The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

The uprising is inciting (sexual xing). If someone takes the lead, more and more people who can’t survive will participate in it. +++Cartino novel website Whether it is to survive or to give a good breath, these people who have no way to survive have turned their backs.

The rebel army first occupied the county government, ransacked the home of an official (gan gan) in Kangyong County, and then robbed a lot of wealthy and unkind wealthy households, relying on the grain and silver obtained from the ransacking of their homes, and quickly grew. These insurgents were not stupid, they did not burn (kill sha) and looted everywhere, and the well-known wealthy households did not move. They played the banner of “robbing the rich and helping the poor” and formed the “White Ding Army.” For a while, he received a lot of support and a huge momentum.

In a short period of time, many refugees fled, gathering nearly 10,000 people. Based on the original Kangyong County, it gradually expanded to Surabaya. Even in the neighboring state of Bingzhou, many people dragged their families. Come and run.

After the Suzhou Guardian Shentuxu learned the news, he immediately sent troops (zhenzhen) to suppress it. However, many soldiers in the Suzhou Army were locals in Suzhou, and many fathers and villagers joined the insurrection army, plus the large number of insurgents. The momentum was so great that Shen Tuxu did not dare to act rashly, so it was so stalemate. Instead, he handed Yejing a zhezi.

Emperor Anqing was naturally furious when he saw the news.

These days, he has a very good spirit. The newly found Daochang Liao made a divination for him, saying that he might be in a disaster this year. If you want to solve it, you need to find someone close to protect you from the disaster, and then build 99 pagodas for blessings. You can successfully avoid this catastrophe, and then the long life will last, or you can hear the immortal way.

The Anqing Emperor now believes in Liao Daochang deeply. Over the years, he has become more and more afraid of death. He has not dared to take his (sexual) life at risk, so he pretends to pray for Daye, but in fact he ordered the construction of 99 pagodas for himself.

The construction of the pagoda requires money and people, and the treasury is empty, so he asks Taifu Temple to levy taxes on the grounds of the Queen Mother’s birthday.

Now that the people in Suzhou are uprising, he is more convinced of Liao Daochang’s words-this may be his calamity.

Although there was a way to crack it, Anqing Mansion was still very frightened, and hurriedly summoned Daoist Liao after the dynasty. A few days ago, Daochang Liao only said that he would build a tower, but he had not counted the close people who would protect him from the disaster.

Liao Daochang is a veteran who has passed his old age and was highly respected by the people for his long life. Although his hair and beard are all white, his eyes are gleaming, and he doesn’t have the slightest old attitude when he walks. Instead, he has a sense of vulgarity.

When he saw Emperor Anqing, he bowed his hand first. Without waiting for Emperor Anqing to ask questions, he said in a calm tone: “Your Majesty is not anxious, Pang Dao has been counted as the eight characters of the three princes. The three princes have a precious life and are closest to your majesty. , Is the most suitable person to prevent disasters.”

Emperor Anqing was happy at first, and then hesitated: “Will this prevent the disaster, will it hurt my son?”

Liao Daochang shook his head and said: “Your Majesty, don’t worry, the three princes wear dragon energy. Although they will be slightly damaged to prevent disasters, but more training will not be a big problem. I heard that the three princes have always been close to your majesty, and I am willing to do my filial piety for your majesty if you want to come. ”

Emperor An Qing nodded, thinking of what he had just said, “Life is precious and the body carries the dragon spirit”, and he hesitates: “What does the Dao Chang just say that’to carry the dragon spirit”?”

Seeing him taken the bait, Liao Daochang smiled slightly, but shook his head pretentiously: “The secret of heaven cannot be vented (exposed). It is inconvenient to say more.”

The more he said this, the more Anqing Emperor was determined to his guess. After thinking for a while, he said: “Pass the Three Princes.”

After a while, the third prince Xiao Qile arrived. Seeing Emperor Anqing bowed first, his still immature face was full of admiration: “I have seen my father.”

Emperor An Qing looked at him, and among his three sons, the third one looked the most like him when he was young. In addition, Concubine Shu Gui has been very fond of him over the years, and she even loves this son the most. In the past, when he was young, he was childish and often made him laugh mischievously. In the past year or two, it has become more and more stable.

He also remembered what Concubine Shu Gui said in reply: It’s the third year old, and it’s time to negotiate with each other and prepare to leave the palace to build a mansion.

With secret plans in his heart, Emperor An Qing glanced at Daochang Liao. Liao Daochang took a step forward and slowly told him the whole story. I also specifically talked about the possible damage to prevent disasters.

After listening to the third prince Su Rong, he directly touched the bottom with his head, and said with a vigorous voice: “The son is willing to share the worries for the father.”

“Okay.” Emperor An Qing personally stepped forward to help him, smiling all over his face: “Although you are a filial piety, but I can’t tell you to protect me from disasters in vain, what reward do you want?”

The three princes stood up, with a sonorous tone: “It is the blessing of the sons and ministers to dispel disasters and worry for the father and dare not ask for rewards.”

The more he didn’t want it, the more An Qing Emperor wanted to give it to him.

The three princes pretended to decline, and finally hesitated: “Erchen does have an idea…”

Emperor An Qing was in a good mood and nodded: “Just say it.”

“My son has always admired the second brother’s ability to lead the army. This time I heard that there was a civil turmoil in Suzhou, and I also wanted to share the worries for my father and bring troops to calm the turmoil!

Emperor Anqing hesitated slightly: “These civil riots are large in number, so it’s not a trivial mess.”

The third prince straightened his back and said triumphantly: “My son has already figured out how to deal with it.”

“Oh?” Emperor An Qing came to be interested: “How to deal with it, you just talk about it.”

The third prince told him.

“These chaotic people, in the final analysis, are just a mob. If they really want to fight, they must not be able to beat my Da Ye army.” The third prince first gave a flattering, and when he saw Emperor An Qing’s face (color) happy, he continued. “But if there is a real war, it will be hard work and money. The son will think of a way to save blood…”

“…The group of chaotic people entangled in the area of ​​Surabaya. Erchen had seen the topographical map, and it happened to be in the lower reaches of Surabaya. The upper reaches of Surabaya was in the territory of Yuzhou. Erchen thought that we could send someone to negotiate and appease first, then take advantage of these When the rioters lower their vigilance, they put poison in the upper river water. These rioters camp on the edge of Surabaya and must fetch water every day. If this happens, they will be poisoned. After that, we will take the opportunity to send troops to attack. It is not like cutting melons and vegetables. Exhausted?”

He was only fifteen years old, and when he talked about poisoning in the river, his face (color) did not change at all. Daochang Liao had been listening to him, although he was from Concubine Shu, he shuddered at this moment.

Emperor Anqing was pondering for a long while, touching his palms and smilingly said, “Soldiers are not tired of fraud. This is also a good idea. Then you can handle the matter.”

The three princes bowed their hands: “Yes, the children will live up to their father’s entrustment!”

This secret talk, but the three in the palace knew about it. The next day, Emperor Anqing made an order. The construction of the other pagodas in various places must be stepped up, and they must be completed before this winter. The other three princes will lead troops to quell the chaos in Suzhou, Shulingtan in Yuzhou, and Shentuxu in Suzhou. They all obeyed. Dispatched by the three princes.

Above the court, the prince’s party exchanged glances, his face (color) uncertain. The three princes and one party praised His Majesty Shengming. Only a few people, such as Shen Tubo and Ji Anmin, were worried and wondered what the Anqing Emperor intended to send the three princes.

When the news of Yejing reached Yanzhou, several days had passed.

At that time, Xiao Zhige was taking An Changqing on a field tour. After talking with Qi Wei last time, Qi Wei went back and gathered the old farmers in the city to brainstorm and find crops that are more suitable for the Yanzhou climate.

These old farmers have been dealing with crops for many years, and they are more proficient in climate and crops than the generals who lead the war. Everyone gathered in one place to discuss, and they really discussed something.

The reason was that during a discussion, an old farmer hesitated to say that his eldest son brought back a crop called “sweet potato” from Yuze. This crop can be seen everywhere in Yuze. It is sold very cheaply. It is big and full of stomach. Because I didn’t make any money in business, I bought a few carts of this sweet potato and brought it back to Suzhou. In the previous war, their family donated all the food to the soldiers, and it was relying on these sweet potatoes to survive.

Qi Wei became interested as soon as he heard it, and asked the old farmer to bring his son over to talk about the sweet potato.

Xiao Zhige and An Changqing who heard the news also went to listen. It turned out that because the family was really poor, the eldest son of the old farmer had been buying and selling goods for a little money. Because a companion said that Yuze is rich in products, if he can get a lot back and sell it in Daye, and make a lot of money, he will be moved. A group of young people set off from Suzhou and crossed the border to sneak to Yuze.

But when I went there, I found that the business was not so easy to do. A group of people tossed for a lot of days, did not earn any money, and spent a lot of money on the road. Finally, the drums died down and returned to Daye. The old farmer’s son was unwilling to be empty-handed, thinking that the sweet potato was cheap anyway, and it would be good to get something to eat if he couldn’t make money, so he pulled a cart of sweet potatoes back.

The old farmer’s son said that this sweet potato is everywhere in Yuze. It is said that it is easy to grow and can be eaten both raw and cooked. He also brought two specially.

Qi Wei and the others all looked at it strangely, and heard it could be eaten raw, and cut one on the spot to taste it. The taste is like kudzu, and the taste is like water chestnuts.

An Changqing also tasted a piece, and took the remaining sweet potato to look at it for a long time, and then said: “I once read the record of sweet potato in a Luzon travelogue. It said that sweet potato is’big as a fist, skin ( (Color) vermilion, crispy heart and juicy, edible both raw and cooked, a wide variety of barren-tolerant varieties, high yield, tens of stones per mu, 20 times better than seedlings 1′.”

In his last life, he lived in the palace and had nothing to do. His biggest hobbies were reading and smelting jade. I read a lot of travel notes and miscellaneous studies at the time, and I only marveled at the vastness of the world, but I never thought that one day I could actually write the things mentioned in the book.

Xiao Zhige heard what he said at once: “The wide variety is resistant to barrenness, with dozens of stones per acre? Can Yanzhou also be planted?”

The generals glanced at each other, their eyes gleaming.

After that, Xiao Zhige exchanged food for the leftover sweet potatoes in the old farmhouse, and An Changqing found the travel note based on the memory of the previous life. Based on the travel notes, combined with the oral narration of the son of the old farmer, a draft was drawn up. The law of share planting.

Now that the potato chunks have begun to germinate, An Changqing is not relieved, and has to visit the field with Xiao Zhige every day.

Because the weather is already hot and the fields are passing through thinly and thinly, these potato pieces have sprouted faster and more. In just a few days, green shoots have grown. When An Changqing visited, there were soldiers who were good at farming carefully fertilizing the fields.

According to the book, this sweet potato was originally planted best in April, but they discovered that it was a little late. Now it is May, so they can only fertilize more, hoping that it will grow soon.

“If it is really planted, the people will not have to worry about the food in the future. The military ration will also be settled.” An Changqing said with gleaming eyes.

Xiao Zhige looked at this small acre of land, even though he had always been calm, he couldn’t help but smile. The land in Yanzhou is barren, and the crop yield has always been low. If this sweet potato is really high-yield as stated in the book, then Yanzhou will have enough confidence to deal with the future.

“Yeah, this is a blessing for Yanzhou. If possible, it can be promoted in other states and counties in the future, so that the people of Daye will have food to eat.”

An Changqing looked at him sideways, Xiao Zhige’s face was full of pride. He seemed to have never thought of hiding in private. The first thing he thought of was the food and clothing of the people of Daye.

“Well. When I go back, I’ll turn over the books I’ve read before, maybe I can find something new again.” An Changqing said.

He used to read those books only as a relief from boredom, but now after this experience, he suddenly discovered that the things in these books can actually be implemented to improve people’s livelihood.

Xiao Zhige didn’t refuse, but said, “Thanks for your hard work.”

An Changqing smiled, and took him to the fields and rows to check the emergence of the seedlings.

When the two of them finished patrolling the fields, they happened to send a letter from the city, saying that Yejing had a letter. The two men rode back to the city again.

An Changqing went to the barracks with him. Xiao Zhige, a military officer in Yanzhou, never kept it from him. He naturally saw Yejing’s letter right now. When he saw the three princes leading his troops to the chaos in Siping, something flickered in his mind, but he couldn’t catch it. Staring at Surabaya on the letter frowned.

Xiao Zhige’s expression was not very good either. Although it had been expected that Emperor Anqing would send troops to suppress him, he did not expect that he would turn around even a little bit without staying. In the final analysis, this group of “White Ding Army” is also the people of Daye, but they were forced to survive before they set off. If the court can send someone to appease, maybe there is no need to mobilize troops at all.

With this move by Emperor Anqing, the area around Surabaya in Suzhou will inevitably flow in blood.

He sighed and burned the secret letter. Seeing An Changqing also frowned, thinking he was worried about the war, Xiao Zhige rubbed the top of his hair and comforted him instead: “Worrying is useless now. Good care of the state.”

An Changqing’s thoughts were interrupted by him, so she nodded. I went to look for the book by myself, and only after Xiao Zhige finished the military affairs did he return to the mansion together.

Fuzhong Anfu asked the kitchen to prepare dinner, and when they came back, he hurriedly ordered someone to prepare a meal.

After eating, the two slid a few times in the courtyard to digest, and it was dark after a while. An Changqing (takes off tuo) takes off her coat, puts on soft-soled shoes, and prepares to go to the bath room to wash. The penthouse next to it has now been converted into a dedicated bath room, which is connected to the main house and separated by a screen.

Xiao Zhige looked around, coughed lightly, and said, “Tonight, I won’t go to the study room, right?”

After the initial reply, Xiao Zhige understood the taste of the marrow, and believed what was said in the original text, entangled An Changqing every night and was turned into red waves. An Changqing was annoyed a few times for this, and rushed him to the study to sleep. No, the day before yesterday, he crueled people again, and had been forced to sleep in the study all night.

Anyway, I can’t sleep anymore tonight.

The Northern Warlord had a cheeky face, took off his outer clothes and riding boots, and was wearing a coat of Dama Jindao sitting on the bed. Although his face was calm, he had a hooligan posture that could not go away.

An Changqing glanced at him, but did not speak, and went to the bathroom to wash herself.

When he came back after washing, he changed to Xiao Zhige. An Changqing rolled into the bed and pretended to sleep with the quilt.

When Xiao Zhige came back from the bath room, he saw him with his back to him. He didn’t know whether he was really asleep or pretending to be asleep. However, he obviously didn’t intend to rush him to the study room anymore, so he was relieved and went to bed with a thin cover. Okay, tentatively stretched out his arm again, and took the person into his arms.

A good night’s sleep.

The author has something to say: Counseling: If I go to bed today, I can do it tomorrow…

Here: No.


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