The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Business in Yejing Teahouse has been very good these few days. The lower part is full of customers, and the storyteller above is spitting, and his mouth is almost bald. +++Mobile reading visit m.

Seeing that the new show was already full, the storyteller slammed his fan on the table and said, “But it was said that at sunset that day, there were people coming and going on Yongle Street, and a tall horse was walking slowly in the distance. Right away. There are two people sitting, one is burly and majestic, the other is slender and handsome than Panan…”,

Mr. Storyteller showed his fan: “Guess who it is?”

“It was the Northern Warlord and his newly married princess!”

“Speaking of which, the princess of the Northern Warfare is terrific, but a man is born three points better than a woman, handsome and charming, and ecstatic! When the Northern Warlord met him in the early days, he was stunned and vowed to marry him back to Jinwuzang. Jiao. But this princess is a man after all, so there is no reason to follow…”

The storyteller was talking so much, but someone was dissatisfied at the bottom, and muttered: “This storytelling is too nonsense. Didn’t the princess of the Northern Warfare dead long ago? I heard that the newlyweds were secretly secreted early in the morning on the second day. Pulled out of the city and buried it!”

“Where did you hear the news? It’s not reliable.” The person next to him couldn’t listen anymore, and gave him a glance: “The day before yesterday, the Northern War King took the princess to Sanweizhai. It is said that the princess loves plum blossoms. The prince specially took him to buy cakes.”

“That’s right.” An aunt next to him echoed: “The plum cakes of Sanweizhai have been selling crazy these few days, and they all say that after eating, they can be as creamy and beautiful as the princess. If you can’t get it, I would think Buy a few dollars!”

Someone next to him joked: “Aunty, you are all this age, and you still want to sprout?”

Auntie gave a “pooh” and tweeted, “What did I eat? That’s for my daughter to eat!”

The man who asked the previous question was stunned by several people. In a daze, he returned to see the storyteller, but the storyteller had already mentioned that because the princess refused to follow, the Northern Warlord would take the man to the palace in a rage. Forbidden…


Although the story is ridiculous, the tea guests are full of interest. As the new year is approaching, everyone is idle and likes to listen to something new and interesting. This story of the Northern War King (qiang) robbing the princess and torturing her body and heart and finally getting married is a bit more dead than the Northern War King’s mansion today. The person is much more interesting.

Seeing the storyteller speak more and more ridiculously, the blue-clothed man sitting at the back got up and walked out, and the two grey-clothed men behind him also left.

Out of the teahouse, dressed in grey, said, “This storyteller is too ridiculous.”

The blue-clothed son said: “But it’s true that the two of them rode a horse back to the mansion. You said…Does the second child really like that bastard, or is he doing a show for us?”

The man in gray hesitated for a moment: “I’m afraid that I will do more drama. I have never heard of the Northern War King Hao Nan (color) before. And his (sexual xing) son…you don’t know.”

“That’s right.” The blue-shirted son nodded in agreement: “Is it a show…When I go back, I will tell the queen to declare him to enter the palace.”

The young man in blue sneered: “Although he has long been no longer qualified to succeed, he has to guard against it.”

After all, none of the princes in this palace, including him, held the military power. Although they all acquiesced that he could not inherit the Datong, are there fewer examples of forcing the palace to seize the throne?

The young man in blue covered his eyes sharply and said, “Go back to the palace.”


However, at the Northern War Palace, the Northern War Princess has a headache recently.

Since Xiao Zhige went to Anjia to pick him up last time and called his nickname once, he has never changed his mind.

Obviously, such a mighty and tough military commander is called the soft (Ru) name all day long. Changqing An always looks at his expressionless cold face, and then listens to him calling himself “Hey here.” It feels numb from the strands of hair to the tips of the toes.

But regardless of his explicit hint, the man just doesn’t change.

After several times, An Changqing finally compromised and left with him. It’s just that I’m not used to listening. Every time a man yells, he’s blushing. In the end, there was no choice but to avoid Xiao Zhige.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhige had to go to the camp outside the city to train soldiers every day. He himself was busy picking Zhuangzi, and he stopped early in the evening. This did not force him to rush the dignified Northern Warlord to the study room to sleep.

This day An Changqing is instructing An Fu to prepare the carriage, and he is going out of the city.

After several days of searching (touching Mo), he finally found a suitable Zhuangzi, just outside the city under Qingyun Mountain, with a quiet environment and hot springs on Zhuangzi, which is very suitable for healing. An Changqing is going to take a look in person, and if it is suitable, he will buy it as soon as possible.

“Going out?” When Xiao Zhige was going out, he asked when he saw this.

“Well, go to Qingyun Mountain to see Zhuangzi.”

Xiao Zhige retracted his stepped foot again, sat down on the side, and said, “Go together, on the way.”

An Changqing was surprised: “The prince is going to Qingyun Mountain today?”

Xiao Zhige: “Don’t go.”

An Changqing looked at him suspiciously, not knowing which way he took. Qingyun Mountain went out of the city gate to the south, and Daying went out of the city gate to the north. It didn’t look like a way. However, Xiao Zhige sat in a precarious manner, and his expression seemed unquestionable. An Changqing thought that he might have something else, so he didn’t ask much.

An Fu soon prepared the carriage, and An Changqing and Xiao Zhige went out together.

Xiao Zhige glanced at the carriage, quietly pursed his lips, and looked at An Changqing: “Do you ride a horse?”

An Changqing blinked and looked at the only horse he was riding. She suddenly understood what he meant, and glared at him angrily: “I’m in a carriage!” After saying that, she stepped on the horse bench and got into the carriage. .

He still remembered that after returning home with the same ride last time, countless feuds suddenly appeared! He didn’t want to be taken as a surprise again.

The corners of the prince’s lips, who was riding a horse alone, quietly collapsed, and followed the side of the carriage with his expressionless horse riding.

The carriage drove through the official road and walked forward from the city gate. When it was about to turn left to the south, a group of people suddenly ran out on the road ahead. Running in front was a tall and thin young boy, and behind was chasing a group of people dressed as farmers, each holding a stick and hoes, yelling and cursing.

The boy was exhausted, he staggered two steps forward and fell to the side of the road. The people behind huffed around, punching and kicking at him.

Seeing that these people were about to beat the young man to death, Xiao Zhi Ge Ce immediately drew to a halt: “Stop!”

When a group of farmers saw his ferocious face (face), they were instinctively a little frightened, and saw the young man lying motionless on the ground, fearing that he would get a life lawsuit. They shouted, “He is a thief,” and they all disappeared.

Xiao Zhige didn’t chase it either. He took a condescending look at the boy, took the water bottle on his waist and the golden sore medicine and left it to him, then rode his horse back and said to the coachman: “Let’s go.”

“Just let him lie there alright?” An Changqing asked, raising the curtain of the car.

Xiao Zhige said: “You can’t die.”

An Changqing looked over hesitantly. The young man lay motionless on the ground. His hands and feet were covered with scars and frostbite. He was hesitating. The carriage had moved again. An Changqing looked over from the window. Seeing that the young man had struggled to remember, he whispered “mother” in his mouth.

He softened suddenly, stopped the carriage, and looked at Xiao Zhige: “Should we take him back…”

“He looked like he was still a child…” An Changqing said nonsense: “At least send him to see the doctor.”

Seeing him frowning, Xiao Zhige seemed to be afraid that he would disagree, and was still trying to think about the appearance of the rhetoric. His cold expression softened unconsciously, and said to Zhao Shi: “Bring people here.”

Zhao Shi glanced at him, then looked at An Changqing, who was immediately smiling, thinking that Army Doctor Hu was right, and the prince only listened to the princess now. When have you seen their prince nosy before?

The boy was carried by Zhao Shi, and An Changqing shivered when he saw him, and asked Zhao Shi to put him in the carriage. Warm his soup woman. There was no shop in front of the village, and no doctor, so An Changqing took the people to Zhuangzi at the bottom of Qingyun Mountain.

There was a barefoot doctor on Zhuangzi, and An Changqing asked Zhao Shi to take the boy to see the doctor first, and he was going to go around Zhuangzi inside and out.

Xiao Zhige also went out with him, but he got on his horse and was about to leave.

An Changqing wondered: “Where does the prince want today?”

Xiao Zhige said: “Daying.”

An Changqing reacted for a long time before trying to understand that he was actually sending herself here on purpose. Her heart was slightly warm, but she couldn’t help muttering in her mouth: “You are not afraid of trouble if you run back and forth.”

Xiao Zhige didn’t hear his mutter, nodded at him, said “Come to pick you up in the evening”, and rode away.

An Changqing went around Zhuangzi and was very satisfied with everything. After deciding to go back, he signed the contract of sale. After finishing the business, thinking of the boy who had been rescued again, he inquired about the doctor’s residence with the village chief, and searched for it by himself.

Zhao Shi was guarding at the door. Seeing him coming, he said, “The doctor has already seen it and said that there is no major problem, it is all skin injuries.”

An Changqing nodded and opened the door to enter, and saw the young man sitting by the bed drinking medicine. He changed his clothes. It should belong to the doctor’s house. It was obviously larger and his face was wiped (gan) clean. When An Changqing came in, he knelt down and kowtowed: “Thank you, my father, for help. I have no teeth. memorable.”

Although the teenager tried to imitate, An Changqing still knew that he was not in a Yejing accent.

Recalling the faintly familiar face again, An Changqing helped him up, and while looking at him carefully, he tentatively asked, “What’s your name?”

“Zhou Helan.” The young man raised his head, his face was still green, but he had high nose and deep eyes, and the appearance of some foreigners.

Unexpectedly, it was really him, An Changqing was stunned for a while, but did not respond for a long time.

Zhou Helan, Yuze national teacher, had seen him once in the mass grave where Xiao Zhige was buried in his previous life.

At that time, Xiao Zhige died. He wandered in the mass grave for an unknown period of time. One day, two people suddenly came to the mass grave. The leader was Zhou Helan.

Zhou Helan was dressed in black and looked awkward (killing sha), but brought a pot of wine to worship.

-He sacrificed Xiao Zhige.

Xiao Zhige spent his entire life on the battlefield, without a dead body, and countless infatuations before and after his death. This was the first time he saw someone come to worship. He remembered Zhou Helan’s appearance, and then followed him to Yejing, only to know that after Xiao Zhige died, so many things had happened.

For example, the deceased prince Xiao Qiyu was poisoned and died only one month after he became the throne. However, the two great generals of the pillar country had their own discord, and the situation that had just stabilized was broken. The neighboring country, Yuze, took the opportunity to march northward, like a broken bamboo, and occupied the capital city of Yejing in one fell swoop.

Yuze Wang Huai Ruyu proclaimed himself emperor in Yejing and respected Zhou Helan as a national teacher.

The author has something to say: ##

Counseling: I’ve published a new storybook again, so hurry up and buy it while I’m not at home.

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