The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 296: Devil of a Man

Have you ever heard the expression shaking in anger? 

Well, their branch master is shaking a lot. 

Helplessly pointing at me uttering some Y-you! Y-you!

Shaking so fast he'd make a great dildo salesman. 

He could just say the product is half as fast as him. 

Bam, sold! 

"D-do you think you will get away with this?!" 


"How dare you act so wantonly here?!" 

[Oh? How dare YOU guys act so wantonly at my bakery?!] 

"You will pay for this!" 

[Sure, want to bet how long your branch will even survive? You know what I have some gold coming my way. How about I hire some dancers too? You know the kind that has more hair than clothes.]

He turns to little Li. 

"Do something about this madman!"

"*Sigh* Let me tell it to you straight. If we ask city hall to choose between the destruction of that bakery or your place, it's yours that will get destroyed you know."

"WHAT?! It's just an insignificant and useless bakery!" 

She approaches and murmurs something in his ear. 

He instantly turns livid. 

"T-this is impossible!" 

"Now you know. Well on that note, I have some stuff to do. Take care all!" 

Then she leaves. 

"T-that…what will it take to put this misunderstanding to rest?"

What the hell did she tell him?! 

A little whisper in his ear and now he's all cordial!

Does she possess a talent for ASMR?! 

To be fair she probably told him about the old man's city hall friend. 

Makes sense that she wouldn't want it to develop into a full-blown conflict. 

That also means that I have the advantage. 

[I'll be magnanimous as long as she repents for a day in front of my bakery and makes a public apology then I'll forgive you guys.] 

"Thank you! That…I'm sorry about earlier. I was told you were trying to cause trouble. It obviously isn't the case." 

At first, I was thinking of trying to milk them as much as possible, but as long as I make this victory public enough it should be good enough. 

After all, I do have a card to play to screw them over. 

The camping on their door plan. 

Except that it would be as annoying for me.

As they say, live and let live. 

As long as the old man is on my side these guys won't be an issue. 

Hell, I could even ask them for a favor if needed. 

This is why peaceful conflict resolutions are the best. 

We simply go back to the bakery, to the extreme relief of anyone living in the area. 

The sketchy artist thanks me for standing up for his art. 

Then he says something about having things to do and leaves. 

Somehow, I didn't even pay him for the job…oh well. 

The Spice Guy leaves too, so does Nomzilla. 

That leaves me with the Untainted foul-mouthed lady. 

I guess their sect is so damn boring that cursing is all they have left. 

How is that not seen as a breach of faith is a mystery.

It's fun to see her squirm as I tell her to sit in front of the ahegao pie art. 

When she gets told she will have to stare at it all day, she almost goes crazy. 

Thus ends this entire episode. 

Inside await Wolfie, the old man, and the salesgirl. 

[Glad to say it was a resounding success! The problem has been dealt with!] 

I was expecting cheers, but somehow, they act as if that was expected. 

"Sir, may I ask something?"

[Sure, what is it?] 

"What did you do with the special pies?"

[Gave them to my friend to eat, he said it was delicious.] 

"What?! Where is that friend of yours now?!" 

[Back at the Gluto church, why?] 

"Ah! Never mind, I was just casually asking. *Relieved*" 

[Did you want to taste some? I don't mind making some again but you'll have to ask your brother.]

"My brother?"

[For the spices.]

"Ah! Right! Don't worry about me! I love the plain ones!" 

Ah, it's admirable how frugal she is. 

We chat some more then I bake for the rest of the day. 

I finally go out and holler at the untainted lady. 

[I guess it's fine. You can go. There is no point in having you stay here and…] 

That is when she turns around. 

Her expression is weird somehow. 

"I'm not leaving before getting a pie! No matter what!" 

What the hell? 

Since when did art have such power?!

She's totally drooling! 

"I'll pay whatever it takes! I'm just so hungry!" 

[Eh, sure.] 

I quickly bring her one. 

She hands me a silver coin without even asking for change. 

Then she gobbles it all up. 

Devouring it at a speed that would almost rival Nomzilla. 


Then she happily leaves.

Oh well, not that I care haha. 


I can't believe what just transpired. 

How did some random baker turn out to have a connection to city hall? 

Not any connection too. 

He knows someone that is able to exile our sect from here with but a word. 

This is madness. 

He was extremely cocky and forceful, but we didn't have a choice. 

I had to bury the hatchet no matter what. 

The good thing is he did restrain himself in the end. 

Still, a public apology is asking too much. 


This is when a sect member informs me that the lady that caused the situation in the first place is back. 

"Welcome back." 

"Greetings, hall master!"

"How was it?" 

"*Sigh* I regret to say, but it seems to be me misunderstanding them all along. They are just selling normal pies. Ah, but they sure are delicious."

"Wait, what did you say?"

"I had to stand for so long watching that painting I couldn't take it in the end and bought one. But it turned out to be really good yet normal."

This is bad. 

Real bad. 

"Right, how has your progress been going so far? Magic wise." 

"I am getting close to reaching rank 3! Soon I will be able to be a core asset of the sect!"

"Show it to me." 

She does a small chant and…

Nothing happens at all. 

She looks confused. 

Extremely so. 

This is a shame. Such a shame. 

She got corrupted. 

"I'm afraid you've lost your powers."

"What?! No! This is impossible!" 

She keeps trying, but no matter what she can't use any power. 

"Guards! Escort her to a cell and keep her isolated from everyone else. No visit whatsoever. She has fallen!" 


"No Sir! I can do it I just need to focus and…"

"Take her away!" 


I am left alone. 

The silence is oppressive. 

This is a huge problem. 

No matter what this bakery needs to be destroyed. 

Especially that scheming devil of a man. 

*Sigh* Now what? 

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