The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 328: Facing Death



It is big, it is angry, it has rock dust all over its body. 

It charges over, but then it sees the corpse of its brethren. 

That makes it stop. 

It looks at us unsure of what happened exactly. 

"This is the moment of truth. Time for a push."

"What do you mean?" 

"We need to intimidate it."

"How are we supposed to do that chief?"

"Attack it?"

"Start screaming?"

"Let's not make any weird noises that would be out of place…"

"What do you mean?"

"One of you, roar!"


Then a few of the quick thinkers quickly go: 

"Not I!" 

That leaves one confused guy looking at us at a loss. 

Then we simply smile at him until he understands the task. 

He gives us a look that can only say are you fucking serious?!

Then he reluctantly walks forward.


"Put more spirit into it!"


"Louder! That was an interior voice!"


The creature looks at us wondering what the hell is happening. 

Finally, it turns around and leaves. 

Followed by a very loud roaring. 

"Good job. Not only did you drive it away, but you even have a new tale to impress the ladies ?."

"I feel like you guys are gonna keep teasing me because of this."

"Yep hahaha."


"So, chief what do we do with this corpse now?"

"Chances are it's gonna attract something at some point. I guess we leave it there and scram…"

"That's so sad! After all the trouble we went through to kill it!"

"Well yeah, but what do you want to do? Start a barbecue?"

"Yes! I'd love that!"

"Well, the smell alone could land us in a lot of trouble."

Everyone shakes their heads in disappointment.

There are many stomachs rumbling in protest. 

Not that we can help it. 

I lead them to keep going.

Somehow, we aren't seeing any creature. 

"*Sigh* This is bad news."

"Too quiet?"

"Yep, we probably entered the territory of some apex predator without knowing. Before it was these big creatures with long necks. Now what?"

"Don't worry chief! Worst case we'll get that guy to roar again! HAHAHAHA" 

I can't help but give a wry smile. 

I'm not sure that would help if we were to encounter something like a dragon. 

Oh well, not that it matters. 

"Chief! There is something in front!"

"What is it?"

"Some kind of pond apparently. Right near a cliff."

"This is bound to be a dangerous area. Let's skip it."

This much is common sense. 

Any place where there is water will have creatures congregate around it. 

Us going there would just be an easy way to get killed. 

We can simply rely on the rain to drink. 

Worst case we can always come back later. 

"Chief we could simply go and take a bath. Meanwhile, our strong guardian can roar away all the threats!"

"Let it go man!"

That's just how they are. 

They'll take every opportunity to have fun. 

For they know they can die any moment. 

Except that they don't die, ever. 

So that only makes them annoying pricks haha. 

Well, the good kind. 

We keep going and see a whole area that is relatively flat. 


"We'd be super exposed there."

"Anything miles around could see us instantly!"

"What about the other paths?"

"We could probably go all the way around, but it would take time."

"How long?"

"Days, maybe weeks if we run into enemies."

If we want to truly enter the depth of the mountains we'll need to go this way. 

This is such a pain. 

When you gotta choose between a rock and a hard place. 

I won't take this decision alone. 

"What do you guys think?"

"Honestly chances are we'll die either way."

"I've always loved your optimism you know."

"Open area. Worst case we'll die fighting."

"Yeah, fuck going all the way around."

"Sure, what's the worst that could happen?"

"That's a death flag!" 

"Yep, this guy hasn't been listening to the sectmaster's lessons. Totally a death flag."

I look at them all. 

"So we just charge in and hope for the best like dumbasses?"

"Yep x20!"

All are giving me thumbs-ups. 

"Alright, make sure to watch every direction."

They all nod. 

Then we depart. 

The good thing is this place truly seems empty. 

The bad thing is this can only be a bad omen. 

The tension is palpable…or not. 

I can see them silently humming their favorite songs. 

That is when a piercing screech echo above. 

In the air is a giant eagle that starts circling around us. 

This cannot be good!

It is just flying around eying us. 

We share uncomfortable looks. 

We don't have any good way to kill flying enemies. 

Our only method is to jump on them with impeccable timing as they swoop down. 

Yet it doesn't even come close.

"Why do I feel like this eagle is just awaiting our death?"

"It does look that way."

"Either that or it's waiting for reinforcements."

"I have a plan, how about we throw someone in the air toward it?"

"Sure, thanks for volunteering!"

"Never mind…"

Yep, that obviously would fail. 

That is a huge weakness of humans. 

The inability to move in midair. 

This would be so easy if I knew something else than support magic. 

This is exactly why many mages look down on me. 

I can't accomplish the only thing that only mages can do. 

"For now just ignore it. It should be fine. For now…"

They all sigh. 

I understand exactly how they are feeling. 

They would rather it be either peaceful or some intense combat. 

This is more stressful. 

"Chief…bad news!"

What's up now? 

"Can you all feel that?"

We are all looking at each other perplexed. 

The one that just said something is one of the best at scouting. 

We turn uneasily toward him.

He crouches on the ground. 

Then he slowly puts his ear on the ground.

Some of us do the same. 

Then we finally figure it out. 

Something extremely bad is about to happen. 

We can hear it. 

We can feel it. 

The ground is trembling. 

The rhythm is extremely fast. 

We all know what this means. 

We have been fighting for a long time after all. 

This is the charge of an army. 

This is doom itself. 

It is heading towards us. 

Directly here. 

The eagle above is simply enjoying the show it seems. 

Perhaps one that wants revenge for its fallen companions. 

"So chief, what's the plan?"

There is no answer to that. 

We will obviously fight and die. 

There is no running away from this place. 

We are too exposed. 

I shouldn't have brought them here in the first place. 

Yet none is blaming me. 

They are all calmly waiting. 

In such a serious moment I can't help but say:

"Well, we roar them away!"


This is no laughing matter...

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