matters every day? ”

Slowly, the volume and magnetism of the mysterious voice in the air gradually increased. It had a certain penetrating power that targeted one’s heart, as if it could tug at heartstrings.

“But it’s different if you leave it to me. As a former ruler, I can handle these things for you. When the entire Empire is done, I’ll pass the throne to you and let you enjoy the fruits of others “labor. Isn’t that good?”

In an instant, Zhao Xu’s entire body started to glow with a demonic red light. The outer layer of the light started to glow and pulsate like a living heart.

” look at them. they’ve given their bodies to me, and they’re all in their own sweet dreams, in the most ideal heaven. they don’t have to face this painful and torturous reality. ”

there’s no need to worry about the food for a family every day when I wake up. There’s no need to open my eyes and think about how to break out of this cave.

at this moment, most of the players below had a sweet look on their faces, as if they were with their first love and reliving their former campus.

It was as if they had been hit by a top-notch bewitching spell. None of them were spared. From their consciousness to their bodies, they were completely controlled.

But when Zhao Xu took a closer look, he realized that the smiles on these players ‘faces were simply too bright, and it even made him wonder if they had such happy memories in the first half of their lives.

That sweet memory even made people hesitate. It was not bad to sleep like this and pass the dream without them knowing.

Gradually, this sort of influence became stronger and stronger, and it started to sound in Zhao Xu’s mind like he was talking to himself. It was as if this voice was coming from the depths of his heart.

just as zhao xu’s stiff expression started to ease up, his eyelids started to feel a little tired, so he lowered them slightly and covered them.

In fact, after a minute, they could even see Zhao Xu snoring softly as he flew through the air.

Mr. Zhongxia, before you die, can you please hand me over to miss Antonya? ”

Suddenly, Zhao Xu’s item familiar, dream, who was wearing the cloak of stars behind him, said in a cold voice.

It instantly woke him up from his drowsy state.

Zhao Xu’s spirit suddenly lifted, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. What was this move? my will immunity is already close to level 40.

Without the difficulty of fifty to sixty steps, it was impossible to have any effect on him.

zhao xu even realized that if he were to take an exemption check, he would be able to use magic to fight back.

Mr. Zhongxia, this is beyond my understanding. I’m just an ordinary cloak that doesn’t want to be a shroud. Dream said coldly.

let me know when you need me to cast a spell. Otherwise, I’ll continue to remain silent.

Zhao Xu also laughed in his heart,”okay, thank you, Meng.”

He also realized that this method was similar to the sleeping spell. It could invade and control his consciousness without a trace, but the consequences were still obvious. He would be easily ” woken up.

Even if he had a ‘companion’ just now, he would have been able to wake up just like that if the other party had not been hit.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Xu had already managed to grasp a few hints of the other party’s meridian system.

At the same time, he looked at the void in front of him with a fighting spirit in his eyes.

With the burning torches below and the support of spells such as daylight, dancing light, and light, the structure of the cave was clearly visible.

“What you just said is no different from drowning yourself in alcohol.”

every day when I wake up, I think about running away from reality. I don’t want to face the difficult past in reality. I think about using alcohol and sleep to slow down my thoughts so that I won’t realize the pain in reality.

“I don’t want a life built with lies like this!”

Zhao Xu suddenly let out a loud and clear shout that was full of energy. It was like a high-pitched male voice that had just finished practicing. It resonated with his chest, and the wide square in the cave suddenly felt like it was about to ” explode “.

war spell-dawn.

It was a spell that Zhao Xu had used to wake up his companions who were under the old ghost woman’s control. After using his version of the spell during the war, the effective range of the spell had expanded from four meters to a hundred meters, and it easily covered all the players who were in a radial formation.

This sound, which was originally like the sound of dawn, was usually used to wake up the sleeping companions around them. When they were attacked at night, all of them could wake up at the same time, or it could be used to break the “sleep spell.

Of course, if Zhao Xu went over and shook them awake one by one, it would still be effective, but this was the efficiency of spells.

in an instant, the players below all frowned. it was as if they had been sleeping when they were suddenly woken up by a pool of urine. they wanted to continue snuggling in their warm blankets and not be forced by the cold air outside.

However, the pressure from her lower body forced her to wake up and quickly solve the problem.

However, just as Zhao Xu saw that everyone was in a state of confusion and clarity, his expression suddenly changed.

“Swift burst!”

zhao xu immediately cast this spell on himself.

Borrowing the power of time, picking at the future and destiny.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Xu had gained an extra set of time.

at the same time, his starry cloak, dream, was also preparing to cast healing minor injuries on him.

Casting a level 0 spell was also an ability that item-type companions would gain after they reached level 10. By using this ” healing minor injuries ” spell, they could awaken the level 2 spell ” medical knowledge ” that Zhao Xu had on him.

Activating ” conjuring (medical) ” would automatically remove the ” stun ” effect and avoid the subsequent punishment of Swift burst.

This was a contingency that Zhao Xu had prepared when he first entered the cave, but he didn’t expect that he would be able to use it only now.

And right now, these few precious seconds that couldn’t be bought with money were the precious ” thinking time ” that Zhao Xu had bought for himself.

Because he had already realized.

After executing “daybreak,” endless fatigue overwhelmed his sea of consciousness.

He was like a statue that had been hit by countless water bullets. Even if he was undamaged, he was still completely wet.

” demon king’s device “-dreamland!

Zhao Xu finally realized what was going on. He had been caught in the trap set up by the Infernal King.

He just didn’t expect that this Devil King device would be controlled by a powerful creature that could control liches.

Was there a need to?

Zhao Xu couldn’t help but shout in his heart.

he was only a level 10 mage, but the other party did not fight him head-on. instead, they went around in circles and used the power of the demon king’s installation to bully him.

In fact, he was even afraid that Duan Ling Tian would not fall into his trap, so he intentionally concealed the first wave of ” sleep ” energy. This allowed Duan Ling Tian to realize that ” wake ” could break other people’s sleeping state.

He didn’t know that this was the effect of the ‘Dream heaven’.

[ equivalent sleep ]!

Whoever stopped someone else’s dream would have to bear the corresponding dream punishment.

Even though Zhao Xu’s body was extremely resistant to the effects of the dream, he had no choice but to give in. He would be dragged into the dream in an instant and his consciousness would be restrained.

This was also the reason why Zhao Xu had activated Swift burst in such a hurry.

He needed to make the necessary preparations while his consciousness remained clear.

“Elastic magic ball!”

However, time did not stop. He took away the youth of his youth, leaving behind wrinkles on his face. He took away the beauty of a young girl, leaving only white in the mirror.

Zhao Xu didn’t have much time left, so he could only do this.

Steady his hand, he would first throw out a big defense and withstand a round before doing anything else.


Zhao Xu opened his eyes and found himself in a room that he was both familiar with and a little unfamiliar with.

It wasn’t Yanan’s room.

It was earth, in his room.

Of course, he threw the blanket away, sat up, and looked around.

The desk had been used for more than ten years. He only stopped writing and reading on it every day when he went to university. The soft bed under him was one to five meters long, and the mattress on it was still warm from being exposed to the sun.

Zhao Xu quietly touched his pocket and felt that familiar shape, so he immediately took it out.

His fingers swiped across the screen and a familiar background appeared. In an instant, a deeply engraved time frame appeared in front of Zhao Xu’s eyes-August!

According to July, when God was not around, when August arrived, all the people on earth had transmigrated to Arthur.

Was this a timeline that had not been transmigrated?

Zhao Xu was a little lost and confused. At the same time, he felt like he had forgotten something.

Zhao Xu quietly got out of bed and pushed open the door. Breakfast that was still warm was placed on the stone table. There were barbecued pork buns, deep-fried dough sticks, yogurt, and a note under it, telling him that his parents had already left and that he should eat his breakfast by himself. He also told him not to forget about his appointment with the psychologist in the afternoon.

Zhao Xu quietly picked up the bun and tore open the paper at the bottom. He wasn’t like his classmate who had been eating buns for more than ten years. When he got to University, he only realized that the paper didn’t need to be eaten after seeing other people eating buns.

With a bite, the tender meat juice of the barbecued pork sprayed out of his mouth. It was a clear and familiar taste.

This made him truly doubt himself.

He was wearing the eye of concealment, a magic item that could block detection and detect thoughts. No one could read his thoughts and memories.

Unless it was a God.

Only God.

Only then could he surpass the boundaries of magic and break through the possible and the impossible.

However, all of this was too real, making him feel as if it was only yesterday.

The next moment, Zhao Xu quietly put on his coat, but he felt a little uncomfortable. It was as if he didn’t usually wear this.

But Zhao Xu didn’t think too much about it and just took the elevator to the underground parking floor.

According to his memory, after he came back from his trip in July, his parents gave him a Corolla that cost more than 100000 Yuan to drive. They also wanted him to go out and relax every day.

It was easy to construct a room in a dream world, but the amount of calculation required to construct an entire world was no small matter.

That was why he needed to go out and see this, this huge world.

When Zhao Xu unbuckled his seat belt and was about to start the car, he suddenly froze.

Who am I?

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