The Unexpected Rise Before My Exit from the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 256: My Acting is Worth a Bowl of Ribs.

Chapter 256

“Qin Teacher, have you rested well? Can we shoot another scene?”

The crew member ran over very politely and asked her,

“If you are still tired, we can continue to rest.”

“It’s okay, the crew is spending money every minute, let’s finish as soon as possible and rest as soon as possible.”

Qin Wei got up and went back to the designated position on set. The gaffer started adjusting the lights. In the meantime, Xiao Yan came over to help her touch up her makeup and hairdo. The next scene started shooting.

“Scene 211, Shot 2, Take 1, Action!”

Following the previous scene, Qin Wei, who played Luo Yang, stood on the golden throne, still holding the Xing Mang who had just fallen down.

Xing Mang didn't cry, he just looked at her curiously. After carefully trying a few times, he rubbed her face with his little hand. Seeing that she didn't object, he hugged her neck and acted coquettishly.

Hmm? Unexpectedly, the irritable little young master was so obedient and cooperative when shooting. When the director explained the scene to him, as long as he could understand, he would do it carefully.

“Call the imperial physician, quickly check whether my Mang is hurt or not...”

The voice of Empress Jiang came from behind. Only then did the girl realize that she was still standing on the golden throne...


Director Yao yelled in person. He was a little excited about this segment. When he first saw Qin Wei's new script, he still felt cold in his heart, but seeing her performance now, it can be said that it exceeded his expectations.

She is the Queen after all, and still has a foundation! Some people may be born to be suitable for appearing in front of the camera. It depends on whether she takes it seriously or not. This may be talent!


Talent my ass...

Although the script was blank, in Qin Wei's eyes it was full. When there was no script, she had almost worn out the novel by reading it over and over again. She had also discussed it with Teacher Qiao repeatedly.

After getting the script, she also marked out the adapted parts and rehearsed the other lines related to herself over and over again. She also recorded what emotions and actions she should have.

It was a pity that Douzi Brother had torn it all up for her.

She was a little angry at first, but when she opened up the new one and found that she still remembered everything, she was no longer angry.

As long as the problem was resolved, that was fine. Don't hold on to grievances!


After shooting a whole segment, it was more than two hours later. With a shout from the crew -

"Meal time!"

All the extras and crew members rushed out.

Qin Wei didn't know what they were going to do, but she rushed out with them!

In the open and spacious place, there were three tables set up with foam insulation boxes full of bento boxes.

One box contained rice, one contained two vegetable and one meat dishes, and one contained rib soup. The extras and crew lined up in order, all waiting to eat.

So this was meal time.

The dishes looked appealing, but she didn't know how they tasted. But judging by the presentation, this crew deserved to be lined up for.

Qin Wei happily went to stand in line at the very back.

The crew member in front of her was stunned. After making sure several times that Qin Wei was lining up to eat, he voluntarily let her cut in line behind him.

The people in front followed suit.

Qin Wei felt a little embarrassed. While saying thanks, she walked forward.

Just as she was about to reach the front, Li Liang forcibly pulled her out of the line!

"Ah! Li Liang what are you doing!? You're interfering with my meal!!! Ah!"

Qin Wei was pushed away by her, getting farther and farther away from the meal spot.

After walking about fifty meters, there was a trailer in front.

"Li Liang, I don't believe the company won't let me eat. I'm not practicing asceticism! If you don't give me a convincing reason, you retire right here right now."

Qin Wei was really a little angry. She hadn't eaten lunch at noon, only drank a low-end milk tea in the afternoon, and was waiting for this meal. Now she wouldn't even let her eat!

Li Liang quickly coaxed her:

“You’re the lead actress. Of course your meals are different from others. The crew has also prepared a trailer for you. From now on you’ll eat and rest here without anyone disturbing you.”

Qin Wei's mood changed from cloudy to sunny. Oh good, good! So the lead actress gets special treatment! It makes sense too. She had a lot of lines and tiring scenes. Her acting skills deserved at least a bowl of rib noodles!

"Whose trailer is that next door?"

Qin Wei temporarily forgave Li Liang. Before getting on the vehicle, she glanced next door and asked.

Li Liang turned to look and told Qin Wei:

"Your son, our Douzi Brother."

Qin Wei: "Is he also the lead actor?"

Li Liang shrugged: "That's his family's trailer."

Qin Wei: "......"


The space inside the trailer was not very big, but small as it was, it contained everything - bed, table, stove and bathroom. There was also a fridge, microwave oven, shower and so on. It was simply an outdoor small apartment.

After getting on the trailer, Qin Wei didn't have the mindset to look around. She sat directly in the chair and impatiently patted the table:

"Let me experience the treatment of a leading actress quickly! Shock me with high-end cuisine!"



And almost no dressing.

Half a boiled egg, sixteen 1-square cm pieces of bacon, eight 1-cubic cm pieces of toasted bread, and various raw seasonal vegetables for the rest.

Knowing she was tired, they gave her an extra small bowl of tomato mushroom soup.

Qin Wei leaned back in her chair, covering her face:

"Li Liang, is this trailer soundproof?"

"Pretty good."



[Qin's Team Group Chat]

[Assistant Li Liang: Sis said from now on we'll eat with her in the trailer]

[Makeup Xiao Yan: Emm... You won't make us eat grass every meal...right...]

[Assistant Xiao Wu: Don't ba ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ The crew's chicken legs are so tasty!]

[Photographer Xiao Chen: I have to carry equipment, I can't eat grass every meal. Spare me...]

[Makeup Assistant Xiao Song: I'll just follow Teacher Yan...]

[Assistant Li Liang: You guys are so petty! <(`^ ?)> Bring your own food to eat, don't tire your arms holding it while walking. The trailer has air conditioning, don't roast to death you ungrateful lot]

[Makeup Xiao Yan: Oh oh oh okay okay!]

[Photographer Xiao Chen: Our female star deserves love!]

[Assistant Xiao Wu: Then we eat meat and she eats grass, won't she be envious...]

[Makeup Xiao Yan: Poor thing... Earns so much but her quality of life is worse than a dog's]

[Photographer Xiao Chen: Our female star is worth over 100 million ba ヽ(‘ー`)ノ Can't be self-disciplined so the company will discipline her. Others come back from military training tanned and thin. She comes back fairer and fatter, how inappropriate...]

[Assistant Li Liang: Tsk, she actually didn't gain that much. When she came back she weighed herself and gained 3 lbs. Brother Li Yao almost cried.]

[Makeup Xiao Yan: But if I had our goose's money, I'd eat the best food every meal, eat whatever I want, hahahaha]

[Photographer Xiao Chen: Getting fat doesn't look good on camera]

[Makeup Xiao Yan: So female actresses have it so hard... Clear broth and water, goose is worse than dog]

[Assistant Li Liang: Hey guys, don't eat too much okay. I heard there's a really tasty hotpot place at the snack street. After sending Sis home after work, let's go eat there!]

[Makeup Xiao Yan: I'll reply on everyone's behalf that it's no problem]

[Qin Wei: Do you guys not know that I'm in the group chat too <(ToT)>]


After dinner, she rested for about half an hour. Li Yan came over and knocked on the trailer door:

“Qin Teacher, have you rested well? The male actor is in place. We just have one night scene tonight, shall we start working?”

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