The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 383: Realm Domination! (1/3)

There stands an army even bigger than the last!

I give the order and we instantly start setting up a base. Well, a fancy way to say I dig a hole in the ground and my companions hide in it. A few minutes later we are already done, in record time if I must say! 

With the allies secured, all that remains is to figure out these new enemies. I slowly get closer. That is when the previous 8-meter cockroach appears. The one that had run earlier. It starts gesturing and emitting sounds that quite frankly confuse me. What does it want? 

So far none are attacking me. This is quite different from the previous ones that were getting violent without rhyme or reason. Yep, these were dumb as Hell and totally deserved to be annihilated. I mean when an unknown being approaches an army alone and confidently, that should be sign enough not to mess with it. 

A 5-meter cockroach comes to the other's rescue. This new one seems to be smarter. It gestures me to..kneel? Yep, seems like it is hoping I submit to them. 

[Look, buddy. I have no reason whatsoever to kneel. The way I see it, I totally have the upper hand here. Sure you have a few thousand troops, but if they are all useless what's the point? Pretty sure none can even wound me.] 

It looks at me perplexed…and a bit haughty? I didn't even know roaches were capable of that emotion. It looks like a conqueror looking down on me. Except, I'm sure it's pretty weak. Then it turns to the middle of the pack seemingly awaiting instructions. 

[How about we stop wasting time and you bring me to your leader?] 

I point toward the center of their group while I'm at it. I'm sure whoever is commanding them is probably there.

That's when the insect sea parts. Appears a 5-meter cockroach, but a special one. Instead of being all black, it has blue glowing patterns on its carapace. The soft light it is emitting makes my gamer instincts scream rare mob!

It comes nearby with all the other cockroaches kneeling in front of it. It looks…smug? Then it waves a leg in front of me emitting a bright blue light. Then it gives a satisfied sound, probably because I didn't dodge whatever that was. Except, nothing happened at all. It seems as useless as the blue cages. 

Then it intently looks at me, seemingly trying to order me. I don't move an inch. At first, it seems puzzled, it even does the blue light trick a few times. Then it looks toward me in horror. It seems it has realized I'm immune to whatever that was. 

That's when it starts screeching before falling back in the pack. Then once more starts the onslaught. Except that this time, I have a better idea. Instead of just killing…

I dash in there. Then I locate that one special cockroach. Needless to say, it is royally freaking out. But no matter how much it screeches, no matter how it tries to hide behind its brethren, no matter how much it runs…I am coming. 

I almost feel like the bad guy haha. I simply push all the roaches in my way as powerfully as possible. Many die from the force, their corpses catapulted into the enemy lines and creating a domino effect. Before long, I finally reach the horrified target. 

As soon as I grab it, the other roaches freeze. Ain't this neat! This is quite magical. All this time I've been searching for a way to communicate with these creatures, and I've gotten my hand on a living being that can relay my orders easily.

I can't help but grin picturing all the possibilities. Seeing me smile it starts shaking even more. 

[C'mon stop shaking so much. Were you a vibrator in a previous life?] 

Now, how do I train it? I still can't communicate with it. For now, I slowly move away from the army. Now they are as quiet as can be, making sure not to antagonize me. 

I slowly start teaching the creature. For it to go more smoothly I request the help of a few of my companions. I shout the command and they do it. Meanwhile, the magical roach is watching in stupefaction at their coordination. 

Before long it starts to understand the concept. It is even able to join on a few easy formations. It seems to have the capacity to accomplish these manoeuvers but it quickly becomes bored. It seems to enjoy being the one calling the shots. Of course, I am the top dog and it's just relaying my orders. Still, that simple action seems to bring it lots of joy. 

That is when I bring it to meet the rest of our group. It watches starstruck as we practice harder formations like the ball of doom. It seems like it just got its mind blown away. This magical roach had seemingly never encountered full-scale tactics. Now, it is reveling in the show. As if it had just discovered an entirely new world of possibilities. 

The others are wary of the newcomer at first, but before long they accept it. Then we go forward, the magical roach rallying all its subordinates. HAHAHA, I now have an army of thousands of roaches. The new ones are clearly not used to our way of doing things so we take a while to bring them up to speed. 

We keep walking while training. It is not only peaceful but also satisfying to see their progress. Before long we encounter another cockroach pack. These don't seem to have a leader but there are many big ones that look to be armored. 

At first, I'm confused why the magical one didn't try to convert them forcefully too, but soon I understand. Their armor seems to grant them some magic resistance too. So much for the mind-control magic. 

They charge angrily at us. Aiming directly for our mage. Well, it is quite noticeable with its glowing carapace. Normally they'd be able to go right through any opposition to tear it apart, but I'm here. There are also many of our roaches defending the perimeter. Let's just say I feel like a sumo wrestler pushing his opponent out of the ring. 

All the armored ones fail, then the mage roach does its trick and before long we welcome new allies. We are victorious! Also, we are even more numerous than before. By now there are so many roaches in my army that I wouldn't be able to even count them. Well, mostly because I'd get bored but still. 

We have a few 8-meters cockroaches with some being armored, we have the mage one and we have tons of 5-meters ones too. Ah, also the more it goes and the more the color of my original roaches is changing. They seem to be going on a new evolutionary path. One where they are becoming slim and powerful warriors. The emphasis seems to be on a balance evolution with them getting stronger, faster, smarter, and overall more skilled. 

It is but a question of time before we conquer this world!

*Insert evil demonic laughter* 

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