The Unemployed Demon Lord

Page 841

Tall member: "Proof of the strongest adventurer,

There is only one, which means you are unique

The status is far above the Zijin adventurer! "

The short committee member: "This strongest adventurer proves to be very

Very precious, since the establishment of the adventurer rating system,

No one else has gotten this but founder Robin Hood

After the founder, you are the only one who can

Whoever received this honor!

Thin committee member: "Mr. Merlin, you are in the contest

His performance is obvious to all, and the title of the strongest adventurer is indeed

Well deserved! "

Several committee members took turns to express their gratitude to Merlin.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart, he will be the strongest in the industry in the future


Apparently the strongest adventurer proved seemingly mediocre

Strange, but in fact it represents the highest honor for adventurers


Since the establishment of the adventurer industry for a hundred years, in addition to creating

The original Robin Hood, and only Merlin can get the strongest

Adventurer title.

Don't look at what the committee members said, Merlin's face

Feeling sluggish, without a little bit of joy, I feel that this group of old people

Is the guy fooling himself?

Merlin looked at the wooden sign in his hand, the actual weight

Not as heavy as black iron! F light novel

That's it?This is the highest honor of Adventurer Week

?Got a wooden sign after being busy for so long? !

Wouldn't I just find a piece of wood to make a wooden sign?

! ?Just because it belongs to the founder, it seems

Incomparably valuable?

Merlin felt a little disappointed, he was looking forward to it in vain

for so long.

"You guys... are sure that this rotten wooden sign is an adventure

The highest honor of the author? ? ? '

"It's absolutely true!" Old Mr. Dawson paused

Explaining in a sincere tone, "Mr. Merlin has

As everyone knows, the adventurers were poor when they first established.

Down and out, the founder Robin Hood is just a man in the market

Little punk, no money at all, so Robin Hood

In order to let myself see. Go up to be more formal. It's on the wooden sign.

wrote down his name, and gave himself the strongest risk

The title of the adventurer has since opened the history of adventurers.

The of…

Merlin has no expression on his face, the corners of his mouth are crazy

Twitching, thinking what kind of bullshit is the strongest adventurer?completely

It's for self-entertainment!After a long time, I and the street punks

It's the same level!These old guys sure aren't

Are you insulting me? !

"Don't look at this wooden sign as plain, but

But it has extraordinary significance!It is the first in history

A piece of adventurer proof, the founder Robin Hood made it himself

Only adventurers who have the same status as the founder

With possession. Chairman Dawson patted Merlin on the shoulder,

He said earnestly, "As the strongest representative of an adventurer,

Watch, you must carry this banner. "Say

Merlin's complexion darkened in a flash

"Paji" threw the proof of the strongest adventurer to the ground


"Tricking me!!"


The arbitrators saw that Merlin gave such a precious thing

Throwing Xi on the ground, his frightened expression changed drastically.

Get flustered.

"Mr. Merlin! Don't mess around!" Dawson said

The chairman quickly picked up the wooden sign and blew the dust on it

"This is really the highest honor for an adventurer, why do you

Why don't you believe it? "

"A ghost would believe that a broken wooden sign is the strongest risk

Adventurer's certificate, give me a piece of purple gold adventurer's certificate

Merlin said with a straight face, thinking that it was hard for him to

Come here, instead of upgrading, the black iron has degenerated into

The wooden sign, isn't this a joke? !

"Mr. Merlin, you can't see the good and the bad,

This seemingly ordinary wooden sign is worth countless purple and gold adventurers.

Risk proof! "Old Mr. Dawson was about to cry.

"Come on, think I'm a three-year-old? Even if

You all boast about this thing, but there are

What's the use?People outside don't know each other, so if you make a mistake

Will I be a self-carving adventurer proof, entertaining myself

What should I do if I am happy? "Melin said with a cold face,

Ming Ming refused to accept it, "What is the strongest and not the strongest? Don't

What's the use if people don't recognize it? "

;"Mr. Merlin, this thing is more precious than

Your imagination, although it is true that few people know that the strongest risk

The existence of the risker's proof, but the Zijin adventurer still knows

That's right! "Chairman Dawson took a deep breath and calmed down.

Xu said, "I just said that the proof is leader-level,

Don't you understand?Because with it comes a right

Dispatch Zijin adventurers to assist you with various matters

Merlin's eyes widened, taken aback, he had been

I thought that at the level of the Zijin adventurer, almost no

Possibly hire them for errands.

like an old hag with the ability to make potions

Like Circe, begging for a bottle of medicine must be polite and polite.


When you are in a bad mood, people simply ignore you


Unexpectedly, this seemingly insignificant little wooden sign,

But he can send this group of people! ?

Merlin finally realized what the strongest adventurer proved

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