The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

The surface of the pine nut candy is clear amber (color), and the pine nuts are wrapped inside, held in the hand, and exudes a sweet and burnt aroma. +++Cartino novel website An Changqing squeezed a piece into his mouth, the sweetness and the scent of pine nuts spread on the tip of the tongue, but it did not feel greasy. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, “It’s so sweet.”

Xiao Zhige looked at him intently, and heard him say “It’s so sweet”, the brows slowly leveled. Seeing that he had been staring at him, An Changqing took the opportunity to pinch one to his mouth, learning from him: “Reward.”

Seeing the pine nut candy handed in front of him, Xiao Zhige hesitated a little, then opened his mouth and ate it. The sweet scent melted in his mouth, but he only caught the sweetness on the fingertips that he had tasted with the pine nut candy at that moment.

The small sugar granules melt, but the sweetness is lingering on the tip of the tongue.

An Changqing carefully wrapped the oil paper, stuffed it into the new purse, and hung a pack of pine nut candy around her waist. The other purse was given to Xiao Zhige: “The purse embroidered by Niang and Yuer, one for each.”

The purse is embroidered with double carps playing in the water. Two carps, one gold and one red, are close to their heads. The word “Xiao” is also embroidered on the lower right corner. Xiao Zhige glanced across An Changqing’s waist, and the word “” was embroidered on the purse filled with pine nuts.

Quietly pursing his lips, Xiao Zhige also hung his purse around his waist.


Before dawn the next day, An Changqing ordered An Fu to find a little beggar, and waited for the envoy to go on the way to the court, and delivered the letter to him. According to the little beggar’s return, he said that after receiving the letter, the other party did not move or ask him for questioning, so he went up as usual. But when An Fu came back from the street, he found that the rumor that the uncle of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion was fighting for the little widow had spread all over the streets.

It’s not just the people who are talking gossip, but the intelligent storyteller, who has even compiled a new story, is spitting and talking. For a time, the House of Zhongyong Hou was pushed to the forefront. How good the reputation was in the past, how many people are watching jokes after this incident was made.

The common people are like this, not to mention the squadrons.

After the court day, Zhongyonghou’s face (color) was darkened, and it was three points darker than the bottom of the pot. He didn’t talk to others, and left angrily. The official who didn’t deal with him sneered, and whispered to the doctor Yushi next to him: “The pastry was painted so well, but now it’s going to fall apart after a bit of a crack.”

After talking twice, gloating was beyond words.

Doctor Yu Shi is a tall, thin middle-aged man. Thinking of the secret letter he received in the morning, his eyes flashed: “It’s not over yet, let’s wait and see.”


But in two days, Zhongyong Hou’s Mansion became the talk of the people in Yejing after dinner.

Originally, I was only talking about the dispute between the two uncle and the widow. Everyone was feeling the misfortune of the loyal and brave Hou’s family, and the good reputation had ruined the two ineffective. Later, I didn’t know who it was and where I heard the news, saying: “You can’t just blame them both. The old saying goes, “The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.” Now the lower beam is about to collapse. Nothing? I heard… this Zhongyonghou himself is not righteous. Do you know that there is an original partner in front of him? They said that the original partner was sick and died, but I heard people say that the original partner was actually by Zhongyonghou. Killed alive!”

The people who listened to the excitement took a sigh of relief and began to question one after another.

The person who was surrounded in the middle told the story he had heard, adding more oil and jealousy to it.

When it reached Zhongyonghou’s ears, the story was already a thousand miles away from the original, but he felt dizzy when he heard the sentence “That original partner was beaten to death by Zhongyonghou alive”.

So many years have passed since this matter, and the evidence has been destroyed. Who turned it up?

Thinking of Dr. Yushi’s straight face, Zhongyonghou felt shocked. After the original funeral was finished, the Yue family broke off with him. At that time, his father-in-law was just a censor, so he naturally didn’t care about it. But now…

The more Zhongyong Hou thought about it, the more he felt the strangeness. He stood up suddenly, took the whip hung on the wall, and strode towards the wood house.

Wu Liu and Wu Junshu have been locked up in the firewood room for three or four days.

From that day they were taken back to the city by Jing Zhaoyin and sent back to Zhongyonghou’s Mansion, where they were locked up. One of Wu Liu’s ears bitten off by the mad woman was just hastily wrapped in medicine.

The two had been hungry for three or four days and had no energy to argue, they both leaned on the pile of firewood in a daze.

A loud bang came suddenly, and Zhongyonghou’s angry shout sounded in his ears: “Get me up!”

Wu Liu and Wu Junshu were startled, and subconsciously turned up and knelt on the ground. Zhongyonghou’s face (color) was condensed, and his horse whip was slammed on them: “My business for more than ten years has been ruined by you two idiots!”

The whip landed on the back, and the skin broke out in an instant.

Wu Junshu (body shen) trembled, and even his teeth trembled. Wu Liu was there anyway, he was harder than him, and hid and screamed, “You call mother! I want to see my mother!”

Zhongyong Hou Yin smiled coldly: “Mother today can’t save you either!”

When he came out of the firewood room, the anger in his heart was almost vented, and Zhongyonghou resumed his serious appearance. He took care of his robes calmly and walked to the study. The little man behind him was chilling.

“How is the widow?”

“Master Huihou, the child has fallen. The man is still in the hospital.”

“Look for a chance to shut her up, don’t let anyone find out. In addition, go to Jing Zhaoyin and give a word to those nonsense storytellers on the street, it’s time to take care of it.”


“Wait…” Zhongyonghou stopped, and said, “Anyone will prepare a generous gift and send it to the Xiangfu. A few days later, I will personally take the wicked son to the mansion to make amends.”


After the affairs of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion broke out, An Changqing specially called a tailor from Tianyifang to cut new clothes for Yu and An Xianyu. The outside is very lively these days, but in the mansion, he has issued a strict order not to discuss the affairs of the Zhongyonghou Mansion. So An Xianyu hasn’t heard much gossip these days.

Seeing An Xianyu’s innocent and lively appearance, An Changqing considered it for a moment, but still said: “Today I will go to my father and talk to him about the divorce.”

Yu is a little worried: “Will your father agree?”

An Xiangguo and Zhongyonghou (Guanguan) are closely related. Although such a scandal has occurred in the Zhongyonghou House, it has little effect on the two families. Instead, retiring at this time may cause the two to have a bad relationship.

An Changqing also thought of this, but now it’s just an appetizer. It would be best if An Zhike agrees to resign. If he disagrees… there will always be a way to force him to retreat.

Right now he said: “I have a way. Just wait for the good news.”

The Yu family was still a little worried, An Xianyu grabbed her arm and smiled: “Since the brother said, there must be a way. Mother, don’t be blind (fuck cao).”

After leaving Qingwuyuan, An Changqing asked people to prepare a cart and go to Anfu.

Since taking his mother and sister out, he hasn’t returned here once. An Changqing got off the carriage, looked up at the plaque above her head, and walked slowly with people.

An Zhike went down to the court and was processing official documents in the front study. When the next person came to report that the princess was here, his face was sinking. Ever since An Changqing married into the Royal Palace of the Northern Warfare, every time he came back, there was nothing good.

In the flower hall, Li was already sitting with him.

An Changqing looked at her and saw that her face was sallow. Although she was still dressed appropriately, the fatigue between her eyebrows and eyes could not be covered. It looks like…it should be that the Sun family did not trouble her.

After drinking half a cup of tea, An Zhike arrived. He looked no different from before. He was elegant and elegant, and the gentleman said: “Why don’t you send someone to inform you if the princess is coming? The mansion should also prepare in advance. ”

“Don’t be so troublesome.” An Changqing said straightforwardly: “Father heard all the rumors outside, right?”

An Zhike’s smile faded a little: “I listened to some.”

“It’s good for my father to hear about it. Wu Jun’s book is inconsistent, and his virtue is deficient. It is really not a good match. It is better to take this opportunity to cancel the marriage.” An Changqing said quietly, “What does my father think?”

An Zhike was dim and unclear, staring at him with eyebrows, and suddenly sneered for a while: “You had to pick Xian Yu out at the beginning, didn’t you just use this idea?”

He looked directly at An Changqing, his eyes sharply seemed to want to break his appearance and get into people’s hearts.

“Father is joking.” An Changqing said unhurriedly: “The outer room was raised by Wu Junshu, and the robbing was also made by Wu Junshu and Wu Liu. What’s the matter with me (gan gan)?”

An Zhike’s eyes were heavy, but he couldn’t see through this concubine even more. An Changqing sat there with his back straight, his posture calmly, and he had moved further and further away from the timid little son in his memory.

If it was in the past, he would never guess about it. But today’s An Changqing has no choice but to make him beware.

His eyes brought two points of appreciation and three points of regret, but his thoughts went back a long time ago. An Changqing is his youngest son, born when his relationship with Aunt Yu was hot. When he was born, he was cute and Yuxue, and he had been hugged and coaxed, if it weren’t for later…

Unwilling to think back to the past, An Zhike stopped his thoughts and gave An Changqing’s expected answer: “Zhongyong Hou’s Mansion has sent someone to send a generous gift to apologize. An and Wu are family acquaintances. A little thing to tear up the marriage contract. Although Jun Shu acted a little bit out of line this time, which man would not steal the fish? That woman will be dealt with by the Zhongyong Houfu, and Xian Yu can get married with peace of mind.”

Li also echoed: “Yeah, looking around, the children in Yejing, Jun Shu is considered clean and self-contained. As long as he does not carry people into the mansion, let him toss no matter how much he can, it will be better than Mrs. Zhengtou. go with.”

The couple sang together, as if Wu Junshu was a good match for this village without this shop.

An Changqing sneered, looked at Li, and said with a smile: “My sister’s marriage is my (fuck cao) heart, so my mother still cares about herself. I heard that Derentang has changed his boss?”

According to news sent back by the eyeliner, after An Changqi’s funeral, Sun returned to her natal house for a few days. Not long after returning, Derentang changed his boss. Derentang is the most profitable shop in the Li family’s industry, and is now in the hands of the Sun family. Li didn’t know what the distress was.

Moreover, the Sun family did not cause trouble for the Li family less in the mansion, and now the Xiang Mansion had no subsidies from the Sun family, and he was already stretched out. It’s no wonder that Lee is so haggard.

He accurately stabbed Li’s sore spot, Li’s face (color) changed, and he shut his mouth unwillingly, his eyes were clearly poisoned, but his face was still smiling: “Then you father and son talk, I’m going to let the kitchen prepare food.”

After Li went out, An Zhike snorted coldly: “There is no need to mention the retiring. Now that the wedding date has been set, it will not be changed.”

An Changqing didn’t see much anger. He only got up and said, “I just hope that my father will not regret what he said today.”

Seeing him leaving behind, An Zhike’s expression changed for a while, but in the end he was frozen in disgust. This child was really born to deny him. I had known that… it would be better to drown him directly.


On the way back to the palace, passing through Yongle Street, the usually lively street was a bit deserted at this time. Even the teahouse and wine shop were clear of people, and a few officers and soldiers were driving away with weapons.

Fa) What happened?” An Changqing raised the curtain and looked out.

An Fu was also surprised. He stopped a passerby who was leaving in a hurry and asked, “What happened to (fafa)?”

The passers-by were a little impatient, but when they looked up, they saw the familiar palace carriage, thinking that the person sitting in it might be the princess. After a surprise and joy, he was stunned and replied, “I don’t know, Jingzhao’s mansion this morning. The officers and soldiers were sent to arrest people in the teahouse and wine shop. Several storytellers were arrested. The big guys didn’t dare to do business, so they all hurried home.”

Mr. Storyteller… Isn’t that a matter of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion? It seems that the rumors and rumors can’t be suppressed, and they can only make the best move.

An Changqing waved her hand and let the man leave. Signaled An Changqing to return to the palace first.

After returning to the palace, he hurriedly searched for Xiao Zhige, but when he opened the door, he saw that Xiao Zhige quickly hid something under the desk. An Changqing paused and said suspiciously: “What is the prince doing?”

Xiao Zhige’s expression was calm, his eyes met him for a moment, and he moved away: “Reading.”

After seeing An Changqing, he still looked at him, coughed, and asked, “How about going to Xiangfu today?”

Although he knew that he was changing the subject, it was not the time to break the casserole to the end. He was still thinking about more important things, so he followed his words: “Unsurprisingly, he refuses to divorce.”

Xiao Zhige said: “Wait a few days later, needless to say, he will also be anxious to clear the (guan) system.”

“But…” An Changqing said with some worry: “Doctor Yushi has been quiet, and when I came back, I saw Jing Zhaoyin on the street catching those storytellers. If it were two more days, no one would dare to look at the Zhongyong Hou Mansion. What a joke.”

“Doctor Yushi really wade into this muddy water?”

“Dig your own grave.” Xiao Zhige shook his head and said to An Changqing: “You are too impatient, the two armies are facing each other, and what you fight for is patience.”

Whoever panics first will lose half first.

The author has something to say: Here: What is the prince doing behind my back?

Counsel: No, no (gan) anything (pretend to be calm

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