The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 226: Absent

Chapter 226

"Hasn't gotten in touch yet?"

At the event site, the director and many artists had just gone over the process for the last time and were preparing for the final rehearsal before the gala. During a break, Qiao Sixiao jokingly asked her assistant.

The assistant shook his head. As per Qiao Sixiao’s request, he had called Li Yao many times but was unable to get through.

"Xu General Manager of Anhang is away on a business trip overseas. I got in touch with his assistant, Qian Lang. Since Teacher Qin's schedule is personally handled by Li Yao, he went out early in the morning. In the afternoon, he did call the company to say he was on the way to the airport to switch to a later flight."

The assistant said softly,

"There shouldn't be any issues en route..."

Qiao Sixiao frowned. She then realized what she said was inappropriate.

"I mean...the delay...Big Sister Qiao, what should we do now..."

Qiao Sixiao flipped through her phone but did not see any traffic accidents reported in the news. The staff called for her and she had to hand her phone to her assistant:

"You don't need to do anything else, just keep trying to contact her for me."


The assistant silently took the phone. Qiao Sixiao returned to the stage.

In addition to performing and receiving awards at the gala, which they were officially invited to by the Southwest authorities, the two were also supposed to co-host parts of the gala as part of the hosting team.

Although they did not need to host the entire gala, the two of them were supposed to partner up for several key moments of the event.

Firstly, it was in recognition of the popularity they had garnered over the past few months. Secondly, it was in recognition of their contributions to the development of the Southwest region.

However, not reviewing the rundown when she’s absent and not being able to reach her despite trying to, essentially standing up the officially organized gala was not a good look. She could not afford the negative impact.

"Qin Wei still hasn't arrived?"

With a lot on her mind, Qiao Sixiao walked onto the stage and heard a low and pleasant male voice next to her.

Without even looking, she knew it was Shen Kai.

"Mr. Shen Kai, long time no see."

Despite not being in the best mood, Qiao Sixiao still greeted him politely.

Shen Kai nodded lightly, then walked over to stand beside her and adjusted his mic stand to suit his height, quietly waiting for her reply.

Qiao Sixiao hesitated for a moment before recalling Shen Kai’s unanswered question:

"She hasn't arrived yet. I haven't been able to reach her for now but her manager didn't say she wasn't coming either so she should..."

"Then we'll go ahead with the contingency plan."

Shen Kai interrupted her and signaled to the staff below the stage. The staff member said:

"No worries you two, I'll go and check the lighting. The earpieces and mics won't work for now. I'll turn on the audio and mics once that's sorted."

After the staff member left, only the two of them remained on the empty stage.

Qiao Sixiao looked up at him:

"What I mean is, she didn't say she wasn't coming."

Shen Kai nodded. "I know. But she's missed rehearsals already so it won't make much difference if she comes now. Rather than have the public question her later for acting like a diva and standing up this gig, why not switch to...'sympathy' instead?"

Shen Kai thought about it then continued:

"Having her ex-boyfriend replace her last minute after she was awarded a hosting spot, Shen Kai is still suppressing her. She can't match his resources and connections so she deserves sympathy - doesn't she?"

This response took Qiao Sixiao by surprise. She shook her head helplessly:

"The legendary Shen Kai has always been most concerned about his image. Won't such news affect your career? Let alone open the floodgates to endless scolding? And I believe she will come. By doing this, it makes me wonder if you still can't stand to see her succeed and want to suppress her."

Shen Kai also revealed a faint smile:

"Our industry never lacks skepticism and vilification. Snatching resources is the least concerning matter. As for why, I advise you not to ask, just do as I say."

Perhaps others in the industry fawned over him and feared offending him, but Qiao Sixiao did not. Although their fields differed, her resources, connections and popularity were no less than his now. They rarely interacted usually and in their recent collaborations, she had only treated him with respect.

Since he was being blunt today, she did not need to make too many allowances for him:

"What if I insist on asking?"

"When she and I broke up back then..."

Shen Kai paused briefly, adjusting his emotions slightly. His gaze gradually turned icy cold.

"I admit, our relationship did come and go very quickly. I needed a girlfriend who could wholeheartedly be with me, but she insisted on continuing with her career.

I also admit, I argued with her many times over this and eventually it devolved into seldom seeing each other, and fighting over all sorts of things whenever we met.

I was tired of her sensitive, suspicious and prickly ways. All positive feelings were worn away and we grew to detest each other.

But the people who suppressed her and schemed against her were never me.

However, I was also wrong. My mistake was watching idly as everything happened to her after.

Rumors were spread everywhere under my name, saying I did not give her opportunities.

I've quietly borne the reputation of being unable to tolerate my ex-girlfriend. As for all the credit He Hong gave me, haven't I just accepted it all readily?"

Qiao Sixiao's smile also gradually froze.

Shen Kai scoffed:

"In your eyes I'm not a good person, but it seems He Hong hasn't told her precious daughter anything. While Qin Wei disappeared without a trace, you, not much better off than her...suddenly doubled your resources. Do you really think it was the efforts that moved heaven?"

At this point, Shen Kai found it amusing but quickly suppressed his smile. He said in a low voice:

"I not only admitted to but fully accepted the blame He Hong pinned on me. Even if she had killed someone back then and handed me the knife to take the fall, I would have been willing.

Just take it as me having done everything, alright? I've never denied in the industry that I was the one who suppressed Qin Wei. Consider it as repaying the favor He Hong showed me when she first discovered me.

I repeatedly told myself that even when people in the industry asked, I would not deny it until eventually, I almost believed I had done it.

Rest assured, our conversation stays between us. I will never reveal a single word about these matters to anyone, not even Qin Wei.

I will start anew with her in my own way."

The spotlight shone on Qiao Sixiao.

The abrupt glare meant her eyes had not yet adjusted, causing her to miss the fleeting expression on Shen Kai's face.

Next, the other stage lights lit up one by one, illuminating the entire stage.

There was a faint electric current sound in her earpiece followed by the staff member's voice:

"Excuse me, I've turned on your earpieces. Please try your mics if you can hear me."

Shen Kai's expression reverted to normal. He made a polite "please" gesture with his hands.


The clock turns back to the morning when the military boxing assessment took place in the army camp.

Hearing Song Huan's outrageous request, Qin Wei was delighted. She stood up to stretch and limber up.

"Just to be clear, if I injure you by accident, I won't get charged with assault right?"

Song Huan cheerfully replied:

"Of course not. Which of us in this line doesn't have a few assaults under our belt?"

Qin Wei's smile froze.

"I'm kidding. You attack and I'll just defend. I absolutely won't retaliate OK?"

Qin Wei nodded:

"You’re a dog if you fight back."

"Fine, you're also a dog if you cry."


"Get ready to spar!"

Upon Song Huan’s commands, the face off officially began.

Qin Wei blocked with one hand and jabbed with the other straight at Song Huan's cheek.

She punched fast and with sufficient force but Song Huan still dodged by shifting to the side. Song Huan grasped her punching wrist and explained to everyone:

"Her punch would have hit my face. Her other hand blocked in case I punched back..."

Before she could finish, Qin Wei capitalized on her hold to raise her leg and kick. However, Song Huan reacted extremely quickly, instinctively letting go of her wrist and crossing both hands in front of her face, easily blocking Qin Wei’s attack.

Clearly, she could have dodged but had merely blocked to demonstrate for everyone.

"If I hadn't blocked, her technique of kicking up would have kicked my head..."

As soon as she finished, Qin Wei stepped half a step forward, circling one arm around her elbow while lowering her center of gravity to sweep Song Huan's leg. But Song Huan reacted rapidly by reversing the situation and nearly pressed Qin Wei onto the ground.

However, Song Huan did not use much strength as they were just demonstrating. She ended just as things were getting interesting.

Qin Wei signaled defeat. Seeing that Song Huan's explanations had caused her to be distracted, she suddenly had the idea to grab hold of Song Huan's arm for a full shoulder throw!

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