The Two Hundred and Eighty Pound Fat Girl and Her Five Husbands

Chapter 298: The Collection of Corpses

Chapter 298

"Zaozao, it's not that there is no one to collect the bodies for them, but rather that no one dares to." Little Xibei said coldly.

"Why don't they dare?"

"Zaozao, do you know that the Female Emperor of Canglan Country used the lives of the entire Lan City to change her fate.

Do you also know, the Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country, although she didn't use a whole city's people to change her fate, she did something similar...

These two children are also puppets she used to change her fate. Once the children die, if anyone dares to touch their bodies, that person will not live to see the next day.

The reason for this is that those who would help collect the bodies of the children are mostly kind-hearted. And kind-hearted people have good karma.

And the good karma of kind-hearted people is what the Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country needs the most right now. She needs karma to change her impending death."

"Why are we able to touch the bodies of these two children now?"

"Zaozao, it's because you're here. Even if you don't do anything, just by being involved in this matter, the curse on these two children dissipates.

If you don't believe me, take a closer look at the bodies of these two children. They are disappearing."

Listening to Little Xibei's words, Lin Zaozao looked at the bodies on the ground. They were slowly disintegrating before her eyes.

Until finally, they disappeared without a trace.

"Little Xibei, are there more bodies like this ahead?"

"Yes, a lot more. Zaozao, do you want to put them down?"

"Yes! Didn't you say that as long as I'm here, the curse set by the Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country will disappear?

If that's the case, I'll help out and let these hanging children be released sooner!

They have suffered too much in life, I can't let them endure exposure even in death."

Looking at the bodies of the children hanging from the trees, Lin Zaozao also abandoned the carriage and walked towards the front.

Just as Little Xibei said, along the way, she encountered many bodies of children hanging from trees.

Among these children's bodies, there were even a dozen or so girls.

Thinking of how few women there were in Fengshuo Country, the Female Emperor's heinous actions, is there really no one to stop her?

"Little Xibei, why are there still girls' bodies?"

"Zaozao, this is a form of sacrifice. The rarer the offering in sacrifice, the greater the reward.

The Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country wanted to change her fate, so she only sacrificed some boys, which couldn't change her fate.

And in this world, the most precious thing is these extremely rare girls."

"Little Xibei, although the Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country is above all. But in Fengshuo Country, is there really no one who can stop her?"

"Zaozao, it's not that no one can stop her. It's because everyone who could stop her has been killed by the Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country. It's a pity, all those people were good officials who cared for the people."

Seeing Little Xibei's deep sighs, Lin Zaozao looked at his face and asked, "What about you, Little Xibei? Can't you intervene?"

"Zaozao, what's on me and the Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country are in balance. It's not that I don't save people, but my speed of saving people simply can't keep up with her speed of harming them."

The children hanging here are the evil deeds she did while I was exhausted. Early on, if you weren't here today, even I wouldn't dare to easily touch these children's bodies.

Even if I won't die, my luck will be ruined. Early on, once my luck on this cold night is ruined by someone, then we will no longer be a match for the Female Emperor of Fengshuo.

In this respect, the Female Emperor of Fengshuo is much smarter than the Female Emperor of Canglan."

Listening to Little Xibei's words, Lin Zaozao only felt a lump in her heart.

So on the following journey, Lin Zaozao didn't let others touch these dried corpses, but personally took them down from the trees.

Before crossing over, if she encountered a dead person, she would be scared to faint.

But now, as she took down the bodies of the children one by one from the trees, there was no fear in her heart.

Only a sense of heaviness.

The dried bodies of the children, the oldest not exceeding ten years old. After their bodies were dried by the wind, they probably weighed only around ten pounds.

Without exception, every child's expression at the moment of death was painful and desperate.

Children who hadn't grown up yet, hadn't seen the outside world, were used as sacrificial tools because of others' sins.

Even in death, they couldn't rest in peace.

Continuing forward, Lin Zaozao took down those dried corpses one by one. In this heavy and oppressive journey, until she reached the capital of Fengshuo Country - Xi City.

Xi City, such a bright and sunny name.

But outside Xi City, there were so many children's resentful souls.

Just as Lin Zaozao stared blankly at the tall Xi City in front of her, Uncle Zhang and his men walked out from the city gate.


Looking at Uncle Zhang's old face, Lin Zaozao pursed her lips and felt like crying instinctively.

Seeing Lin Zaozao's red eyes, Uncle Zhang immediately became anxious.

"Girl, what's wrong? Who bullied you?"

"Uncle Zhang, I'm not happy, I feel uncomfortable inside. Where is the Female Emperor of Fengshuo? I want to kill her now."

After hearing Lin Zaozao's words, Uncle Zhang turned Lin Zaozao's body to the side and made eye contact with Little Xibei.

Seeing the look Little Xibei cast over, he understood why Lin Zaozao was so upset.

Not to mention her being a young girl, even he was incredulous when he saw the bodies of the children hanging on the official road.

Unfortunately, although he was a Ming Priest, he didn't dare to touch those bodies.

He could only let those children's bodies be used as sacrificial offerings and hung under the big tree.

Presumably, his girl was upset when she saw those children's bodies.


"Uncle, where is that old woman, the Female Emperor of Fengshuo!"

Looking at the people standing at the city gate, all of whom she recognized, Nan Yu, Nan Yin, Lvzhi, Princess Qianyue...

Glancing indifferently at them, Lin Zaozao turned to Uncle Zhang and asked again.

"Uncle Zhang, where is that old woman, the Female Emperor of Fengshuo!"

"Girl, she is trapped in the palace. We don't know what method she used, we simply can't break in."

"Uncle Zhang, take me to see her!"


Following Uncle Zhang through the tall city gate, when Lin Zaozao caught sight of Xi City, she couldn't help but stop in her tracks.

This is...

"What's wrong, girl?"

"Nothing, Uncle. Let's keep going!"

As she walked with Uncle Zhang, Lin Zaozao discreetly observed the familiar surroundings of the streets.

All these things were only seen in modern times, yet she could see them everywhere in Xi City.

Or rather, the things in Xi City were more advanced than those in Han Country. It was not difficult to see that the Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country might have crossed over.

With doubts in her heart, Lin Zaozao, while observing, followed Uncle Zhang to the city wall of Fengshuo Country.

Looking at the towering city wall in front of her, Lin Zaozao felt like the magnificent palace resembled a great building from her past life.

Looking at this city wall, Lin Zaozao was more convinced that the Female Emperor of Fengshuo was likely from the same place as her.

But could people living in her era really do such despicable things as sacrificing children?

Could people educated in such peaceful times really turn into their current state after crossing over?

As Lin Zaozao scanned the closed palace gates once again, when she tried to move forward, she was stopped by Princess Qianyue and Lvzhi.

"Your Majesty Mingzhu, it seems like there is an invisible barrier around the city wall. We've tried many times but couldn't get in."

"Is that so? Let me try if I can get in."

But before Lin Zaozao could step forward, she was held back by Gu Shan.

"Zaozao, you can't go in alone. It's too dangerous, I can't let you."

"Gu Shan, let me try first. I don't know if I can get in!"

After comforting Gu Shan and the hesitant Ji Fantian, Ye Yi, and others, Lin Zaozao took the lead and walked towards the closed gate.

Walking up to the gate, Lin Zaozao reached out to test and didn't feel any obstruction.

So she gathered her courage and took two more steps forward. And in this way of testing, until Lin Zaozao reached the huge palace gate and pushed it with force.

As soon as Lin Zaozao placed her hand on it, the massive and heavy gate was easily pushed open by her.

When the gate opened, a dazzling sunlight shone directly into Lin Zaozao's eyes.

In the glaring sunlight, Lin Zaozao instinctively closed her eyes. But when she opened them again, what did she see?

It was a huge globe made of stone!

Now she was sure that the Female Emperor of Fengshuo, that old woman, must have crossed over.

During her time at the border city, she had brief contact with the Female Emperor of Fengshuo. How did she not realize back then that the Female Emperor was also a crosser?

Facing the glaring sunlight, as Lin Zaozao was about to enter the gate, she was attracted by a sound of impact behind her.

She saw her men rushing towards her as if they didn't care about their lives, but every effort they made was blocked by an invisible wall.

Lin Zaozao watched as Gu Shan desperately smashed his fist against the invisible wall, shouting her name frantically.

"Zaozao, don't go in! Come back! Please come back!"

"Zaozao, it's too dangerous inside, don't go in alone."

"Zaozao, let me think of a way, I will find a way to go in with you."



Lin Zaozao looked at her companions shouting desperately at her, feeling a pang of guilt and immediately turned back.

Damn it, as important as it was to defeat the Female Emperor of Fengshuo Country, compared to her companions, she was just a speck of dust!

Moreover, all her companions were pregnant, and pregnant men couldn't afford too much emotional turmoil or the slightest hint of stimulation.

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