The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me

Chapter 56:

“Finally, the first piece of our plan is in place.”

“It’s a moment of great emotion, Your Holiness. There is a minor issue, however...”

“A minor issue?”

“The candidate for the Empire’s Saintess has chosen a somewhat significant person as her escort.”

The Pope tapped his staff in disbelief.

“Significant? In this Holy Kingdom, status means nothing. So, who is it? Duke Haval? Or did she bring her father, Duke Senestia, perhaps?”

“Your Holiness, your words are reassuring. Indeed, what can Count Erindale do, acting freely in this Holy Kingdom?”

“Who did you say?”

“That, the fledgling minister from the Empire.”

“The Count Erindale who made crucial contributions to magic stone refinement, discovered a hot spring in the wasteland, was the first airship pilot, the leader of the Empire’s emerging noble faction, and supervised our Severin Cathedral?”

The Pope spoke hurriedly.

“Send him back. Right now. What happens if we let the queen bee out of the nest?”

The bishop sweated coldly.

Unfitting for a high-ranking priest, the bishop hurriedly left and returned shortly.




“So, you sent him back?”

“Your Holiness, he refuses to leave.”


“He says it’s too comfortable here. He even wants to put down roots.”



Ascal, who was brought to the Holy Kingdom, proudly looked at the religious badge on his chest. It was of the prestigious Platinum rank.

<Faithful Servant of the Star, Ascal>

Initially, when he was conscripted to the Holy Kingdom, he thought, ‘How can this be, I’m a minister,’ but then it made sense.

In reality, he could have easily avoided being dragged here. The Holy Kingdom’s conscription was at the level of a beggar asking for a coin on the street. If he had resisted, he wouldn’t have come.

It’s not the Holy Kingdom that’s bad, but his own hesitation.

“Oh, faithful ones, sing of the magnificent light of the stars. Guide us all through the dark night. In that brilliant light, we shall find our path.”

“Wonderful, brother. To sing the hymn at such a level in such a short time. I’ll give you a sticker.”

“It's all thanks to Pireiel.”


Ascal made the sign of the holy cross.

Now, just three more stickers, and he could ascend to the coveted Diamond rank.

“Such an unprecedented promotion, Ascal. I wish everyone could emulate your devotion.”

“That’s too kind of you, Priest.”

“All is guided by the Star, Pireiel.”


After morning prayers, Ascal headed to the dining hall.

“Good morning, brother. What would you like to have today?”

“I think I’ll have the pork special with seasonal vegetables and spices. Here’s your Lumina.”

“Thank you for the payment of 10 Lumina.”

The Star church’s dining hall was more majestic than any he had seen before. The ceiling was wide open, allowing in abundant light. And perhaps because they grew their own vegetables and raised their own meat, the food tasted exceptionally good.

‘Sushia must be munching on greens right about now...’

Until coming here, he had a misunderstanding.

A ridiculous belief that you had to be a vegetarian in the Holy Kingdom.

But it turned out that only the Saintess candidates had to be vegetarians, while regular devotees could enjoy a balanced diet. Quite a sensible arrangement indeed.

Ascal glanced around and, seeing no one, surreptitiously packed away some leftover pork.

It was time to visit Sushia, as her attendant.


“Please, let me out of here, please! I’ll be good, Minister-nim, I don’t want to stay here anymore, waaah!”

“Take a breath and talk, Sushia.”

Sushia was looking haggard as she sobbed.

The special chamber for the Saintess candidates was under strict surveillance. Only high-ranking officials and attendants of the candidates were allowed access.

“They only feed me greens and fruits here. I’m so weak, and they still make me dance and sing. And in the remaining time, I have to pray, and wake up before the sun even rises...”

Contrary to her depleted mental state, Sushia’s body was in its prime. The slight weight she had put on from snacking had vanished, and her skin was completely clear.

“But you just have to endure it for one more month, right?”

“What if I actually become the Saintess?”

“You think you will?”

Ascal dismissed the idea.

Then, he secretly handed her the wrapped pork.

“People need to eat to live, after all. Here, eat this.”

“Minister-nim... can I call you Oppa?”


The pork, though a bit cold, still gleamed invitingly at Sushia.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Sushia grabbed the pork with her bare hands and devoured it greedily.

It was over in an instant.

Sushia, having licked even the seasoning off her fingers, leaving no trace behind, smacked her lips.

“Is there no more?”

“Too long a tail gets caught. Be content with what you have.”



“I have to go now. Off to that hellish practice...”

Ascal watched Sushia’s drooping, puppy-like figure leave, feeling a twinge of sympathy.

‘But isn’t it worth calling out? The hymns? They’re fun and beneficial.’

Ascal took out the holy scripture from his chest pocket. He nodded as he read through it thoroughly, underlining the parts he didn’t understand.

‘I should ask the priest about this later.’

Life in the church.

Maybe it was his true calling.


“Oh, setting an example by cleaning the cathedral so thoroughly. Truly exemplary, brother. Here’s a sticker for you.”

“It's all thanks to Pireiel.”

“So meticulous in transcribing the scripture! Your devotion is evident, brother. Here’s a sticker for you.”

“Thank You, Pireiel.”

“Congratulations, Brother Ascal. You have reached the Diamond rank today. You are the first in our history to ascend so quickly.”

“It’s all thanks to following the guidance of the Star.”


A week had passed.

Ascal had become a Diamond devotee.

It was the fastest in the history of the Star church.

<Devotee of the Month - Ascal>

Ascal looked at his commendation with pride.


“You may now return to the Empire.”

Ascal, summoned by Bishop Picol who had brought him to the Holy Kingdom, entered the temple and was greatly shocked.

Ascal asked with a trembling voice.

“What have I done wrong?”

“Nothing at all. Brother, you’ve been exemplary in your conduct. It’s just that Candidate Sushia seems to have adapted to the life here, and Count Erindale, you have your own responsibilities. It’s time to return...”


Ascal raised his voice suddenly, startling Bishop Picol.

“Here, I am not Count Erindale. I am merely Ascal, a faithful servant of the Star.”

“Oh. My mistake, Ascal. Then perhaps it’s best to spread the will of the Star from your original place.”


Ascal recited the doctrine.

“The Star’s Scripture, chapter 23, third line says, ‘The Star shall never cast out those who earnestly seek its embrace.’ Are you, Bishop, intending to cast out a poor servant from the embrace of the Star?”

“No, that’s not it...”

The Bishop was in a dilemma.

The Empire was already sending daily protests, demanding the return of Count Erindale. Even for the Holy Kingdom, the growing authority of the Empire couldn’t be ignored.

‘He’s memorized the scripture already?’

But when the person in question was citing scripture to actively resist repatriation, the Holy Kingdom had little choice. Besides, his argument was sound.

The Bishop sweated profusely.

“Let’s discuss this again later...”


The Crown Prince was always smiling. He knew how to match the mood and consider others’ feelings. That’s why people were drawn to him.

But even he had his moments of anger.

“Count Erindale doesn’t want to return to the Empire? What nonsense is this? Is the Holy Kingdom taking us for fools? They must be planning to keep him forever with these excuses – as a hostage!”

It’s better to have peace.

At first, he dismissed it as a simple mishap.

It was the first Saint’s ritual in a hundred years.

The Crown Prince understood the significance of this ceremony to the Star church.

But this was crossing a line.

Count Erindale was a vital figure to the Empire, transcending importance to become an icon.

“Investigate the Holy Kingdom thoroughly. Leave no stone unturned and expose any corruption they’ve committed.”

The order was given to the Empire’s special forces.

Known colloquially as the Emperor’s hounds, they handle the Empire’s most secretive missions.

They typically obey only the Emperor’s commands, but upon hearing of Ascal’s detainment in the Holy Kingdom, the Emperor said,

“Rescue him.”

That single statement was all that was needed.

The Star church is the state religion of the Empire.

Until now, the Empire’s tarnished reputation had been offset by the charitable and philanthropic image of the Star Church. Thus, some corruption and irregularities were overlooked, but...

With the development of airships and recent royal scandals, the Empire’s reputation has significantly improved. This means they no longer need to be cautious of the Star church’s influence.

“Your Highness, the Crown Prince.”

“Yes. Have you completed the investigation?”

“The Star church is far more... problematic than we thought.”

The Crown Prince’s expression hardened as he listened to the intelligence agent. He slammed his fist onto the desk.

“Hmm... If we had remained passive, the Empire would have been blindsided by a massive betrayal.”

“What should we do?”


After a moment of deep thought, the Crown Prince let out a sigh of relief.

Had Ascal not been detained by the Star church, and had they not thoroughly investigated it, the Empire would have been caught off guard, unprepared for the betrayal.

“Is this a blessing in disguise? Ascal, you are truly an enigmatic figure.”

“Your Highness, the Minister of Development and Innovation requests a private audience!”

“Let him in.”

He heard that the Empire’s Saint and Dragon are close friends.

Bernstein must also be angered by Ascal’s detainment.

‘There will be much to discuss with him.’

»—ᴇɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ—«

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