The Two Hundred and Eighty Pound Fat Girl and Her Five Husbands

Chapter 77: It’s a Pity

Chapter 77

Having made up her mind, Lin Zaozao looked at her two younger adopted brothers who were eating green fruit and salivating. She asked, "Lin Wuwu, Lin Wanwan, which one of you can cook? I want to change to a new cook."

Hearing Lin Zaozao's voice, Lin Wuwu and Lin Wanwan quickly put down the green fruit in their hands. They walked up to Lin Zaozao and started gesturing wildly.

"What do their gestures mean?"

Lin Zaozao looked past their bodies and asked Murong Hai for help, "What are they saying?"

"They're saying they can only roast meat and don't know how to cook anything else," Murong Hai replied.

As soon as his words fell, Xiao Taohua deliberately twisted and turned as he coyly said, "Since someone doesn't want me as their cook anymore, I might as well leave now! It would keep me from offending their eyes."

Having said that, Xiao Taohua threw down the green fruit in his hand and turned to leave. Seeing Xiao Taohua's angry look, Lin Zaozao immediately put on a grinning face. She hurriedly went up and grabbed Xiao Taohua.

"Xiao Taohua, how could you, the father of my child, abandon your wife and child like this! If you dare leave me, you'll surely be struck by heavenly thunder."

"Lin Zaozao, you know clearly in your heart whether it's a child or fat in your belly.

Also, I just remembered after cooking that even though you and I consummated our marriage, how come my clothes are still neatly worn on my body? I don't believe that given your lustfulness, you didn't rip my clothes off!" Xiao Taohua retorted.

Hearing Xiao Taohua's interrogation, Lin Zaozao answered shamelessly, "Xiao Taohua, I'm lustful but I'm also a caring wife!

I was gentle with you last night because it was your first time. Otherwise, given your petite physique, would you have been able to get out of bed now?"

Hearing Lin Zaozao's unreasonable voice, Xiao Taohua was at a loss for words for a moment.

He had underestimated the shamelessness of this fat girl. Looking at Lin Zaozao with some disgust, Xiao Taohua turned to walk outside.

He didn't believe that if he left, the fat girl could find another cook as good-looking as him.

"Xiao Taohua, your injuries are still very serious. If you leave now and die halfway, don't blame me when you become a resentful ghost!" Lin Zaozao said in a slightly threatening tone.

Her words made Xiao Taohua halt his footsteps. She was right that his injuries were heavy. If he really left now, he might really die halfway.

Thinking of this, Xiao Taohua immediately changed his attitude. He turned around, went to Lin Zaozao's side and obsequiously said, "Zaozao~"

"Yes? My cook, father of my child, not leaving anymore?"

"I won't leave. My wife and child are here! How could I do something so heartless as to leave?" Xiao Taohua said as he pulled Lin Zaozao to sit on a chair and diligently massaged her shoulders.

"Father of my child!" Lin Zaozao called out.

"Here!" Xiao Taohua immediately responded.

"I'm carrying a girl and I want spicy food. Go make it again for me. And eat up all the fruit on the table for me."

Having said that, Lin Zaozao turned around, stood up, and crooked her finger at Xiao Taohua. When Xiao Taohua lowered his head in front of her, Lin Zaozao's eyes changed as she viciously grabbed his ear.

"Xiao Taohua, cook properly. If you dare mess with me about cooking again, I'll do you again tonight no matter how many seconds it takes."

After speaking, Lin Zaozao arrogantly walked to her room.

Geez! She needed water, her teeth were almost corroded by the acidity.

But when Lin Zaozao had just entered her room, she saw two dogs lying on her bed. Her eyes nearly spat fire from anger.

"You little puppies, I don't care if you get on my bed, but why did you have to bite my sheets! Damn, so many holes, they're useless now."

As she spoke, Lin Zaozao carried one puppy in each hand, about to throw them outside.

"You little puppies, you bit one of my chickens to death this morning, and now you've bitten my sheets. If I, Lin Zaozao, can still tolerate you, then I'll take your surname!"

The twisting faces of Murong Hai and the others eating fruit stiffened as they saw the two "puppies" carried out by Lin Zaozao. Their gazes all fell on Lin Wuwu and Lin Wanwan.

They really hadn't expected these two kids to have caught the wolf king's little wolf cubs for Lin Zaozao.

But before Lin Zaozao could throw the little puppies out, Lin Wuwu and Lin Wanwan quickly took them from Lin Zaozao's hands. Then they looked at her pitifully with their golden-blue heterochromia eyes, as if they would cry if she didn't let them raise the puppies.

Faced with such pitiful gazes, the anger in Lin Zaozao's heart instantly disappeared.

She was the older sister. The two children lacked love since they were young. It was normal for them to want to raise a little puppy now.

"Fine, fine! Raise them if you want! But let me tell you first, if you want to raise puppies, you have to train them properly. First, don't let them randomly bite chickens or people.

Also, don't let them on my bed or bite my clothes and sheets. Understood?"

Lin Wuwu and Lin Wanwan nodded seriously while holding the puppies.

"Alright, take the puppies and leave! Let me go see if my sheets are still usable.

Oh right! Weren't Zhao Yingmei and the Village Chief supposed to come over today? How come they aren't here yet?" Lin Zaozao muttered to herself as she looked up at the high sun.

Speak of the devil.

As soon as Lin Zaozao's voice fell, Zhao Yingmei and her husbands appeared, following behind the old Village Chief to Lin Zaozao's yard.

"Little Lin!"

"Village Chief, please come in!"

After Lin Zaozao welcomed the Village Chief to sit on a chair, she saw Zhao Yingmei and her husbands crowded behind the old man like quails.

She, Lin Zaozao, had engaged in legitimate trade with Zhao Yingmei. Zhao Yingmei's current cringing made Lin Zaozao look like some rogue rascal.

"Zhao Yingmei, did you get the deed prepared? Can we trade now?"

"It's done. Here's the deed, already registered with the government office. From now on, my old house belongs to you," Zhao Yingmei said.

"Good, Sister Zhao is indeed straightforward."

Lin Zaozao took the deed from Zhao Yingmei, smiling so widely her eyes were nearly slits.

After putting away the deed, Lin Zaozao went back to her room, squatted in a corner, and started digging up her private savings.

Worried that others might know about her private savings, she had dug several holes in her room and hidden her silver in them separately.

Now was the perfect time to use money!

She could soon get a new house that didn't leak rain.

Lin Zaozao first dug a hole and counted the gold inside, less than ten taels. So she turned and started digging the second money hole.

Just as Lin Zaozao finished digging the hole, the sound behind alerted her that someone had entered her room.

Lin Zaozao looked back and saw it was Ye Yi.

When Lin Zaozao's and Ye Yi's eyes met, she clearly saw surprise in his eyes followed by laughter.

"Ye Yi, quickly lower the grass curtain for me."

Lin Zaozao stood up, pulled Ye Yi to her side, and started counting the gold hidden in the hole.

After counting, worried she might have miscounted, Lin Zaozao placed the gold in Ye Yi's hand and said, "Ye Yi, count for me again and see if it's exactly ten taels of gold?"

Ye Yi looked at the gold covered in mud in his hand, then swept his gaze over the two big holes in Lin Zaozao's room.

His eyes were full of laughter.

This fat girl Lin Zaozao was pretty good at hiding money. Who could have thought there was so much gold buried underground in a room without even a door?

"Ye Yi, don't look at me! Count whether there are enough ten taels of gold in your hand."

Ye Yi quickly glanced down and nodded at Lin Zaozao.

"Is it exactly ten taels of gold?"

Ye Yi nodded.

"Fine, as long as there's enough."

After saying that, Lin Zaozao wrapped up the remaining gold in the tattered cloth again, buried the cloth well, then got up and stomped on it several more times.

"Ye Yi, this is my private savings. Now only you know about it. If one day I find some of the money missing, I'm only going to come looking for you, got it?"

Seeing Lin Zaozao's deliberately fierce look, Ye Yi nodded with a smile.

"Alright, since there's enough money, let's go out! We can't keep the Village Chief waiting too long."

After saying that, Lin Zaozao took Ye Yi's hand and walked out the door.

However, when going out, Ye Yi glanced at the slightly uneven ground, and a hint of a smile flashed in his eyes.

The little fatty's private savings!

Stepping out the door, Lin Zaozao stuffed all the gold that was still covered in dirt into Zhao Yingmei's hands, telling her to count it.

"Zhao Yingmei, count it in front of the Village Chief. If it's short now I'll make up the difference, but if you say it's short later I won't acknowledge it. Got it?"

Facing Lin Zaozao's serious gaze, Zhao Yingmei could only roughly count it. But when she saw the dirt on the gold, she looked at Lin Zaozao in surprise.

Did this little chubby Lin Xiaohua bury the money underground? Otherwise, where did all that dirt on the gold come from?

Seeing Zhao Yingmei's gaze, Lin Zaozao instantly felt a crisis about her private savings.

It seems she was careless. She should have washed the gold before taking it out. Now it's great, her private savings were about to be exposed.

"Lin Zaozao, there's enough gold here. This is the key to the old house, I'm giving it to you now."

Taking the key Zhao Yingmei handed over, Lin Zaozao's eyes were practically shining.

Wow! Before transmigrating, she, Lin Zaozao, was destitute.

No car, no house, no savings.

Although she didn't have a car now, she owned a house now. She, Lin Zaozao, was now one of the propertied class.

Thinking of this, Lin Zaozao smiled so wide her eyes almost disappeared.

"Lin Zaozao, we've already cleaned the old house, and I don't want the furniture inside either, it's all yours now."

Hearing Zhao Yingmei's words, Lin Zaozao asked doubtfully,

"Is there a lot of furniture in the old house?"

"Not a lot, and it's all old styles. Although the styles are outdated, at the time the furniture was made we used good quality wood. So if you don't mind the outdated styles, it's perfectly fine to keep using them yourself."

"Then thank you."

After saying that, Lin Zaozao put her chubby hand on Ye Yi's waist, groping and squeezing.

Zaozao's bold actions made Ye Yi subconsciously want to dodge to the side, but he was pulled back by Lin Zaozao.

"Ye Yi, lend me some silver, I'll pay you back later."

Hearing Lin Zaozao's words, Ye Yi finally understood that this chubby Lin Zaozao wanted to grab his money pouch at his waist.

Opening Ye Yi's money pouch, Lin Zaozao carefully counted, there were only two taels of silver. She looked up at Ye Yi's exotic face and sighed to herself.

Such a good looking man, just because he couldn't speak he had to wrong himself by staying with her. It really was a pity for him.

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