The Unified States of Mana

Chapter 45 ~ Safe Paths

With all the many choices that can be made for a good and hearty breakfast, I find it much easier to let Nel decide for me. The café has a surprisingly lighter atmosphere than does the restaurant, and with the few other boarders awake at this time, we dominate the atmosphere of this small facility. Though, the others don’t seem to much mind.

“Toast with a light soup.” Nel delivers what she says, a small plate with two slices of dark toast, and a cup of pale creamy soup. I’m quite sure it’s going to taste completely different to how it looks, but this once I’m deceived, it tastes exactly as it looks like it should.

“Are you sure you want to share your mana?” She asks, setting a small dish of meat strips in the centre of the table, looking a little unsure of herself.

“It’s still leaking from me, so it’s better to give away the extra rather than let it fade into the atmosphere.” I say as I cram a good chunk of mana into a strip of meat and feed it to her.

She jolts, still unused to consuming mana as dense as I’m feeding her. I don’t waste time, feeding more mana into the rest of them and giving them all away. We’ve done this once already, after we cleaned ourselves up yesterday and we found out that my mana form leaks like a sieve when I cram myself with too much mana.

“You should visit the mana form class today. Ask the teacher about it.” Eshya says, determined to have twice as much mana as the others.

“We have a class for it today, so I’ll see her then or after.” I reply, chewing on my toast, “I’ve also finally got a class for reinforcement magic, so maybe I can find out what I’m doing there now that I have the mana to give it another try. I’ve also got to talk with Saya again.”

“Saya?” Vii asks already finished her light breakfast and her shot of mana.

“The human we talked to on the ship a while back. I’ve been trying to reconnect with some of the humans, and she seems the easiest to get along with.” I reply, throwing back the soup. “It’s about time to get going.”

“Take care.” Nel says as she passes by giving me a kiss, “Message me if you need me.”

“I will.” I reply, wishing we could just have a day’s break. There’s just too much to get done.

“We’ll meet up in mana form class?” Eshya asks, “I’ll find somewhere in the ruins to practice, pick up my sword if it’s still around too.”

“Alright, take care and don’t go getting into any fights without us.” I tell her.

“I wouldn’t,” She replies seriously, “Besides, I have to conserve my strength for the ‘party’ tonight.”

“Hopefully it’s not ending in a fight, but just in case…” She nods and waves goodbye as she leaves.

Surprisingly Adler doesn’t give any harsh response, I guess after the fight yesterday she’s come to accept that some of what we do, we have to do. I’ll still have to keep a close watch on her.

“I’ll follow along with your classes,” Vii says cheerfully, hopping by my side as we head over to my first class.

“Thanks for the company.” I say with a smile, feeling a little relieved not to be left alone. It’s not something that I should get used to, but I won’t turn away good company either.

We enjoy a growing quiet between us as the we stroll happily to class. I glance her way occasionally, but it seems she’s not holding herself back or anything, when she notices my look she starts humming a little. The tune is the same that Ria was singing yesterday. Quietly, I join in.

The class is small and the students sparse, spread out among the empty desks.

“Reinforcement magic utilises mana to shift things on a tiny scale, but with perfect accuracy. Like with most magic there are a few different ways to perceive it’s use, though most are focused on the ‘perfect image’ of the final product that you’re aiming for.

“This can be much more difficult when there is no clear image of the final product, as in the cases of changing the mana attunement of a material or trying to fundamentally change it on the smallest scale.” Says our slight, shadowy teacher. Lin, is her name, as I’ve only recently learnt.

“As reinforcement mages, we’re focused on the little things that make for perfection. So…” She pauses, her slow manner of speaking making itself clear again.

“Smoothing the atoms on a surface to a degree that even the finest tools cannot manage, perhaps, or removing the impurities from a metal for an example on the physical level. Refining the attunement of an alchemical ingredient to better bring out certain effect is something that can be achieved in affecting the mana of an object. We reinforce a particular quality of our targeted subject.”

I’ve been able to smooth out the flaws in the cog that I was given to train my reinforcement Skills with, but it was a tiresome effort. Not for the mana, like with the Vii figurine, rather for the focus, and making the magic work in the first place.

When I had the breakthrough, it felt like a desperate itching that needed to get out. Something that had to change, to be perfected, and my mana shifted almost in response to that, but apparently the emotion itself was only inspiration to the breakthrough, not something innately tied to the magic.

Since I’ve recovered my mana, I can somewhat use the magic as I want to, but the amount of mana that I use every time is getting ridiculous. I’m not likely to be shaping weapons out of dirt at my feet any time soon, but at least I might be able to sharpen Eshya’s sword.

“With that, this class is over.” Lin says with a shallow bow, “Thank you for coming, and please tell me if there’s anything more that I can do to help.”

The others head out, but I stay seated. I have a little time, and Lin already promised, earlier in class, to help me get my new magic sorted out. One of the girls briefly stops by Lin to discuss the tools for training for a breakthrough, but she too soon leaves us.

“Was there something in particular that you wished to learn?” Lin asks, standing before me and darkening the room around her.

“I’m guessing there’s no way to use this in a fight?” I ask, and she freezes up, staring at me in confusion.

“No. This would be a very useless magic for fighting with.” She replies, “It can be used to reinforce weapons, their physical nature or their magical nature. It can reinforce your body or the body of another, though I’d advise great caution there, unless you have considerable abilities in healing magic.”

“I can reinforce myself?” I ask, blinking in confusion.

“Yes,” She tilts her head as if it’s the most sensible thing in the world, “I don’t have the particular knowledge to assist you in combat reinforcements, but I can advise you in the correct direction at least.”

“Let’s leave that aside for now.” I say, trying to suppress her temptations. Being able to change my face on a whim sounds like a lot of fun. “What about something to help me shape metal. That sounds easier than the magic stuff.” And perhaps more helpful in making and perfecting weapons.

“I think you misunderstand. You shouldn’t seek to shape anything, rather tune it. Smooth it into what it is already meant to be.” She says.

“Could you teach me that, then. The smoothing and whatnot.”

“If it’s not changing the nature of the metal or purifying it, just moving it, then it would be a simple enough topic.” She says thoughtfully, “All you should need do is have a firm image of what the subject should become, and infuse the mana with that image. Try and do this until it forms as a Skill, then work to continue developing that Skill through practice.”

“Sounds easy enough.”

“It sounds easier than it is.” She replies, “Make sure you only work on small imperfections, and only use what mana is available to spend.”

“Yeah, I’ve already burnt through my mana once with that mistake.” I reply and she jolts, staring at me carefully.

“Are you alright? If you’re suffering from the aftereffects of mana shock then you mustn’t waste mana on anything. Leave this for later until you have built your mana back up.”

“Thanks, but I’m alright.” I say with a smile, “I didn’t push myself into mana shock, only got a little close, and I’ve already fixed my mana problem since.”

Fixed and encountered the opposite problem, that of a soft limit.

“Take your health seriously and don’t risk yourself too much.” She says worriedly.

“Thanks. Do you mind if I add you to the messenger system on this thing?” I ask her, “In case something comes up.”

She nods sharply, fumbling with a symbol on her own hand before we exchange quick messages. Hers a surprisingly text heavy letter detailing what I can do to take care of myself after suffering mana shock.

“Thanks again.” I say as I leave, and I resolve again to kidnap her when I make my own empire. She’s nice, and every empire can always do with a few more nice teachers.

With class over I head over to meet with Saya, Adler and Vii following. I’m a little anxious of Adler but she has chilled considerably since our battle in the ruins, and it’ll be easier to hit her with new developments like this while she’s still unsettled.

“Kyra. Adler. Vii.” Saya says our names, bowing to us very slightly. I feel it’s less that she’s intentionally overformal, and more that she’s nervous out of her mind. I’ve asked her to investigate the potential of starting a gun factory after all, and this after only just getting settled in here.

“That matter we discussed.” Saya says as she leads us away to the human dorms. Apparently, they all decided to live together on the solid ground rather than on the flying island where my dorm is located. “We were lucky. That is to say that one of the people that came along with us was well prepared for something like this.”

“Well prepared for this specifically?”

“Generally speaking, of course. He brought a laptop with him, and as I understand it, he stored videos, diagrams, all sorts of things prepared for anything really. Apparently, he has some schematics on there. Guns, cars, jets, he… well apparently he even has some leaked designs of modern US tanks.” She says as we arrive upon the building.

It’s much like the other residences down here, a little worn, a little unimpressive, but quiet and away from everyone, and everything. The only difference is the human man standing outside the front door.

“Kyra,” He says, “My name is David. I’ve been her taking care of everyone while you’ve been away doing whatever you’ve been doing.”

“Who’s this?” I ask Saya.

“…David.” She replies, questioningly.

“Of course.” I sigh, “I’ve been rather busy, and still am at the moment. You’ve gotten the message about going to class?”

“I have, but not everyone is in a condition to go out, and if you want to come inside, I’d ask that you two stay outside.” He says as politely as he can.

“Too bad.” I reply, “Vii, Adler, come on, do tread lightly. Apparently, they’re skittish.”

David grinds his teeth as we head inside. Saya looks worriedly between us but doesn’t say anything to get between us.

“Also, you should try and get everyone to class, even if they don’t want to go. Otherwise, they’ll be in deep trouble when the welfare officers come knocking.” I reply, “You’re taking charge around here?”

“What’s it to you? You haven’t shown any interest in us until now, when you can get something from us.” He says, surprisingly there’s only a hint of venom to his words, he sounds exhausted more than angry.

“I can get something from one of you, you mean. This guy with the laptop, the rest aren’t helping me out much right now. I’d consider helping but I really don’t have the time to waste like you do.”

“Ah, I think he’s asleep.” Saya says as we come upon a room rather empty save for the low wooden table and the laptop sitting atop it. “It doesn’t matter anyway, what’s important is the laptop.”

“Electricity?” I ask, and she nods.

“We’re assuming that magic could summon some electricity, but Walter was saying something about getting the voltage right or something. I don’t know, he does have some gadgets around to check on the volts—and amps, I think he said something about amps. Anyway, if you can find a way to get electricity, he thinks he can get it working.

“Then we can charge our phones again, too.” She says with a sigh, staring down at her dead brick.

“Electricity. Adler, how easy is it to get electricity from magic?” I ask.

“It’s not exactly common, but there are always a few people with a talent for it. Instead, it might be smarter to ask Ria another favour, I’m sure she could manage to enchant something which could release electricity as you need it.” Adler helps, without causing any issues.

It actually makes me a little more suspicious of her for some reason.

“Alright,” I say, “I can’t get anything done today, but I’ll be looking into it.”

“Thank you.” Saya says.

“Is it really as bad as you say it is out there?” David asks with a long sigh, “Is it really dangerous to skip class?”

“It’s fairly safe as long as you follow the rules, go to class, and avoid the ruins.” If you’re not unlucky enough to be drafted into the army, that is.

“What are the rules?”

“I’ll tell you when I find out.” I reply, heading off to my next class and leaving behind the other Earthlings before they start bothering me too much. I can’t get sentimental and start wasting what little time I have.

“Vii, I’ve still got a mana form class. Can you go check on Eshya, and go check how Ria is doing with that enchantment? Also ask her about that electricity if you can.”

“I can, I can. But first.” Vii chirps, happily, rushing up to give me a hug with her big feathered wings. “We’ll meet up afterwards, okay?”

“Alright. Take care.” She waves goodbye as she races away. Today is far too busy…

At least, since yesterday my mana has hit its upper limit.

That isn’t to say it’s as high as it’s ever going to get, but rather that I’m too unpractised and ‘brutish’ to be able to keep my mana circulating properly with the increased density. Apparently, it has something to do with the qualitative change that occurs as I shift towards a full liquid mana form.

I’m hoping that the mana form teacher will give me some easy tips to fix it so I can get back to eating my way to the top of the food chain.

When I get there, I’m lucky enough that the teacher is willing to give me a one-on-one tutoring as the other students make do with the assistants instead.

“So, I’ve already been liquifying my mana?” I ask, trying to figure out what she’s trying to teach me.

“Yes,” Persephone, the mana form teacher replies, “Whenever you force your mana into a particular part of your body, the density increases locally, and the mana takes on a liquid form. It’s simply how it functions.”

“So why is it an issue for me now?” I ask, restraining my frustration.

Yesterday, after cleaning up and draining as much mana from the corpse as I could, my mana started leaking. The higher my mana the worse it got. The highest I was able to get to was 999, and even then, only for a moment.

“Transferring to a permanent liquid mana form is a qualitative change that requires significant meditation and control over the mana flowing through you. You should be focusing on improving your efficiency and enhancing yourself with the mana you have more than simply increasing your mana.”

Performance enhancing drugs don’t make you a winner. Why did nobody tell me this before I started injecting myself with massive amounts of foreign mana?

“Just take it steady. Your growth is already extraordinary.” She says.

I force a smile, and shove my mana around with a firm hand. I need to be more efficient? I need to enhance myself?


My kidneys? Jam some mana up in there.

My eyes? I think they need some good mana vortexes forming every couple of seconds.

My bones? Why not?

My bladder? Who knows what’ll happen, maybe I can pressurise my pee and hold it in for longer.

My appendix? The lazy organ better do something now that I’m shoving some mana in it.

After messing with my mana form and shoving all around the places that I’ve been neglecting, I walk out of the classroom and see a few familiar faces coming my way.

“Kyra, the enchantment was a success.” Ria says, Vii and Eshya by her side. I suspect if her cheeks weren’t already red, they would be now, “I was troubled over what to do with it, but after some suggestions I’ve gotten it finished.”

The enchantment she’s talking about is the little Vii figurine. She felt that she owed us after what we did for her, and Vii was happy enough to let her work on it, though she’s been trying to pretend that she’s not a little shy about it.

“What did you end up making it into?” I ask.

“Well, there were a few options, considering how exceptionally it was made. In the end, we decided on a security system. With the figures deep similarities with Vii here, I was able to tie it to her so that she can see and hear through the figurine.”

“No touch senses though!” Vii adds, “No touch senses.”

“We tried that, but…” Ria says, lowering her head as her cheeks literally—not figuratively—start glowing.

“Eshya got touchy.” Vii shouts indignantly.

“I thought it could be fun. We could all get one made and-”

“I get it.” I say dryly, trying to hide my disappointment at having missed this moment, and my deep temptation to accept Eshya’s proposal.

Besides, we can’t do that until I’m more reliable with my reinforcement Skills… Maybe I can spare a moment to go back for a few more notes.

“I can fix or adjust the enchantments later if you need. Also, that other enchantment, electricity? I can manage it if I can find the right base. It shouldn’t be a problem.” Ria says, her face still magically aglow.

“Thanks again for that.” I say.

“Not at all, I still owe you for all you’ve risked to help me. I can’t imagine what you went through was at all comfortable, and it was all my fault.”

“I’m used to it.” I say, “I’m not sure I’m comfortable unless there’s something trying to eat me—and I do not mean you Eshya!”

“I… anyway, let’s get going.” Ria says, “You still wished to be introduced to the party of the fallen tonight?”

“Yes.” I say, “We’re ready?”

“I’m ready.” Nel says, I notice her subtly moving her hands over her clothes and checking over her knives.

“Never more ready than now,” Eshya says, with an easy smile.

“Ready, ready!” Vii chirps.

“I will follow along and learn more of this group.” Adler says, “But I promise not to cause you trouble, and to keep an open mind.”

“Thank you. Then, I guess we’re ready.” I say.

“I’ll be coming with you, as well.” Speka, the pearlescent, little dragon, our teacher, and the fallen scholar, walks down the corridor to meet us, “There are things that I’d like to further discuss when down in the safety of the fallen ruins.”

For some reason her attention is focused on Adler out of all of us, though she does spare me a quick glance.

“The more the merrier.” I say, “Lead the way, Ria.”

“Of course.” She replies.

She leads us out of the lecture building and down through the streets.

This morning I took care of business with Pom and the journalism club and got final permission from all of the various fallen members to join their little club. Ria has somewhat grown attached to us after the incident in the upper ruins, apparently feeling as if she owes us.

“As you found when you visited me, there are various places in the upper ruins that are safe.” Ria explains, “Between enchantments and mana hardened stone, beasts are unable to break through to these safe paths. I check up on them occasionally to ensure that the enchantments remain in good condition, but they were made to last, so even a repair like yesterday will likely last until long after I’m dead.

“The fallen exist in these areas, and these ruins. The places that the welfare officers refuse to acknowledge exist.”

“Do you have any idea why?” I ask.

“There are theories, but they’re all as crazy as the next.” She replies, “All we know is that they do ignore us down here. As such, what happens in these ruins is outside the purview of the welfare officers. We are free here… mostly.”


“If any collared beasts escape into the ruins, they’ll take great efforts to hunt them down and return them into the proper facilities. I’ve only heard of it happening once, but once is enough. Their rules might not make much sense, but they tend to follow the same patterns and logic… whatever that logic is.”

As we converse, we make it to the part of town that’s filled with empty apartments. In the darkening light, the creepy factor of these empty buildings only grows more and more powerful. I can almost see ghosts haunting the windows and doorways as we pass.

“Through here is one of those safe paths,” She explains, “We’re kind of careful with only having this one path into the main lobby of the party. I don’t know why, but that’s what it is. It’s like those other secrecy rules they try and uphold but aren’t too strict about.”

“It’s about maintaining a certain sense of mystery,” Speka says, “All image, ego, and posturing.”

“Ah, is that so?” Ria asks.

“Most likely.” Our teacher replies, “It’s just how kids are.”

“Kid’s?” I ask, I haven’t actually seen any kids since getting to this world, so it’s not a word I’ve had to use often.

“You’re all kids. Why do you think you’re here learning instead of out working? You’ve yet to mature into full grown adults, able to give back to society, thus you are still children.” She says in a simple matter of fact way.

No one says anything to contradict her as we head inside a nearby building, it doesn’t even seem much different from those to either side of it. Getting to the elevator, we all squeeze on and Ria selects a basement floor from a liquid metal display on the wall.

Once we get to the bottom, which is just a musty old basement, we continue on through quiet halls that connect building to building, with a few doors that seem like they might lead instead into the deeper ruins.

“Why was everything built interconnected like this?” I ask as we head down a flight of long, wide stairs.

“It’s just how the curated worlds were constructed.” Speka says, “Everything is connected and reinforced.”

“It’s unusual.” I say.

“It’s how things are done here, that’s all there is to it.” She replies with a shrug.

“Reinforced? Ready to defend against an attack?” Eshya mumbles.

“What is it?” Ria asks.

“Were they preparing for war?” She asks.

“War? With who? Even the rebel forces aren’t dangerous enough to be a threat to any world like this.”

“We’re almost there.” Ria says, quieting the conversation. “Through these doors.”

Before us stands a pair of massive stone doors at least thrice the height of the others of their sort. They’ve been carefully etched with a symmetrical pattern and shine with silvery gilding.

“Are you all ready?” She asks us, a little apprehensively.

“It’s why we’re here.” Nel replies, stepping up to the switch with sure steps, “We’re ready.”

She opens the doors.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


~Mana Form:

Current goal: Develop your mana form.

Current mana density: 568 units

~Mana distribution:

Skin: 21%

Muscle: 9%

Mind: 15%

Cardiovascular: 9%

Misc.: 5%

Efficiency: 59%



-Mana drain touch

-Mana skin

-Mana shield.

-Mana surge strike

-Mana surge kick

-Flame burst


-Infused delayed casting

-Harsh petting

-Chaos dance

-Multi-mind messenger


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


//Author Note

More chapters available



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