The Two Hundred and Eighty Pound Fat Girl and Her Five Husbands

Chapter 325: The Name of the Little Wolf Cub

Chapter 325

Hearing Lin Zaozao's gloomy voice, the two little wolf cubs hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Since you two have agreed, then I'll give you both names now...

Ahem ahem..."

Lin Zaozao cleared her throat and said solemnly to the two trembling little wolf cubs.

"You two are fierce wolf cubs, so your names must be fierce as well, only then can they match your fierce identities.

Let's do this, from now on, the black wolf cub will be called Qian Duoduo, and the white one will be called Mi Duoduo.

With money and rice, I will never fear hunger again. How's that? Don't the names big sister gave you sound nice?"



"Since they're nice, then I'll call your names. You must answer, remember!

Qian Duoduo! Mi Duoduo! Line up and report."



"Aiya! My two good boys! Your old mother loves you both! Now that your old mother has money and rice, I'll never go hungry again.

Remember, you two must wish me great fortune, great wealth, and an abundant harvest!"

Watching the two little wolf cubs crouching in front of her and wagging their tails, Lin Zaozao immediately became delighted.


Before she was transported to this world, her ill-fated younger brother Lin Luoluo wouldn't even let her keep a small dog, saying they lacked dignity and weren't worthy of being kept by her.

But now, she could keep two little wolf cubs at once. Now, that guy Lin Luoluo couldn't control her anymore!

As Lin Zaozao hugged Qian Duoduo and Mi Duoduo and laughed, tears uncontrollably streamed down her face.

She missed home!

Lin Luoluo, she's hugging two little wolf cubs now! Why don't you come and control me?

"Master, why are you crying?"

"Qian Duoduo, Mi Duoduo, I'm hungry. Young Master Ruo Qiu must have sent delicious food into the palace, let's have Uncle Zhang make us something good to eat."

"Yes, we want to eat meat!"

"There's no meat, but all the bones are yours."

Lin Zaozao put the two little wolf cubs down and walked towards the dining area. As Lin Zaozao approached the dining hall where Uncle Zhang was, she smelled the aroma of braised meat.

Just smelling that scent made Lin Zaozao feel so hungry!

"Qian Duoduo, Mi Duoduo, let's go gnaw on some bones."

With her short little legs, Lin Zaozao walked into the dining hall. As soon as she entered, Lin Zaozao discovered that the usually almost empty dining hall was now crowded with many people.

Everyone formed a circle, staring eagerly at the open space in the center.

"Uncle, is it ready yet?"

Dashan's kind voice came from the crowd.

"Don't rush, let it braise a bit longer."

"Uncle Zhang, can I have a taste to see if it's done?"

"Young Master Han Xibei, wait a bit more, it'll be done soon."

Then the sound of a ladle stirring meat in a pot could be heard. Along with Uncle Zhang's stirring, Lin Zaozao, standing behind the crowd, clearly heard the sound of people swallowing saliva.

It must have been so long since these palace residents had eaten meat.

"Alright, it's done. Hey hey hey! Don't move. Leave half to distribute to the commoners outside, leave a bowl for the young lady, and send some to the King and the Grand Priest, then we can eat what's left."

"But Uncle Zhang, there's not much meat to begin with, if you divide it like that, there won't be any left for us."

Han Xibei stared at the braised meat in the pot, pitifully swallowing his saliva as he spoke.

"How can there be none left? There will be enough for each of us to have a piece and taste it. Besides, if it weren't for that young lady Lin Zaozao, we wouldn't even smell a hint of meat."

As Uncle Zhang spoke, he swiftly scooped the meat into bowls.

"Dashan, put this bowl of meat in the cabinet. Remember, don't sneak and eat it. Look how thin the young Grand Priest has become.

When I hugged her, she was so light. Feeling her bones, I felt so pained."

"Uncle, I would never steal the Grand Priest's food."

Dashan held the braised meat in his hands, swallowed his saliva, took a deep breath, and turned to walk into the room.

As Dashan turned, his gaze met Lin Zaozao's, who was standing outside the crowd.

"Grand Priest, you came at the perfect time. This is the meat Uncle braised, doesn't it smell delicious?"

One hand holding the meat and the other holding Lin Zaozao's hand, Dashan led her to the small table where she usually ate.

"Dashan, what about you? Will you get to eat any?"

"Of course! Young Master Ruo Qiu sent fifty pounds of pork, along with some chickens and ducks. Uncle is raising the chickens and ducks, and braised the pork. Grand Priest, have a taste, it's so fragrant."

Dashan placed the meat on the table, took out a bowl of noodles from the cupboard, and happily said to Lin Zaozao.

"Dashan, get a bowl and sit down to eat with me."

"Grand Priest, you eat, I'll go eat outside. These noodles were specially made for you by Uncle, hurry and eat before they get cold."

After speaking, Dashan quickly ran outside. As Dashan reached the outside, his urgent voice could be heard.

"Uncle, give me some more meat broth."

"There's none left, the broth is for Young Master Han Ye to eat. Look how thin he's become."

"Uncle Zhang, can you spare some for me too? I want to eat it as well."

"Young Master Han Xibei, I've already given you a portion. There are so many people in line, share it with them." "Alright then!"

Listening to the laughter from outside, Lin Zaozao turned to look at the large bowl of braised meat in front of her, filled to the brim.

Fat and glistening, the aroma wafting from it was incredibly fragrant.

Smelling the braised meat, Lin Zaozao fed a piece each to the eagerly waiting Qian Duoduo and Mi Duoduo crouched in front of her, then after eating two more pieces with the noodles, she stopped.

Firstly, her current body was small, so she couldn't eat much. Secondly, she didn't want to eat alone while Dashan and the others were fighting over just a sip of meat broth.

Carefully holding the bowl, Lin Zaozao slowly walked outside. As soon as she stepped out, she saw the palace servants who were rarely seen squatting on the ground, eating their food ravenously.

At a glance, their bowls contained only wild vegetables and a porridge made from flour. However, since meat broth was added to the porridge, they ate it with particular relish.

Thinking about how Han Ye had said he spent most of Han Country's income on the military, how good he was to the army and the people, yet how stingy he was towards himself.

This boy not even ten years old, he was destined to become a great ruler. Lin Zaozao asked herself honestly and realized that she could never reach Han Ye's level.

"Zhuzhu, why did you come out? Did you not have enough to eat? Uncle Zhang left some for you."

Han Ye put down his bowl and chopsticks and hurried over to Lin Zaozao.

"Brother Han Ye, I've had enough to eat."

Lin Zaozao handed her bowl to Han Ye.

"Zhuzhu, keep it for yourself. We were able to have meat today because of your blessing, we can't be too greedy.

If you can't finish it, just leave it and eat it when you're hungry again. The weather isn't too hot now, so it can last for a while."

Han Ye took the bowl from Lin Zaozao and was about to put it in the kitchen cabinet reserved for her.

"Brother Han Ye, Young Master Ruo Qiu will send more food tomorrow.

You should give the leftovers to Qian Duoduo and Mi Duoduo!

If it goes bad, that would be a waste."

"Zhuzhu, if you can't eat it, then feed it to your two wolf cubs. It's yours, so even if you don't want to eat it, don't just give it to us for free.

Zhuzhu, people are selfish by nature. We may be grateful for your gift once. But if you keep giving, over time we'll come to see your gifts as something we're entitled to.

So Zhuzhu, when you want to help others, you must protect yourself first, understand?"

Looking into Han Ye's sincere eyes, Lin Zaozao nodded after a while and said softly:

"But Brother Han Ye, I heard that I'm the future Grand Priest of Han Country. Isn't my duty to make sacrifices for Han Country?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Han Ye raised his voice abruptly, causing those eating in the courtyard to suddenly stop.

Ignoring their strange looks, Han Ye grabbed Lin Zaozao's arm firmly and said seriously:

"Zhuzhu, Han Country needs a qualified and intelligent ruler, not a newborn baby to be turned into a sacrifice for the mighty Han Country.

I'm still young with limited ability, but I will keep working hard. Zhuzhu, as long as I can govern Han Country well, I will never need you to make any sacrifices for Han Country.

Zhuzhu, only an incompetent ruler would place all their hope on a young and innocent child.

So Zhuzhu, just keep the title of Han Country's Grand Priest, grow up happily and be a joyful little girl.

I don't believe that with my abilities, I can't make Han Country the greatest of the three countries again."

Han Ye's words shocked Lin Zaozao, and she couldn't help but choke up. Since ancient times, whenever a country faced disaster or war, those in power would instinctively blame innocent women.

For the sake of peace, the ones who ended up sacrificed were always innocent women.

And this boy who had not yet grown up was using the most direct way to protect her.

"Zhuzhu, tell me, have you had enough to eat?"

"I've had enough," Lin Zaozao replied with a pouting mouth.

"What about your two wolf cubs? Have they had enough?"

"I gave them each a piece, but I didn't ask if they were full."

"Then ask them now."

Listening to Han Ye, Lin Zaozao turned to look at the two wolf cubs lying at her feet and asked in a muffled voice:

"Qian Duoduo, Mi Duoduo, have you two had enough to eat?"



The two wolf cubs answered Lin Zaozao with a whimper.

"Brother Han Ye, they said they haven't."

"Zhuzhu, you can understand what they're saying?"


"Then do you feel unwell anywhere?"

Han Ye asked anxiously as he held her hand.

"No, I'm fine."

Lin Zaozao stretched out both hands, allowing Han Ye to examine them.

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