The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 402: Small Blunder


"Get here already before I kick the bucket!!!!" 

They are simply crawling over at the slowest pace possible while I'm here getting destroyed! Please have some consideration! 

"Sectmaster, didn't you tell us that you could do this easily?" 

"Yes, we believe in you! *cheer*" 

"Please Grey, summon it already! Same for you warden! Please!" 

As I'm begging them, I'm dodging yet another slash that would have chopped my head easily. Ah, but Eagle's attacks are never that easy. As soon as I evade it, he switches the trajectory of his attack completely, so I need to move even more out of the way. Then, guess what?! He does it again!

Every time he seems to defy the very rules of sword handling accomplishing an exploit. It's always like that with him! Every single move of his is ever-changing and will push one to either despair or death. Actually, usually both in that very order. 

Meanwhile, they are just looking on amused. It's only when I start losing ground that they finally deign to make a move. 

Grey waves his arm. Out of his shadows comes a creature I haven't seen in ages. A Death Knight! An undead knight with pitch-black full-body metallic armor and equipped with a huge claymore about five times the size of its own body. Its facial features are hidden behind a full visor helmet with a silvery glow emanating from its eye sockets. 

Death knights are usually rank 3 undead. Ones that can lead their small groups of their brethren to battle. The stronger ones will be mounted on an undead steed. No, this one is a very plain-looking one, except for that huge sword. It actually even feels out of place. As if a good weapon was slapped onto a weakling to try and make it stronger. 

But I know, underestimating it would be an incredible mistake. This peculiar undead is a sentient one. One inhabited by an olden lost soul. One that personally chose his weapon. What it lacks in power it more than makes up for in terms of technique. It rushes at the Eagle. The momentum it has is incredible. Every one of his stomps can be felt on the ground. 

With such a huge weapon one would expect an incredible quantity of air to be displaced. No, quite the contrary. There is not even so much as a whistle. It seems as if the weapon is as light as a feather. But I do know for a fact it is so heavy that I can barely lift it myself. 

Then begins an earth-shattering clash. The Sword-King had to run away because of the raw might of his opponent. This Death Knight is not taking a single step backward. With every clash, Eagle is the one getting pushed back. Perfect! 

That is when our alchemist gets some powder out. 

"Alright, keep him there for a little while. I'll use this and…" 

We are almost done with this pointlessly long subjugation. That's when it happens. Suddenly Eagle turns his head sideways. Then he starts rushing over to the distance. What now?! 

"After him! That's why you guys shouldn't have dawdled!" 

They embarrassedly nod. We all start running after him. The Death Knight carrying Grey and me carrying the old poison master. Still, what caused him to rush out so fast?! He wasn't that excited even when we were fighting! 

Before long we understand it all. We reach one of our mines. In there is a very tiny portion of our wealth. We have soldiers in place, but barely any. After all who would dare to attack us? 

Well, the guys I am seeing now. There are many random weaklings all ganging up on our soldiers. The invaders may only be rank 2-3 but they are truly numerous, probably a thousand. Compared to the hundred men we have defending this position it is enough. 

These weaklings managed to corner our slaves and soldiers inside the mine. They adopted a pretty good defensive position, but it will be breached soon at this rate. The entrance is littered with tons of corpses lying in grotesque positions, most died while trying to run. 

I see the issue. These guys invaded while the Sword-King did diversion. Well, they are most probably simple opportunists. Except they probably never expected the duel to be over so fast with no clear winner. 

Now the bloodshed has summoned a devil. One that is dashing over at an insane speed. They don't even realize the calamity about to befall them. No, they are only standing there loudly laughing,  celebrating their soon-to-be-obtained wealth. 

He dives in their midst, akin to a dragon in a herd of sheep. Except…bloodier. I can see most of them getting diced, not even having the time to scream. There is no fright since they don't even realize they are dead. 

Finally a few manage to understand that they are under attack. Still, he simply kills them all. No matter if they are fighting, unmoving, or running they all have their lives ended even faster than a tiny flame getting snuffed in water. 

It doesn't even take minutes…. they all lay broken and slashed apart. That is when cheers erupt from inside the mine. Then the blockaded entrance slowly gets opened. Oh no!

These fools! The Eagle slowly turns towards them. They are celebrating the reinforcement having arrived in time. But this is no reinforcement. This is a devil in human skin. One that only lives for killing. 

He quickly accepts the invitation. It is already too late for them. Far too late!

This goddamn sucks! Now I'll have to organize new workers for this place. I'm so going to give him an earful once he's back to normal!

"*Sigh* That wouldn't have happened if you guys came faster. Let's get him already shall we…"

Once more they give an embarrassed shrug. Do they even realize what disaster they caused?! Now thanks to them my free time will be slightly disturbed! Ah, whatever. 

Grey sends his Death Knight inside. In the meantime, I am covering for him. He is using a technique to share his senses with his undead directly. 

Soon afterward he opens his eyes again, looking puzzled. 

"What's happening Grey?" 

"Well, it's weird but I can't find him….at all."

"Are you kidding me?! What does this even mean?! How is this possible?! He was just there!" 

"I'm not sure, to be honest. He simply disappeared. Now it simply means that there is a raging Eagle of Massacre roaming the land. We also have no way to track him either…so there is that…" 

"*Sigh* Whatever, I don't care anymore. I'm going back home." 

Thus, we all turn back. He'll find his way back at some point that I am sure of. What about the Starter continent? Well, good luck...

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