The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 411: Slimes!!!


I can't help but internally cheer as I receive the complex battle formation. People are usually wondering why this scarily powerful necromancer spends most of his time drawing. 

What they ignore is that he's the mastermind behind our legions. Whenever we march to combat, he is the one supplying us with our battle tactics. He is simply amazing! 

I used to be but a small-time leader of the Brawny Black Corpses. A group that laid low, made a small profit and minded its own business.

I had no desire to stand in the spotlight, at all. I always felt it was too much effort for what it was worth. Why would I paint a target on my back when I can simply lead a peaceful life of ordering my minions and enjoying life's delicacies? 

Well, this all changed when HE came. A nameless master of physical reinforcement. He made me realize that laying low doesn't protect you from random attacks. That's why I decided to join the army here. Since it was just being created, I instantly got a great position. 

I used my new title to search for more information. After a while, I finally learned that the man that had frightened me…had in fact a role to play in the destruction of Eaglevein! Suddenly I felt pretty lucky haha. One of the first things I did was make sure no one would bother any of the people he had interacted with here. 

That includes the weird slime-feeding girl in the sewers. At first, I was worried, but I sent many of my men down there to check and the slime population actually seems to be going down. 

Nowadays my only worries are concerning the battlefield. Even then with our genius strategist, we can't lose. I've been studying everything tactic-related in our library all this while but I can't even come even close to him. 

Still, I know enough to barely figure out the surface of his formation drawings, every line is a stroke of genius representing a battalion's position. 

Now I'll just bring this back and study it for the next month while trying to…

"MUAHAHAHAHA, This KIM is back!"

She is out of the sewers?! I almost thought she intended on living there full time. I guess whatever research she was doing is over. 

"Oh, right! You guys should probably run! The slimes are coming!!! Muahahaha!" 

Wait, what?! 

"What do you mean slimes?! What is…."

Oh god!



In front of us the very ground caves in. The rock pavement falling inward. Somehow, the old noodle seller is already bolting away with his cart, faster than anyone can even react. That is when I see it. 

There is a clear jelly-like substance coming out of the ground! Slimes!!! 

"To every soldier in the city! Hurry up! Defense perimeter!"

Everything will be fine. We simply need to act fast and contain the issue. I have no clue why this is happening but the why doesn't matter. We have thousands of soldiers here, we'll be fine. 

We simply need to….




What the Hell is happening?! How are there so many of them?! No! Time to stay calm! 

"Regroup! Hurry the Hell up!" 

Finally, a few hundred of my men come out of god knows where. They are the men off duty. Well, there is never such a thing as off duty for a soldier. Nice, we got this! The situation is so weird that no one has the time to think. Good thing they don't have to. They instantly follow their training.

Honestly, our soldiers are some of the most pitiful-looking in the Earth realm. But they have one thing going for them. They only have this place to call home. Either they give their all or they are screwed. 

We very quickly encircle the slimes, focusing on the biggest ones. Other than that the smallest get driven back fairly easily by our defensive formation. 

That's when it appears. A huge goddamn slime! It seems to be taking the whole street by itself. A true monster, unlike the other small trash dwellers. There is something wrong here! It wasn't there earlier it….wait, what if it could think?! What if it was hiding when we scouted the sewers?! 

This is really bad, but we can still handle it. This thing is obviously a king slime. We simply need to destroy its nucleus and it will melt. 

"Men aim for that little core moving around!"

Starts an onslaught of strikes! *clang! clang! clang!* Fucking bullshit! It's in armored mode. I've heard of this. 

"Don't panic! When it starts feeding it will have no choice but to…."

That's when it goes to gobble one of us. It swallows him whole but in the process…

"Now!!!" I can't help but shout the command. Finally, this will be all over and ….

*clang clang clang* 

How?! We all watch with horror as that one soldier simply gets dissolved instantly. This isn't how it should be going! How is it able to…

Comes Kim. 

"Oh, yep he's a smart slime. He won't easily lower his guard like a usual dumb slime. Nice try but…"

She can help! I have no clue how she is so damn calm but she's our last hope! If only she…

"Kim, please help us!! You can have any reward you desire just…"

"It's KIM." 

"That's what I just said…please help!"

"No, you said Kim, but it's KIM! Anyway, there really isn't anything I'm able to do. They won't attack me but that's about it. I've been in the sewers so long they think I'm part of the décor."

"H-how is this possible?!" 

She simply shrugs wordlessly. 

"T-then what is their weakness?!" 

"Eh…probably rank 4-5 mass destruction spell? Something that can vaporize their entire body in one sitting, but you really shouldn't…"

This is madness! Goddamn madness! We barely have mages! Where the Hell are we supposed to find one so powerful?! Needless to say, even if we could what would remain of our city afterward?! 

That's when an underling comes running. 

"Commander! In total there are three king slimes in the city! There is something weird about them too! Whenever we try to attack they…"

"They are always in defensive mode? Their very defenses are unbreachable? Same here! Quick spread the word! I want everyone evacuated! The young the old, the civilians, us …ah even the livestock! I want every goddamn living thing out of this place!" 

"Yes Sir!" 

He goes back running where he came from. This is crazy. *Sigh* Wait, I do have an alternative…this is my last option…I need to be convincing. 

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