The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

After bandaging the wound and putting on his clothes, Xiao Zhige looked okay. If he hadn’t just seen him with his own eyes so that the blue veins burst out of his neck, at this time, who could tell that he was a wounded person. +++ Catino Novel Network

An Changqing looked at him with distress and anger: “Why do you have to go to the battlefield because you are so badly injured?”

Xiao Zhige smiled and rubbed his hair: “There is no eye on the battlefield, who is not wounded? As long as it is not a broken arm or leg and can’t get up, then it is not called a serious injury.”

When Xu saw him worrying, Xiao Zhige said again: “You didn’t see the Great Golden Crow King of Beidi, who had his arm cut off by me. In order to boost morale, I didn’t have to fight with one arm. I just beat him a few days ago. It’s a pity that he failed to bring his head level back, otherwise there would be another lantern at the gate of the city.”

An Changqing was stunned when he heard it, and said, “Hang a lantern?”

Xiao Zhige thought for a while, fearing to scare him, and explained to him in a more tactful way: “The people of Beidi have committed crimes for years, and the soldiers of Yanzhou and the people of Beidi will never die. In order to boost morale, it is also for the people to vent their anger. Every time the head of General Bei Di is cut off, it must be hung on the city gate.”

After so many years, there have been no less than a hundred heads of Beidi generals hung at the gates of the city. Every year when the war is over, these heads will be taken down, and together with the captured Beidi soldiers, they will stand up outside the city to form a “Beijing View”. Frightened Beidi and demonstrated the merits of Yanzhou soldiers. Every year, the battlefields are piled up, and now there are countless number of Jingguan two or three feet high outside the city.

An Changqing was stunned. He had never been to Yejing in his previous life. He could only hear from hearsay about how tragic the border war was. Now that I listened to Xiao Zhige’s narration in such a plain tone, I vaguely touched (touched Mo) the real and cruel side of the war.

The two armies faced each other, endlessly.

If you want to frighten the ferocious Beidi people, you can only be more ferocious and ruthless than them, to make them feel jealous. An Changqing remembered the rumors he had heard in Yejing. Those scholars always criticized Xiao Zhigekeng (killing sha) for tens of thousands of Beidi prisoners for being too cruel. The Jingguan tower in front of the city gate is even more evidence of his addiction to (killing sha) and becoming (sexual xing). However, if these people were allowed to spend a few years in Yanzhou at the border, they might hate the Beidi people more than Xiao Zhige.

“Then what if the Ye people fall into Beidi’s hands?” An Changqing asked.

“The Beidi people are much crueler than our methods.”

Xiao Zhige’s eyes turned cold, and he held An Changqing’s hands in his palms and played with them one by one: “They call Ye people’s slaves’human animals’, and they are all kept in one place like livestock, and the men work day and night (gan gan). Live, women are for the soldiers to entertain at will. If there is a shortage of food, they will be slaughtered as food…”

He sighed and looked at An Changqing: “That’s why I don’t want you to come to Yanzhou.”

Yanzhou is located at the border, where wind and sand in spring and summer are invaded, and severe in autumn and winter is long. We also have to deal with Beidi’s offenders at all times, let alone easy days, the people in this city are ready to work hard with the Beidi people at any time. Everything here is not what he wants An Changqing to see.

However, An Changqing pursed her lips slightly and shook her head: “I’m not afraid.”

“Maybe I will be a little uncomfortable at first, but I will try to adapt.” An Changqing raised her face slightly and muttered: “And I am not a spoiled noble son.”

Xiao Zhige’s eyebrows filled with tenderness, feeling his (dry gan’s) much rough hands, and said in a deep voice: “But I can’t bear you to endure hardship.”

The man’s words were serious and solemn, and the tenderness in his eyes melted away. An Changqing glanced at him, then looked away, and muttered inwardly: Why didn’t you see him for more than a month, this person would suddenly talk about love?

Quietly moving her eyes back again, An Changqing coughed, and the tips of her ears were slightly red and said: “I don’t feel bitter myself.”

After speaking, he glanced at him and murmured, “Now I know how the scary rumors of Yejing came from. Those people really don’t have a backache while standing and talking.”

Hearing the injustice in his words, Xiao Zhige smiled and pulled him to his feet: “You don’t have to say anything to the unexpected. Now go eat first.”

Xiao Zhige refused to eat with his subordinates, and called a man alone to the General’s Mansion, cooked (rou rou) porridge for An Changqing, and made some side dishes.

The chef was transferred from the barracks, and he was used to making big pots of rice. The craftsmanship of cooking fine small stoves is really average. Fortunately, the original dishes (colors) are simple, but they are not delicious but they can be eaten. An Changqing was also hungry, but she drank a whole bowl of porridge.

The remaining porridge and vegetables all went into Xiao Zhige’s stomach.

It was not dark after the meal. It was April at this time. Although the weather was not warm yet, it was not so dark anymore. Xiao Zhige thought for a while, (gan Gan) took him to the street to buy something.

There are quite a lot of people on the street right now. Many people lined up in long lines with sacks.

“What is this (gan gan)?”

“Line up to get the rice.” Xiao Zhige explained: “Before there was a shortage of food and grass, in order for the soldiers to fight vigorously, these people sent all the food (meat rou) (Milk Nai) stored in their homes to the military camp. When there is no food, and it is not easy to take them for nothing, they are all asked to register from house to house, and they will be returned when they have food.”

Although the grain and grass are not plentiful at the moment, there are some people who stutter. It is not good for these people to dig the roots of the grass and gnaw on the bark, so they even out a part of the grain and grass, so that these people also have a stutter.

Looking at the smiles on the faces of these people, An Changqing seemed to be infected, and smiled: “These people don’t seem to have been affected by the war.”

“Well, they are used to it. As long as the city is not broken, life can go on.”

The people at the border are like the weeds that grow stubbornly (strong qiang) in the sand, full of tenacity, as long as the roots are still there, they can always grow upward.

But after one day, An Changqing felt that she liked it a little bit. He looked around curiously. In addition to the people queuing to receive rice, there were some small vendors on the street selling strange things that had never been seen before. Xiao Zhige led him to a stall with some mussel shells on it.

Xiao Zhige looked at two and asked the stall owner: “Anything else?”

“Yes.” The stall owner looked at An Changqing curiously, took out four more delicate porcelain jars from the cloth pocket under the small stall, and put them in front of him graciously: “These jars are the best lamb oil, look. Choose whichever Princess you like.”

“Do you know me?” An Changqing was surprised. He just left the city gate. How did this hawker know that he was the princess?

The hawker smiled: “The big guy knows it. General Qi said it. Said that the princess personally brought us food and grass. He also said that the princess was very beautiful. I saw that I could go out with the general, and he looked handsome and the general. Matching, then only the princess.”

After all, the King of the Northern Warfare has been in Yanzhou City for so many years, and there are many eldest girls and young wives who admire him. The folk customs of Yanzhou are open. Although he always has a dark face, it is not uncommon to gang up boldly. It’s just that none of them succeeded.

Over the years, no one has seen their generals wandering on the street. Now I said that the princess was here, and then I saw their generals bringing people to buy lamb oil. Then who else was the princess who was carrying?

An Changqing pursed her lips, squinted at Xiao Zhige, then looked at the porcelain jars curiously: “What is this lamb oil used for?”

Upon seeing this, the hawker introduced him more enthusiastically.

It turned out that Yanzhou was windy and sandy, and the weather was very dry. Especially in winter, the (dry gan) is so bad that even the skin will be chapped. So here is a specialty of lamb oil. After rubbing it, it moisturizes the skin and prevents chapping. It is basically a must for every household. It’s just that ordinary people use the inferior lamb oil in mussel shells, and the rich will buy the superior oil in porcelain cans.

“You are from Yejing, and you are definitely not used to the climate here. This lamb oil has to be wiped every day, otherwise you should (dry gan) afford it.”

An Changqing really felt that the weather here was relatively (dry) dry, so he picked a bottle and asked the hawker how much silver.

As a result, the hawker waved his hands again and again: “The princess sent food and grass all the way. This is a great kindness. This lamb oil is not valuable. Use it if you like it.”

Naturally, An Changqing couldn’t take it for nothing. He knew right now that the people in Yanzhou were not rich, so they still insisted on giving the money.

I bought lamb oil and bought other odds and ends. Xiao Zhige didn’t let An Changqing take it. He carried everything with his own hands. If the people of Yanzhou didn’t know him, he would look like a male servant who went out with a rich man.

The people have never seen a general like this before, and cast their kind and curious eyes.

There are also the girls who had previously admired Xiao Zhige. At first they thought about which male vixen was robbing them, but then I heard that the princess had brought food and grass to Yanzhou. I came to see that there was no male vixen, but there was none. A fair and handsome little boy. Now I can’t take care of the aggressiveness, and all blushing and whispering: “The princess is so handsome, it’s me… I like him too!”

After shopping, the two of them returned to the General’s Mansion with curious gazes along the way. When they reached the door, they saw Xiao Zhige suddenly stop, and said coldly, “Get out!”

An Changqing was puzzled, and after seeing the wall behind the wall on the other side for a while, several heads popped up, and one of them he recognized was Lieutenant Qi Weiqi.

In addition to Qi Wei, there are three other men, all tall and strong, all with tendons (flesh rou). It should be Xiao Zhige’s generals.

Seeing these four people looking at him, An Changqing hesitated for a moment and smiled back at them.

The four of them jumped out, headed by Qi Wei, standing in a row orderly, all smiles on their faces: “I have seen the princess!”

After shouting, Qi Wei said again: “It’s so strange to call the princess! I should call my sister-in-law!”

After speaking, the four of them called out “I have seen my sister-in-law” in a uniform manner.

Xiao Zhige’s face turned black and charcoal: “Why are you here? Leaving without permission, go back and get 30 big boards!”

Qi Wei shrank his neck and begged for mercy: “Don’t, we are afraid that my sister-in-law is not used to it, so she will come here to deliver things.” As he said frantically, gesturing towards the back, he saw a few soldiers drove an ox cart with piles on top A bunch of bells and whistles. An Changqing even saw a six-cornered heater.

Xiao Zhige’s face (color) eased a little, and he waved his hand impatiently: “Accept the things, you guys get out.”

Qi Wei did not dare to continue stroking the tiger’s beard. Baba stretched his neck and said, “Sister-in-law has something to do, just tell us!”

Before An Changqing spoke, she saw Xiao Zhige picking up the whip in the car and slamming it at them unceremoniously. Several people yelled twice and slid quickly.

“I sent so many things here, don’t you need to leave them for a cup of tea?” An Changqing looked at the car full of things. They weren’t valuables, but they were all practical, so she was a little embarrassed.

Xiao Zhige’s face (color) was still dark, and he was very disgusted with these subordinates in words: “They are just looking for excuses to go out and watch the fun, don’t worry about them.”

Today, Hu Yanxun retired, and when they had food and grass, the skins on these people’s bodies became loose and they began to wander around looking for things. Xiao Zhige thought in his heart that he should find something for them tomorrow, but did not show half of his face, and said to An Changqing: “First ask someone to move things in, and keep the ones that are suitable for use.”

An Changqing gave an “um” and went in with him.

When things are set up, it’s time to rest again.

Only washed during the day, An Changqing only scrubbed. On the couch, Xiao Zhige had just finished changing the medicine, and he was playing with a small porcelain jar of lamb oil in his hand.

Seeing An Changqing coming back from the penthouse, she patted the warm bed: “Come on.”

An Changqing got into the quilt. Although the spring was beginning, the cold at night was still heavy. He rubbed his hands and put his feet affectionately on Xiao Zhige’s legs, just enough to keep him warm.

Xiao Zhige squeezed his hand, looked at it carefully for a while under the candlelight, and said, “It’s a lot rougher.”

Talking to open the small porcelain jar, dig out a piece of (Milk Nai) white lamb oil and rub it on the back of his hand gently, massaging each finger carefully until the lamb oil is completely melted, and the hand in the palm is restored. Delicate and smooth. His frowning eyebrows just loosened.

An Changqing wiped his face with an oily hand, and said with a smile, “Why do you wipe it for me? You don’t wipe it yourself?”

“I’m used to being rough, don’t need to wipe it.”

While talking, Xiao Zhige dug out his foot from the bedding again. An Changqing’s feet are whiter than his hands, and his toes are pink and round, but (touching Mo) the soles of the feet have already formed (dry gan) lines. If they are left alone for a while, they should be cracked. He dug a large piece of lamb oil and put it on his feet. Xiao Zhige massaged the grease away while saying, “Buy a few more cans of lamb oil next time.”

An Changqing “Well”, her toes curled up: “Will the prince wipe it for me every day?”

He was just joking and talking casually, but he didn’t expect Xiao Zhige to give an “um” without hesitation and said, “I’ll wipe it for you in the future.”

The author has something to say: Counsel: Well, the skin is so tender, you can’t blow it out.

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