The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

The prince was abolished, and the Northern Warlord led the army to the west, and the court seemed to be much calmer. +++Mobile reading visit m. . There are only three princes left by Emperor Anqing. However, he started to bring the three princes with him every day to teach politics. Many people guessed that Emperor Anqing still prefers the succession of the three princes. The officials who took refuge in Xiao Zhige were naturally a little anxious. They visited frequently to seek reassurance, but they were all turned away by An Changqing.

The gate of the Northern War Palace was closed tightly. Except for necessary things, even the servants rarely went out. Inside the palace, an elite defense was arranged, which almost turned the palace into an airtight iron barrel. Fortunately, when Xiao Zhige went on an expedition in the past, the palace also refused to visit and did not see foreign guests. He came here again today, and it would not arouse people’s suspicion.

An Changqing is not idle in the mansion every day. The news from the spy is now being processed by him, and the news comes back one by one, and he has to constantly adjust the original plan according to the latest news.

On the seventh day that Xiao Zhige left Beijing, the news that Emperor An Qing was seriously ill and in a coma came from the palace. The entire hospital was alarmed, but failed to find out the cause of the disease. They were all helpless. However, the empress, who was quite haggard because of the prince, decisively ordered several well-known doctors to enter the palace for consultation. Only then did he find the cause of the disease and asked Emperor Anqing to wake up from a coma.

It was just this disease that Anqing Emperor was much weaker, and even the handwriting on the memorial could not be clearly seen. The position of the prince was left vacant, and no one was taking care of the political affairs on his behalf, so the empress who was attending the sick could only read the notes, the Emperor Anqing listened, and then verbally gave instructions, and the empress gave written approval.

With this disease, the Guanguan family became more harmonious than ever before.

An Changqing received a secret letter from Ji Anmin, which said: The memorial for escorting the abandoned prince Xiao Qi’an to the imperial tomb has not yet been issued, and the abandoned prince is still stranded in Yejing.

An Changqing guessed that Emperor An Qing’s illness was probably a signal that the dead prince was about to get up.

After a few days of this, some officials from the court played that the abolition of the prince was too strange or wronged and requested a retrial. At the same time, several officials jointly impeached Yushi doctor Ji Anmin to form a party for private interests and frame the prince. With Ji Anmin as the center, Dali Siqing and other officials were also implicated.

A few days after the court saw the court, Emperor Anqing fell ill again and fell into a coma. Finally, the Queen Mother Zhao came forward to calm the dispute, ordered the prime minister An Zhike, and Zhao Xinchong, the Great Pillar Kingdom, jointly investigated the case of the abolition of the crown prince.

Since then, the curtain of liquidation has been opened on the court.

Officials involved such as Doctor Yushi, Dali Temple Qing and other officials involved have been sent to jail one after another. Five days later, it was discovered that the abandoned prince had an illicit relationship with others. Because of fear that the prince would find out, he colluded with the official doctor Ji Anmin and fabricated evidence to frame the prince. Since then, the case of the abolition of the prince was completely reversed, and the Emperor Anqing felt guilty and issued an edict to re-appoint Xiao Qi’an as the prince.

The biological father of the abolished prince, Weiweisiqing Jiang Yuzhong, who killed his relatives righteously, asked for the death of the abolished prince, and resigned three times and pleaded guilty. However, the queen and the prince were tolerant, and not only did not ask the guilt for this, but felt the sincere heart of Weiwei Temple, and allowed the princess to go to the temple to practice, and later appointed the second daughter of the Jiang family as the successor princess.

However, in just half a month, the situation completely reversed. The prince Xiao Qi’an was abolished and stood up, and once again assumed the prince’s respect, acting as the superintendent of the country.

The turmoil in the front harem did not stop there.

First, witch gu was found in the palace of the imperial concubine Shu, the imperial physician verified that the gu poison corresponded to the symptoms of Emperor Anqing. In anger, the Queen Mother ordered the concubine Shu Gui, who died, to imprison the three princes. Then the prime minister An Zhike killed his relatives righteously and revealed that An Changqing, the princess of the Northern Warfare, had persuaded him to conspiracy to frame the prince several times.

After cutting off the foreign parties, Xiao Qi’an couldn’t wait to turn the butcher knife to the Northern War Palace.

The prime minister, An Zhike, personally brought the guards to fetch people.

The gate of the Royal Palace of the Northern Warfare was open, An Changqing stood behind the gate, and behind him was the elite camouflage guards of the Yanzhou Army.

Wearing a vermilion official uniform, An Zhike looked elegant and decent, and looked at An Changqing as a winner: “Changqing, don’t blame your father for being cruel.”

“Prime Minister An came here with a big fanfare, what’s the matter?” An Changqing stroked her sleeves slowly, as if she didn’t know what he was coming from.

An Zhike’s beard trembled, and he said with a grief: “Don’t you know that you committed such a serious crime?”

An Changqing confronted him tit-for-tat: “I don’t know what crime I committed? Where is the evidence? Please also make it clear to Prime Minister An.”

Unexpectedly, he was still so arrogant in such a situation, An Zhike sank his face and said: “You have written to me several times, begging me to conspiracy with you to frame the prince and help the Northern War King succeed. For my father, I can’t bear to see you framed for his own benefit. The prince, just righteousness and extermination. Are you still unwilling to confess?” As he said, he took out a stack of letters and threw them in front of him.

An Changqing didn’t move. The person next to him picked up the letter and handed it to him. An Changqing flipped through a few pages and sneered: “First, this letter is not my handwriting, but someone imitated it; second, the discord between me and An Jia is well known to all Ye Jing, I will go again Asking the prime minister to work together on major issues is not self-contradictory? Thirdly, everyone knows that you, my father and son are at odds, and what the prime minister said may not necessarily be trapped in me.”

“The so-called accusations are nothing but the words of the Prime Minister An, and the so-called evidence is even more fictitious. Dare to ask the Prime Minister why he convicted me? I am the princess of the Northern Warfare, and the name is jade, and Prime Minister An would not want to rely on these forged letters. You want to convict me and go to jail, right?”

An Zhike didn’t expect him to be so eloquent, knowing that his tongue would not have the upper hand, and his eyes were slightly cold: “Is it guilty? Please also ask the princess to come with me to tell the truth.”

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, he must order the Janissaries to come forward and fetch people.

“Zi’s false charge, forgive me for not being able to follow my life.” An Changqing stood still, but the guard behind him drew his sword and stepped forward. (Killsha) was furious, obviously trying to protect the lord to death.

“Does the princess want to resist the decree?” An Zhike said gloomily.

An Changqing smiled. Seeing more and more people gathered outside the palace gate, he slowly said: “Whose decree to resist? Abandon the prince’s will? Your Majesty is obviously seriously ill and unconscious, but the palace’s decree is one after another. It came out that the loyal ministers were sent to Xing prison, but the unscrupulous people sat in the high hall. I just wanted to ask Prime Minister An, are you preaching the imperial decree, do you want to rebel?”

“Presumptuous!” An Zhike was angrily: “The princess resists the decree and has no respect, take it for me!”

“Let me see who dares!” As soon as his voice fell, another cold voice was picked up, and the princess walked from the other side with a person between An Zhike and An Changqing.

She held a golden whip in her hand, her eyes were like knives, and the golden whip made a crisp sound on the ground: “I want to see who dares to move!”

An Zhike was startled and took a step back subconsciously. The eldest princess is a simple one, and many people have forgotten that she has also been arrogant and domineering. She is the only daughter of the Empress Dowager Zhao, and also the most favored child of Emperor Xian. Because she was cold and arrogant since she was a child, and acted unscrupulously, the first emperor feared that she would be bullied in the future. He gave a golden whip, except for the queen mother.

Unexpectedly, she would kick it horizontally, and An Zhike was in a bad mood. Sure enough, I heard her say again: “Your Majesty is seriously ill and unconscious, and I can’t see the holy face in this palace. Who will the prime minister do?”

An Zhike gritted his teeth and bowed and said, “Your Majesty is seriously ill, and the prince supervises the country. Naturally, he is ordered by the prince.

But the eldest princess sneered coldly: “Xiao Qi’s messing with the palace, torturing (sha) people’s daughters, (sexual xing) is cruel and unkind. Such a characterless and moral person has long been deposed by the emperor’s brother. Now you are holding the emperor’s brother. , Falsely preach the imperial edict, and reverse black and white, do you really think that the world is blind?”

As soon as her words fell, there was an uproar from the crowd gathered, followed by a low voice of discussion. There is fear and contempt in their eyes. An angry scholar hid in the crowd and shouted: “What the princess said is extremely true! The Northern Warlord led the army to the west, but you fabricated evidence to frame the princess while he was away. It is really chilling!”

Suddenly, the sound of echoing was endless.

An Zhike glanced back and motioned to the Guards to drive people away. The yelling people gradually dispersed, but An Zhike’s purpose of this trip could no longer be achieved.

After taking a deep look at An Changqing, he waved his hand: “Let’s go!”

After waiting for others to leave, the eldest princess breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at An Changqing, and said worriedly: “Xiao Qi’an won’t let it go. If you know it’s impossible, Xu Hui will do it secretly.”

An Changqing didn’t expect her to come forward, and her expression was a bit complicated for a while: “I have a way to deal with it, but the eldest princess shouldn’t be involved. I’m afraid the queen mother will blame it.”

Xiao Youxi smiled, her expression a little depressed: “I understand the mind of the queen, but I can’t agree. Besides… Since I have been confused for a while, I am not going to be confused for a second time.”

Seeing her look relieved, An Changqing stopped making senseless persuasion. He invited her into the house for tea, and then went to see the brothers and sisters of Xiao Anheng, before sending her away. Before leaving, An Changqing hesitated for a moment, and told her to go out as little as possible these days.

Xiao Youxi stared at him for a moment, as if he understood something, nodded and said, “I see.”


The words of An Changqing and the princess soon spread in Yejing. These days, the court moves constantly, and there are many people in the city panic. The people can’t understand the situation, but many scholars understand it—this is a battle for the throne.

If they didn’t know the crimes committed by the abolished prince, they might have sighed in private with the struggle of the heavenly family. However, after An Changqing’s words, there were suddenly many more songs sung by beggars in the city. Crime books printed by someone unknown are posted everywhere, explaining the crimes of the deposed prince Xiao Qi’an clearly.

Suddenly, Xiao Qi’s reputation fell to the bottom. Many fearless students wrote articles criticizing the crimes of the prince, and also exposed (exposed) the ambitions of the queen mother and the Zhao family wolf. When this turmoil broke out, the returned German general Shu Lingting was the first to attack, led his troops to surround the palace, and pointed at the Empress Dowager Zhao and Empress Zhao Ji Sichen, holding the emperor and murdering the royal blood. The three princes in the confinement palace were rescued by him, and he also denounced the queen for murdering the emperor with the witchcraft technique, but blamed the concubine Shu. Intent to usurp the throne.

The confrontation between the two parties quickly developed into a weapon fight. Shu Lingting’s site was in Yuzhou, but Yejing didn’t have many soldiers and horses.

On the other hand, Xiao Qi’an controlled 20,000 soldiers and horses in Weiwei Temple, and Su Huaiyi in Zhuzhou rushed forward. This confrontation finally turned into a unilateral bloodbath and massacre (sha).

The whole family of Shu was slaughtered, and the three princes were beaten as rebellious officials and thieves, demoted as the head of the king.

Immediately afterwards, a more thorough eradication was launched with the pretext of investigating the chaotic party.

The doors of the people in Yejing were closed, and all the crime books posted were destroyed. All the students who might have insinuated the prince in poetry and essays were all sent to prison, and those who led the troubles were immediately beheaded. Obviously it’s the midsummer season, but the city is like a cold winter, and everyone is in danger.

Changle Street was stained red with blood, and on the street were teams of imperial guards patrolling with weapons.

The gate of the Northern War Palace was heavily guarded, and even the subordinates could no longer go out. Fortunately, the Fuzhong has already stocked enough food, and it has not been constrained.

An Changqing sits firmly in the palace and arranges manpower for dispatch. While listening to the spy report, he quickly picked up a pen to write.

“Master Ji and the other adults are okay in prison?”

The spy said: “Suffering some skin (flesh), but (sexual xing) life is safe. Master Ji tells you not to worry, just follow the plan.”

An Changqing nodded, and then took a pen to circle a few households: “These adults’ residences are secretly protected by someone to protect their families. Also, some food will be sent from the secret road. Now it’s easy to not be able to send some food to them. Going out, the days are long, they might run out of food.”

The two spies led away, and An Changqing asked, “How about in the palace?”

“Emperor Anqing is still in a coma, and the waste prince has already regarded himself as the emperor. I am afraid that he will be succeeded by an edict in the near future.”

An Changqing paused for a while, pondered for a moment and said: “If he wants to succeed, he is afraid that he will immediately take the Northern War King’s Mansion and threaten the prince with me and the Shizi princess. You pass the order, and the mansion will increase (force qiang). Be alert. Bring out all the firearms in the warehouse. Form a firearms team with soldiers familiar with firearms and hide them in the back. If I guess right, I’m afraid they will do it tonight.”

After speaking, he put aside his pen, rubbed his eyebrows again, and asked, “How long will the prince rush back?”

“At most three days.” The guard leader said.

“Then we only need to survive these three days.” An Changqing said.

An Changqing confessed some trivial matters, and the guard leader took the order to arrange manpower. But An Changqing swept away his solemn expression and turned to look at the brothers and sisters of Xiao Anheng.

The severe situation outside did not affect the palace. The brothers and sisters Xiao Anheng still eat and drink with (Ru Ru) every day, but they are a bit fatter than before. Perhaps because of blood, the siblings spoke earlier than ordinary children. After An Changqing patiently taught the siblings for a while, they can already be clearly called “father” and “daddy”.

After speaking the first sentence, the brothers and sisters seemed to have discovered something new and strange. They kept yelling “father” or “daddy” every day. Only when An Changqing passed by would they be at peace. For a while.

As soon as An Changqing entered the door on this day, Xiao Anzhu pushed her brother away, screaming “Daddy” in a soft and sweet voice.

An Changqing strode over, picked up the siblings and kissed each other, and weighed them with some effort: “It’s sinking a lot.”

The two little fat piers grew bigger and bigger, An Changqing only hugged them for a while and couldn’t hold them, so they could only play with them on the blanket.

Xiao Anheng crawled over on his knees, grabbed his shirt and looked around while calling “Father”, his **** eyes filled with doubts.

An Changqing specially taught them that “father” is called Xiao Zhige, and “father” is called himself. At this time, Xiao Anheng came over and called “Father”, obviously wondering why he didn’t see Xiao Zhige.

He smiled and rubbed Xiao Anheng’s little face, but he explained seriously: “Don’t worry, your father will be able to come back to see you soon.”

Xiao Anheng seemed to understand, he blinked and chuckled at the skirt of his shirt, happily making An Changqing saliva.

An Changqing coaxed the brothers and sisters to play tired. After they fell asleep, she called (Ru)mother to hug the brothers and sisters. Under the **** of the guards, she hid in the dark room along the secret road.

Tonight, I am afraid it is destined to be a sleepless night.

The author has something to say:

Persuaded: wait for me to come back to chop melons and vegetables!

Waste prince: Damn, why are you again?

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