The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1301 - The Lost…Temple!!

Chapter 1301: The Lost…Temple!!

Translator: Sean88888  Editor: Elkassar1

The space soon regained its calm. However, Sheyan’s eyes widened again, because he suddenly heard creaking sounds around him, as if the whole spaceship was suddenly put under tremendous pressure. Spots of light started emerging from the paint on the ship’s surface and drifted away into space. Then, the metallic surface of the spaceship started rolling up and quickly disintegrated, revealing the mechanical structure inside!

It looked as if the rate of erosion had been accelerated a thousand times, causing the whole spaceship to disintegrate at an eerie speed!

“…What the hell is happening?!!! Sheyan was in shock. At this speed, he would die here in less than five minutes!

Fortunately, at that very moment, a battered Wraith appeared shakily from behind an asteroid in front. There were several large holes in the Wraith’s hull. Welding sparks occasionally flashed as the intelligent robot inside scurried up and down trying to fix things. The ship seemed to have lost its propulsion force. A long trail of black smoke tailed behind it.

Sheyan could tell with one glance that this was a deliberate arrangement by the Realm. He instantly launched two robotic arms from his spaceship before the ship had lost its power completely. The arms forcibly pulled the Wraith over, and the emergency escape port was swiftly connected. Sheyan and Old Charlie quickly fled into the Wraith.

The moment they escaped into the new spacecraft, Prince Pombaru’s personal ship completely broke down behind them, turning into space debris. Sheyan could roughly guess why the ship had disintegrated. High-tech objects from a different dimension that had not undergone special processing would be rejected by the new dimension.

It was like a thorn that was stabbed into a human body. A strong rejection force would appear within the body. Sheyan and Old Charlie had evidently survived because they were protected by the power of the Realm. Only when two planes had overlapped for a long time and had reached a mature stage – like the overlapping between the Predator plane and the Prime Material Plane – would there not be such a strong rejection.

Strictly speaking, the Wraith’s defence and attack power were not very high. Against air units, it mainly attacked with an Oakley double-barrel missile launcher that had a firing interval of 1.1 seconds. Against ground units, it would use 30 mm caliber burst lasers. Its greatest feature was still the cloaking device which gave it stealth capability.

Almost a third of this Wraith had been destroyed. That it was still able to drift in space was nothing short of a miracle! Numerous electrical wires that were still coursing with electricity hung loose from the ceiling. Thick smoke would drift to Sheyan’s face from time to time. Many parts of the steel walls had visibly bent or split open. The mechanical parts behind the walls could be seen from the cracks.

An SCV (Space Construction Vehicle) was busy welding one of the cracks. When its operator saw Sheyan, he was momentarily stunned. He then saluted Sheyan and asked, “Brigadier General Seaman! Why are you here, sir?”

Sheyan was surprised at his reaction. He then realised that his status was different now. Various people came to greet him one after another while he moved forward,. They all looked at him with awe and respect. He could even hear some whispers behind him:

“Why have such an important man come to this place?”

“We’ll definitely be able to live through this ordeal! I’ve heard of his legendary feats many times!”

“I can’t believe we actually managed to escape from the pursuit of the Carrier. It was so close just now. I think it might be thanks to Brigadier General Seaman!”


Finally, Sheyan entered the cockpit, where a huge gap in the wall had just been repaired. The weld marks were still glowing red. A large amount of red hot welding waste was left on the ground, hissing. This was a damage done by the pulse cannon of an Interceptor. The shot had torn the cockpit wall apart and struck an unlucky man. His blood had dried up on the floor. Three fingers wrapped in a damaged leather glove were stuck to the wall at the side, swaying.

Next to the cockpit, a woman was busy treating two wounded personnel. She was too busy to look back. Sheyan went over and asked, “How’s their situation?”

As soon as the woman looked back, she jumped in shock.

“Brigadier General Seaman! What are you doing here?

This was the beneficial effect of Legend Level +2. Together with Sheyan’s military rank, he believed he would meet with no dissenting voices on this ship.

He simply nodded in reply. He sized up the wounded and said confidently, “Allow me.”

A metal fragment had punctured deep into the chest of the wounded man on the left. The head of the wounded man on the right was badly injured and covered in blood. Sheyan first took out his ‘Endless Vodka’ and gave the wounded man on the left a gulp. Then, he abruptly grabbed the metal fragment, pulled it out hard, and pressed his hand to the wound. The pain made the wounded man scream and curl up like a shrimp, but he slowly relaxed after that. The vodka was apparently slowly taking effect.

Next, Old Charlie took out syringes containing hormone injections, analgesic injections, anesthetic injections, and antibiotic injections from the first-aid kit at the side and skillfully administered the injections with practised ease. The wounded man closed his eyes and slept soundly. His breathing had turned stable. After that, Old Charlie moved him aside and connected him to an automatic monitoring device which would send out an alarm if it detected any abnormal fluctuations. And thus, Sheyan finished handling the matter perfectly.

The next casualty was suffering from a severe brain injury and a sharp increase in intracranial pressure, so it was necessary to remove the hematoma inside through surgery, which was a really difficult operation. Old Charlie had acquired some theoretical knowledge in this field when he was made into a Cyborg, but he had no practical experience at all. However, there was no other choice; he could only grit his teeth and try his best. Fortunately, Sheyan’s vodka once again showed an effect at a crucial moment – or the patient would have died on duty.

After that, Sheyan naturally took over the command of this stealth spacecraft without meeting with any objection. The woman earlier, named Kyrgyzna, stayed at Sheyan’s side. After more than ten hours of emergency repair, the five SCVs on the spacecraft had finally repaired everything that could be repaired. But even so, this was the list presented to Sheyan:

“Damage to the ships’ main body: 28%. Defence reduced to 18.1% below normal level.”

“Damage to the energy system: 55%. Power output reduced to 45% below normal level. The ship can only fly at 32% of the theoretical maximum speed.”

“Damage to the weapon system: 18%. Attacking speed reduced by 38%.”

“Damage to the stealth system: 81%. Unable to operate properly.”


Sheyan frowned when he saw these data.

“What’s our current location, Kyrgyzna?” he asked.

The woman appeared to be a very qualified assistant and a professional in this respect. She quickly showed Sheyan an interstellar map and pressed it a few times with her finger. He quickly located the region they were currently in.

There were various brown, blue, and yellow zones on the map, signifying the areas of influence of Zerg, Terran (humans), and Protoss respectively. They area they were in was a little awkward. A flaming galaxy at the side denoted that it was currently embroiled in the flames of war. This place originally belonged to the humans, but it had now been occupied by the Protoss.

Kyrgyzna touched her finger to a spot at the side.

“Based on the amount of energy we have left, this is the best place we can go to.”

Sheyan frowned when he saw the location that she was pointing at.

“That place is within the sphere of influence of the Protoss.”

Kyrgyzna nodded. “It’s a planet that had been mined on a large scale a long time ago. The crystals and rare gases deposits on it have long been depleted. It’s now been marginalised, so there shouldn’t be too many soldiers left on it. It’s also close to the territory of the Zerg, who are proficient in harassment and guerrilla tactics. So, this should be the safest place we can go to. Besides, according to computer records, us humans have left our traces on this planet. Although we were chased away, we have a habit of leaving strategic vaults behind. We might be able to find one of these vaults.”

Sheyan nodded. “Do we have other options? ”

“We do,” replied Kyrgyzna, but with a wry smile.” The other two choices are planet M-A88 and planet M-821.

“What do the letters M in their names mean?” asked Sheyan.

Kyrgyzna apparently felt that Sheyan’s question was stupid, but she still patiently explained to him, “It shows that they’ve been fully occupied. The enemy has achieved over 98% control over these planets.”

Old Charlie chimed in while pointing at Sheyan’s head, “Brigadier General Seaman’s head was hit hard during the crash, so some fragments are still missing from his memory. He can’t remember certain things.”

Sheyan nodded in confirmation. “Okay, Lieutenant Kyrgyzna, we’ll do as you say. Let’s go to the old abandoned planet you’re talking about. By the way, what’s the name of the planet?”

Lieutenant Kyrgyzna checked the information. But after that, she replied with confusion in her eyes, “That’s strange. The planet doesn’t have a regular identification number. It only has a Protoss name. Wait a second, let me try the translation function. It appears to be called… The Lost Temple?”

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