The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

This battle is more difficult than the previous night. +++ Catino Novel Network

There were less than five hundred soldiers and four thousand and five hundred imperial guards, almost like a man’s arm. Outside the walls of the palace, the ladder on the wall came up one by one, and the soldiers in the wall overturned one, but there were more guards who easily climbed into the wall along the ladder and started fighting with the soldiers (kill sha) .

The flowers and plants in the palace were destroyed, and the blood splattered to make them more sad and strong.

An Changqing’s face (color) was a little pale, but her hands kept moving. He quickly filled the firecrackers with projectiles, and then mobilized the mechanism to shoot (kill sha) the Guards who were approaching. The fire gun has been used for a long time, and the whole body has become hot, and the palm of his hand is red from the hot, and he is still holding his teeth.

The gate of the palace could no longer be supported. It had already begun to shake under the long-term impact, and it must be knocked open completely in the near future.

The guard leader led people around the flower hall and persuaded him: “Wang Hao, after I’m off, you can flee north with the little son and the little princess.”

“The guards are all outside, and we can’t get out.” An Changqing closed her eyes, alleviating the fatigue caused by long-term aiming: “Follow the plan that I discussed with you. Put the kerosene and the thunder in the sky. Move over. Distribute another twenty people to protect Xiao Shizi and Xiaojun, together with the fire, go to Suzhou! Go to General Shentuxu, he has owed favor to the prince, I must ask him to send troops to **** Xiao Shizi and Xiaojun. The Lord is going to Yanzhou.”

The guard leader hesitated and wanted to persuade him, but he sternly reprimanded him: “Go! If I follow along, Xiao Qi’an will never give up. In the end, only one can’t leave!”

Knowing that he was right, the guard commander looked serious and ordered people to move out all the kerosene they had prepared and placed them in the inconspicuous part of the flower hall. Not far from where the kerosene was placed, five more sky-shaking thunders were placed at intervals. If it ignites, it is enough to razing the entire palace to the ground.

Outside the flower hall, they were still fighting (killing sha), but the Guards were getting closer and closer. An Changqing took a deep breath and tightly held the firecracker in his hand. If he was really defeated and captured, he would definitely not be dragged down by Xiao Zhige. Rather than becoming a hostage, he would rather bring in Xiao Qiyan and die with him. In this way, the two children can still fight for the first line of life, and it will not make Xiao Zhige cast a mouse.

Nervously observing the battle outside the Flower Hall, An Changqing gently stroked (touched Mo) the dagger in his sleeve, and saw the Guards approaching again. When An Changqing was about to put the dagger in his throat, he heard a sudden transmission from outside. There was a commotion. I can vaguely hear the sharp voice of the **** shouting: “Come on! Escort!”

The approaching guards had a meal, and then quickly retreated, obviously something went wrong outside. The crashing sound at the crumbling palace gate also ceased, and the remaining dozen goalkeepers held their guns blankly in place, not knowing what happened to them.

The noise outside became louder and louder, and the soldiers hiding in the tree canopy jumped down excitedly, and their voice was a little choked: “Princess, we are saved! Those people and people are here to help us!”

The outside scene cannot be seen in the courtyard, but the sound penetrates through the high wall.

“Princess! Let’s help you!”

“The Northern Warlord was fighting abroad, but you and the other villains took the opportunity to harm his family! What a shame!”

“The waste prince is not worthy of being an emperor! I’m pooh!”

“Today we live and die together with the Northern War Palace! We are here! No one wants to cross this gate!”


A high wall separated the scene from the outside, but the waves of condemnation and abuse were getting louder and louder. An Changqing faintly heard Xiao Qi’an’s extremely angry voice, but in a short time the voice of the people was suppressed.

An Changqing’s heart shook and asked someone to bring a ladder and climb onto the roof. I saw that almost half of the people in Yejing had swarmed into the alley where the palace was located. Among these people are weak scholars, rough butchers, honest farmers, and even many (female nu) people… they don’t have armor or weapons. (Fuck cao) He rushed to the forefront with a handy farm tool or a kitchen knife, encircling Xiao Qi’s Luangjia and the Imperial Guard.

On the side of Luanjia, the **** was still yelling: “Boldly spoil the people! You are a rebellion! You want to punish the Nine Clan!”

After finishing talking, he was sipped by the nearest butcher, and the sound was like Hongzhong: “You old eunuch! It is the Jiu Clan, I will also take off your dog’s head first!”

The arrogant **** shrank his neck and hid behind the guards, but he did not dare to shout any more.

The crowd didn’t know who was sharp-eyed, they saw An Changqing on the roof, and suddenly called out: “It’s the princess!”

Others followed his fingers and saw An Changqing and others. The people rushed for a while, and many people said loudly, “Princess, don’t worry! We have received your great favor, so we won’t call you. Was killed by (rapist) people!”

An Changqing’s eyes were slightly hot, and he raised his voice: “You Gao Yi, I am on behalf of the Northern Warlord Palace, thank you first!” After that, it was a tick to the end.

He straightened up again, but said to Xiao Qi’an: “Xiao Qi’an, you forced the palace to usurp the throne and kill the father (to kill sha), and you will be cruel and cruel. !”

Xiao Qi twisted according to his face (color), and pushed away An Xiange who was afraid to hide beside him, got up and pointed at him and said three “good” words: “If you want to die with all your heart, I will fulfill you!”

“Come on, pour kerosene! Burn them to me!”

Speaking of this, he looked at the people who were against him and said grimly: “There are still these mobs, and none of them will stay! Another ten thousand guards will be transferred! Let me all (kill sha)!”

The people had never seen such a cruel emperor, and they were a little timid for a moment. But faster is the anger that is provoked. They cursed “Funjun” and “dog emperor” passionately. Not only were they not afraid of the swords and guns of the Guards, but they wielded their sickles and hoes more and more brutally, relying on their numerical superiority to match the guards (killing sha).

Seeing that Xiao Qi’an could not shock them, he panicked. Hurriedly asked Jiang Yuzhong to protect and prepare to retreat back to the palace. However, the roads before and after were blocked by the people who came to hear the news. When we were in a dilemma, we saw another group of nearly a thousand soldiers and horses rushing here on the other side.

At this time, the alleys were already blocked, and the team was blocked outside and could not get in. When Xiao Qiyan saw this, he was sure in his heart. Zhang Kuang laughed and said: “Reinforcement is here! Give me all these unsophisticated people! There are still people? Why haven’t they arrived yet? Hurry up, go and transfer the troops again!”

However, the commander-in-chief of that team did not respond to him. Instead, he held his fist and said to An Changqing on the roof: “First-class general Cai Cong, on the order of the princess, come and help the princess!”

An Changqing was stunned, not expecting that Cai Cong would bring troops to help. The eldest princess had said to him before, “I’ve been confused a few times, so I’m not going to be confused again”, and it is somewhat clear, he said deeply: “Labor and Ma, on behalf of Changqing, thank the eldest princess.”

If it is a friend but not an enemy, the red-eyed people will automatically separate a way and let Cai Cong lead the troops to pass smoothly.

Cai Cong led people under the palace’s high walls, using the ladders left by the imperial guards to climb into the palace one after another. After that, they merged with the Yanzhou Army in the palace and restarted their defenses.

Xiao Qi’an was so angry that his eyes were red when he saw it, but he was surrounded by Tuan Tuo at this time. I was also afraid that the Guards would continue to (kill sha) to make these people anxious and implicate themselves. They could only hold their breath and stand still, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

He didn’t move, and the people didn’t move either. The two parties maintain a delicate balance in this way, from a stalemate at dusk to a stalemate at dusk.

The night (color) was dark, but no one lit the light. Only the people in Yejing City had lanterns hung under the eaves. Standing on the roof with awe-inspiring expression, An Changqing saw the lights of thousands of families converge, illuminating the entire city of Yejing.

Outside the north gate of Yejing, a cavalry rushed like a night wolf. I don’t know who opened the gate in the city, and the cavalry roared in, passing through the lights of thousands of houses, and coming in the direction of the Northern War Palace.

The distance is too far, the night (color) is too dark. An Changqing couldn’t even read the handwriting on the military flag, but he just knew that Xiao Zhige was back!

The cavalry came in endlessly, divided into three on the long street, heading in different directions. Only the middle team ran towards the Northern War Palace with a clear goal. The closer the distance, the more eye-catching the flag of “Ge”, An Changqing ordered the people to remove the kerosene and the sky-shaking thunder, and all the soldiers lit torches to welcome Xiao Zhige’s arrival.

“The Northern War King is back!”

His voice fell short, and thousands of soldiers continued to shout in unison: “The King of Northern Warfare is back!”

Vigorous and vigorous, but it can calm people’s hearts.

The people commotion for a moment, and seeing an army coming from a distance with the sound of the wind, they spontaneously scattered to other small alleys to make room.

But in a moment, Xiao Zhige’s men and horses screamed and confronted Xiao Qi’an and more than four thousand imperial guards. There were only two thousand people behind Xiao Zhige, but there was a chill in Xiao Qi’an’s heart inexplicably. He subconsciously held down the saber around his waist.

Xiao Zhige took the lead, looked at him from a distance through the Imperial Guard, was silent, then waved his hand and spit out a word from his mouth: Kill sha).”

Two thousand soldiers hunted like night wolves and rushed to the Imperial Guard.

Xiao Zhige glanced sideways at the roof where An Changqing was located, his eyes softened for a moment, and then he raised his gun (to kill sha) at Xiao Qi’an.

Xiao Qi’an also learned riding and shooting martial arts, and then he couldn’t bear hardship, and only learned how to play. At such a critical moment, he was so scared that he drew a knife to cut off the reins of the horse in front of Luan, and wanted to ride the horse to flee. An Xiange grabbed the hem of his dragon robe and begged: “Your Majesty, take your concubine with you.”

“Bitch!” Xiao Qi’an slashed her hand mercilessly, taking advantage of her painful pain and letting go, and then fled with her horse. While fleeing, he took off the dragon robe that was too conspicuous on his body.

The alleys were already in a melee, the gate of the palace was opened, and Cai Cong led his troops to join the battle. The Janissaries were retreating steadily.

Xiao Zhige pierced Jiang Yuzhong with a single shot, squinted at Xiao Qi’an who was riding a horse, and chased him with the horse’s belly. Xiao Qiyan looked back as he fled, and when he saw Xiao Zhige who was catching up with him, his eyes were almost split: “My reinforcements will be here soon! If you don’t go back, your princess will be dead!”

Xiao Zhige didn’t say a word, put away his spear, and instead took up a bow and arrow, one arrow, two arrows, three arrows, four arrows…Xiao Qi’an hit the arrows with his hands and feet, and finally couldn’t stand the bumps and rolled off his horse. Come.

His arms and calves were shot through by arrows, and he rolled off the horse’s back. He could only curl up his limbs in pain, but he didn’t have the strength to get up again. He twisted his neck with great effort and looked at Xiao Zhige viciously: “I am the emperor. If you dare to (kill sha), I am treason! Don’t kneel down and confess!”

Xiao Zhige looked at him blankly, and suddenly smiled: “I won’t (kill sha) you.”

Xiao Qiyan was overjoyed and said incoherently: “Of course, I am the emperor of the true dragon, you can’t (kill sha) me!”

However, Xiao Zhige’s next words made him smile froze on his face, Xiao Zhige slowly said: “I will not (kill sha) you, I will let you live for a long time, life is better than death.”

“Dare you!” Xiao Qi’an screamed, but Xiao Zhige no longer looked at him, and ordered the soldiers who followed him to take him down and look forward to it, and then turned back.

The victory and defeat of the lane battle has already been decided. Most of the Guards were killed and injured, and the rest of them saw that the situation was gone, and they abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

Xiao Zhi Gece immediately went forward, looked at the corpses on the ground, and then at Cai Cong not far away. After a while, he said, “Uncle Lao is cleaning the battlefield, I’ll go see Changqing.”

Cai Cong was stunned, and quickly reacted, his voice trembled slightly: “Yes.”

Xiao Zhige turned to dismount, stepped over the blood-stained blue bricks, and walked to stand still under the roof.

An Changqing stayed on the roof and didn’t get down. The guard leader led three soldiers to protect him. Seeing Xiao Zhige coming, he just retreated.

Xiao Zhige raised his head to look at him, opened his hand to him, and tried to smile softly: “Sorry, I’m late.”

An Changqing on the roof looked at him with red eyes, her voice hoarse and aggrieved: “I have no strength, my legs are soft, and I can’t get down.”

“Don’t be afraid, I will pick you up.” Xiao Zhige said, climbing on the roof, holding him in his arms with outstretched arms, and holding him down firmly.

An Changqing choked briefly, grabbed his shirt tightly, and said dumbly: “You are so late, I almost thought I couldn’t see you.”

“Well, it’s my fault.” Xiao Zhige kissed the top of his hair pityingly.

“My hand hurts, and the fire bludgeon is heavy and hot. I (killed sha) a lot of guards.”

Xiao Zhige kissed his hand again, boasting, “Here is really amazing.”

An Changqing sniffed lightly and buried his face in his arms: “How are the people outside? A lot of people have been injured today.”

“I will ask people to count the casualties and try to compensate as much as possible. I will not make them sacrifice in vain.”

“I want to see An Heng and An Joo, they must be terrified.”

Xiao Zhige finally lightly (kissed) on his forehead: “Okay, I’ll take you to see it.”

An Changqing gave a low “Um”, but didn’t speak any more, and slept tiredly in his arms.

The author has something to say:

Today is tired and aggrieved, so there is no small theater.

But finally finished this copy!

Counsel to prepare to ascend to Ji Liao!

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