The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 321: Great Show


It is finally completed. 

The ultimate aphrodisiac! 

Well, at least given my current capabilities. 

Something that was the result of my assistant's diligence and my own carelessness. 

Let's just say I made many mistakes during testing. 

Some of these ended up giving a better result overall. 

That is often how research progresses. 

With luck. 

By testing random things and noticing what works. 

He was by my side noting everything down. 

Every single step. 

Until finally he came up with a detailed method. 

It took us long, but we managed it. 

I asked him if he planned to remain an alchemist. 

He definitely had the talent. 

He jokingly told me that he'd rather look at animals screwing all day long. 

I think the warden intimidated him. 

I left Wolfie at home. 

Now is time for revenge. 

Sweet, sweet revenge. 

They may have only destroyed a building, but it was more in my eyes. 

It was a legacy. 

One could argue it doesn't matter that much. 

The old man is retiring anyway. 

I disagree. 

It is one of the few things making me angry. 

I'm not entirely sure why myself. 

In any case, I quickly reach the Untainted Sect. 

There are guards, but nothing I can't overcome. 

I start doing some parkour. 

Before long I am on the roof of the big mansion. 

Heading inside through a window I slowly make my way downward.

The defenses of this place are sorely lacking. 

Overconfidence because of the anti-crime system most probably. 

Their members seem to be doing some kind of ceremony in a big hall. 

I can hear soft melodious music. 

They seem to be sitting cross-legged and meditating. 

There is a soft breeze circulating. 

Some kind of aromatherapy I'm guessing. 

Haha, this is perfect. 

The hall master is preaching. 

Telling them that they are the last bastion of morality in this world. 

That they must remain unsullied no matter what. 

That they must protect Purity above all else. 

What is that even supposed to mean? 

Someone untainted is simply someone that has never experienced life. 

No one ever has a perfect track record. 

We learn from our mistakes. 

This is the very definition of what makes us human. 

I do not believe in such a claim. 

The best they can do is lie to themselves. 

They are claiming moral superiority for following their beliefs. 

Failing to realize the absurdity of it all. 

This is insane. 

I would have preferred any madman over them. 

An evil that knows he is evil rather than fake saints. 

Still, this façade of theirs won't remain for long. 

I am about to strip it all away.

The lies. 

The deceit. 

The hypocrisy. 

All of it. 

At some point, I hear my shop being mentioned. 

Their leader is praising them for a job well done. 

For riding the world of evil. 

How laughable. 

This evil is right next to them. 

They are so focused on their bullshit that none have noticed me. 

I open the bottle that I brought and let its content out. 

As soon as it touches the ground it turns into vapor. 

Then it starts drifting across the room. 

I happily watch as every disciple breathes it in. 

I can see their expression becoming flushed. 

I can see their bodies heating up. 

Some start nervously clutching at their clothes. 

They are all too busy with their own state that they fail to realize. 

That it is not only affecting them. 

That they have a real emergency on their hands. 

That is when one disciple cannot hold it any longer. 

She suddenly undresses. 

Thus starting a rippling effect. 

Then starts a show. 

A magnificent one. 

A depraved one. 

This startles their leader.

Extremely so. 

Then he realizes what is wrong. 

But it is already too late. 

He himself is already affected. 

It doesn't help that a young voluptuous maiden throws herself at him. 

Naked of course. 

I see the man struggling with his morals. 

Trying hard to follow his faith. 

There is obviously something else that is extremely hard. 

Hard for me to refrain from laughing.

After all the spectacle is truly amazing. 

A bunch of young horny people doing…

Honestly, I'm not sure what they are doing. 

They clearly have no idea either. 

They are obviously all virgins and inexperienced, but it gets worst. 

None have any knowledge whatsoever on biology. 

It is the most awkward scene of all time. 

Ah, never mind. 

Ironically their leader is the only one that seems to know what he is doing. 

Except that with his last pang of rationality he pushes his poor partner away. 

Then I can see the madness in his eyes. 

He is seriously about to lose it. 

He gets a dagger out from his robe. 

Then he…

Oh god no! 

Why would anyone commit such an act! 

The man looks downward and chops it. 

I can't help but look away. 

This seems like a horrible fate. 

Yet he is giving a satisfied grin. 

I can see a magical aura surrounding him. 

He is mumbling about having preserved his power. 

At what cost brother! 

At what cost?! 

That power seems useless to cleanse my creation in any case. 

Then two young ladies and a young man throw themselves at him. 

He instantly has a relapse. 

I can see his gaze become slightly unfocused. 

Then he starts tasting all of their lips in succession. 

As he proceeds, I can see the light around him start to flicker. 

Before eventually disappearing. 

Turns out that not having a dick doesn't mean one cannot sin.

If I'm not mistaken this means that this man is now powerless. 

Should I kill them all now that…


Why do I want to kill them in the first place? 

Is it just because they destroyed my bakery?

When have I become this sort of man? 

I am a peace-loving induvial. 

Or I used to be? 

I can't help but start questioning my life. 

That is when a young woman starts embracing me. 

I'm clearly busy here! 

I push her back toward what evolved into a massive orgy. 

Where was I?

Right, I could just leave them like this. 

They are no threat to me in any case. 

Ah! But they could ask for reinforcements from the main branch of their sect. 

Should I off them to preserve my secret identity? 

An alternative would be for me to do the same to the main sect too. 

Pop in, throw some aphrodisiac, get out, GG well played. 

I wouldn't even need to fight really. 

Did remaining cooped up in my laboratory for so long mess up with my common sense?

I'm not sure anymore what I'm supposed to be doing. 

Ah, whatever. 

I will be merciful. 

Let them live. 

At least for now. 

It's easier to unalive someone than to unkill them in any case.

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