The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1334 - A Fight to the Death within the Storm

Chapter 1334: A Fight to the Death within the Storm

Translator: Sean88888  Editor: Elkassar1

The Messenger of Pain seemed much less affected by the storm. He first stabilised his body with his tail, then used long-range attacks to fire at Sheyan from afar. The first strike was truly unexpected, but his bone javelin was unfortunately affected by the strong wind, so its aim was inevitably slightly off. That was why Sheyan could dodge it in time.

The failed attempt presented a great opportunity for Sheyan to strike back!

The Messenger of Pain’s bone javelin was powerful, but it was not a disposable weapon. A dark red nerve tendon was connected to its rear. Not only could the tendon enable the bone javelin to be retrieved after it was shot, it could also adjust the javelin’s aim while the javelin was flying through the air. When all is said and done, it was the fault of the force 12 wind that what should have been a sure-hit attack missed!

The moment Sheyan grabbed onto the dark red nerve tendon at the end of the bone javelin, he immediately pulled it, hard.

The Messenger of Pain instantly screamed in agony. The dark red nerve tendon caught by Sheyan was somewhat similar to the muscles connected to the testicles. Imagine if Sheyan, who had more than a hundred points of Strength, grabbed your testicles and pulled. That was what the Messenger of Pain was currently experiencing….

But the more pain the Messenger of Pain felt, the greater the power he would display in his next attack, so Sheyan was not really trying to cause more pain for him, but rather to pull the Messenger of Pain off the rock he was holding onto. If Sheyan succeeded, the wild storm would solve all his problems for him.

Sheyan yanked hard again! The Messenger of Pain trembled violently from top to bottom. His long tail made loud sounds of friction from grinding against the rock. He seemed like he could not hold on for much longer.

But Sheyan had underestimated the monster’s determination. When Sheyan tried to exert force on the tendon again, the Messenger of Pain’s neck elongated, and his teeth bit down on the dark red nerve tendon, severing it. The unbelievable pain made him erupt with immense force. He pounced towards Sheyan fiercely.

The Messenger of Pain was indeed someone who inherited the Queen of Blade’s formidable power and was two orders higher than Sheyan. He had used all his strength to pounce forward this time, so even though the wind blew strong and carried a large amount of sharp stone fragments in it, it could not stop the monster. The Messenger of Pain looked like he would drag Sheyan down with him even if he had to sacrifice his own life!

No traces of panic could be seen on Sheyan’s face. In truth, the Messenger of Pain’s reaction was well within his expectations, so he was prepared for it. When the monster reached within 10 meters away from Sheyan, a ruthless smirk appeared on Sheyan’s face. He suddenly raised his hand that was hanging by his side, revealing the silver gun in it.

It was a gun which exuded a holy vibe!


The gun’s dark muzzle was aiming at the pouncing Messenger of Pain who was currently mid-air!

Sheyan had not let G-spot consume ‘Verdict’ because ‘Verdict’ could still continue to grow. If it was devoured by G-spot, Sheyan did not know if it would still retain that precious property. Besides, ‘Verdict’ was a long range weapon and had its own equipment slot, so switching to it was very fast.

“I sentence the creature in front of me to be a heathen!”

“Repent in this storm, heathen!”

Then, while hanging on the cliff with one hand, Sheyan calmly pulled the trigger.

Dots of holy light shot out of the muzzle, as sacred as the bells in the church, as dignified as the hammer in the court!

The Messenger of Pain wailed brutally following the loud bang. More than a dozen black spots appeared all over his body. The black spots immediately started burning, spewing black smoke. This attack had caused an amazing amount of damage to him, while Sheyan had also recouped a lot of HP!

But more importantly, the tremendous impact from the shot had also caused the Messenger of Pain to diverge from his intended trajectory. He was clearly leaping straight for Sheyan, but he had now deviated by more than a metre. However, it seemed like Sheyan was still within his reach.

But…’Verdict’ could now shoot more than once! While the Messenger of Pain was striving to extend his claw towards Sheyan, Sheyan was also trying hard to stabilise himself in the gale. However, the hand which was wielding ‘Verdict’ was still as steady as a rock. The muzzle of the gun shifted slightly, and the trigger was pulled again!


The pale blue smoke the muzzle emitted instantly dispersed in the storm, but the milky white dots of light were not affected by the wind in the slightest. More than a dozen of them bombarded the body of the Messenger of Pain. Under the great impact, the claw which he had put his entire strength into swept past Sheyan half a meter away. Then, the monster was blown away by the gale.

Sheyan sneered mockingly, but the sneer froze almost as soon as it appeared. He suddenly saw the Messenger of Pain’s sharp tail stab towards him at a strange angle from below like a bolt of lightning! The monster had forcibly extended it by half a meter from the spine, so it still carried some blood and flesh on it.

Due to all these unexpected external factors, the tip of the tail successfully pierced through Sheyan’s wrist!

It was the wrist of his left hand which was holding onto the cliff!

Sheyan immediately felt his scalp go numb.

Suddenly struck by such a heavy blow, all five of Sheyan’s fingers lost the strength in them. He was immediately swept away by the wind, ruthlessly whirling towards the sky!

He was tossed and turned several times every second he was in the storm, and had lost count of the number of times he had crashed into a mountain peak! Even a powerful Awakener’s brain could not endure such a shocking amount of impact. Sheyan naturally fell unconscious.

Before losing consciousness, he saw himself being swept up into the sky. At the end of it was an opening which was getting bigger and bigger, like the end of an upside-down funnel. It all felt strange and unreal!


When Sheyan woke up, he found himself sitting on a chair.

His head was in such painl that he felt like it was going to explode, as if a gentle shake would make the thousands of broken porcelain pieces inside to rattle loudly. It took him a moment to regain his thoughts. He tried to stand up, but found himself bound to the chair at his chest and at his waist.

However, it seemed that they were only meant to make him stay in place rather than to restrain him, so he managed to free himself without much effort. He took a few unsteady steps, only to fall to the ground due to his severe headache.

The intense pain was caused by excessive trauma to his head while he was unconscious. It was akin to putting tofu in a bottle, then shaking the bottle violently. The tofu would definitely break down into a mess. It took a lot for Sheyan to survive an injury of this extent.

He gasped heavily while pressing his feverish forehead against the cold smooth floor, then lay down on his back. He felt a little better after the blood gathering in his head started to spread out to his limbs.

Then, Sheyan found something that looked like a surgery table. Although it felt like a bad omen, he still lay down on it. He let his head hang in the air from his neck up so that his feet would be in a higher position than his head. His head immediately felt less painful.

Only after that did Sheyan’s mind regain enough clarity to look around. The material which made up the place was strong and felt light. The place had a streamline motif, which was beautiful, but some of the smooth symbols which decorated the place had an arrogant feel to them.

And considering the details such as being held in a sitting position while he was unconscious, he could deduce with confidence that this place he was in was another Protoss base, and they were not hostile towards him.

The reason they made Sheyan sit was the same as the reason the humans let the wounded lie down on a bed. The Protoss had no bed, so they could only let Sheyan sit down to recuperate.

Sheyan did not dare to change his posture yet. He continued to carefully maintain his current position with his feet higher than his head. His resilient heart continued to pump blood to every part of his body. Under the constant circulation of blood, Sheyan gradually recovered from his condition, and his headache became much better.

What happened afterwards made Sheyan realise that his bad luck had not completely left him yet. He first checked his status and found that his innate ability had gone into cooldown. This showed that the situation after he passed out was much more dangerous than he had imagined. He was lucky to have survived.

By now, Sheyan had noticed some patterns and symbols on the walls. They stood out considerably, depicting the fight between light against darkness. But the more mysterious things were the many curved eyes that looked like thin blades, watching over everything.

Seeing this, Sheyan could not help but recall some of the information he had obtained from the intensive research he had previously done.

“Are these symbols…portraying the wars and changes between light and shadow? Is this place the legendary Twilight Council that had long disappeared?” he muttered to himself.


At that moment, a cold voice suddenly came from the very depths of Sheyan’s mind. It was so cold that it sent chills down his spine.

“Little did I expect that when I finally hear the sacred words “Twilight Council” once again, they would come from the mouth of a lowly human!”

Sheyan could not see the person, but he immediately rebutted aloud, “Nobility has nothing to do with race, mister. Nobility comes from the soul!”

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