The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 399: Brutal Fight


Now this great teacher of mine is about to lose, are we really not going to do anything?!

After all he did for the Moon Keep?! 

I won't accept that! If push comes to shove I will save him! He may hate me afterward but I don't care. At least he'll be alive. I'll just have to find something to cheer him up. Ah, I know. I'll find him a purpose. Something only he can do. He loves teaching, not a much as fighting, but still. 

Even now, his Moon Keep garb is filled with so much of his blood that it looks more liquid than solid. Seeing his dreadful appearance one would wonder how he is still alive. The answer is great vitality and superficial wounds only. But this doesn't make him immortal. It only delays the inevitable. 

"Young mistress, are you thinking of making a move?"

The warden knows me well enough. I simply nod. There is no need to explain myself, I simply wish to save him. 

He remains silent for a while, only the sound of clashing being heard. Even as Eagle gets lapidated, he doesn't show any clear sign of pain. He simply keeps going like an unstoppable machine. Usually, that could intimidate an opponent, even prompting them to make a vital mistake. 

After all, a seemingly undying enemy is terrifying! But not the King. No matter what he is steady. He won't risk taking a hit to dish out more damage. It may seem like he's torturing him, but in fact, he is simply being careful. 

I know that and yet...But no matter how gruesome the scene, I won't avert my eyes. After all, I need to be ready to...

"Young mistress, while I do understand your concerns you clearly do not know him as well as I do haha. Just watch." 

"What do you mean?" 

"You know, the Eagle of Massacre didn't get his title because of a legendary weapon. Far from it in fact. Just watch."

I look at him seriously for a second, he doesn't seem to be joking. Still, I need to make sure. 

"Warden, if you are lying to me right now I won't ever forgive you. You know that, right?"

"Of course young mistress haha."

He doesn't seem worried in the least. What does he know that I ignore? No matter what I can't see Eagle reversing the tides, not with such a steady opponent.

That is when I get the feeling the is King glancing at us, gauging where we stand exactly. He does so very subtly but I somehow catch it nonetheless. He wants to make sure none of us will hinder him. He is about to finish it all! 

Quick! I need to...! ARGG! To believe or not to believe?! 

This could be a moment I come to regret forever...

For now, I'll trust in the warden. He knows much more than I do. I simply hope he isn't mistaken. 

That is when I see my father come out, accompanied by Grey. I see them lock eyes with the warden before nodding to each other. Then, my father opens his mouth. 

"Seems like you are losing quite grandly, eh? You can fight seriously, we'll deal with the aftermath."

That is all he says. Then he remains quiet on the sidelines.  What is this all about?! The grin on Eagle's face becomes even wider. At this point, I'm not even sure how it's even humanly possible. That is when it happens. 

His entire aura suddenly changes. The very air feels heavy as every single living in the area stops breathing for a second, I can hear the loud thumping of my heart as if warning me that the end is near. More importantly, I'm a spectator! This must be insane at point-blank!

The King is clearly shaken. He looks at his opponent in incomprehension. After all, the man that was about to fall is giving an unbelievably dangerously deadly vibe right now. 

That's when the fight resumes. But this time everything is different. Every time Eagle is hacking, it sends the King flying a few dozen meters backward. Ater every slash, he leaps at his opponent to keep up with him creating craters where he lands.

How?! How is this happening?! 

The King finally finds a way to deal with the onslaught. He answers every hack with a few parries of his own slowly reducing the bastard sword's power. But this clearly isn't a viable solution long term. With every parry, he is getting pushed back, his feet leaving trails in the hard ground. 

The man cannot evade either. Eagle's precision is incredibly on point. Even with all that power he somehow retains a firm grasp over how it is used. Now, it is just a matter of time. Whether the King can hold on long enough for that powerful state to end. 

I'm watching intently with bated breath, but no matter what Eagle doesn't seem to be weakening one bit. Meanwhile, the challenger is struggling to hold on. I'm expecting this to keep going for a while, but no. The King flees. 

He doesn't say a word, he simply leaves. He uses an attack from Eagle to get launched away, not coming back. Before long he is out of sight completely. 

That's it? 

"Wow, you were right. I'm glad this is over! Eagle won!"

I hear a deep sigh. 

"That's where you are mistaken, young mistress. Now the real fight actually starts. We need to deal with that blockhead."

What does he mean? That's when Eagle looks our way. His usual determined gaze nowhere to be seen. Now his eyes are bloodshot, red, even glowing! These are the eyes of a beast! Perhaps even those of a demon! One that exists solely for the purpose of killing. 


I'm going to be sick, I...  He barely glances my way but I nearly lose control of myself. 

My father then attracts his attention by attacking him, giving me a respite. That is when they start fighting, actually no. 

The creature-like Eagle is chasing, with my father leading him outside of our walls. I understand perfectly why. Should they fight here there won't be any Moon Keep left standing at the end of the day!

Only I remain as the soldiers return to their duties. 

But seriously...what the Hell was that?! 

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