The Unified States of Mana

Chapter 97 ~ Cake

The moment class comes to an end, Vii comes to drag Eshya and I out the door towards our dorm. She’s clearly excited for this little get together we’ve arranged.

“Wait up, we’re coming.” I say, laughing as she drags me along.

“I’m not letting you run off. We’re having a fun afternoon together, and you can’t escape it.” Vii says pulling the both of us with a newfound strength.

“I wasn’t trying to.” I reply.

While we’re being pulled along, I turn to Eshya. Now that she’s achieved her liquid mana form evolution, she should be able to develop to levels that will leave the rest of us in the dust. At least until I cheat my way to the same level of power.

“I’m guessing you were taught a little more about your liquid mana form?” I ask her. “Are there more challenges to hold us back, or can we just boost our mana up to the heavens?”

“Eh, there’s still more we have to do.” Eshya says, sounding weary and unimpressed with what she’s learned. “Our bodies still have to adjust, but now in a slightly different way. I have to decide on ways to permanently alter my flesh, using my mana form. Honestly life as a purely mana being must be so much easier.”

“Damnit.” I swear, “Why does life have to have so many hurdles. Every shortcut I take just feels like skipping to the next grade in school, everything just gets harder!”

At least if I develop this mana core thing, I can skip to the next grade and come back to perfect my mana form later.

“What, did you just think you could suck a bit of mana from the earth and turn into a goddess?” Eshya asks, “Dumbass. You’ve got to struggle, and sweat, and fight. We all do.”

“But we don’t have to do it alone.” I reply, smiling warmly as I take her hand. She nods in relief, relaxing a little.

Vii continues dragging us along right up until finally we arrive at the dorms. Nel is already there waiting for us, a small table from the café dragged into our room alongside a few chairs which Adler is arranging with a nervous air about her.

There’s a small cake in the middle of the table. It’s of a size that it’ll be easy enough for the five of us to finish in one sitting. It’s absolutely covered in assorted berries, with a white fluffy cream spread out of it. It’s been carefully arranged to look beautiful, and it makes my mouth water just looking at it.

A pair of jugs with different fruit drinks sits beside it, with a few pretty glasses set out around the table for us.

“What’s the occasion?” I ask, as Vii presses me into one of the chairs.

“Need there be a particular occasion?” Nel replies, with a warm smile. “If there must be something, I can make a list.

“We’re all still alive; our settlements, both in the ruins and the dungeon, are developing nicely; and we’re stronger than ever before.

“Eshya’s evolution into liquid stage mana is reason enough on it’s own for celebration.” She says, smiling at our resident elf who, embarrassed at the attention, looks away.

“Congratulations, Eshya.” Vii happily shouts, her smile bright enough to outshine the sun.

“Congratulations.” Nel says, raising her drink towards Eshya.

“Good work.” I say, “Don’t get too far ahead of the rest of us, if you develop too far beyond us we won’t be able to touch you without hurting from the mana friction.”

Eshya freezes up halfway through sipping her drink. She slowly lowers it and looks between us, before looking down at the cake.

“Is there mana in this?” She asks. “No, don’t mind that. Kyra, can you feed them more mana?”

“I’m fine for mana.” Vii says cheerfully, ignoring Eshya’s sudden panic. “I need to get my body used to what I have. My feathers are a pain to cycle mana through.”

“I could do with more, but after the celebrations, please.” Nel says, cutting into the cake. “Vii, do you want to show them your gifts?”

“Gifts?” my voice squeaks as I try to supress my panic.

I didn’t know we would be exchanging gifts, I don’t have anything, and I have no idea of anything I could even get on short notice. I don’t have the time to make anything, and I’d have to rush down to the lord’s colony to buy anything, since the markets up here are free and getting something for free would be-

“Ta-da!” Vii cheers, lifting a pair of little fluffy figures in her wings. It takes me a moment to recognise them.

“Fuffy Butt?” I ask, looking at the little fluffy toy which has clearly been made to imitate the four tailed black fox. “When did you…?”

She hands a second one, this one white instead of black, to Eshya, smiling cheerfully as she does.

“What?” Eshya looks at it confused. “I thought we were making these for Kyra?”

“Why only for Kyra?” Vii says, hopping along to her chest where she pulls out another for Adler, who nervously accepts, and one for Nel too. She even has one of her own, resting it on her lap as she’s finished handing the rest out.

“It’s fluffy…” I say, running my hands through the fur of the toy. It’s at the perfect mana density where it’s still soft to the touch, rather than wiry and rough on my hands. I bring it up to my face and hug it tight.

“She likes it!” Vii says rushing over to hug me with her own fluffy toy in her arms.

“Thank you, Vii. Nel. Eshya. Adler? You were helping with this too?”

“I only helped a little in procuring parts.” Adler says, embarrassed to be taking any credit for this, “You should really be focusing on the others.”

“Thank you. All of you,” I say, looking between them as a smile starts building on my lips.

“Well, that’s done then.” Eshya says, looking conflicted for a moment as we turn to her. She shakes off the reaction before continuing. “I promised to train with Red. I need to train as much as I can while I have the chance. Kyra, you should come too, your new magic isn’t going to develop itself.”

“Can’t we take a moment?” I ask, “We haven’t even had any cake yet.”

Nel quickly serves up a few slices of cake and Eshya reluctantly settles back into her chair. She picks up her slice of cake and goes about eating it like we’re in a competition to see who can finish first.

I snuggle with my mini Fluffy Butt, while slowly eating my own slice of cake. It’s soft and fluffy, and the sweet cream used in place of icing is slightly cool in my mouth while the fruit slices add their own flavour and texture. It’s absolutely delectable, but my attentions keep floating back to Eshya, who’s practically bouncing from her chair already.

She keeps looking up at me as if wanting to ask whether we can go yet.

“Do you like the cake?” I ask her.

“It’s good.” She replies simply, licking the cream from her fingers while her legs bounce under the table.

“Was it one of your acquaintances who made it?” I ask Nel, who shyly looks down, her fingers tapping slowly as she shakes her head.

“I had them show me how and, rather shamelessly, I stole their Skills before making it myself.” She says, “Did it turn out okay?”

“It’s great.” I say, “I can’t even recognise all the fruits, but the cake part is really fluffy and-“

“So that’s why you like it!” Vii says, while giggling. “I said she’d like it. She has a thing for fluffiness.”

“Not always.” I say, sitting back further in my chair. “I mean Eshya here is rather bony and I like her plenty enough.”

“But can you deny that you wouldn’t like her more if she was fluffier?”

I try to imagine it while looking at Eshya. Since she’s bouncing around like a dog ready to go for a walk, I imagine big fluffy ears on her head, and a furred tail just above her butt. Unfortunately, the mirage fades as I notice once more how uncomfortable she is, sitting here with us.

I was hoping that she’d settle down after a little while, but it seems the opposite is true instead.

“Eshya?” I ask.

“What? Are you ready to go?” She says, not quite snapping at me.

“I think I want to rest today, focus on my mana form and spend some time with everyone. Take a day off.”

“Kyra, Arduelle has promised to take you somewhere dangerous in only two more days. You need to train even more than I do. Now hurry up, every minute we waste, is another Skill that we don’t learn.”

“If I end up dying. I’d regret it more if I didn’t spend some time with everyone here.” I reply. “I won’t let myself die easy, but I’m fighting for more than just power or survival. I’m fighting for this.”

“None of it matters if we die because we’re too weak!” Eshya hisses. “We should all be training. Or… no… No, I’m the soldier. It’s my responsibility.”

“Eshya?” I call after her as she turns to head for the door.

“I’m going to train with Red.” She says, without turning back. “I’ll grow and become strong enough to protect everyone.”

She leaves before I can think of any way to bring her back.

“I should follow her.” I say, looking down at the empty plate as I cuddle my little fluffy butt close. Hoping that the right words might come to me if I wait a moment. The words that’ll calm her down, and bring her back.

“No, I think she needs a little more time.” Nel says, sipping at her cup. “Then we’ll drag her back here and force some damned sense into her.”

“Nel?” I ask, looking up at her. I don’t recall her talking like this before.

“I’m not losing this family.” She says, her eyes passionate as she turns to me. “I’ve worked hard for today, and… I’m not going to lose tomorrow, too. We’ll bring her back to her senses.”

“Okay.” I say, grabbing hold of her hand while holding my soft, fluffy toy close.

“She’ll come around.” Vii says, with all the faith of a prophet.

“Yes. Now, let’s discuss this new magic of yours. And also, what is this thing about Arduelle taking you away?”

“Ah, yes. That…” I says, as she directs her sharp gaze to me.

“Another dangerous thing that you’ve forgotten to tell me about?”

“Essentially.” I admit, swirling the juice in my cup. “I think there’s more to it, though. I won’t claim to know what that dungeon is thinking, but she’s taking the effort to teleport me somewhere to deal with a pest problem. Taking it at face value, it makes no sense.”

“What inspired this?” Nel asks. “Has she just suddenly decided to give you some strange quest with no motivation?”

“Ah…” I look over at Vii, who should recall the conversation that got this started. She turns away from me, unable to meet my eyes. “I may have insulted her. Slightly. A little.”

“Oh, a little old lady like me wouldn’t be so easily insulted.” The message flows onto the phantasmal parchment before me.

“Is that so?” Nel says, tapping her fingers against her glass plate. I hope she didn’t see me flinching at the message.

“Did I tell you how nice your cooking is?” I ask. Looking at the empty plate where the cake used to be, while looking for something more to help turn this conversation in a new direction.

“Yes. You didn’t neglect to tell me that, at least.” She replies with a sigh.

I bite my tongue before the next thought can escape into the open air. I think, for a moment, to complain that she forgot to tell me about the deal she made with the healer in the dungeon. It’s something of a different case, to this and I’m not wanting to instigate a worthless argument right now.

Nel’s only irritated like this because she’s worried about me, and her exasperation is certainly deserved. I have been holding back some important information from her.

“Sorry. I should have mentioned this sooner.” I say, drinking the last of my juice. “Arduelle is sending me off to help one of her acquaintances with pests. Or that’s how she described the task, there’s clearly more going on, though I’m not sure as to her intentions.”

“This was because you insulted her?” Nel asks, there’s no blame in her voice.

“Perhaps…” I say, “That’s supposedly the reason, but I’m not convinced. I also don’t think she’s trying to kill me. Playing with me perhaps? Testing me? I don’t know.”

“Well, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared in any case.” Nel says. “I’ve sent a message to our crafters, they should have your armour remade, and they may have a few new tools ready by then. We’ll have to see on the latter. I’ll have a collection of potions put together, it’ll be expensive, but we can afford it.”

“Thanks, Nel.” I say, shifting my chair closer to her side and hugging her.

“We’re family.” She says. “It’s what we do for one another.”

“There’s also something about magic?” Vii asks, sounding rather excited as she pulls out her little red notebook. “What is it? Is it a hidden talent? Is it powerful?”

“Annihilation magic, it seems to be a talent, and I’m not too sure.” I reply. “It seemed pretty powerful the first time I used it, but since then it’s been rather underwhelming.”

“Annihilation magic?” Vii mumbles, scribbling notes down in her book. “That’s weird magic. Could be useful, could be wasteful. If nothing else, it’s really cool at least.”

“I managed to turn half a bugs head to ash with a drop of mana. A head bigger than mine.” I say. “It’s pretty damn powerful if I can learn to do it again.”

“With only a tiny amount of mana?” Nel asks, “This bug, it was in the dungeon? Liquid stage?”

“Yeah,” I reply. “I only had a drop of mana left at the end of the fight. Eshya was hurt and about to get killed, and I just cast the magic on instinct. The mana flowed out and just…” I pause as I try to think how to describe it.

“More mana came into existence?” Vii asks. “As if from nothingness. Called into being by your magic?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“A true talent then.” Vii says excitedly as she scrawls more notes down in her little red book.

“I couldn’t make it happen again though.” I say. “Not to the same degree at least. I can nearly double the output of my spell sometimes, but that’s the best I’ve managed since then.”

Vii nods her head in understanding.

“It’s a thing.” Vii says. “Pluck a harpy’s wings and they’ll lose some power from their talent. Cut their wings off and they might lose their talent entirely. Until they’re healed at least.”

“What does that have to do with my situation?” I ask.

“The part of you that brought the talent out is missing.” Vii says. “You lost your wings, or at least they got plucked.”

“What was different about that moment?” Nel asks, “Was it the beast? Was it the thought of losing Eshya?”

Adler is quietly watching from the side, seeming as though a little out of place.

I shake my head and focus.

“I…” I think back to that moment. When my lover’s blood was staining the ground, my head was light, and I couldn’t see or think clearly. Everything was spinning out of control. Something was wrong, about the world.

“I lost control.” I say, feeling a trance come over me as I enter that moment, my cold rage building up inside. “Something mine was about to be taken away.”

I lick my dry lips, gazing at the bug that dared to strike at us.

“That creature. It was breaking one of the universal rules.” I hear the words leaving my mouth, and feel my lips moving, as my thoughts flow free without proper care.

“What rule did it break?” Nel asks, her voice shattering the trance that had taken hold over me.

Lingering touches of rage still fill my insides, demanding to be released. My lips move before my mind.

It disobeyed my will.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Skills & Stats


~Mana Form:

Current mana density: 776 units

~Mana distribution:

Defence: 0/30%

Offense: 57/57%

Mana sense: 0/72%

Recovery: 0/30%

Gluttony: 0/24%

Misc.: 0/30%

Efficiency: 57/82%


~Favourited Skills:

-Chip Shredder



-Mana surge movement

-Mana surge punch

-Reactive mana skin

-Infused delayed Casting

-Fire burst punch

-Annihilation magic

-Mana form flow fixer


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


//Author Note

More chapters available



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