The Tyrant’s Beloved Empress

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Tiehu went to the gate of the city to shout again, but the gate of Gyeongju was closed, and there was no one to answer. +++Mobile reading visit m.

In Seongnae, Gyeongju, several powerful people (qiang) gathered together to discuss how to deal with it. As soldiers approached the city, it was of course impossible for them to know nothing. It is precisely because they have known it for a long time that they hesitate how to respond.

According to their thoughts, even if the imperial court sent reinforcements, it should first go to support Zhuzhou. Gyeongju is at the end. When the court’s personnel arrive, they will be able to fully control Gyeongju City. There will be soldiers, horses, and rich food. Not to mention the negotiation conditions with the court, it is all right to become a king.

Nowadays, in this world, although the landlord of Hao (qiang) is very rich, but without the official status of a lord, he is not a fart. Their hard-earned silver, they have to send it up with a shy face. No one wants to be an obedient pug in other people’s home, and now is the time for the incident.

The Gyeongju Army has always been supported by them, and they all know what virtue it is. Hao (qiang) landlords usually support the family warriors a lot, otherwise it would not be possible to react so quickly to form an **** after the accident. Originally, they had a good abacus, but they never expected that it would be the King of the Northern War and the Yanzhou Army.

Who is the Northern Warlord? That is the invincible (kill sha) god. Beidi people are not afraid, can they be afraid of them?

Hao (qiang) was also cowardly, and when he saw the whole hall was silent, he suggested: “Why don’t you open the gate of the city to welcome people in first?”

His words made the originally silent hall even more quiet. Sitting at the head was Shi Kairen, the head of the Shi family. The wealth of the Shi family is so rich that it can be an enemy country. In the southern prefectures and counties, there has always been a nickname of “Stone Emperor”. Half of the guards came from the Shi family. Of course, Shi Kairen, the master of the Shi family, became the leader of Hao (Qiangqiang).

When everyone looked at him subconsciously, they saw Shi Kairen sneer: “Open the bow without turning back the arrow. If you are afraid, get out by yourself and beg for mercy. The princes and generals are kind? The court is not kind, and the world will be chaotic. Why can’t we? Change the world? Do you want to be the dog under the feet of the Yejing family forever?”

What he said was rebellious, but no one dared to refute it. The Shi family always said it was the same in Gyeongju, and even Zuoqiu, the leader of Gyeongju, had to look at him for three points.

The person who was the first to speak was immediately stunned, but he didn’t dare to say anything more.

Someone saw that Shi Kairen was determined to fight, and cautiously proposed: “But outside the city is the Northern Warlord. He is known for his fierce reputation and has never failed. If he goes against…”

Shi Kairen smiled contemptuously: “How about he has never failed? He ran a long distance with people tired and lack of horses, and there was no sufficient supply of food and grass outside the city. We dragged on for a month and a half, and they couldn’t hold it. We could wait, but Zhuzhou could not wait. He gave up Gyeongju and went to Yeoju for support. Then we would have enough time to eat Gyeongju. What the court said would not count. Either he stayed at Gyeongju and waited until Yeoju City was broken and the group of refugees went to Yejing. It’s a (kill sha) god, and you have to lose your head! Why should we be afraid of it?”

He had a gloomy look and a strategizing attitude. The haos (qiang) who were originally afraid of the fierce reputation of the Northern War King were gradually moved by him and began to relax. He smiled and complimented Shi Patriarch’s conspiracy.

It’s just that they didn’t wait for them to say a few more words, but they heard a loud noise in the distance, and even the ground began to shake, and wood dust and dust fell on the beams of the roofs above their heads, frightening these people who were still talking about it. Qiangqiang’s faces were like earth (color) and fled out in embarrassment.

“What’s the matter? The earth dragon turned over?”

After finally escaping to the open space, the Hao (qiang) were not decent, Shi Kairen was still more tidy, but he was also frightened (color). The loud noise faintly came from the direction of the city gate, one after another, without stopping at all.

Before they could figure out what was going on, they saw the guard of the city gate running on horseback, and said in panic, “The city gate can’t be guarded!”

The gate of Gyeongju is as solid as a rock, how could it be lost so quickly?

Shi Kairen’s face (color) darkened, and he said viciously, “What’s the matter? Speak clearly!”

The guard was injured, his body was mixed with dust and dust. He looked terrified and stammered: “They threw a black stone at the city gate, and the black stone exploded as soon as it was thrown, but four or five. The city gate was blown loose!”

Shi Kairen’s face (color) was dark, but he didn’t know what the black stone was that could ruin the city gate.

Just before he could understand it, he listened to the loud noise and stopped, and then the ebony horses surrounded where they were, one person ahead of them with perseverance and fierce aura, but the words spoken were breathtaking. A trembling: “The imperial court reinforcements approached the city, but you refused to open the city gate, why? Is it a rebellion?”

Shi Kairen is fairly calm, but other haos (qiang qiang) are not as courageous as him. They were used to living a life of pampering and superiority. Although they were dissatisfied with the oppression of the Yejing family, they did not have the guts to rebel. They came to this point today, all of the choices made by the Shi Patriarch under the coercion and temptation. Now that I really saw the army that had killed someone, I was frightened and weakened just by looking at the momentum.

Hao (qiang) knelt on the ground and said tremblingly: “I can’t wait, it’s just…” It’s just something, but he didn’t say it for a long time.

Xiao Zhige raised the corner of his mouth, his eyes fixed on Shi Kairen who was still standing in the middle. Shi Kairen is more than 40 years old, slender and tall, wearing a splendid robe. Although a little embarrassed, he is quite imposing, as if he is not afraid of (color). He even squinted his eyes to look at Xiao Zhige, and said with a hypocritical smile: “It is better to see, the King of the Northern War is worthy of my great war god. I have been guarding Gyeongju for a long time, but have not waited for reinforcements. At first I heard someone is outside the city. Shouting, I thought there was a fraud, I was just discussing the matter, but I didn’t want the prince to break through the city gate and come in…”

He said this as if Xiao Zhige was anxious to wait for them to open the city gate, not that they were unwilling to open the city gate deliberately.

Xiao Zhige smiled slightly, but was impatient to play with him. He glanced at him condescendingly and said: “The king is here to calm the chaos. What is the situation in Gyeongju, please report it first.”

After finishing riding the horse, I went directly to the General’s Mansion, and the 20,000 Yanju Army behind him moved along. They were uniform and vigorous, far from comparable to the weak Gyeongju Army. Xie Ling was also on this trip. Before the tactical horse, he looked at them with a smile, and said, “Please, please. The prince is time expensive, and it is not convenient to delay.”

The General Ranger’s Mansion was already vacant at this time. Twenty thousand soldiers each went to arm the General’s Mansion. A team of troops stayed and quickly took control of the General’s Mansion. Xiao Zhige sat in the hall and drank a cup of tea. Qiangqiang) just walked here.

They usually go out in soft sedan carriages, shouting in front of them and hugging them in the back. How can they be so embarrassed when they walk. There was Xie Ling urging from behind, as if driving a group of livestock, panting and panting when they arrived.

Because he refused to open the city gate earlier, Xiao Zhige had sharpened his sword to them. At this time, he was naturally not very good. He didn’t even let him sit, so he began to inquire about the situation in Gyeongju City and where the troops were deployed.

In Gyeongju City, Hao (qiang) escorts occupy the West and Namseong gates. This is Nancheng, and it is mostly the residence of the wealthy families of Hao (qiang). The refugees took control of the North City, occupying the East City Gate and the North City Gate. Gyeongju Changjie is the boundary in the middle, and the two sides are guarded by various factions. Although there is no large-scale fighting at present, there are many frictions and small-scale fights. Until Xiao Zhige arrived, the city had maintained a delicate balance.

“There are ten thousand guards in the city?”

Xiao Zhige raised his brows and looked at them condensedly: “Occupy the land and houses, feed the private soldiers, and refuse to open the city gate…”

“…Who gave you the courage?” Xiao Zhige’s voice sank, looking at them with a solemn expression.

Some people were so scared that Liushen Wuzhu did not dare to argue, but there were others who refused to admit it. Shi Kairen raised his head and said: “The prince is wronging us. The land sale is yours and I will sign the contract. How can I invade the land? Besides, if there were no such private soldiers, Gyeongju City would have been captured by the refugees. I can’t wait to take credit, but I can’t bow my head to confess my guilt! Please let the prince know!

Seeing Shi Kairen’s mouth open, the others seemed to have found the backbone, and they all agreed.

Xiao Zhige waited for them to say enough before raising his hand and asking Zhou Helan to bring up the evidence he had prepared. On this trip, he had the idea of ​​first (killing sha) Hao (qiang) civilians and then softening the idea of ​​gathering the refugees. Naturally, he was not unprepared for these Hao (qiang). Zhou Helan has been in the southern prefectures and counties for some time, and often dealt with the landlords of Hao (qiang). At this time, it is also best to collect evidence.

A box of evidence was placed aside, and Xie Ling picked up a chant at will: “In the 13th year of Qingli, Shi’s family and the second son Shiqian fell in love with a peasant girl, and wanted to accept her as a concubine, but the peasant girl refused to follow him. Angrily (kill sha) the peasant daughter’s parents, (qiang) account for the peasant daughter…”

“In the fourteenth year of the Qingli calendar, when the green and yellow were not connected, the Shijia Qiangzhuang put money out of stamps and used the’lamb interest’ to calculate profit. The following autumn, more than a hundred tenant households were unable to repay, the land was occupied by (strong qiang) for interest, and they had good looks ‘S peasant girl was taken away by (qiang) to pay off her debt…”

For many years, Hao (qiang) landlords have been rampant, committing numerous crimes. And the mighty Shi family was even more unscrupulous, relying on the government to look at his face (color) and rely on him to support him, so arrogant to the point that he didn’t even bother to cover up. As long as the fields and women that the Shi family are fond of… they can grab them with an open mind. In the past few years, I don’t know how many tenant households have been reduced to the sacrifices of the Shi family, and I don’t know how many good girls have been robbed into the mansion by the Shi family (qiang). The Shijia mansion is magnificent and magnificent comparable to the Yejing Forbidden Palace. Traveling, clothing and food are not regulated, and the luxury is comparable to the royal family of the princes.

Xiao Zhige’s face (color) gloomily threw the evidence on Shi Kairen’s face, without giving him a chance to argue, and said coldly: “Shijia (gan gan) people and others are raising private soldiers, occupying land, and indiscriminately (killing). sha) innocent, (qiang) robbing women… Regarding the law as nothing, a (gan gan) crime is unforgivable. According to this king’s order, immediately arrest the Shi family, the principal culprit will be beheaded in the city tomorrow, and the accessory culprit will be beheaded. The rest of the family members, except those who were robbed by (qiang), were all exiled for 3,000 miles. All family property and acres were checked to fill the national treasury.”

Shi Kairen (body shen) trembled, and his eyes were about to split: “There is nothing wrong with guilt! This is slander! I don’t accept it!”

His eyes widened, his eyes rolled in his eye sockets, as if thinking of something, he quickly said: “I am the prince’s in-laws, and my daughter is the prince Liangdi. Who of you dare to (kill sha) me! I want to see the prince!”

Xiao Zhige watched him dying and struggling coldly, only instructed: “Hold it down, and execute the sentence in front of the long street tomorrow!”

Even though Shi Kairen had a thousand tactics, it was useless at this time. He stared angrily and was dragged down, roaring uncontrollably. The rest of Hao (qiang) saw that the Shi family was so embarrassed when he saw a few words, he was so frightened, he bowed his head to the ground and begged for mercy.

Xiao Zhige didn’t intend to rush to (kill sha), so he glanced at Xie Ling. Xie Ling knowingly stepped forward to appease: “You don’t have to worry, the prince will be aware of his mistakes and will not let go of a criminal, but he will not be innocent.”

Zhong Hao (qiang) was even more frightened to hear him say this. Who can be here, who has done nothing wrong? Even if he didn’t commit a crime, someone in the family committed a crime and took his life. They looked at Xiao Zhige anxiously, as if waiting for him to be sentenced to death.

Xie Ling smiled slightly, seeing that the purpose of shock had been achieved, and said mildly: “A person is not a sage, who can do nothing. The prince is not the one who will kill the sha. The chaos in Gyeongju, the people are suffering from displacement, prince Be kind to the people. If you can pass the merits, it’s not too late.”

As for how to offset the merits, he didn’t say clearly, but here are all human spirits, so there is no one who doesn’t understand.

After looking at each other for a long time, they said with sad faces: “I am waiting to do my best for the prince and the people of Gyeongju.”

The author has something to say:

Counseling: After copying the house, transport it back to Yanzhou and ask to count the money for fun.

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