The Unemployed Demon Lord

Page 874

"Your Majesty has the capital to be proud. It won't be long before our third Demon King Palace will stand out, and you will be regarded as the only leader by all the demons. After all, you bravely broke the situation where the demons have been passively beaten." Ou There was a look of admiration in Sai's eyes. In his eyes, Mammon seemed to be a hero who saved the demons!

"Are you right?" Mammon raised the wine glass in his hand to Osei, thinking with deep eyes——

The stubborn conservatives in the Presbyterian Church must no longer make irresponsible remarks, right?

A few demon kings who insist on peace, if they don't join me, will they become the laughing stock of the entire demon clan?

It won't be long before all the land of Britain is mine, and even the artifact stone sword will be included in my pocket.

With dual artifacts in hand, who can fight me?

Chapter 4: Problem Children

The Supreme Council of the Demon Race, commonly known as the Council of Elders, is composed of the great nobles and experienced old demons in the group.

This organization was founded by the seven first-generation demon kings in order to prevent a certain demon king's palace from becoming too powerful and breaking the internal balance of the demon clan.

It can also mediate internal disputes, prevent the demons from acting recklessly, and lead the entire demon race to the wrong path.

If the demons are compared to a big machine, then the existence of the Presbyterian Church is the fuse in the machine, and it is an institution to guard against the fate of the genocide.

The Council of Elders has the most powerful weapon against the demons, the "Magic Sealing Pot". With its existence, the demon kings will be afraid of the elders of the council and dare not break the rules and do anything wrong.

If it weren't for the existence of the Presbyterian Church, the demon kings would fight on their own. I'm afraid it would be difficult for the demon clan to form a whole, and they would have fallen apart and stood on their own.

At this time, in the elders' meeting, there was a constant buzz of quarrels, and everyone was sent to fight over the table to prove who was right?

"Mammon ignores the rules set by the first generation of demon kings and launches foreign wars without authorization. This is very detrimental to us. Sooner or later, we will be involved in the flames of war together. Mammon should pay the price for what he has done!"

"You stubborn old people, His Majesty Mammon is the savior of the demons. Only he can pull us out of the quagmire of perishing. Is it right to be beaten passively!"

"That's right! That group of human beings are getting more and more aggressive, frequently sending troops to harass the Demon King's Palace. This means they want to drive us all to extinction. We must act first!"

"The ones who crusade against us are only the beasts of the Illuminati Cult. The other human kingdoms did not participate in it. But now that Mammon is fighting recklessly with foreign countries, those human kingdoms will be vigilant. If we form a human alliance, we will usher in a big war." A more tragic loss during the jihad period!"

The elders were divided into two factions in the parliament, each insisted on their own opinions, and they were in a fierce war of words, and it was difficult to make a unified decision in a short time.

Because of the heavy losses in the jihad with the heavens, the original rule jointly set by the first generation of demon kings was that the demons need to maintain a defensive strategy, and Mamen will be imprisoned in the magic pot for punishment immediately.

But suddenly, Belial, the only surviving first-generation demon king, uncharacteristically began to support Mammon's evil deeds, which caused the radicals and conservatives of the Presbyterian Church to fall into endless quarrels.

Belial's appeal in the Council of Elders is particularly strong, and many councilors are its students. Although they cannot influence the Council of Elders' decisions, they can cause great disturbance to the Council of Elders with their seniority.

The Presbyterian Center has a separate position for the chief referee. This position needs to summarize the opinions of most of the elders and give a final decision.

The old devil sitting on the chair of the referee looked very short, and he could only barely show his face by standing on a chair. His long gray beard was coiled around his waist, and he slowly closed the heavy "Demon Law Code".

The name of the old demon is Caprio. It used to be the gardener of the first generation of Lucifer, who belonged to the first demon king's hall, and came from a declining demon nobleman.

Caprio had no fighting power in his youth, but he also bravely took up the sword, participated in the tragic holy war, and survived by luck.

Relying on his own continuous efforts, in his twilight years, he successfully served as the chief referee of the Presbyterian Church, known for his fairness and strictness.

Caprio, who was supposed to take good care of the First Devil Palace and the descendants of the first generation of Lucifer, personally approved the document to exile Lucifer III, which shows how fair he is.

Caprio looked at the elders who were caught in a scolding battle below, and suddenly he was out of breath, and angrily slapped the table——

"Everyone be quiet! This is the Presbyterian Church, not the vegetable market! You old guys can't solve any problems at all by cursing!"

The elders who were fighting fiercely heard Caprio's voice and gradually calmed down. They still don't know which side the referee is on?

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Caprio nodded in satisfaction and cleared Sans, "Ahem! According to the rules left by the first generation of demon kings, Mammon has undoubtedly committed a felony! Unauthorized expansion The war, the occupation of the Sixth Demon King’s Hall, and Leviathan’s whereabouts are now unknown. These are enough to lock Mammon in the magic pot and receive punishment. I have zero tolerance for this kind of guy who ignores the elders, and Asmodeus , Samael, and Beelzebub have united to accuse Mammon of their crimes, let us hear what His Majesty the Demon Kings have to say."

Behind Caprio, there are seven huge mirrors, all of which are magic communication props that can be directly connected to various demon king halls.

Three of the seven mirrors suddenly lit up, and the figures of the three demon kings of lust, anger, and gluttony appeared in front of many elders. "How do you play with this magic mirror?"

Samuel, the angry demon king, has a strong body, and the councilors can only see two strong chest muscles dangling in the mirror.

A group of shrewd elders staring at the tits of a male demon, this picture is simply too beautiful!

Samuel took a long time to back away, allowing everyone to see his face, but it was a pity that he was blocked by a completely closed helmet.

Samael took off his helmet, nothing on his neck, no head at all, he scratched the air on his neck and said.

"Ah?, I remembered, I have no brains, so it's normal if I don't know how to play with this ghost thing?"

Elder suffering from cerebral hemorrhage: "Lord Samuel! Please put on your clothes, no one likes to see your big fleshy body! As a devil king, you should pay more attention to your majestic image! Don't wear it in public. Running around with bare buttocks everywhere! This will make the entire demon clan feel ashamed!"

"Sister, why haven't you come back yet!? No

With my sister by my side, I feel like I'm going to die!Ming Sui Sui Sui Sui?"

Beelzebub hugged the pillow with the picture of his sister Miranda, and wept bitterly in front of all the elders, as if he was about to collapse.

Since Miranda is assisting the First Devil Palace to maintain the seal of the blood pool, as long as Lilith does not go for a day, poor Beelzebub will never see her lovely sister.

Beelzebub's tears and snot mixed together, rubbing on Miranda's pillow non-stop, who knew that being separated from his sister would be such a big blow?

"Sister, come back soon, brother misses you, as long as you promise me to stay, I will promise anything!!!"

Elder suffering from cerebral hemorrhage: "Lord Beelzebub! Be strong! You are the king of demons! How can you be so weak! No matter how much you like your sister, you can't be like this! You must show the fierceness and courage of the king of demons!" Only cold-blooded! Please don't continue to embarrass yourself!"

"Huh? I haven't worn these stockings for a long time, and they are already a bit torn, which is unpleasant"

Asmodeus looked at the somewhat damaged black stockings on his legs, with a displeased look on his face.

In order to meet the elders, Asmodeus dressed up deliberately, and even a little blemish on his body made him very unhappy!Asmodeus raised his head with a cold face, and said to the subordinates around him in a casual tone.

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