The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

An Changqing’s originally a little nervous mood calmed down in his calm words. +++Mobile reading visit m. He thought for a while and said: “In this case, I can’t be idle. I have checked the accounts of each store with Helan. I just took it out to prepare more for the winter. The cotton-padded grain and coal.”

In the previous life, he had heard from the servants in the mansion that the price of Fotan had risen particularly sharply. Because many of the hot coals reserved in the mansions of high-ranking officials can only be used for one month. Normally, it is not necessary to regenerate the carbon fire in early February. But this year it was cold until the end of March. The purchases of various residences are all rushing to buy Fotan. As a result, the business in Fotan is very hot, and the price is also very high.

Xiao Zhige thought for a while, and said, “There is still money in the accounts of the public school, just ask Wang Fugui to withdraw it, but it is estimated that at this time, I can’t buy so much.”

“Buy as much as you can.” An Changqing said.

The two agreed, so they went to dinner together. On the next day, An Changqing ordered Wang Fugui to summon the shop stewards in advance to discuss the purchase of the goods.

It was originally scheduled to call people on the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, but now it just happened to be in time for something, (gan gan) he called people two days in advance.

These days, An Changqing had things one after another, but she didn’t have time to think about how to clean up the group of stewards, but these left stewards were more anxious than one, and she wished to go to the palace to kowtow and admit her mistakes.

Without him, it is true that they have been hanging for too long. The more I think about it, the more I get scared. These days, I can’t sleep well at home. They first heard that the princess had started to check old accounts, and then they heard that the steward of Tianyifang had been turned and sent to the officer, and then they were beaten vigorously by Wang Fugui. Except for a few people who have no ghosts in their hearts, the remaining managers have lost a lot of fear in a short time.

When he was summoned to the palace, he breathed a sigh of relief. Even if you are about to die, you can see the time of death, and you are always more frightened than sleepless nights (strong qiang).

Who knows that the princess is not in court as they imagined to be brought down for trial one by one. Instead, she asked happily about the situation in the shops. The stewards answered carefully. He also heard him say: “This time we are summoning everyone to come here, in fact, there are important things to ask. The prince and I want to buy a batch of winter clothes, food and hot coal. But we suffer from insufficient manpower. I don’t know if you can alleviate your worries?”

The stewards are all human spirits who come out of the crowd, and when they hear this, they want them to lose their merits. If you finish this errand, even if you have made any mistakes before, you will be able to offset it if you want to.

Among them, the few stewards who were not very clean in their hands looked at each other, and then took a step forward: “I don’t know how much the princess wants to buy?”

An Changqing considered it for a while and said, “How much can you buy?”

The stewards discussed it for a while and were not sure. They have been dealing with people all year round, and they have a lot of contacts, but they can find channels to buy them. You have to go back to confirm how much you buy.

Someone immediately said, “I have to go back and make confirmation.”

An Changqing said: “The stewards will confirm as soon as possible, and it is best to report the quantity tomorrow.”

Although the stewards did not know why he suddenly wanted to buy so many things for the winter, but because of his guilty conscience and instinct, they were already a little afraid of him, so they didn’t dare to ask more, and only responded respectfully.

After talking about the purchase, seeing these managers’ expressions (color) uneasy, An Changqing said: “There is another thing, you must have already known. The managers and the guys of Tianyifang deceive others, colluding with outsiders, Misreporting the accounts has now been sent to the government.”

The stewards looked at him with a stern face (color), and looked at him anxiously.

Changqing An paused, his eyes swept across the different managers, and then continued: “I just took over these shops. After all, you are not familiar with the managers. Many things depend on you. It’s just…I am a person. To be forgiving, but will not let go of those who deceive the top and conceal the bottom of their own pockets!”

His voice suddenly became cold, and the managers’ hearts just let loose again. Some of them were courageous, and the hands hanging on both sides were already trembling slightly.

Seeing that the effect she wanted was achieved, An Changqing eased her face (color) again, and said with a light tone: “But after all, you are elderly people. As the saying goes, there is no fish when the water is clear. I am not in that way. People who don’t have a bit of sand. I don’t care about the past. Just to prevent Tianyifang from reappearing, a new constitution was drawn up. If you have any objections, you will discuss it again.”

After that, he asked Wang Fugui to pass down the draft regulations for the stewards to circulate.

This charter was drafted by An Changqing and Zhou Helan through consultation. In addition to the previously envisaged, each shop will have one shopkeeper and two shopkeepers. In addition to the rotation every three years, it also adds a lot of rules and regulations. It’s not harsh, but it also eliminates these ways of monopolizing the power of affairs.

After reading it, the stewards looked at each other for a moment, and all bowed wittily: “I have no objection.”

If it were put in the past, they would have to make a fuss about this charter, but now An Changqing has pinched their weakness, and even if they have objections, they have to suppress it.

“Since you have no objections, let’s go according to the regulations from now on.” An Changqing finished playing the stick, and started giving sweet dates again: “You guys are going all the way today, and it’s the new year. I will let the steward Wang give it to you. Prepared a new year gift.”

The steward Wang brought the tray over and sent a red envelope to the stewards alone.

When I opened it when I left, there were a few silver notes inside. The stewards who had been dissatisfied before suddenly put away. Although the regulations formulated by the princess are not good for them, if they are so generous every year, they will not take risks to covet the small money.


After a round of beating of Enwei, the stewards were extremely agile. The next day, they reported the quantity of goods available for purchase. An Changqing and Zhou Helan settled their accounts overnight, and finally ordered 30,000 winter clothes and 30,000 stones of white rice. Ordinary hot charcoal is 10,000 shi, fine silver wire charcoal is 5,000 shi. Because I bought a lot of money, the price has dropped a lot, but despite this, the total amount of silver still cost nearly 1.3 million taels. The accounts at the house are already empty.

After spending so much money all at once, An Changqing was also a little frightened. She couldn’t sleep peacefully while lying on her (bed chuang) at night. After tossing and turning for a long while, she sat up again, pulling Xiao Zhige and muttering again and again:” So much money has been spent, what if you can’t make it back?”

He is planning well now, if natural disasters come. The prices of these things are bound to rise. Winter clothes and food are indispensable things for common people. He was awakened by Xiao Zhige, and he didn’t plan to rely on these two to make money. But in the end he hoarded the coals, he was actually ready to make a fortune.

The price of Fotan is high, and the common people are reluctant to use it easily. It is used by the wealthy and wealthy. When the price rises, he will take the opportunity to sell, and he will be able to double the money back.

This is the intention. Those who should be prepared are also prepared. Xiao Zhige trusted him even more, Wang Fugui’s old face was almost wrinkled (dry gan) orange peel when he paid the money, but Xiao Zhige didn’t blink. The sentence was dismissed entirely by the princess.

An Changqing was delighted in his trust before, but when the truth came, she couldn’t sleep in sorrow. I’m always worried about what to do if this life is different from the last one? What if his hearsay is wrong? If… all these things are in your hands, what should I do?

He sighed with sorrow, and his long eyebrows couldn’t wait to be knotted.

Xiao Zhige was upset by him, and he didn’t know how to make him feel relieved. After thinking about it, he could only say, “The General’s Mansion in Yanzhou still has money. Even if it is smashed in his hand, these things can be transported to Yan Go to the state as the salary of Yanzhou soldiers.”

An Changqing narrowed his mouth. Seeing him calmly and calmly, he couldn’t help muttering, “So much money, why don’t you feel distressed or anxious at all?”

Xiao Zhige hesitated for a moment, and whispered a few words in his ear. An Changqing’s eyes widened: “So many…”

“Shhh -” Xiao Zhige sealed his lips with his fingers and shook his head at him.

An Changqing pursed her lips, involuntarily stretched out her hand to cover her (chest xiong) mouth, thinking for a while, these silvers are really nothing compared to Xiao Zhige’s account. Finally, I no longer worry that I will ruin all of the Northern Warlord’s family, and (exhibits) a relaxed smile.

Seeing that he finally stopped worrying, Xiao Zhige pulled the quilt around the person, and gently held the person tightly, saying, “Think about it tomorrow, and go to sleep.”

An Changqing arched into his hot arms, pressed her face to his (chest xiong) mouth, and fell asleep peacefully.


The quantity of goods bought at one time was too large, and An Changqing was afraid of being too public, and asked the various managers to divide the goods for many days to transport the goods back to the warehouse for storage. But there is no impermeable wall in the world, and occasionally people who heard the news only smiled contemptuously, saying that the princess of Northern Warfare was indeed a visionary bastard, and she had to do porcelain work without the diamond. If you stock up on so many worthless things, you are not afraid to lose your money.

The prince of the East Palace also heard about this, with a very strange expression, and said to his attendants: “Is the second child really moved? So many things, the family has to be hollowed out? He just made the mess of the bastard? ”

“Yes.” The attendant tried to figure out his look (look), and said: “I heard that the Northern Warlord has handed over the power of the mansion to the princess, and even the former confidant butler has stepped aside.”

“It is said that since ancient times, the hero is sad for the beauty pass…” The prince smiled slightly: “This second **** seems to have really fallen in. I just don’t know if he will get up…”

The attendant pleased: “A prince who has married a man and has no heirs, how can he get up? I’m afraid that he will fall into the pit, and he will never stand up.”

The prince got up and walked for two steps, his face (showing) joy (color), but his mouth still said: “Nevertheless, I still can’t take it lightly.”


When the last batch of winter clothes was shipped into the warehouse of Tianyifang, there were only three days left before New Year’s Eve. These days, he and Zhou Helan are running around all day, just to make sure that there are no mistakes. This last batch of goods is confirmed to be correct, and you can spend a year with peace of mind.

The carriage still drove through Yongle Street, the houses on both sides had already hung red lanterns and red silks, and the faces of the people passing by were full of joy. An Changqing was holding the curtain and looking out, when a man suddenly rushed out from the side and stopped the carriage.

“Princess, I am in love with Xian Yu, and we have already made a marriage contract. Although the family is now in decline, I will do my best to love her, I just ask you not to hinder my marriage with Xian Yu!”

The man spoke earnestly and bowed to the ground after speaking. When he raised his head, it was Wu Jun who hadn’t seen him for a long time.

He was dressed in common clothes, unlike the former scenery, but he was still tidy and tidy. With that gentle face, he seemed infatuated for a while. It seemed that An Changqing had become the villain who beat the mandarin ducks.

The author has something to say: ##

Counsel: My wealth is beyond your imagination.

Here: I can prove =3=

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