The Unified States of Mana

Chapter 105 ~ A Favour

It would seem that my crafters have finally reached a point with my armour development where they’re satisfied with its current condition. The fact that Sele is happy with it does make my stomach churn in anxiety, but I’ll reserve my judgement until I see it for myself.

“I’ve worked to try and improve the quality of the mana batteries all across your armour.” Ria sings excitedly, “The metal plating works particularly well because of how thick it is, allowing the creation of an artificial pocket dimension. The mana inside folds atop itself blending into foreign space.”

“So, I’ve got pockets now?” I ask, a little giddy at the thought of infinite pocket space.

“No.” She replies. “There’s no actual accessible space. The mana in the battery can create and access these foreign dimensions, but there are limits, and it’s only functional for the mana itself.”

“Oh, okay.” I say. “So, it’s just a larger mana battery effectively?”

“Essentially, yes.” She replies, “I’ve read all about it in the past, but to think I’d actually get to make one myself…”

She leads me into a room where I find Gemma, silver fox from the store above, speaking with Sele and Wally as they stand over my armour. The conversation seems to be focused on the nature of their work, how much freedom they have, what materials they can access, and the like. I hear a touch of jealously in her voice as she looks down at the cloth and metal ‘armour’ that they’ve put together.

The armour plates look a little different, though I can’t quite say for sure what it is about them. Perhaps the nature of the mana glow?

What is far easier to notice, however, is that it’s no longer bound together by dark leathers. I assume that Gemma came to their aid, as I can’t imagine any of the others having as much success working with cloth.

It’s soft to the touch, and shines like silk even in the diffuse light. Coloured deep black in parts, and near rustic red in others, slightly brighter than the rust coloured plates that it highlights, the dress folds over itself here and there, forming shimmering waves between the islands of rust coloured steel.

On the sleeves, neckline, and at the edges of the skirt, lace shines, like the white water breaking on a wave reaching the shore. While there’s gaps that will surely reveal my skin beneath, it’s not so revealing to make me hesitant to try it on.

“You decided to help?” I ask her, as I take in the work she’s put into the dress. I have to assume that the lace was already prepared, and that most work came from designing the dress, sewing it together, and somehow bonding the cloth to the metal.

“Hmm?” She looks over at me then back to her work. “Yes. I don’t much like these ruins, but I will not let my work be ruined because I hesitate to visit the basement.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re here.” I say. “I’m the one who’ll be wearing this, so I’d like it to be as good as it can get.”

She nods quietly, looking back through her work again, before nodding to herself.

“Let’s get you dressed, see how it fits.” She says, pulling the plates around and getting things moving.

“Ah, wait a minute. Another room perhaps? For a little privacy?” I ask her, looking between Wally and Sele. The former seems disinterested, busy with his own work, while Sele… I get the feeling he’s more aesthetically interested than sexually, but it still bothers me to be looked at in such a way.

“Yes, yes. Right this way.” Gemma says, carefully bringing the clothes along.

“Thank you for helping us.” I say, as she starts moving the metal plates into place, while helping me get my arms through the sleeves.

“It’s a trade.” She says, “Working with better materials can help me develop my Skills, and the mana that I was offered is too much to turn down. We don’t get that sort of mana, and as you might imagine, as the years go on and your mana form remains weak… age starts to creep up on you, and the spectre of death after.”

“Happens to everyone.” I say, shrugging as she attaches the massive pauldrons, I cycle my mana through it as soon as I can, reclaiming it as a part of me. The straps that she carefully wraps around me are made from something as fine as silk, yet somehow as strong as the thick leather it replaces. I shouldn’t question it too much, because the answer will inevitably be ‘magic’.

“It doesn’t. Happen to everyone, I mean.” The fox replies, looking over her work. “Immortality is possible, but not for people like me.”

“I thought it was meant to be incredibly rare?”

“It takes an extraordinary mass of mana.” She says, “Or that’s what I’ve been told. It’s rare because it’s reserved for those who are deemed talented beyond measure. Something I’ll never be.”

“Well, maybe you’ll find yourself a place in my empire instead.” I offer, taking a look over myself. It’s not quite as embarrassing to wear as I’d thought it would be, while the lace is rather revealing in places it doesn’t show anything more than what you’ll find people wearing while wandering the shops back on Earth.

Yet it retains function. Style without compromise.

Though that same style is certainly an untrod path. I’ve not seen another person wearing it’s like even in the alien streets above.

From the massive metal plates to the way it’s designed to draw the eye in certain parts of me, I can’t say that it’s a comfortable style, but it’s not wrong to stand out.

Above all, I can feel the care and spirit imbued into it, from Sele’s metal work and design, Ria’s enchantments, Gemma’s clothwork, and Wally… well, he helped I’m sure.

“It’s excellent.” I say, playing with the enchanted veil that covers my face. Just as with the last one, it doesn’t obscure my vision much at all, and it’s easy enough to forget that I’m wearing it.

“You’re ready.” Gemma says, leading me out into the room where the others wait for me.

Eyes follow my every movement from the moment I enter, and I can’t help but give them a little spin. It still surprises me how easy it is to move in this armour, the weight shifting comfortably, and the momentum easily controlled.

There’s a difference between the gazes of the crafters and the look that my lovers direct at me. A comfortable warmth rests in my chest as I brush my dress into place.

“It’s nice.” Sele says, “But I think it could still be refined further.”

“Learn to accept a piece at it’s conclusion.” Gemma says, walking around me. “There are a few… imperfections, but it’s largely as good as we can expect from our limited Skills, resources, and time.”

Sele grumbles in vague agreement.

“One last thing before you leave.” Ria says, looking over the armour with the others. “I’ve altered the enchantment to better suit your needs, since you brought up concerns about the overuse of the reactive mana enchantments.

“I’ve significantly reduced the enchantment’s activation, to protect it from being accidentally damaged, but if you want it to act as armour you will now have to apply your own Skills through it.”

“That’s possible?” I ask, trying to control the mana flow through it. While not as cleanly as through my own flesh and bones, the mana does function under my control.

“You’ve claimed it as part of your mana form.” She says, “To some degree at least. I’ve also added enchantments to ease the flow of mana running through it. You should be able to apply any number of Skills through it now, though I advise that you take care with it.”

“That’s a nice change.” I say, looking down at my hands, and the silken gloves that act as part of this network of armour.

“You can expect an increased efficiency so long as you develop your Skills.” She continues. “From what you’ve told me about the costs and use of your reactive mana skin, I have to assume that you’re using it poorly.”

“Excuse me?” I ask in confusion.

“You shouldn’t use as much mana as you do when using your reactive mana skin Skill. I suspect that you’ve taken a bullish approach to the Skill due to your propensity for overusing mana. Keep practicing and working to improve yourself and your Skills, and this armour will work better for you in the future.”

“Argh. Fine, fine.” I grumble, accepting her criticism. I know I’m not perfect, and that I’ve pursued raw power over technique, but having it spelled out twice in the same day is really poking at me.

Hopping from foot to foot, I feel out my new armour.

“One question?” I say.

“What is it?” Ria asks.

“Why can’t I have an entire suit of mana batteries?” I say, smacking the large metal plate on my chest. “Wouldn’t that be better protection and more mana?”

“Joints.” Wally replies. “To make the plates into mana batteries we had to make the plates extra thick. Trying to make joints to support a suit of armour like that would be beyond us.”

“Work with the Skills you have.” Sele says.

“Sensible, I suppose.” I admit with a sigh, “Anything else for me?”

“This.” Ria says. “It’s a prototype of Wally’s new design.”

What she holds out to me is a pistol, but not like the ones we’ve been using so far. The barrel is long about as long as my forearm, while the pistol grip is a little more solid.

“There are fifty rounds stored in the grip. It has a self-loading mechanism and should otherwise work the same as your last one. Point and shoot.”

“The enchantments are deeper set.” Ria explains, “They’ll accept far more mana than before, while the longer barrel allows for a better mana transfer rate into the projectile when using larger amounts of mana. Though it doesn’t seem you’ve reached that point yet, there will be a saturation point where the projectile won’t absorb anymore mana, so be mindful of that.”

“Unfortunately, as a consequence of these changes it requires a larger minimum mana investment per shot.” Wally says, looking up at us, his computer screen reflecting off of his glasses.

“After we find the issues with it, I’m thinking of mass producing it as a standard armament for our forces. The barrel length may need to be adjusted depending on the strength of the user however.”

“Seems good to me.” I say, sliding into a holster that Ria hands me with the gun. And strapping it to my waist, the metal plates on my Skirt work well enough to keep it in place. “Any more bullets?”

“We don’t have that much ammunition to go around.” Wally replies. “The magazine on this prototype should be locked into place so you can’t accidentally drop your ammo in a fight. Otherwise, it’s done. Apart from a few refinements, there’s nothing more we can do with it.”

“So, prepared as I’m going to get, huh?” I ask looking at the gear I’ve been gifted while considering my own problems. My spell casting is powerful but poorly performed, my melee relies upon my spell casting, and my Skills are otherwise powerful only in their strangeness.

Like how, with multi-minds, I can hold down this line of anxious thought, while maintaining half a dozen throw away conversations with acquaintances. One such conversation with a promising young alchemist is growing to be fruitful, she might just be willing to come check out our home down here when given a moment away from her studies. I’ve also noticed that some of my combat classmates have shown more interest in rebelling than I’d initially thought. I’m also hearing all about a scandal where a boyfriend has been stolen, and a dress has been ruined. Leai is also telling me about a pretty fish that she found in the dungeon.

Not all these conversations are fruitful.

“Be careful and come back alive.” Nel says, her eyes shining bright. “I’ll ensure that everything here continues to develop properly. We still have plenty of plunder we can trade for our needs, and enough to keep our crafters happy for a while longer. Things are going to be fine.”

“Red should keep everyone safe.” Eshya says, “I’ll grow stronger while you’re gone, just try not to get left behind.”

“You can bet on it.” I say, looking between them as I try to think of something heartful to say. This is the moment for a wonderfully romantic and bittersweet departure, I can’t be struck wordless like this.

“I’ll be watching over everyone.” Adler says in the silence. “If people start misbehaving, I’ll try to keep them in line, and ensure that the peace is maintained.”

“How goes the studying?” I ask, “You were trying to learn how to be a healer?”

“Slow, but that’s to be expected.” She replies, “It takes decades to fully comprehend every species properly, and that’s decades of dedicated study. Don’t expect me to be some talented healer by the time you return.”

“I wouldn’t dare. Just stay alive. All of you.” I say, looking between them. “There’s no guarantee that I’ll be able to stay in contact with you during this excursion since, apparently, she’s sending me off to another dungeon. Come visit me in class, apparently I should be allowed back for that at least.

“Actually, Nel what is my class schedule?” I ask.

“Here.” She replies, sending me a full table of my class schedule this week.

“Isn’t this schedule different from the last time I had class?” I ask.

“This is the first time you noticed the changes?” Nel asks shaking her head. “I’m starting to get a little worried about you, now.

“Don’t be, I’ll be fine.”

A flash of mana, dense enough to blind my already barely existent mana senses, flashes through the room and Arduelle appears before us.

The crafters look upon her with wide eyes, but the rest of us are already used to her.

“Are you ready?” She asks.

“Just a minute.” I say, sending her my class schedule, “See me back in time for these classes. I don’t need to be any deeper on the welfare officers shit list than I already am.”

“Yes, yes. I’ve already agreed to as much.” Arduelle grumbles. “You should be thankful. I’m spending exorbitant masses of mana for this.”

“I should be thankful that you’re willing to spend great masses of mana tormenting me with silly tasks?” I ask, blinking a few times wondering exactly how I should take that.

“Of course. Unless you’d rather I find a simpler more immediate means of tormenting you.” She replies, smiling. Again, I feel like a small mouse sitting before a playful cat.

“Whatever, let’s get this over with.” I groan, “I’ll see you all later.”

“Take care.” Nel says.

“Don’t stop training.” Eshya says, “I’ll be stronger by the time you’re back.”

“Arrrgh!” Vii groans loud enough to get even Arduelle’s attention. “Okay, take this Skill.”

Vii touches my arm and I use my copying ability to steal the Skill that she’s practically pressing on me.


“Record.” She sends to me. “Keep quiet about it, I don’t want everyone knowing about it yet.”

I open my eyes wide as I flick through my class list, finding the new Skill.

“How come we didn’t steal it before?” I ask.

“I put a lock on it. I’ll show you how later.” She sends, strangely secretive about all of this. “Keep it a secret, but please record everything for me!”

“Okay.” I send back. Vii might be a bit strange, but I do trust her. I’ll need to ask her about this all when I get back.

As we say our goodbyes, I move a little closer to the tall dungeon woman. I sly touch of her arm is all it takes to copy all of her Skills over. Suppressing a smile, I look through my menus.


I got no new Skills from her.

“Ah, Arduelle, are you aware that you don’t have any Skills?”

“How do you know that?” She asks.

“Nothing. I did nothing.” I say, holding up my hands in a placating gesture.

“Don’t you worry, I’ve been watching and listening remember?” She says, “I am aware of your new little shiny devices. Should have expected you’d have the courage to try and steal my Skills.”

“So, you really don’t have any Skills?” I ask.

“Kids these days.” She says shaking her head, “Back in my day, everyone did just fine without any Skills. Practice makes perfect, Skills are just so lazy.”

“Is that so?” I ask, as the mana floods through my body, reminding me of my trips through realms.

“Don’t crash. Don’t crash. Don’t crash.” I chant as the mana floods through me, it shifts state and suddenly we’re standing somewhere else entirely.

A rich palace of all places. The doors and furniture is all a bit too large for me. The stone is cream coloured with veins of black running through it, and the walls are smooth without any seam or crack that I can see.

There’s not a single sharp angle in sight. It’s all smoothed out, such that even the hangings on the walls, the curtains, and the mats on the floor are rounded at their edges.

“Welcome.” A tall man says, standing tall before us. He’s a creature not at all what I’d expected. He’s scaled and feathered, both. His tall figure leans down as he bows towards Arduelle and I. The feathers on his back flicker, as he extends his greatly muscled arms out for a moment in some alien gesture that Chip identifies as a polite bow.

“Thank you for having us.” Arduelle says.

“As I’m to understand you are here to help us?”

“Don’t say too much, now.” Arduelle says, stepping up and placing a finger on his lips, closing his fanged mouth. His face, slightly gaunt, retreats as he shakes his head, shocked at the treatment.

“She should figure the problems out for herself.” The dungeon says, “With that-”

“Ah wait, the dungeon here? What’s her name? It was a she, no?”

“Most dungeons do take feminine persona’s, yes.” Arduelle says, “And right you are. To think I was so rude. Serena, meet Kyra. Krya, Serena.”

“It’s my pleasure to be acquainted.” I say, smiling lightly as I look around the room, assuming that the dungeon is watching.

“So you can be polite?” Aduelle mutters, “Take your time, make the most of your time here.”

She floods the room with her mana for a moment as the spell runs its course, disappearing a moment later.

“Well, that’s more strict than I was expecting.” The giant feathered lizard-man says, standing tall and looking down at me. “Well, let’s get the introductions over with.”

“I’m Kyra.” I say, bowing slightly in his direction.

“I’m Ferendal, King of the peaks.” He says, bowing in return before leading me through his home.

“I’ve been meeting a lot of kings lately.” I say, “Though the last wasn’t nearly as respectable.”

“Kings?” He chuckles quietly, “You’ve been meeting with the gods themselves.”

“Gods? Sort of forgot that’s how people see the dungeons.” I say, scratching my head.

“Well, please do show respect to Serena.” He says, “She’s quite kind, but soft spoken.”

“I’ll try to keep my tongue from slipping.” I say, as he leads me out onto a large platform open to the sky at the edge of his home.

“That’s good. Now, I wasn’t expecting you to be this short.” He says waving to a few young men standing by the door, servants of a sort.

A few other older sorts, lords and ladies, line the platform, looking down over the edge with significant poise even as their focus is trained on me.

The servants return in moments, setting up a chair by the edge of the platform. With an offered hand from the king, I stand atop the chair and look over the railing, down over a massive crowd staring back up at us.

There must be thousands of these feathered lizard folk, all staring up at us while whispering to one another. The food stalls along the side of the roads are still and quiet in respect of the King and his lords and ladies.

“We welcome this traveller to our people today,” the King decrees. “Her stay will be short, but you will treat her as one of us, and no harm will be allowed to come upon her.”

“Well, that’s a good welcome.” I whisper, seeing the group of strangers looking up at me from below, their shining eyes filled with curiosity and expectation.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Skills & Stats


~Mana Form:

Current mana density: 850 units

~Mana distribution:

Defence: 0/32%

Offense: 0/57%

Mana sense: 0/72%

Recovery: 0/30%

Gluttony: 0/26%

Misc.: 36/36%

Efficiency: 36/85%


~Favourited Skills:

-Chip Shredder



-Mana surge movement

-Mana surge punch

-Reactive mana skin

-Infused delayed Casting

-Fire burst punch

-Annihilation magic

-Mana form flow fixer

-Rapid fire casting


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


//Author Note

More chapters available



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