The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Yu San led the way, An Changqing, four people, and forty Shanshui elites followed him, and slowly walked towards the palace. +++Mobile reading visit m.

Although Tiangong is called Tiangong, it is actually built on the bottom of a cliff. The cliff was steep. Under the leadership of Yu San, they used the thick vines on the cliff as ropes to form a dozen large hanging baskets for people to ride, and then used the vines to slowly send people to the bank of the river at the bottom of the cliff.

After a dozen or so hanging baskets went back and forth several times, everyone reached the bottom of the cliff. At the bottom of the cliff is a big rushing river, and waterfalls rushing down into it, making the water very turbulent. Yu San led them down for a while, and only when they got to the area where the river level was gentle, did they call everyone to prepare to go into the water.

An Changqing curiously asked, “Is the Temple of Heaven at the bottom of the river?”

There are cliffs on both sides of this cliff, with a big river in the middle. The panoramic view can be seen at a glance, and there is no room for a heavenly palace.

“The Tiangong is in this mountain.”

Yu San pointed to the mountain on the opposite bank of the river, opposite a steep mountain. Because it is the midsummer season, tough weeds grow in the crevices of the mountain, and when viewed from the opposite side, it looks like greenery.

“At the beginning, Huai Shu’an asked people to hollow out the mountain and built a heavenly palace. This cliff was originally there, but the big river on the cliff and at the bottom of the cliff was dug by man, and the access to the mountain was hidden. The bottom of the river. It is to prevent outsiders from entering. The bottom of the river is quite deep, and only those who are good at holding their breath and drinking water can enter.”

An Changqing looked at the waterfall hanging like Bailian in the distance, and then at the wide river in front of him, she couldn’t imagine that it was actually excavated by hand. Such a big river not only connects the village where the Shaman tribe is located, but also connects with the Yadi Heavenly Palace.

Yu San greeted everyone and told everyone to get ready to go into the water. The previously prepared airbags were put into use at this time, and after everyone put them on, they went into the water one after another. Ordinary people don’t look like the Shaman tribes trespassing in water. In order to prevent people from falling behind in the water or accidents, every nine people are divided into five teams, connected by ropes at their waists. If there is an accident, they can pull the ropes to call for help. .

Those who came were all good players who knew how to water. After everyone got into the water, they followed Yu San’s team and carefully swam toward the bottom of the river. An Changqing and Xiao Zhige led a team of people, and the two teams were not far away. He waved to Xiao Zhige and caught up with Yu San first.

When the water was first launched, the river was still bright and transparent. When the group of people went down more and more, the light in the river became dim and obscure, and there were fewer fish swimming. Yu San and An Changqing are still holding their breath, but the others have started to use airbags to ventilate from time to time.

After swimming for more than two quarters of an hour in the middle of the river, An Changqing also felt unable to hold it back. The other people’s airbags were about to be replaced, but Yu San was still going downstream. An Changqing followed up and gestured for a while, and asked him about how long it would take him to arrive. Yu San looked at the people behind, and made a gesture of coming soon.

An Changqing breathed a sigh of relief, then turned back to signal the others to save some breathing, and replaced her airbag with a soldier with a deflated airbag before continuing to swim forward.

After swimming forward for a while, a soft light cluster appeared at the bottom of the dimly lit river. When everyone approached, they realized that it was a passage. Everyone passed through the passage in order and found that the water here was actually very shallow, and the sun shining into the water, illuminating the entire river surface brightly.

The people who had been suffocating for a long time rushed to the surface of the water to breathe, and then they opened their eyes in astonishment-the magnificence of the heavenly palace is incomparable to the most magnificent Yejing Forbidden Palace. I saw a snow-white palace made of crystal and jade in the center of the river. In front of the palace stood two statues holding glass cups. The glass cups were slightly tilted, and the water in the cup tilted down, following the foot of the shark statue. The shell-shaped pool flowed out and merged into the river where they were.

The water of this river is connected with the river channel outside, but it is more like a pool for playing and playing. The side is decorated with various (color) colored treasures and surrounds the entire Tiangong.

Its extravagance and grandeur are rare in the world.

“Look at the top of your head.” Huai Rushan sighed again with a bit of sourness: “I’m afraid that all the money of the ancestor was used to build this heavenly palace, right?”

When everyone heard the words, they looked up and saw that there were countless holes excavated on the top that should have been dark. The holes were arranged according to the twenty-eight stars, and the sunlight from outside shone through the excavated holes, like a bright starry sky.

Huai Ruyu also narrowed his eyes and said: “Look at those excavated holes, there are many beads of different sizes embedded in them. If you read them correctly, they should all be Ye Mingzhu.”

When the sun is good, these holes can be illuminated, if the sky (color) is bad or at night, these night pearls are another beautiful scenery.

An Changqing said, “Does Huai Shu’an like Yu Qiao?”

Otherwise, if it’s just guilt and compensation for friends, I wouldn’t be able to do so. Others apparently agreed with this statement, looking at the palace very embarrassed.

“Let’s find a way to get in first.” Yu San had been to Tiangong earlier, and was not as amazed at the extravagance and splendor here as the others.

The crowd just recovered and gathered in front of the gate.

The gate of the Tiangong was closed, presumably what Yu San said, the mechanism inside was activated and the gate of the palace was closed.

“How do I open this door?” An Changqing stepped forward and tentatively pushed with his hands. Who knew that his voice hadn’t fallen yet, when he saw the closed palace door being pushed gently by him, a gap was pushed out. An Changqing froze immediately, and looked back at Yu San in surprise: “Didn’t it mean it can’t be opened?”

“It really couldn’t be opened before.” Yu San frowned, stepped forward and pushed the door open completely, and the situation inside the Tiangong was revealed (exposed) in front of everyone. The front hall of the Tiangong Palace is equipped with a full set of tables, chairs and benches for hospitality. There are also tea sets on the table. Naturally, these tables, chairs and tea sets are also treasures; there are several calligraphy hanging on the wall facing them. snake. An Changqing leaned closer to see. The seal below was Yu Qiao’s name—it turned out to be Yu Qiao’s handwriting.

After reading it, they followed Yu Qiao to the side hall, and explained to them as they walked: “Every time we come to get the antidote, we put it here.”

Everyone had arrived when they were talking. There were only a few rows of Bogu shelves in the side hall, and many flower pots with jade on the shelves. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

Yu San stepped forward to investigate and frowned, “All are dead.”

“What does it mean to be dead? This antidote is alive?” Huai Ruyu asked.

“In these pots there was originally a dragon horn-like plant. They were planted in jade, and they don’t need to be taken care of. We can take them once every ten years. But now you have seen them. These plants are gone. .”

The plants planted in the jade are gone, which means that the antidote is gone.

Huai Rushan’s eyes widened: “This is too coincidental. We just found it. The gate of the Heavenly Palace opened by itself and the antidote was gone.”

If Yu Sanfang didn’t hear the extraneous words of his words, he said to An Changqing: “If you want to continue searching, you can only go inside.”

An Changqing looked at a few people, and said, “Continue to look inside?”

If you are here, you are naturally going to see it, otherwise you will not be reconciled to a trip in vain. Everyone then went inside again. As he went deeper, Yu San repeated the danger (sexual xing) of the internal organs again, and told everyone to follow him: “I only walked inside for a while. The contents inside can’t be stumbling, and any object can move away. Touch the organs. The hidden weapons of those organs are poisoned, and they are so delicate and small that they are impossible to guard against.”

Everyone listened to his warning, and they all followed in with holding their breath.

However, they passed through a corridor, a moon gate, but nothing happened. Only the ground seemed to be damp, and shallow water began to accumulate.

“It’s not quite right here.” Yu San suddenly stopped.

Xiao Zhige also said: “We have no organs along the way.”

He didn’t suspect that Yu San was lying. Leaving aside the relationship between Yu San and An Changqing, just by looking at his guarded attitude, he knew that he had indeed seen the power of the institutions here. However, they walked all the way, not to mention the agencies, and none of the mosquitoes were seen.

Huai Ruyu said, “Is it because we didn’t trigger the mechanism, or it took too long for these mechanisms to be corrupted?”

“It’s impossible not to be triggered.” Yu San pointed to the diamond-shaped jade floor tiles under everyone’s feet: “When the Tiangong mechanism was first activated, I visited here to investigate. Every tile here can trigger the mechanism. As long as stepping on it, it will definitely trigger the poison. Arrows. Poisoned arrows shoot from the top of the head and on both sides of the corridor, and they are inevitable.”

“Really?” Huai Rushan lowered his head and stomped on the ground with his feet. He stepped indiscriminately, and when he heard Huai Ruyu say “carefully,” he suddenly pushed him aside. And where Huai Rushan just stood, a short arrow was nailed impressively. The short arrow hit the ground three points, which shows the strength.

Xiao Zhige drew out the short arrow to take a look, and said, “Poisonous.”

An Changqing looked at the corridor connecting the two ends, and then at the top of his head. If it was really like what Yu San said, poisoned arrows were shot from three sides, I was afraid it was really unavoidable.

Huai Rushan’s demonstration by his own body corroborated Yu San’s statement. There are indeed institutions here, and the institutions have not been corrupted.

“The mechanism is not broken, but it has not been triggered. Could it be that someone has already come?” Huai Ruyu guessed.

Yu San firmly said: “It’s impossible. People of the scorpion clan know that there are many institutions in the heavenly palace, and it is impossible for anyone to commit danger. What’s more, if a clan breaks in, it is impossible to know how to close these institutions.

“The water on the ground has increased.” Xiao Zhige, who had been looking down and thinking, suddenly said.

When everyone was reminded by him, they were shocked to realize that the accumulation of fruit that was only a thin layer had increased, and a shallow layer was covered on the jade floor tiles.

Yu San squatted, put his finger in the water and put it in the mouth, and said in a deep voice: “This is not the stagnant water caused by dampness, but the sea water. The sea water outside has poured in.”

“The heaven is connected to the sea?” Huai Rushan asked in surprise.

Yu San: “I don’t know, I haven’t been.”

Xiao Zhige said, “Go and see. If it’s really sea water, I’m afraid it will be submerged sooner or later.”

Everyone hurried forward while they were talking. Yu San was only planning to send them here and then left, but after thinking about it, he still followed. Everyone rushed all the way to the center of the Tiangong, and as expected, they didn’t encounter any organs again. When they arrived at the center of the Tiangong, there was only a staircase spiraling upwards unexpectedly.

Everyone picked up the steps, and the more they went up, the brighter they became. When they reached the top, they saw the sun pouring down, and they had already reached the outside of the mountain. Where they are is an octagonal pavilion. The four sides are wide open, and when you look up, there is blue water all around.

Huai Rushan said: “Look, there is really connected to the sea.”

There is a waterfall not far from the octagonal building, and a canyon is vaguely visible under the waterfall, but that canyon is connected to the sea. Now they looked at it and saw that the water in the gorge was no longer flowing out, but the sea was slowly pouring into it.

Yu Sandao: “The tide has not yet risen at this time.” If the tide is high, I am afraid that the seawater will flow back more quickly, and the whole temple will be filled with seawater.

Several people looked at each other and all understood the urgency (sexual xing). If they don’t find the antidote before the Tiangong is flooded, their trip will probably be in vain. The few dared not delay any more time, and hurried downstairs. Ready to search in Tiangong.

An Changqing was one step behind, and finally glanced at the blue sea, vaguely feeling that Yu Qiao would not like such a palace far from the sea.

Perhaps after he got into the water, he also possessed some kind of nature (sexual xing) of the shark tribe, and he had an unspeakable affinity for the sea. Therefore, no matter how splendid and luxurious the Tiangong was built, in his eyes, it was far inferior to the vast ocean. He still doesn’t like it. Yu Qiao, who was born on the sea and grows on the sea, does not like it even more?

A somewhat ridiculous thought flashed in his mind, calling everyone aloud, and pondering his words: “You said…Is it possible that Yu Qiao cracked this heavenly palace mechanism?”

The entire Tiangong was built by Yu Qiao, and Yu San also said that only Yu Qiao knew how to crack the organs that Huai Shu’an had set up when they were ordered to build it. If it weren’t for someone else, Yu Qiao would be the only candidate left.

“I don’t think it’s impossible,” Huai Ruyu agreed in contemplation.

Xiao Zhige also said: “If you don’t consider his age, everything after we arrive at the temple can be explained.”

Yu San also said: “It was really unsure whether the high priest was dead or not. Everything was just speculation by the people.”

Although An Changqing’s guess sounds a little absurd, it is the most probable guess if you look into it carefully. After all, this island cannot be approached by ordinary people at all, let alone find the heaven at the bottom of the cliff. However, the Yuren tribe is self-sufficient in the village and has nothing to do with the world. If it hadn’t been for Huai Shu’an’s original request, they would never set foot in the palace.

Then the only person who can come and go freely in the Tiangong and have the ability to decipher the mechanism of the Tiangong is only Yu Qiao—if he is indeed still alive.

“But if he is still alive, how old will he be?” Huai Rushan blinked and asked in a trembling voice.

Others glanced at him, but they didn’t answer his question. If Yu Qiao is still alive, his age… I really don’t want to count it, and even a little calculation will find it amazing.

Huai Ruyu patted his head and said kindly, “How old is it that we have no relationship with us, so let’s hurry up and find the antidote.”

So everyone hurried downstairs to search for the antidote in the various side halls of the Tiangong. After bypassing the central staircase, a large number of gold, silver and jade are stored in the back several side halls. The dazzling array was placed in the hall, and the door was pushed in. The dazzling pearl of gold and jade almost dazzled people’s eyes.

However, at this time, no one is thinking about these babies, after all, their lives are almost impossible to save, and it is useless to ask for them. And even if you have the fate to get it, it’s really difficult to transport things out.

When everyone was struggling to find, they heard Huai Rushan screamed screaming in the other side hall, and he rushed out in piss. He grabbed Huai Ruyu who had heard the sound and said in horror: “There are ghosts inside. !”

“Speak clearly.” Huai Ruyu frowned.

Huai Rushan trembled: “I went to look for the antidote inside, and when I was looking through the box, I saw a figure floating by the side.” Then he was frightened and rushed out. Where can I take a closer look?

When several people saw him, they couldn’t explain clearly, so they could only enter the hall to check. Xiao Zhige was in front, followed by An Changqing, followed by Huai Ruyu brothers and Yu Sandian. The five people entered cautiously, and found no ghosts, but found traces of many people’s lives.

This side hall is different from other side halls filled with treasures. There are a lot of living (yong) items placed inside, as if someone had lived in it.

Xiao Zhige picked up the inkstone and brush on the table and said, “The inkstone and brush have all traces of use.”

There were still many books piled on the side. He took one and opened it, but he saw it read: “I have traveled around for many years, and finally found a ray of life for the scorpion race. The main road is fifty, and the sky is forty-nine. Heaven is lacking. One, but stay alive. The fate of the Shark Race has continued for thousands of years, and I should end it.”

He was watching, listening to other people’s words: “These boxes are all Yu Qiao’s handwritten notes.”

Xiao Zhige temporarily put down the one in his hand and went to look at the others, and he saw that these handbooks were arranged in different categories. Obviously, the owner had long expected that someone would look for it and put it back on purpose.

In order to prevent the sea from rising and wetting the handwritten notes, Xiao Zhige ordered people to move all these cages to the octagonal building. The five people were on the octagonal building. It took four or five days to read all the handwritten notes day and night before clarifying. The ins and outs of everything.

But what this code says is a completely different story from Huai Shu’an’s code and the story told by the Jongren tribe.

At that time, Yu Qiao met Huai Shu’an on the sea, and went to Yongzhou with him to become close friends. Later, Xiao Li, the great ancestor of Ye, wrote a letter inviting Huai Shu’an to go to Yejing to conspire. At that time, Yu Qiao had already found his own tribe. In order to improve the situation of the Yuren tribe, he proposed to go to Yejing with Huai Shu’an, so he got acquainted with Xiao Li, Xue Chang and others.

Although Yu Qiao grew up on the island, he was born with knowledge, was born intelligent, and had many bold and wonderful ideas. Soon he merged into Huai Shu’an’s friends, and even participated in the “Eight Pillar Kingdom Rebellion.” Among the eight Dazhu Kingdoms, apart from Huai Shu’an, who was the first to get acquainted with, the closest to him (Guanguan) were Xiao Li and Xue Chang.

Xiao Li was decisive, courageous and strategic, and was a born emperor. But Yu Qiaozhi is so close to the demon. In the several battles that overthrew the previous dynasty, the two conspired together and fought side by side. They soon cherished each other and developed love for each other. Yu Qiao had a special experience and took it for granted that men and men were together, and Xiao Li didn’t care about the opinions of others. After the two fell in love, they did not hide a few friends.

But I didn’t want the relationship between the two of them, but it involved many things later.

Yu Qiao said something in his handwritten notes: He only learned later that Huai Shu’an, whom he regarded as his best friend, had been infatuated with him for many years. However, Huai Shu’an was obstructed by the secular etiquette, and was afraid of being disgusted by him, and suppressed his mind for several years, but did not want to suddenly learn that the obsessed person was with his good brother. Since then, he has been greatly stimulated by (stabbing ci) and has gone astray.

It’s just that Huai Shu’an didn’t show the slightest abnormality at the time, and even Xiao Li and Yu Qiao didn’t notice it was wrong. After the war, they also elected Xiao Li as the emperor, and Xiao Li had a drink with them on the eve of his ascension, saying that after he became the throne, he would plan to proclaim the emperor side by side with Yu Qiao. At that time, the two people’s congress would be held together. Wedding ceremony.

Huai Shuan agreed on the surface, but secretly began to contact the former officials, while inciting them to put pressure on Xiao Li, while secretly provoking the relationship between Xiao Li and Yu Qiao. Xiao Li first ascended the throne and had a lot of affairs in the court, but Yu Qiao was still living in Huaishu’an Mansion because of Xiao Li’s plots, and he was not yet sealed. When Xiao Li pretended to marry the princess of the former court and prepared to take this opportunity to eradicate the former courtiers in one fell swoop, Huai Shu’an deliberately conveyed the wrong message in it, making Yu Qiao mistakenly believe that it was Xiao Li’s betrayal of his promises. Later, he designed Xue Chang, who was unaware of it, to let him accidentally vent (reveal) the affairs of the Shark tribe after drinking.

They have been with Yu Qiao for many years, and they know more or less about the Yao people. Huai Shu’an knows the position of Yu Clan in Yu Qiao’s heart. After exposing the news through Xue Chang’s mouth, he secretly (fucked cao) controlled the former court officials, in order to put pressure on Xiao Li, forcing him to pretend to marry the former princess and eradicate the old officials’ plan. Hurry in advance.

Yu Qiao, who was deliberately deceived by Huai Shu’an without knowing it, naturally went to the palace to question Xiao Li, and Xiao Li naturally tried his best to explain it. Yu Qiao was originally suspicious, but then the news of the Shaman tribe was leaked (exposed), and countless people chased (killed sha) Shaman tribe. He didn’t have time to wait for Xiao Li to prove to him in Yejing, he was in Huai in a hurry. Shu’an’s help went down to find the tribe.

After that, there were many chasing (killing sha) and avoidance. In the past few years, Yu Qiao led his tribe to hide in Tibet, and lost contact with Xiao Li and others.

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