The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 304: Legacy


These days have truly been peaceful. 

The kid has been baking. 

The bakery slowly became more and more popular. 

These bakers were mad at him for a while, but they calmed down quickly for some reason. 

Funny how pie slowly became a staple food in the city. 

Well, only in a certain stratum of the population.

After all, we remain a small shop in the end. 

We talked a lot. 

Talked about baking. 

Talked about mundane things. 

Talked about life. 

I am truly glad he came into my life. 

As time passed, my condition became worse. 

Before I could easily hide it but it became harder and harder. 

Now I have trouble breathing from time. 

Even holding a cup can be difficult. 

Somehow, I managed not to throw up blood in front of him. 

But soon I wouldn't be able to hide it anymore. 

Today started as any other normal day would. 

Baking, eating, then talking for a while. 

I told him I was finally going to retire. 

That I would leave everything to him. 

That I would say goodbye to my nephew and leave to travel the world. 

He tried to convince me otherwise. 

Told me that it would be dangerous for an old man like me to travel alone. 

I kept insisting and told him that I had a merchant friend. 

That he would safely bring me to another city so I could see an old friend and spend time there. 

That I perhaps wouldn't be back and would remain there. 

But that I wanted him to keep taking care of my legacy.

He nodded solemnly. 

Tried giving me funds, but I refused. 

When he saw me leave with a wine bottle he chuckled. 

Then he wishes me a great journey.

All the while trying to hide his tears.

He's a good kid. 

I walked one last time across the city. 

Visiting my first two disciples. 

First the eldest at city hall. 

The one still trying to find a solution to my problem. 

That wouldn't be necessary anymore. 

Then I visited the youngest one in his manor. 

I knew for a fact he couldn't wait for me to die. 

Yet he never made an attempt on my life. 

He could done it have easily too. 

While his thinking is radical he was a good disciple nonetheless. 

As I left, he gave a deep bow.

The last one I visited was my nephew. 

I had to wait a bit at the golden lion guild. 

At least their chairs were extremely comfortable. 

Then he came out. 

When he saw the wine he understood. 

I saw that he wanted to dissuade me but knew it would be useless to try. 

We talked. 

For a little while. 

About the past. 

About his father. 

About the present. 

About how nice the temperature was. 

About how awesome this place looked. 

About what types of food I recommended. 

About a lot of pointless things. 

The type of conversation no one pays attention to usually. 

Well, I knew he would remember that one. 

I made sure to talk about the positives. 

Then we talked about the future.

The future of the world. 

The future of this continent. 

The future of the city.

But most especially his own future. 

Talked about how no matter what I would always remain proud of him. 

That while he trod a path that was different from mine I still held him in high esteem. 

I reminded him that the priority should always remain his safety and happiness. 

That at the end of the day wealth is nice, but is not worth suffering for. 

Especially not dying for. 

That has long as he remained himself there would be no issue. 

Then he asked me if I had told the inheritor of my shop. 

I would rather he didn't learn of it.

For he can be stubborn, too stubborn. 

He would probably leave on a quest to find a remedy instantly. 

I knew I had to tell my nephew because he would figure it out easily. 

Hiding it was pointless. 

Thus we spent one last evening peacefully. 

Then I started walking. 


Until I exited the city. 

As if I had all the time in the world. 

Then I kept going. 

I had a specific area that I wanted to reach. 

It took me a while, but then I finally reached a small farm. 

One hidden in a small valley. 

Funny how many resources went into building this place. 

All that remained of the lost knowledge of formation making. 

Even using a valuable gem at the core. 

All to set up a barrier to protect it. 

One inspired by the one in the city. 

Yet it had all gone to waste. 

Weeds were growing rampant across the land. 

The building itself was old and the colors faded. 

Yet at that instant, I found it beautiful. 

Truly so. 

Seeing it reminded me of memories of old. 

Memories I had never forgotten, but that I kept in a corner of my mind. 

For I knew should I start reminiscing, I wouldn't be able to stop myself. 

For the memories were way too beautiful. 

Memories of a time she was still alive.

Memories that dated from simpler times. 

Back when there was less scheming. 

Back when there was no war on the horizon. 

Back when the only threat was beast tides.

Yet that single danger claimed my wive's life. 


I had everything planned. 

We would retire. 

We would peacefully spend our days here. 

I would let my disciples handle the city affairs. 

I would have been nearby in case of emergency. 

Yet nothing of that happened. 

Not only did that accident cripple me but it claimed her life. 

Her death brought despair to us all. 

That is when my youngest disciple became like that. 

That is the moment he closed his heart to the world. 

She was almost a mother to him. 

Well, she was many things. 

She was the light of the city. 

The one that pushed us all to better ourselves. 


No matter the challenge we all knew we would overcome it. 

If anything, just to protect her. 

Yet I failed my duty. 

That is my only regret in this life. 

Still, in the end, I feel like I was blessed. 

My legacy will remain. 

The military one in my two disciples. 

My leadership skills in my nephew. Even if he ignores his own potential. 

As for my optimistic outlook toward the world. 

My last disciple will take care of it. 

He who reignited the flame of hope in me. 

He will go on to accomplish great things I believe. 

No, I know it for a fact. 

I take out the wine as I sit in an old chair. 

This is a toast. 

To what has been. 

To what is. 

To what will be. 


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