The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Seeing him walking towards him, the smile on the boy’s face increased. +++Mobile reading visits m. , and I am more intimate with An Changqing. While jumping forward, he actively introduces: “My name is Yu Qiao, it’s my dad for nostalgia. What about you the name the uncle took?”

“An Changqing.”

Yu Qiao slowed down, his eyes widened, and he looked at An Changqing carefully, and said with a smile: “You are so good-looking. If you go back to the village, those men who are chasing after me to give birth to a baby should turn around. I’m chasing you. I heard from my father that my little uncle used to be the best-looking person in the village.”

An Changqing smiled faintly: “I am married and have two children. The man in the black (color) outfit just now is my partner.”

Yu Qiao’s eyes widened in astonishment: “Foreigner?”

“Yeah.” An Changqing followed him deep and shallow through the woodland: “My father is also a foreigner.”

Yu Qiao tilted his head and looked very puzzled: “Father often said that it is dangerous outside, but I think you are doing well outside. Can you tell me about your uncle and the outside world?”

An Changqing met his clear eyes, thought for a while and still didn’t hide it from him, and then told him the matter of the envoy’s life in Yuze (fa fa).

After listening to Yu Qiao, he muttered to himself: “Then my father is not a lie to me. The people outside are indeed too bad. No one in our village dares to do this kind of thing.”

An Changqing laughed: “There are indeed many bad people out there, but there are also many good people. My companions are all good people.”

Yu Qiao probably couldn’t understand it. Condensed his eyebrows for a while and said, “How do you tell the bad guys and the good guys?”

An Changqing didn’t know how to answer him for a while, and hesitated: “For decades in life, bad people and good people will be met. If you see more, you can probably tell. Moreover, sometimes there is no clear boundary between good people and bad people, maybe the same. Personally, he hurt you, and he is a bad person to you. But he protected me, and he is a good person to me.”

“What about your friends? Are they good or bad to us?” Yu Qiao suddenly stopped, staring at him without evasiveness.

The boy’s eyes are still clear and simple. Some people are simply stupid, and some are pure but transparent, but Yu Qiao is obviously the latter.

“They are not malicious, but they come from Daye and Yuze respectively. For you, they may be the offspring of those bad guys.” An Changqing did not despise him because of his age, but chose to treat each other frankly. He came here to solve the medicine for the Huai brothers and also to relieve his own hidden dangers. Since we are asking for others, we must always be open and honest to show our sincerity.

Yu Qiao really laughed, and (exposed) two cute little tiger teeth said: “Although I know a little about what you said, my father once told me that if you are a liar, you must never take him to the village. You. If you don’t lie to me, you can enter the village.”

An Changqing smiled even more when he was infected: “Then I passed your test?”

“Yes. I’ll take you back to the village.” Yu Qiao smiled happily, pulling his wrist and leading him to run forward with strides. The two of them walked through the woods, stepped across a piece of grass, and finally came to a big river.

At the end of the big river is a cliff several meters wide. The river falls on the edge of the cliff and becomes an upside-down waterfall. The scenery (color) on the other side of the river is obscured by water mist, and it is not clear to see. But Changqing An estimated the time the two traveled, guessing that this cliff was the sky trench discovered by the vanguard.

“How are we going to get there?”

“Go through the water.” Yu Qiao said: “Can you sip water?”

An Changqing asked, “I was flooded in water when I was young.”

Yu Qiao looked at him incredulously, but quickly became relieved, and pushed him forward on the walkway: “It doesn’t matter, my father said that there is no one who can’t understand water in the scorpion. This is our nature (sexual xing). My three He threw me into the river when he was 10 years old, and you will be there when you go down.”

An Changqing is still hesitating, but he has quickly (take off tuo) off his clothes and wrapped the clothes in an inconspicuous gray (color) bag. The other bag was handed over to An Changqing: “You are about to take your clothes off (tuo), and you won’t get wet in the bag.”

The gray (color) cloth bag in the hand feels cool and light, and it is not a common cloth to look at. An Changqing looked at Yu Qiao who had jumped into the river and waited. She gritted her teeth and dropped her coat and jumped in after him. He has been deliberately staying away from the water source since he fell into the water when he was a child, but after he got into the water, he felt a sense of indescribability. The hands and feet waved uncontrollably in the water, and they gradually floated.

“Your posture in the water is really ugly.” Yu Qiao laughed at him in the water, waved his hands and feet gracefully before coming to him, holding his wrist and saying: “Hold your breath, I will take you forward.”

An Changqing nodded in response, and then took a sigh of relief, letting him take himself to the bottom of the river. The river on the island is clearly visible. An Changqing was a little uncomfortable when she opened her eyes. After getting used to it, she became curious again. Opened his eyes wide and looked around. In addition to aquatic plants at the bottom of the river, there are all kinds of fish and shrimps. Seeing people coming over, they fled in panic. Yu Qiao seemed to be very familiar with this piece, and saw that he waved his limbs calmly under the water, and he even had spare energy to tease the panicked fish and shrimps.

The corner of An Changqing’s mouth bends, but fortunately, remembering that it was in the water in time, she quickly took a sigh of relief.

After being taken by Yu Qiao to swim at the bottom of the river for an unknown period of time, An Changqing never felt suffocated before he was surprised. He looked back, and estimated that the two had spent at least one cup of tea at the bottom of the river, but he still held back his breath. The river was clear behind him, and no one was seen following him. He guessed that Xiao Zhige probably failed to follow him.

Thinking about it this way, the shark tribe hiding the passage at the bottom of the river is indeed more able to guard against outsiders.

He was thinking. I felt that Yu Qiao shook his hand vigorously. After returning to his senses, I saw Yu Qiao pointing to the top of his head, comparing his mouth, and spitting out a bunch of bubbles, which meant that they might have arrived. An Changqing followed him and tried to float up.

When the two of them floated up from the bottom of the river, they saw a row of flowers and trees, with light red (colored) petals falling on the surface of the river, drifting away with the river. A little further away, there are verdant grass and rows of exquisite houses. The gray-haired old man in front of the house was basking in the sun, and there was a middle-aged man carrying a fish basket carrying a fishing rod as if he had just returned home. Seeing Yu Qiao on the river, he waved his hand and said, “Qiaoqiao, you sneaked out to play outside again, your father knows, I won’t help you.”

After speaking, I saw An Changqing next to him, his smile suddenly reduced a little, and said, “Who is this?”

The two went ashore and quickly put on their clothes. Yu Qiao just took An Changqing over and said, “Uncle Qi, this is An Changqing. It is the grandson of the young uncle.”

The middle-aged man, known as Uncle Qi, condensed his eyes on An Changqing’s face, before taking a scrutiny: “You are the grandson of the younger brother? Where is the younger brother? How did you find it? Is there a way to prove it?”

He is not like Yu Qiao, and he is obviously very wary of outsiders. The demeanor doesn’t see much closeness, but more defensive.

An Changqing showed him the red pattern (exposure) behind her ear, and took out the Pisces jade pendant that Xiao Zhige had previously brought back just in case: “My mother was adopted by someone, and my grandfather only left this Piece of jade pendant. I found it only after following the clues.”

Uncle Qi’s eyes trembled when he saw Yupei, he took it over and looked at it for a while, and muttered, “It really belongs to the younger brother.”

After speaking, he looked up at An Changqing, and said in a deep voice, “You come with me.”

An Changqing hesitated for a moment and followed, Yu Qiao also wanted to follow, but was drunk by Uncle Qi: “Go and find your father and daddy to come back.”

Yu Qiao reluctantly let out an “Oh”, and finally saw An Changqing’s words before leaving slowly.

Uncle Qi took An Changqing into a wooden hut on the right side. After the two sat down, Uncle Qi did not speak, but looked at his face. An Changqing was not timid, and looked at him frankly.

“You don’t look like him.”

An Changqing looked down and said softly: “I have never seen my grandfather.”

“Then what are you looking for?” Uncle Qi said: “You said that your mother was abandoned, and that little brother must be gone. Your mother and son have never seen him, and there will be no deep feelings. You are looking for it because Did you find that you have a special physique? Or did you come from the Yuzawa royal family? You didn’t come alone, did you?”

His eyes suddenly sharpened, An Changqing sat opposite him, the doors and windows in the room were closed tightly, giving him the feeling of being interrogated. He silently raised his vigilance in his heart, thinking that although this tomb is isolated from the world, the people on it are not all as simple as Yu Qiao.

“I’ll find the antidote.”

Since he has guessed most of it, he has also spared the effort of An Changqing’s explanation: “The grandfather fell in love with King Yuze, and went to Yuze during an accident. After giving birth to his mother, he left a piece of jade and disappeared. The mother was not there. Knowing who I am, she gave birth to me after she got married. I found out that I had a special physique. I was obviously able to conceive in a man’s body, so I kept pursuing it in secret. After I found Yuze, I learned that I was after my maternal grandfather and the first king of Yuze. The blood of the Yuze royal family is poisonous, and my grandfather is the emissary who sent the antidote. After he disappeared, the Yuze royal family did not understand the medicine and died young and old. This generation of Yuze king found out my identity, We worked together to track down here.”

“You are smart. If he has half of your mind, he will probably not be deceived.” Uncle Qi said a word of praise or derogation and then stopped speaking, only looking down at the piece of Pisces jade pendant. .

He was silent, but An Changqing was observing him in secret. He felt strange before. Based on his mother’s age, his maternal grandfather was young, and if he lived to this day, he would be nearly sixty years old. But Yu Qiao called his maternal grandfather “little uncle”, Qishu also called maternal grandfather “little brother”, apparently the same age as his grandparents, or even older. But the man in front of him is only forty years old, strong and strong, without a trace of oldness.

An Changqing is wondering whether this “seven uncle” has a high seniority or is it true that the scorpion tribe can live forever like the legend?

Before he was puzzled, the closed door was pushed open. When the first came in, a pair of (color)-looking middle-aged men, the slightly taller look very similar to Yu Qiao, a pair of eagle eyes swept over. , Condensed on his face for a moment, and his voice was majestic: “You are Changqing? My little brother’s grandson?”

Uncle Qi turned around and showed them the Pisces jade pendant in the palm of his hand.

“It’s my little brother.” The handsome man next to him took Yupei to recognize it, then looked at An Changqing deeply, and said after a long while: “Don’t be afraid, we just want to confirm something with you.”

An Changqing nodded slightly.

The Qingjun man said again, “It’s too small and inconvenient. Go to my place and talk.”

Then An Changqing turned around and followed them out. When they went out, they found that besides these two, there were three people standing at the door, two men and one woman, all of them were very attractive. Most of them looked like middle-aged people, only one. The woman looks the oldest, her hair is half white, and she looks like she is in her fifties. He heard others call her “Second Sister”.

The second sister stood in the forefront and saw An Changqing coming out, so she came up to look at him, sighed again, patted his hand vigorously, and slowly said to the others: “This is from the scorpion clan. The fate, the high priest had already predicted it, so don’t blame this child. This is not necessarily a bad thing.”

An Changqing was confused when she heard it, but everyone else obviously understood what she meant. The Qingjun man nodded and said, “We know.”

The second sister seemed to be satisfied, and said An Changqing again: “Your grandfather is my little brother, you can call me second aunt.”

An Changqing screamed kindly, and she laughed, the small wrinkles on her face piled up, and she looked older than when she was not smiling. She patted An Changqing on the back and said to him: “You go and talk about business first, and when you are done, come to my place for dinner.”

The others responded and led An Changqing to another wooden house. It’s bigger and brighter than before, obviously it’s been arranged carefully. Yu Qiao was also there, with a small tail stalking (touching Mo) (touching Mo) behind his head. The eagle-eyed man took a faint glance, and stopped following the footsteps.

After everyone arrived, the Qingjun man introduced him: “Your maternal grandfather has eight brothers and sisters. He is the youngest. The second grandmother just saw me. I ranked fifth.” Another pointed at the eagle-eyed man next to him: “He is the third, and I won’t talk about the seventh when you have seen it. These two are the fourth and sixth. You can call them grandpa.”

An Changqing obediently called a circle of people, and the eyes of the few people present really eased a lot.

Yu Wu then continued: “You can tell us about your grandfather and the outside affairs first.”

An Changqing told them what they found. After listening, the faces (colors) of several people were different. On the contrary, Yu Qi was obviously more irritable, and said in a bad tone: “I said I shouldn’t let Xiao Ba go out to sea. Those people outside didn’t have a good thing. It was like this hundreds of years ago, and it will be like this after hundreds of years! Anyway, we will not die. Absolutely, they will not give up!”

“Old Seven!” Yu San sighed in a deep voice, eagle eyes with awe-inspiring majesty: “This is the fate we are born to bear. There is no need to blame the heavens and others. If you gain, you lose.”

“I am willing to be an ordinary person,” Yu Qi said with emotions in his eyes.

“Okay.” Yu Wu sighed and interrupted their argument: “Let’s talk about business first.”

Yu Qi obviously listened more to his words, and sat down angrily, only a pair of eyes still churning with unwillingness and resentment.

Yu Wu then turned his gaze to An Changqing again and asked, “Are you here to find the antidote?”


Yu Wu looked at him gently, but looked a little apologetic: “The antidote is in the Heavenly Palace at the bottom of the cliff. We could easily enter and exit the Heavenly Palace. But not long after Xiao Bayi was gone, the mechanism of the Heavenly Palace at the bottom of the cliff was activated. The door is closed and we can’t get in. Even if Xiao Ba has no accident, we won’t get the antidote until the next ten years.”

An Changqing didn’t expect it to be like this. She was stunned and asked hesitantly, “Could you tell me what’s in the temple?”

“Tiangong…” Yu Wushen (color) seemed to fall into memory: “According to the records handed down from generation to generation in the clan, the Tiangong has countless gold and silver jewels and scorpions, as well as countless institutions. The most central place… is the high priest. Resting place.”

“The high priest… is it Yu Qiao?” An Changqing asked again, “He is dead?”

Yu Wu glanced at him and shook his head: “The empty tomb was built at the time. We have never seen it.”

What else An Changqing wanted to ask, Yu Wu stopped his conversation and pointed to the dark sky outside and said: “It’s getting late, go eat first. I know you must have many questions to ask. , I’ll tell you when I finish eating.”

He (exposed) smiled helplessly: “Many things are passed on by word of mouth. I can’t remember well when I am getting older, so I have to think about it.”

An Changqing looked at his face in his early forties and said, “You don’t look old.”

Yu Wu laughed and greeted others to eat first: “Look at people, you can’t just look at their faces…just like wicked people often have a bodhisattva face. And some people are old and can’t see it from their faces.”

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