The Unified States of Mana

Chapter 115 ~ Blind Fire

“So how are we dividing up the titans parts?” I ask, shuddering atop a pile of corpses, as the mana churns inside of me.

“Excuse me, but what are you talking about?” Shrelle asks, nervously watching as another hole is carved into the thick stone wall. The amount of mana pressure behind the attack is truly blinding, and it’s a surprise to see that the stone isn’t actually vaporised, just scattered so quickly that I lose sight of it during the explosion.

“Just wondering who gets what from this titan when we’re done killing it.” I say, pushing the mana deep inside into a tighter and tighter vortex even while it’s still converting. I can’t yet use it, but from the experience of the last ten minutes, I can accurately guess that it’ll be another thirty seconds at most before my next chance to cast.

“I… The commanders decide that.” She says, shaking her head as she clenches her fists to keep from trembling.

“Well, I guess I’ll talk to the king and put in a petition for some of that crystal. I’d like to get some jewellery made from it. I need a gift for my lovers back home.” I say, pushing myself from the pile of flesh and leaning into Shrelle.

She picks me up, understanding our tactic well enough already. Her sudden acceleration is a bit much to handle, and her grip is a bit tight at times, but if I get out of this with nothing more than a little bruising, I’m going to be pretty damn happy about it.

She stops but doesn’t lower me to the ground, we’ve already found that it’s an unnecessary step. I’ll cast from her arms, then she’ll run me out of here. You’d think that with wings these people would be slow on their feet, but no, they’re damn fast sprinters as well.

It’s unfair and only reminds me that I need to keep working on my own abilities and fitness.

“A moment more.” I say as the mana in my flesh calms and settles into a warm soothing calm, one peaceful moment to disrupt the suffering of this stupid kaiju battle.

It’s unfair we don’t have our own giant monster, or robot to fight it with. Instead, I’m stuck playing space invaders as my cover is slowly eaten away by our enemy’s powerful attacks.

“What ever you’re doing down there keep it going!” The commander shouts down at us. “Those attacks are coming from you?”

“Shout for me, my faithful servant. Also, if he has a magic tutor, I could do with a few tips.” I say to Shrelle as I gather my focus into the next spell. My maximum mana capacity has been climbing, making each casting more powerful than the last, but still the titan doesn’t even seem to take a backwards step, getting larger and larger in my mana sight for every minute passed.

“It is the travellers magic!” She shouts up at the commander, “Send some mages to offer us assistance and guidance!”

I’d meant that halfway as a joke, but whatever. Not like they’re actually doing anything but dying anyway, so it’s not like I’m distracting anyone from an important task. It should be amusing hearing them give me tips on developing useful magic in the few seconds I can spare to listen.

My mana slips from my fingertip, concentrating into an annihilation bolt destined for the neck of the titan. Or at least I hope it is. Aiming with magic can be a strange thing, but at the very least I’ve cast it with the intent of hitting the titan’s neck.

“Away, my stead!” I shout to Shrelle, wishing I had some empty coconut halves to bang together.

The next pile of corpses stinks a little more than the last ones. I’d almost swear that some of these beasts have been dead a month, but no, it’s just they’re natural fresh corpse odour. Maybe their bowls were split open?

While the blood has been drained from them, other liquids still remain, however little that is compared to the missing blood. I think that’s why so few of them stink as bad as this particular corpse pile.

“Oh, Hawk.” I say, waving to her. She’s sweating heavily as she adds another body to the pile. This one is her creation evidently. “Thanks for the hard work, it’s not the nicest bed I’ve ever laid in, but it’ll do. Wake me up when the war is over…”

I have to resist actually closing my eyes as the low mana levels inside me ravage me with the symptoms of mana shock. The cold flushes through my flesh, and I suppress a shiver as I instead focus on compressing the mana inside me into a core, whatever that really means.

I should study more, mana is still too strange, and so long as it remains that way, I’m always going to be a step behind everyone else here.

The castle wall right near me explodes, sending shards of stone everywhere. The little mana that I’ve retained for reactive defences is eaten away to save me from the stone debris that nearly pieces through me.

Hawk huddles behind the corpse pile behind me, and Shrelle is able to form a blood shield to defend herself, but others aren’t so lucky. Soldiers lay screaming on the ground as they clutch at the stumps of limbs.

There’s surprisingly little blood, lost limbs are either recovered and reattached, or quickly formed into scabbed stumps. The only soldiers actually bleeding are those who were knocked out or killed. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to tell the difference between the two groups, and I don’t have the chance to be playing medic while I’m acting as the only effective artillery piece on this side of the war.

“So Shrelle, have you considered joining my baby empire. We give great benefits, full dental, free meals, and wonderful future prospects. I’m sure you’d fit right in with the rest of my army.”

“I…” She stares down at me, her shaking pausing a second while she recovers her senses. “I’m a soldier here, I won’t shirk my duties.”

“Ah, well. I suppose I can always incorporate Selena and everyone here into my empire if need be.” I say with a desperate laugh as I lift myself up and get carried to the next attack point.

Every spot that I’ve cast from has been quickly destroyed in a pinpoint counterattack, but they usually come a good minute or so after we’ve left. As such, we’ve felt it appropriate to maintain the same tactic.

“How can we assist?” A dishevelled mage asks, as he stands at the ready, joining us at the attack point.

“I need tips on casting attack magic.” I reply, looking for the titan through the wall before gathering my mana into another powerful annihilation bolt. “Watch close and tell me what I can do to hit this beast harder. Also, as soon as I cast, run away before you get hit by the titans counterattack.”

The formation of mages nod respectfully, not questioning the unusual orders as they focus on watching my mana get shaped into a spell, quickly rushing from my fingertip out towards the titan.

“Go!” I shout, and this time our entire entourage follows us to the next pile of corpses where one of the unnamed rebel member hides.

As I dive into the blessedly thick mana, I hear the mages busy about nearby.

“Your talent hasn’t the time to properly summon excess mana.” The lead mage says quickly as the others behind talk between themselves. There’s a strange blend of anxiety and amazement in their voices.

“What do you mean?” I ask, and he pauses for a brief moment to gather his thoughts before explaining.

I give all my limited focus to him as I pull the mana from the corpses and compress it as tight as I can. The mana shock is making me feel lightheaded and dizzy, but I can still manage to understand simple concepts.

“Hold onto the spell for longer before releasing it.” He explains, “Give it purpose, but hold it until you’re satisfied with it.”

“How long can I hold it?” I reply, shaking my head at the thought. I can charge up magic spells?

“That depends on your talent. Eventually you’ll reach a point where the mana is either too much to control, or gains mana too slowly to be effective.”

“Right. Think up another tip for the next stop.” I say, lifting myself up and into Shrelle’s arms.

As she runs me towards the next firing point, we have to pass through parts of the wall, pierced by the titan’s attacks. In brief flashes I see the massive being, larger than it was before, in another ten minutes it’ll be standing over us and this cover will mean nothing at all. Though, that assumes that any of these walls will still be standing by then.

Even the fort inside this wall has collapsed in countless places, thoroughly bombarded as the titan tries to blast me away.

Shrelle stops at a segment of wall that has somehow held together, though there’s a hole to either side of us. A whimpering beast crawls on broken limbs right near us, but no one bothers to do anything about it. The sad, pathetic cries are difficult to focus on while the world around us is crumbling one stone at a time.

“Hold onto it after imbuing it with purpose.” I say to myself, taking a moment to gather my thoughts before laying my finger on the stone right where the titan stands behind it.

Shifting the mana vortex from my mind, I gather it in my chest and begin pressing my intentions into it. The cold ball of rage burning inside me as I realize that my people are being harmed, that this titan is trampling over me and mine without care.

I obsess over that rage, letting it build inside me and shape the mana into the pure concept of annihilation. Usually, I’d release it at this point, instead I hold it tightly, compressing and quickening the vortex.

My chest burns as the magic inside me grows beyond my own abilities to fuel it, the new mana flows in, joining with my magic as if it were always part of it. This mana is not foreign, but mine, part of my magical spell from the very moment it comes into existence.

The burning and discomfort in my body grows more intense as the mana continues to flood in, but my common sense was burned away a long time ago, and rather than letting the spell go, I hold it inside, even as it pains my insides.

It takes all of my focus to keep the massive vortex from shedding and splitting apart. If this thing breaks open it’ll send annihilation magic through my own body and soul, destroying me and everyone near me.

The pressure deepens and my dizzy mind spins as I force the mana to retain its form, ready to cast it at the titan the moment it’s too much for me to handle.


~Skill developed

~Charged Casting (Annihilation)


My soul shifts under the pressure, something beyond description changing form inside of me, before shattering into pieces.

I lose my focus on the vortex for but a moment and it starts to warble, the magic destabilising. I can’t correct it, but I don’t have to.

I eject the gathered mass of mana outwards, through the wall and at the massive titan. I can feel the difference in scale, as the spell compresses, cutting a miniscule hole through the wall and making haste towards my foe.

“Go!” I shout as loud as I can. It comes out strange, my mouth feeling almost alien as I try to shape the sounds.

I don’t have long to explore the sensation, already accelerating out towards the next pile of raw mana. I swallow back my concerns and fight against the symptoms of mana shock, a headache deep set inside my skull as I gather myself.

The world quakes for a shuddering moment, and the brilliantly bright glow of mana strikes the wall to our side. Stone shatters, but the force of the pressure blast still moves faster than the shrapnel it makes of the wall.

Shrelle leaps forwards, carrying me tight as she curls around me protectively, a blood shield summoned around the two of us, but it’s not going to be enough.

Even my reactive defences won’t be enough, not with how little mana I have left.

Instead, I push that last sliver of mana into an annihilation bolt, aiming for the titans spell, hoping to disrupt it. I can’t see how well I’ve done, as my mana senses die the moment I run myself empty.

The mages following us barely manage to escape the blast themselves, but Shrelle and I are sent flying back by the force of it. The ground and the sky rotate around us, as shards and blocks of stone cut through the land and sky.

Blood scatters into the air around me, at first as an extension of the shield, then splattering as the magic loses form.

After a few moments that last a lifetime, I finally come to a stop, leaning against the root of a tree, every part of me aching. My legs are bent at strange angles, and one of my arms is folded up beneath me, unresponsive.

My armour has managed to hold me together if nothing else.

I turn my attention to Shrelle.

Her blood is scattered over the ground around me, covering my armour. Her body is twisted as mine, but that’s not what takes my attention.

A long shard of stone pierces right through her chest, there’s no longer space inside for her heart or any other organs. Her glazed eyes tell me that no blood magic tricks are able to keep her alive.

A tremor runs through me as I look into her dead gaze.

Even if it was for a moment.

Even if just as a guide.

Even if it was just following orders.

She was mine.

My guide.

My responsibility.

“Your magic annihilates anything it touches.” The lead mage says, repressing a shiver as he turns to look at the titan that now peers at us from over the walls. “It leaves a small space without any mana. Fill that space with another type of magic and it will be more effective!”

“What?” I ask. Taking a deep breath as I meet the gaze of the distant titan. I need mana, but there’s no beasts in easy reach, and no time to find them. That crimson gaze promises death.

This will be my last shot.

I slam my good hand into the dirt as I look around for some mana.

Blood stains my black veil, making it difficult to see through it.


Shrelle’s blood.

I look down at her corpse again.

“Damn it, Kyra. No time to waste.” I growl at myself, pulling myself over to her body, it’s only an arm’s length away and it only takes a moment to start pulling the mana from her still corpse.

It flows into me different to before, gathering not in my chest, but in small shards through out my body. I don’t have time to worry about it. Pulling everything I can as quickly as I can, while converting it into something that’s mine.

“Magic is more powerfully expressed when there is no ambient mana to resist it.” The mage continues, gazing into the distance, likely in shock. “If you blend another magic into your spell, activating in that gap, it should be effectively more powerful.”

“Huh… would fire work?” I ask.

“Likely, yes.” He replies. Shivering as he turns to look at the titan. A cool breeze runs over me, somehow chilling the sweat inside my armour.

“One chance.” I say, gathering mana from my deceased guide. “Shrelle, thank you for saving me.”

I haven’t known her for much more than a moment, but it irks me that now I’ll never have the chance to get to know her better. A potential citizen stolen from me. A good person. A brave warrior who died for me.

“In a way this attack is yours too.” I say, feeling her mana become mine, the razorblades fading away as a comfortable warmth takes their place.

“Follow the annihilation with fire?” I ask the mage once more as I try to find the right emotions to taint the mana inside of me.

“Yes, and please succeed.” The mage says. “Would you like me to try and carry you?”

“Here is just fine.” I say, glaring at the titan. “This will be the end of one of us, and I’m not fated to die so soon.”

He silently nods before stepping aside, then running back to the wall. He gives strangely good advice, considering how little time he has to come up with these thoughts.

I do as I did the last time, gathering the mana into a tight vortex inside of me and filling it with all of my cold rage. It quickly starts growing, but before it can reach the point where it’s beyond my control, I try to summon fire into the mix.

It’s surprisingly easy, as if the two are somehow connected. Conceptually, they are both about destruction, even if the physics behind the two are different. Emotionally, they are both drawn from the most cruel and hateful parts of me.

There’s a strange agreement between the two, even if the annihilation completely outweighs the fire.

It’s easier to compress mana than it was before, and as the tide of annihilation continues to fill me up, I can build it larger than ever before. The mana vortex grows more and more dense, faster and faster, until eventually it slows down, the weight of it stressing my already suffering soul and mind.

The titan seems nearly ready too, and I can only sneer at it as I lift my hand and let the magic loose.

My arm burns as the mana vortex starts to unravel along the length of my flesh, releasing into the same shape as my other annihilation spells.

It flies away, and I know that I’ve beaten the titan to the punch. My attack will land before it has a chance to finish casting its own spell.

I’ve won.

I watch in expectation, looking at the neck where the spell should land. It should be enough to blow the monsters head clean off.

An explosion takes the beast, shattering the dark crystal that covers its flesh, and sending it stumbling away as its head dips down low to the point I can’t see it.

A smile creeps up on my lips as I watch the beast suffer for the first time.


Then the crimson eyes return.

Every muscle in my body tenses at once, as those glowing red eyes turn back towards me.

It’s still alive.

I grit my teeth and start pulling mana from my dead guides corpse again, knowing that it’ll be too late.

There’s something that’ll save me.

Something that I can do to win.

The titan stops drawing in the air and mana as I feel both become thin around me. It’s glaring crimson eyes stare at me from across the shattered fort, uncaring for the corpses of those it’s already killed.

“I’m not going to die here…” I whisper, trying to find something to fix things. To make this battle end properly.

I won’t die here.

I can’t die here.

I’m the protagonist, the goddamn empress.

The titan doesn’t care.

It lowers its neck, its eyes closer to me than ever before. I see intelligence in them, but also a familiar frustration and anger.

The titan opens its mouth, and I can sense the end coming.

I can’t stop it.

I can’t even move.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Skills & Stats


~Mana Form:

Current mana density: 0 units

~Mana distribution:

Defence: 0/33%

Offense: 0/57%

Mana sense: 0/73%

Recovery: 0/30%

Gluttony: 0/26%

Misc.: 0/42%

Efficiency: 0/100%


~Favourited Skills:

-Chip Shredder



-Mana surge movement

-Reactive defence

-Fire burst punch

-Annihilation magic

-Charged casting (Annihilation)

-Mana form flow fixer

-Branching magic


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


//Author Note

More chapters available



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