The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

In the evening, the sky was completely gloomy. +++Cartino novel website The lead gray (color) cloud layer is extremely low, as if the whole piece will be rolled down in the next moment. The sea below has turned into a deep black and blue (color), and the violent sea breeze swept huge waves, hitting the hull again and again. The sound of the huge wind and waves concealed the human voice, and among the several ships, the only way to transmit information was by yelling and gesturing.

The sails of all the ships had been lowered, and most of them had already hid in the cabins. Only Xiao Zhige was still on the deck, listening to the soldiers to report the real-time conditions of the ships. The ten ships have been arranged in a square at this time, with the main ship in the middle and the deputy ship guarding the surroundings. The boats were connected by iron ropes with thick human legs, and the connected boats moved up and down with the waves.

The last soldier who checked the iron wire sent back a message: “Everything is checked, there is no looseness!”

At this time, the sky had already rained heavily on soybeans, first hitting the deck one by one, and soon they were connected into pieces, which became a downturn. Xiao Zhige pushed An Changqing into the cabin, and continued to say the last instruction in a deep voice: “Everyone immediately withdraw into the cabin, fasten the hatch, try to find a fixed place to catch it, before the storm stops, it is not allowed to move around! ”

After speaking, he flicked a few marching flags with the military flag to ensure that everyone withdrew to the cabin before he got off the deck and returned to the cabin.

When he came in, An Changqing fastened the hatch, took another piece of (dry gan) clothes and called Xiao Zhige to change it quickly—just outside, Xiao Zhige was already soaked all over.

Time is urgent, Xiao Zhige directly (takes off tuo) off his drenched clothes, and after quickly changing it, he took out a strong rope and tied the two ends to his and An Changqing’s waists respectively. An Changqing yanked the rope hard and didn’t move. Although the waist hurt a bit, she felt relieved.

The rain became louder outside, and the hull began to undulate violently.

“Sit here, I’ll hold you.” Xiao Zhige was afraid that he would be afraid, so he leaned back on the bed and stepped on the bulkhead, motioning An Changqing to sit between his legs.

An Changqing sat there with his back against Xiao Zhige’s warm chest. Xiao Zhige lightly (kissed) the red pattern behind his ear, and said in a deep voice, “Don’t be afraid.”

After that, the rope connecting the waists of the two people was passed through the hollow of the bed, and then wrapped a few times in the palm of the hand to hold him firmly, and hugged him in a very tight posture, before saying: “Okay, as long as the boat doesn’t Turn, we will be fine.”

An Changqing leaned against his (chest xiong), feeling his steady heartbeat, and gave a soft “um”. No one said what to do if the boat capsized. In this vast ocean, the storm is raging, if the ship really overturns, and the ropes around their waists are tied so tightly, they will die, and they can die together if they want to.

Xiao Zhige obviously had the same idea as him, and the two leaned together in silence. The ropes fastened them to the bed, ups and downs with the whole ship. The sky (color) outside was completely dark, there were no candles in the cabin, and everything I could see was darkness. However, the sound of the wind and waves outside got louder and louder. At first, it was still a normal sound, but when it came to the back, it turned out to be like a beast roar. Occasionally, glare of lightning pierced the darkness, which could shine through the gap, bringing a ray of light.

The sound of wind, rain, waves and thunder are intertwined for a moment. After listening to it for a long time in the dark, it will gradually produce a sense of emptiness that these sounds are gradually disappearing, only the heavy breathing in the ear and the dull heartbeat are still ringing.

An Changqing closed her eyes and tried to feel Xiao Zhige’s body temperature. But the stormy weather is too cold. After sitting still, his body temperature slowly dropped, almost as cold as the cold in the room. Time becomes slower in the dark. The noise outside kept on, only the ship’s ups and downs were getting louder and louder, and it was an ups and downs greater than that of galloping right away, as if the entire cabin would turn over in the next moment, and even the wooden bed behind him would creak.

Xiao Zhige said nothing, but his breathing became heavier. An Changqing opened his eyes, but in the darkness, there didn’t seem to be much difference between opening and closing eyes. In the dark, he (touching Mo) grabbed Xiao Zhige’s hand, and Xiao Zhige’s right hand was wrapped around the rope that fixed the two of them. The rough hemp rope was deeply pierced into the skin (flesh), and the temperature of that hand seemed to be Cooler than sea water.

“Does it hurt?” The rope was too tight on the hand, the blood was blocked and it became extremely cold. An Changqing (touching Mo) strangled the back of his hand, gently rubbing her fingers.

“It doesn’t hurt.” A man’s low voice came from the darkness, his slightly cool lips inadvertently brushed his ears: “Are you afraid?”

An Changqing shook his head, remembering that he couldn’t see, and then said, “I’m not afraid, I have you.”

The man smiled lowly and continued to gossip with him.

I don’t know how long it has passed, but the sky (color) never lights up. Instead, there is a faint sound of wood breaking outside. It was crunching, and I didn’t know what was broken.

Xiao Zhige’s gossip diverted his attention, instead he made himself utterly (dry gan) tongue dry, licking some (dry gan) lips, he whispered: “Here, I’m thirsty.”

At this time, there is no way to drink water, An Changqing can only say: “Then don’t talk, I will tell you a story instead.”

Xiao Zhige didn’t respond, but said, “You turn your head to the side.”

An Changqing didn’t know what he was going to do, so she turned her face to the side based on feelings. In the darkness where he could not see his fingers, two cold, slightly dry lips (kiss wen) were on his lips. An Changqing (body shen) trembled slightly, opened her lips and accepted his intrusion.

The cracking sound of the wood outside continued. Inside the cabin, the two people pressed their front (chest xiong) to their backs and tried their best to kiss (kiss).

The ship bumped on the sea, and suddenly trembled, and the two of them also slammed heavily, their teeth knocked on their lips, and a salty smell filled their lips and teeth. Xiao Zhige let out a painful “hiss” and licked his lips for a while, before letting go, licked his torn lips and smiled: “I’m not thirsty now. Tell me a story. .”

An Changqing gasped, leaned back on him, took the back of his head and knocked him lightly: “I don’t want to talk anymore.”

“But I want to hear it.”

Xiao Zhige clasped his waist harder and harder. In the darkness, his palms had been torn apart by the rough rope, and the skin felt dull and painful. The tremor of the ship’s hull was larger than that, as if something was hitting the ship hard. However, he only did nothing. While pulling the rope with all his strength to anchor the two of them, while grinding An Changqing to tell him stories.

An Changqing still talked about it.

He thought for a while, and said, “I’ll tell you a story from a previous life. I was afraid that you were upset when I heard it. I never told you. Now I can say it.” He thought, in case this level really fails, he Can’t go with this secret.

Besides, he can live a lifetime again, perhaps Xiao Zhige can also. With the company of a loved one, sometimes death is not too difficult to face.

“I told you before that the things I predicted in my dreams were actually not what I dreamed of.” Speaking of the things in the previous life, An Changqing’s mood is already very calm, and her voice is calm: “I actually lived a lifetime again. Just here. The day you and I were married.”



“Then in the life before your rebirth, who were you with?” Xiao Zhige asked bitterly.

An Changqing rolled her eyes in the darkness and laughed: “It should be considered as being with you.”

Xiao Zhige bit his neck with dissatisfaction: “What does it mean to be together?”

An Changqing told him the events of the two in those years in detail, until Yejing City was broken, he made himself in the Qiwu Palace, abolished the prince and entered the palace, An Changqing turned into a solitary soul wandering the world.

“So cowardly and incompetent, how could it be me?” Xiao Zhige frowned and said categorically.

An Changqing turned over the old account: “I don’t know who went to sleep in the study on the night of the wedding.”

This person has become more arrogant and reckless over the years, and he has forgotten about the **** things he did.

Xiao Zhige stopped talking and was silent, before rubbing against the side of his neck, and whispered: “If you weren’t chasing me, maybe I would repeat the same mistakes… Actually, I’m so timid.”

He is so cowardly and cowardly emotionally. If An Changqing hadn’t taken the initiative to show his favor repeatedly, perhaps he would really avoid him and avoid him in the way he thought he was good to him. Just because he knows that he has a bad reputation, anyone who has seen him is not afraid of him. An Changqing’s position in his heart is too special. Even though the two did not meet again when they grew up, he still regarded him as a bit of pure white in the blood, as if he would not lose himself completely. There is still a trace of ties in the world. He was too afraid to see the same fear and fear in An Changqing’s eyes, so he became a deserter first.

“Sorry, I didn’t protect you in the last life.”

An Changqing shook her head and said softly, “Look, this is why I didn’t want to tell you before.”

If Xiao Zhige knew the outcome of the two in the previous life, he would definitely feel distressed and regretful, even if he in the previous life was actually not related to him in this life (gan gan).

“I think it’s good to have a chance to do it again. This time I won’t miss you.” An Changqing thought slowly and said to him: “Maybe it was just a wrong time in the last life, so God gave us a chance. Again.”

“Such a rare opportunity, I don’t think God will take it back easily.” An Changqing said at last.

Xiao Zhige let out a “hmm” with a smile in his voice: “Yes, here is a person who can be blessed by heaven. We will have nothing to do…”

The wind and waves seemed to have no end, the two embraced and talked like this, even though the spirits were strained to the extreme, no one said that they were tired first. The two of them are like a light boat floating in the wind and waves, relying on and supporting each other, waiting in the darkness for the dawn that will not arrive.

I don’t know how long it has passed, the tremor of the hull has not stopped, but the sky (color) outside has already revealed a faint light. The sound of wind, waves and rain gradually diminished, only the shaking of the hull became more and more intense.

An Changqing frowned and said, “It feels… like something is colliding with a ship.” Although the wind and waves are ups and downs, there will be no such (strong qiang) impact.

Xiao Zhige had this feeling for a long time, but in the previous situation, even if something really collided with the ship outside, they were helpless except for waiting. As the sky (color) was twilight and the wind and waves were getting smaller, he hesitated for a moment and said, “I’ll go out and have a look.”

An Changqing immediately said, “I will go with you.”

Xiao Zhige originally wanted to refuse, but he stopped when he saw his eyes, and finally said: “The rope should not be loosened. After going out, walk along the bulkhead. If there is something wrong, immediately go back to the cabin and hide.”

“Good.” An Changqing nodded heavily.

Xiao Zhige loosened the rope tightly wrapped around his palm. Under the slight light, An Changqing saw that his entire right hand had become black and purple (color). The rope was still stained with sporadic blood.

“Don’t look, it doesn’t hurt.”

Xiao Zhige frowned and moved his wrists to relieve the numbness caused by prolonged strangulation. After the fingers became flexible, he opened the hatch and walked out (touching Mo) one after the other with An Changqing. The sky (color) is not too bright, and the cabin is even darker and ignorant. After the two adjusted to the light, they went on the deck quietly.

The wind and waves seemed to be smaller than before, only the impact of the hull was still intense. There were few things that could be supported on the deck. They supported each other, walked to the side of the ship and looked down, and they saw that the sea was densely packed with huge black (colored) dorsal fins.

As they looked down, they saw that the hundreds of dorsal fins were moving quickly, and their gray and black backs (exposed) came out of the water and hit the ship with a “ ” sound. One, two, three… Numerous ones ran into it, and the hull trembled and faltered.

An Changqing’s (body shen) body shook, and she firmly grasped the ship’s side before stabilizing her body (body shen), and she was able to suppress her throat exclaiming.

He looked terrified and undecided: “Is this the mackerel that Huai Rushan said? Or a sea whale?”

While speaking, a larger fish jumped out of the water, with pointed head and jagged teeth, and its tail fin flapped against the salty sea water, and hit the cabin again. Except that the body is bigger than Huai Rushan said, it is clearly a mackerel shark.

The two steadied their bodies, supported the ship’s side and looked around again, and found that not only were these giant sharks surrounding their ship, but also the giant sharks surrounding other ships. The ship farthest away from them already had a hole in its body. I don’t know how long it had been crashed. The people in it probably haven’t noticed it, and they didn’t realize that the bottom layer had leaked.

Xiao Zhige said solemnly: “You must quickly notify other people and find a way to drive these sharks away.”

An Changqing glanced at the sea again, and those black (colored) dorsal fins stood on the sea surface, like black (colored) vertical lines…

Black (color) vertical line!

An Changqing’s eyes widened suddenly, and she lost her voice: “It’s the black (color) vertical lines! The circle of black (color) vertical lines outside the tomb of the sharks are these giant sharks. We are almost there.”

According to the drawing on the nautical chart, the tomb of the shark is an island, and the island is surrounded by a circle of black (color) vertical lines that do not know what it is. At that time, they guessed that this was mostly a defensive thing, and it seemed that it was mostly these giant sharks. If it weren’t for the sturdy ship they chose, they ventured out to check it out and waited for half a day in the second-story cabin. Most of the ship’s hull would be smashed and leaked, and they could only serve as food for these giant sharks.

“Notify others, bring bows and arrows and fire guns.” Xiao Zhige’s voice sank, and he rushed to the second floor cabin first.

They called out the soldiers on the boat, took out the prepared bows and arrows, and waited for them. The other ships have received instructions, and the soldiers are preparing intensively. The ship that was crashed finally noticed that the cabin was leaking. Everyone gathered on the deck and transferred to other ships through a temporary wooden bridge. It’s just that the projectiles and gunpowder stored on the ship are flooded and can only be completely discarded.

Nine of the ten ships remained, and all the weapons on the ships were removed.

Xiao Zhige picked up a fire blunderbus, added the projectile, aimed at a giant shark that collided with the ship, and shook the mechanism. He heard a whistling sound. The blood donation spread over the deep blue sea, and the one that was hit was hit. The giant shark rolled frantically in the sea and slapped the sea, while the giant sharks around it rushed forward after smelling the smell of blood, tearing the injured giant shark into pieces in an instant, leaving only a piece of dark red water above the sea.

It’s just that these giant sharks that have tasted the blood (flesh rou) seem to become more excited and impatient, and the number of ship collisions has also increased.

Huai Rushan grasped the ship’s side in horror and said, “These are definitely not ordinary mackerel sharks. I don’t know how many times I have gone out to sea. I have also seen mackerel sharks. They rarely attack ships at sea, and they are not so big.”

Huai Ruyu said: “We have to distract them first, otherwise our boat may not last for so long after arousing sex. Moreover, if the boat is too close to each other, the fire can easily hit them by mistake. Hull.”

Xiao Zhige said: “The wind and waves have stopped, and the chains connected to the ship can go. We can first catch several giant sharks with roped crossbow arrows, and then drag them to guide the sharks to the shipwreck, and shake the sky. Ray bombed directly.”

Huai Ruyu said: “This method is feasible. It is best to pile the sky-shaking thunder on the sunken ship first. The sunken ship will sink faster and faster, and the speed of the sharks will also be faster. We must seize the time.”

The few people negotiated, and the instructions were quickly passed on. The soldiers piled all boxes of Thunder Thunder on the deck of the sunken ship through ropes. Afterwards, in order to be safe, they sent two ships with ropes. The iron crossbow caught forty giant sharks. After the sails were raised again, the helmsman controlled the direction and dragged the giant shark for a round. When the smell of blood completely dissipated, most of the sharks were attracted and followed, and they approached the sunken ship separately. The warrior jumped onto the sunken ship and firmly nailed the other end of the rope of the shark-stabbed crossbow to the sunken ship’s deck.

The sharks that caught up came in an instant, or hit the shipwreck, or tore at the companions who were nailed by the crossbow bolts and couldn’t escape (tuo). A crimson (color) spread quickly on the sea, and most of the giant sharks gathered around the sunken ship. The soldiers who completed the task did not dare to delay. They had no time to take the plank, so they flew directly onto the ship. The people were still hanging on the side of the ship before they had time to climb up, so they shouted and urged: “Go!”

Hearing the instruction, the helmsman quickly turned away from the sunken ship. A few giant sharks failed to grab (the meat rou), turned their heads and caught up with the ship. The soldiers on the side of the ship were carrying the fire blunderbuss, afraid of attracting other giant sharks, but did not dare to use the fire blunderbuss rashly, and only urged the boat to go faster.

Xiao Zhige stood at the bow of the ship and saw that the two ships were far enough away before he picked up the firecrackers, took aim, and shook the mechanism in one go. After hearing a loud noise in the distance, the sky-shaking thunders accumulated on the deck sank the ship All were detonated at the last moment, making a loud noise like the sky and the earth, and exploded.

A huge wave several feet high was rolled up on the sea, and a raging fire instantly ignited on the sunken ship, and the scorching smell could be smelled from far away.

In the burning sea, there are still countless giant sharks rushing over, biting the corpse of the bombed companion. Huai Rushan, who squatted and avoided the ship wall, stood up and looked at the burning shipwreck. He was shocked and said: “Fortunately you have brought these crossbow arrows, otherwise it is estimated that you will be here today.”

An Changqing was also thankful: “Sky Shaking Thunder is almost used. Fortunately, they are all taken over. If you do it again, I am afraid that there will be no way.”

Huai Rushan patted (chest xiong) mouth, took out the sea chart and glanced at it, “Go east, when we reach the tomb of the shark, we don’t have to be afraid of these ghosts.”

The flags on the ship changed, and the nine sea-going ships that survived the catastrophe raised their sails high together, riveting their efforts to the east.

The author has something to say:

Counseling: I was so counseled in my previous life? ? This shouldn’t be.

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