The Type Specialist

Chapter 228

The sheer, horrific majesty of what floated before us was hard to put into words. Bright blue light bloomed off of Lunala’s exposed wings, and the blackened armor that was once Necrozma somehow managed to stand out from within the absolute darkness around us. There was an aura to it—an almost white outline—that allowed it to remain visible despite the removal of all other light in the area.

Lunala was gone, utterly consumed by Necrozma’s control. In its place, Necrozma Dawn Wings remained. Nebby, a Solgaleo in his own right, was prey for this monster of a creature. If it got its claws on him, they would fuse, and then the true form of Necrozma would come to be.

We could not let that happen. Despite being a winnable battle in the games, Ultra Necrozma would be an unbeatable doom for all of Alola.

So, I barked out commands while Nebby drew Necrozma’s attention while running to the side.

“Weakened Pokémon to the back! Bring away everyone you can, Aether and Ultra Beast included! Everyone else, fight! Don’t let Necrozma lay its hands on Solgaleo!”

Movement. Everyone who was still conscious jumped into action. Most members of the Aether Foundation had fallen to the ground, but they were now in a desperate scramble back to their feet. Gladion and Wally, whose Pokémon had either taken a lot of damage or had exhausted themselves through Mega Evolution, hopped back to escort those people away. Meanwhile, Anabel joined them, as she had a team of Psychic Types that could almost all use Teleport. Through her team’s power, both Lusamine and Faba disappeared, and around us, the Ultra Beasts that had lingered nearby were in the process of fleeing as fast as they could.

Everyone else began to fight.

Nebby charged, dashing to the left to circle around the Dawn Wings Necrozma, which hovered at the back of the temple. The floating Legendary Pokémon brought its wings together to conjure a sphere of shifting shadows that broke open like an egg and released a pressurized stream of shadows. The move, Moongeist Beam, should have been exclusively Lunala’s, but with Necrozma possessing it, it forced out the attack and tore a long gouge that chased after Nebby.

My four flying Pokémon moved to my side to let me manage my team. I returned Ribombee and Togekiss and sent out Florges and Carbink to replace them. Anything more than that number of Pokémon would be too hard to command, so I chose these two as they were defensive powerhouses. Altaria and Whimsicott could serve as offense and support respectively.

“Focus on weakening it! It’s too strong to fall to direct attacks!” I shouted.

My shout shaped the battle to come. Trainers adjusted their own commands.

Hope tossed forward her Cherrim, and Lillie sent out her Shiinotic. Together, a cloud of Stun Spore entered the air, pushed forward thanks to a fast-paced Fairy Wind sent out by Florges. That mass of debilitating dust rapidly approached Necrozma, but the exposed portions of Lunala seared with a brilliant blue light that burned away the moves. Though, doing so created an opening that Ash took advantage of.

“Thunder Wave!”

Pikachu’s move pierced through the rapidly dissipating cloud to strike Necrozma dead-on. The attack wasn’t a damaging move, but it did have the potential to paralyze. Yet, this move that would have worked against any other Pokémon failed against this Legendary boss. Necrozma simply pushed through and remained unaffected.

However, one attack did seem to land, and it was one I hadn’t expected to be used at all in this battle.


The Thunder Wave might not have paralyzed it, but Elio’s shout at least managed to hinder our foe. A second Moongeist Beam that Necrozma had been building fell apart as its masked head snapped towards where Incineroar taunted it. Torment tricked Necrozma into not using the same, successive moves.

“Attack, Nebby!” Lillie then shouted.

Nebby emerged from nearby darkness, feet blurring over the ground. He ran right up to the floating Necrozma, skidded to a halt, then released all tension in his body in a meteoric lunge.

Necrozma screamed. Nebby slammed into it with the force of a falling star.

The impact sent Necrozma tumbling backwards, the full-powered Sunsteel Strike bashing it out of the air. Wings slammed into the ground, dirt and stone flew off the edges of the Altar, and a burst of wind rushed past us from the sheer power of the strike.

“We’re almost done bringing everyone out!” Anabel shouted. “Guzma is escorting everyone below away!”

I would have commented on my surprise about how fast they had worked, but a Legendary Pokémon as strong as Necrozma was the perfect motivator to get people to run away. While I couldn’t see more than maybe a foot away from me in this darkness, I could hear the footsteps of many Aether Foundation members rushing down the stairs. Thankfully, the Dawn Wings Necrozma seemed focused on the threats around it, so anyone not actively fighting seemed to be safe. For now, at least.

“Alright Anabel,” I said loud enough in hopes she would hear, “listen carefully, because I need you to do something important. Your Pokémon can Teleport, so I need you to go to each island and collect the Kahuna there. Bring all of them here, alongside the four Tapus. They’re going to be our victory condition for this fight.”

“Got it,” her voice echoed out a few feet away. “Be careful. Make sure you—”

She was interrupted by the sound of cracking stone. One of Necrozma’s wings pressed down on a stone path and shattered it as it pushed back into the sky. The Pokémon hung above us like a glowing moon, and its sets of red eyes glowed with anger.

Anabel went silent, and I took that as she disappeared. Likely, all of her Psychic Types had left to help with the exact task I requested. The only Pokémon left that was actively bringing people away was Wally’s Gallade, who was bringing the sparse few stragglers off of this raised platform.

It was now just us here, with Gladion and Wally positioning themselves to assist with the rest of the fight. While Gallade was busy, Wally’s Flygon could assist, and he sent out his Magnezone to aid the battle, too.

“Be careful, everyone,” I said. “I think this has only been a warm-up for Necrozma so far.”

My words proved true when the Necrozma pulled its wings in and spun in the air. The blackened armor of Necrozma’s original body tinted white before glimmering with every color of the rainbow. It would have been beautiful if it didn’t represent such a deadly threat. Recognizing the move, I shouted.


A second later, the attack was released, exploding against the ground where we had all just been standing moments before.

This attack had been no mere Moongeist Beam; it was significantly more powerful. Necrozma had poured an insane amount of energy into the move, necessitating a recharge, but this Prismatic Laser was strong enough to pierce right through the edge of this rooftop and send chunks of it shattering below.

The earth shook both from the laser’s impact and from the rubble hitting the ground below. The Legendary Pokémon flew up even higher in the air, and a remnant glow made it that much brighter than before.

“Grassy Terrain,” I whispered, giving a quiet command to Florges.

A pulse of green covered the field to provide passive healing to the Pokémon still on the ground. As everyone positioned themselves while Necrozma recovered, Carbink sat next to me and repeatedly used defensive moves to ready themselves for the upcoming, resumed fight. The other trainers had their Pokémon do the same. The relative silence told me everyone else had finally managed to get away.

Then, Necrozma continued its attack.

It rushed forward, moving far faster than a Pokémon of its size should have been able to, homing in on where Nebby stood on the ground. It angled a wing to slice with a Psycho Cut, but a back-to-back Ally Switch from Florges replaced Nebby with Elio’s Incineroar.

The Pokémon was struck, but the attack was purely physical as Incineroar’s Dark Type rendered it immune to damaging Psychic Type energy. From behind, Flygon swooped in to rend a Dragon Claw across Necrozma’s back, and Incineroar grabbed onto Necrozma’s arm to unleash a Flamethrower from its flaming belt.

A Power Gem burst out of the armor and knocked Incineroar off. Ally Switch saved it from the fall, and Florges replaced herself with Wally’s Magnezone, who tried and failed to paralyze it with another Thunder Wave.


Pikachu had already jumped into the air with Agility, and Ash tried to have Pikachu combine its attack with Magnezone. The resulting combination did leave a burnt spot, but Necrozma was more than able to brush off the damage.

Then, once more, it pulled in its wings and spun. It was already high in the sky, but this movement pulled it up even further. Unlike the Prismatic Laser from before, this Photon Geyser was far less focused, but it still caused many pillars of light to explode out of its body and slam into the ground towards all of our Pokémon.

Some managed to barely resist the move through Protect. Others took advantage of Necrozma’s divided focus and used their speed to dodge. Carbink moved above Florges’s head and easily withstood the damage. They were the perfect shield to protect Florges as she provided support, and she whispered a quiet thanks to the small Rock Type when the light of the attack faded away.

“Altaria, Whimsicott, you’re up,” I said. “Help everyone with their speed.”

Under their power, wind howled around the battlefield, and what Pokémon I could see suddenly moved with greatly increased velocity. Tailwind assisted everyone here, and Altaria’s atmospheric control enhanced the range of the supporting move.

Now sped-up thanks to Tailwind, Wally’s Flygon struck again. A Night Slash hidden in the darkness tried to swipe at it, but it pulled to the side and unleashed a Flamethrower that burned Necrozma’s side.

“Smart! Come out, Emboar! Do the same!”

Upon seeing Flygon’s assault, Ash sent out his heavy, Unovan Fire Type and had it unleash a Flamethrower of its own. The porcine Pokémon sent out a gout of flame that briefly illuminated the area. It allowed me to see that Elio had released his Lycanroc, who was peppering Necrozma with Accelerock stones.

“Alex, this darkness is a big problem! Make sure Altaria doesn’t stop us!” Hope shouted. “Cherrim use Sunny Day! Anyone else, do the same!”

“Florges, help!” I added quickly. “Altaria, listen to what she said!”

Altaria let out an annoyed squawk but still relented to allow the weather effect to take form. From our two Pokémon fiery spheres were tossed into the sky, and they hung in the air to actually illuminate our impromptu battlefield.

All around, I could see destruction. This ancient garden was now in ruins under our feet. Florges’s Grassy Terrain held pieces of it together, but it would likely crumble when the move was eventually released. At least, most of our Pokémon looked healthy, and the Flamethrowers from both Flygon and Emboar were empowered by the Sunny Day move.

Now properly visible, Hope made eye contact with me from a distance away. Recognizing her plan, I then nodded back. As our allies occupied Necrozma with their own moves, we shouted for one specific attack.

“Solar Beam!”

Florges took in sunlight and unleashed right at the Dawn Wings Necrozma. As for Hope, she had three Pokémon out—Cherrim, Tropius, and Sunflora—and each of them used the same attack as well. The Sunny Day quickened the charge, and the Grassy Terrain enhanced its power to a new level. The four beams combined into one point to finally cause Necrozma to get properly hurt by a non-Legendary attack. However, though damaging, all it did was flinch and somewhat move back.

“How can we wear it down when it shrugs off anything we do?!” Gladion yelled.

I hadn’t noticed before, but his Zoroark was standing underneath the Necrozma. Darkness licked around it, and it stopped releasing the Shadow Balls it had been releasing moments before. If I had to guess, Zoroark was using Dark Pulse to keep it hidden within the shadows. Necrozma was part Psychic Type, but even Zoroark’s super effective attacks had been utterly worthless when compared to such a strong Legendary Pokémon.

“We just need to hold out,” I said, though I was having trouble believing my own words. “Anabel is our win condition. We just need to hold out a bit longer, and—”

The Dawn Wings Necrozma screeched.

Before now, its movements had been limited, and the attacks it had used came out at a relatively slow pace. Apparently, getting hurt from that quad-focused Solar Beam had encouraged it to increase its power.

The bat-like Legendary swooped through the air, and even with Tailwind, Flygon wasn’t able to avoid the massive Pokémon in time. Florges managed to replace Wally’s Pokémon with the sturdy Carbink, but Necrozma’s four-times effective Metal Claw caused them to cry out in pain.

The Legendary Pokémon then banked, and it rushed to where Flygon now hovered over the ground. Before it even reached it, out of nowhere, Flygon slammed into the floor.

“It knows Gravity!” I yelled.

Wally was too slow with returning his Pokémon before another Moongeist Beam tore into Flygon’s pinned form.

Following that up was a Power Gem that took out Elio’s Incineroar, and Necrozma flew right up to Ash’s Emboar to toss it off the side of the Altar with Confusion. A Pokémon that strong would be able to withstand the fall, but Emboar would be completely out of the fight. During this process, Nebby tried to charge Necrozma, while it was so close to the ground, but it avoided his attack by rising back up into the air.

Then, it took no break at all and unleashed another Photon Geyser in every direction. Wally’s Magnezone was struck before it could release another attack. All three of Hope’s Pokémon were consumed by the same pillar of light. Florges managed to turn it into only a glancing blow, but it was still a strike from a Legendary Pokémon. As for Lillie, Shiinotic withstood the blast last time through the use of Protect, but she was forced to return her Pokémon before it was struck to prevent any further, serious damage.

And just like that, almost every Pokémon here was rendered nearly incapable of fighting thanks to that singular, rapid-paced assault.

“Hope. We need power,” I said.

One by one, our allies replaced their Pokémon on the field. Lillie took charge by having her Primarina unleash a Hydro Pump, and Ash electrified it with his Pikachu’s attack.

“I understand,” Hope replied.

“Then...” I looked around. “We need a moment. Distract it for us!”

Despite the momentary loss of their team members, none of the other trainers here were disheartened by Necrozma’s show of force. Florges shifted to a pure healing role, moving to provide Pollen Puffs to everyone she could. That helped restore the exhausted Pikachu, and Ash shouted a “Leave it to me!” in response to my request. Outside of him, Wally had out his Roserade, and Gladion had out his Lucario. Elio’s Lycanroc had gone untouched by that previous assault.

Meanwhile, Hope released her Venusaur. Sending them out, both Mawile and Gardevoir joined Altaria’s side.

Lillie snapped her head towards me.

“Wait a second. Alex, you can’t,” she said. “You’ve talked about it before. Three at once is too much!”

“Sorry, but in a situation like this, I kind of have to try.”

In the past, I’d done two simultaneous Mega Evolutions, but I had never once pushed for three. The energy each simultaneous Mega Evolution required scaled exponentially, meaning that by simply adding a third, I was liable to pass out.

But, we needed the power. Where attacks from normal Pokémon weren’t much, Mega Pokémon could make the difference.

“At least have more of your Pokémon out for support!” Lillie shouted. “They care about you! Have them help to make sure you don’t pass out!”

I took one look at Lillie. There was pain in her eyes; she knew the risks. All around me, Pokémon were crying out as they unleashed powerful attacks at the Necrozma and took damage in return. Whatever came of my attempt would make a difference—either I was successful, and the battle was pushed into our favor, or I would fall, and the sudden loss of power would spell an impending defeat.

“Alright. You have a point.”

Lillie stuck out her tongue at me before turning around back to the fight. Hope waited for me to get ready as Florges and Ribombee joined my side. Both of them prepared healing moves, and then Ninetales released herself from her Pokéball. After her, even more flashes came out.

Azumarill. Rapidash. Dedenne. Togekiss. Tinkaton. Sylveon. Mimikyu.

Surrounding me was my entire team of fifteen Pokémon. In a situation like this, every single one of them was determined to offer me their support.

“Thank you.” For some reason, I was having trouble seeing with all the moisture in my eyes. “Let’s do this.”

I held up one arm, and a specific stone began to glow. In response, a stone glowed on Altaria’s plated necklace. Another glowed within Mawile’s mouth. Then finally, Gardevoir clutched his in one hand, and all three began to change forms.

Despite the relative success, it felt like someone had sucker punched me inside of my own chest.

I struggled to breath. Even the simple act of moving my diaphragm took far too much energy. Ninetales darted to move ahead of me, where I fell to land on her back. A surge of energy from behind kept me conscious as Florges’s Wish entered my body. Then, something sweet entered my mouth, and the energy from Ribombee’s Pollen Puff helped me stay awake.

Barely, just barely, did I manage to stay conscious. All of my willpower coalesced for one goal. Our singular purpose was simple: we had to defeat the Necrozma right here and now.

As the rest of my team gathered around me for support, I managed to look up, and what I saw took my breath away.

Mawile stood with her two jaws already snapping, an empowered body posed ready for a dash.

Gardevoir had gained a second, empowered horn on his chest, and a wide dress stretched out from his waist.

Then, Altaria, the very first Pokémon on my team to ever Mega Evolve, took to the skies. Looking at him, he was as fluffy and cloud-like as ever.

All together, my three Pokémon had all successfully Mega Evolved.

In my exhausted state, I couldn’t exactly issue any commands, but I could feel just how determined the three of them were. Each of them were raring to go, but even in this situation, they wanted to hear me give the word.

“Go,” I croaked out.

With that, my Pokémon moved.

Gardevoir teleported above Necrozma’s head and immediately fired a Moonblast down. The attack sent a shockwave through its body, and it turned upwards, only to see that Gardevoir had teleported over Mawile to slam into its face.

Two massive jaws impacted Necrozma’s armored head. The dual Iron Head caused it to flinch and howl out in pain.

The assault wasn’t done just yet, though, as Altaria then came sailing in. To match the pained howl, he screeched. The Fairy Type-converted Hyper Voice shook the Legendary’s entire form.

“Oh, don’t leave me out of this!” Hope yelled. “Use Solar Beam again!”

While waiting for me, her Venusaur Mega Evolved, and it finally unleashed its own attack. With both the sunlight and the Grassy Terrain still up, the move on its own was just as powerful as the four Solar Beams from before. This attack seared into the Necrozma’s side and pushed it further into the air. The combined assault of four different Mega Pokémon continued, and the other trainers backed off to let their Pokémon heal and rest.

Then, below, Nebby positioned himself just right. Though Necrozma was above him, his leap carried him up high. The force of his Sunsteel Strike launched him upwards to strike Necrozma right in its chest. The two Pokémon began to fall.

From there, my vision flickered in and out of consciousness as my Pokémon unleashed everything they had. Gardevoir’s enhanced Psychic combatted Necrozma’s own Psychic Type power. Mawile ensured that any defense it put up was immediately broken right through, and as for Altaria, he worked alongside Hope’s Venusaur, to make sure it had to focus on defending itself from range.

For Altaria specifically, he was absolutely tearing into the Legendary Pokémon. Between Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Moonblast, Flamethrower, and even Hurricane, he had far too many attacking moves to ever give it a chance to prepare. His sheer flexibility in combat meant his empowered attacks were devastating each time they were released.

For the first time in this match, the Legendary Pokémon was on the backfoot. I felt like we actually had a chance to win.

Of course, that feeling didn’t last long. Right when I started to have hope, the Dawn Wings Necrozma glowed, and our chances of victory were dashed away.

Is that... both Moonlight and Morning Sun?! That’s why it didn’t blink at our Sunny Day! Even after all our work, it can heal itself just like that. How are we supposed to win this? It can do the same again any time it wants!

The light from the Sunny Day visibly curved towards Necrozma as it absorbed that latent energy to heal its wounds. Dents in its armor from Mawile bent back out, and any scorch marks from Altaria’s and Venusaur’s attacks faded away.

A Confusion grabbed Mawile and threw her back. A Photon Geyser struck both Altaria and Gardevoir before they could run away. As for Venusaur, it had to pour all of its power into a Protect. The Prismatic Laser the Necrozma unleashed would have taken it out in one move. Instead, it just pushed Venusaur into a crater on the ground.

Each strike to my Mega Evolved Pokémon was a jab to my chest. I couldn’t withstand the trio of attacks back-to-back. While my nearby Pokémon prevented me from fully falling unconscious, I could no longer maintain the trio of Mega Evolution. Each one faded away to prevent my Pokémon from going berserk, and with the sudden weakness in its foes, the Dawn Wings Necrozma entirely focused on the tiring Nebby, who stood below.

“Morning Sun! Can you use that move, too? Please!” Lillie shouted.

While he did glow to heal, Necrozma was faster. It lunged forward, intending to consume him just like it did to Lunala before him. Two wings angled downwards like scythes that would spell the end. It readied itself to burst with light—

Only to pull up at the last second as two Moonblasts, a Thunder, and an Energy Ball came its way.

At first, I thought my team had unleashed those moves, but each one came out stronger than they could release. In my exhausted state, I could barely turn my head. Still on Ninetales’s back, she moved to turn for me.

What I saw filled me with relief.

We did it. We stalled for just long enough.

“You did a good job holding out until now,” Melemele’s Kahuna, Hala, said.

“I didn’t expect to be called for something like this, but it looks rather fun,” Olivia, the Kahuna of Akala, added.

“How bothersome,” Nanu, Kahuna of Ula’ula, grunted.

As for the last of them, the Kahuna of Poni Island, the very island we were on, merely stood silently next to the other three and crossed her arms. Hapu stared at Necrozma and took in the Legendary Pokémon with a discerning eye.

“Anabel managed to reach you,” I said, breathing out in relief.

“Yes. She was rather desperate about it. I assume you have a plan?” Hala asked.

In the back, Necrozma was no longer attacking. The Pokémon instead remained motionless in the air, now completely on guard. Nebby was one thing. Mega Pokémon were another. After all, above each of the Kahunas' head was a Legendary Pokémon.

Tapu Koko. Tapu Lele. Tapu Bulu. Tapu Fini.

Every single Guardian Deity was here to protect Alola. Against all four Legendary Pokémon at once, there was a reason Necrozma was holding itself back.

“Listen to me,” I said. “I know the Fairy Type. Each of the Tapus are capable of a specific Z-Move. When combined with Nature’s Madness—”

Hala interrupted me with a booming laugh.

“Of course! I shouldn’t be surprised you know that secret. All Kahuna are bestowed upon that responsibility as well as a certain Z-Crystal. So, you collected us intending to fully release the guardians?”

I could barely nod my head.

“Watch closely, then. The last time these moves were used was over a hundred years ago. Hm. I actually think that situation was not too different from what’s going on now?”

With that, the four Kahunas strode forward, all of them filled to the brim in confidence. They stood in a perfect line alongside their respective Tapu, who solemnly locked their focus on where Necrozma continued to float in the air.

Then, simultaneously, each of the Kahunas lifted up a leg and slammed it into the ground.

The earth shook.

Four Z-Rings glowed.

In perfect sync, the four Kahunas began to dance.

This act was as mesmerizing as it was ritualistic. Aspects of it had clearly been incorporated into various show dances performed in local celebrations. Heck, a bird native to Alola, Oricorio, tended to have specific dances it performed on each island, and I could recognize aspects of this in that species’s movements.

This dance was something that represented Alola as a whole, and it empowered the Legendary Tapus above the Kahuna’s head. Energy wasn’t just taken from the Kahunas, but it was drawn from the islands themselves. Each dance had its own unique modification, but at a base level, they were all the same.

The Z-Rings around their wrists glowed in a brighter and brighter light. Despite Necrozma being just there, this light pierced through and did not fall under its control. The crystals embedded in the bracelets’ surface weren’t the color of any specific Type, but unrecognizable tan.

Seeing this, Necrozma finally moved to charge, intent on preventing whatever was happening. However, Nebby was quicker. To my surprise, he perfectly mimicked what Ninetales and Rapidash had done so many times before and dashed with an Agility that let him leap up and latch onto the Pokémon’s back.

His mouth bit down on Necrozma’s—specifically, Lunala’s—neck. The massive Legendary Pokémon thrashed in place but was pulled back thanks to Nebby’s efforts. He managed to drag it to the ground, where he held Necrozma in place. It was obvious this pin wouldn’t last long, but to allow the Z-moves to conclude, it was enough.

For a moment, the world was still, and then the ground erupted upwards in front of the Kahunas. Each of them were forced to take a knee out of exhaustion, but their dance had been successful. The things that emerged from the earth were truly something else.

Headless golems of pure energy tore themselves upwards. Each one was made up of blinding, yellow light: physical embodiments of the wrath of Alola itself. The four Tapus closed their bodies to gain the appearance of totemic, animal-like heads. They then moved to position themselves on top of the living light, becoming four towering golems that bled raw power.

Guardian of Alola was a Z-move only the Tapus could perform. It turned them into the creatures that stood before us right now. The four of them charged forward, running like humans, and they moved right up to where the Necrozma was held down.

Nebby jumped back. Four fists came down like hammers. The resulting fight was more of a beat down than anything else. The armor of the bat was punched, kicked, and slammed with everything the golems had to offer. Necrozma howled in pain, and then the golems of Tapu Bulu and Tapu Koko grabbed it by the wings. From there, Tapu Lele and Tapu Fini reached forward to grab the armor on the Dawn Wings Necrozma’s body.

There was a wrenching sound. Necrozma was violently peeled off of Lunala’s chest.

Behind it, the Legendary bat Pokémon hit the floor. Lunala was freed, but it was heavily injured and barely conscious. Around it, the four Tapu golems faded away, and the Tapus themselves were forced to drift lower to rest.

That just left Necrozma, who looked significantly worse off than Lunala. The jagged, angular Pokémon was covered in nasty-looking scuffs and dents, and it turned to face where Nebby still remained on the ground.

I stood up, fueled purely with adrenaline. Hope snapped her head towards me and looked at how I raised my Z-ring in horror.

“Alex, don’t,” she said.

The injured Necrozma rushed towards the surprised Nebby.

“Sorry, but my entire team is out,” I said. “I have to do this.”

All the other trainers here unleashed their own attacks, but their weak moves weren’t enough to take the Legendary Pokémon out. Necrozma sought to possess Nebby, to gain the power of another alternate form, but I couldn’t let it.

Slowly, I did my own dance and gave a different command.

“Z-Moonblast,” I said.

It wasn’t one Pokémon on my team that unleashed the attack. Instead, the energy was divided up to allow every Pokémon on my team to unleash their own variant of the move. The years I’d spent training up my team all culminated in this one moment, as every single ounce of power was sent towards the flying Necrozma.

Briefly, the sky turned pink. Pure Fairy Type energy struck Necrozma in its chest.

The Legendary Pokémon fell towards the ground, but to tell the truth, I never saw the end. The world turned black as I collapsed. Yet, despite not seeing the outcome, I still knew one thing.

We had won. Necrozma was in no shape to resist any further attacks. With it finally taken out, there was only a single question left.

After all of that, what do we do next?

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