The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 418: Finding the Path!

As I gently open my eyes…what is she doing? I can see the lady staring right at me, without blinking at all. Her gentle brows are raised and she seems confused a bit.



[How are you doing?] 


This is peculiar for sure. Why isn't she talking? 

[Let's get up and…] 

I try to get gently get her off me, but she latches to my chest with all her strength. Her body is so damn soft and slender, but surprisingly filled with power! 

[I guess you can stay there.] 

Even now she doesn't say anything and doesn't move in the slightest. Is she perhaps in shock?!

It's in moments like these that I wish I knew more about psychology. For now, all I can do is be patient and understanding with her. I'm sure she'll eventually calm down on her own…hopefully. 

Let's see, how is it outside? The storm is still raging violently.

Thus I simply wait. While doing so I try to make small talk with her, but every time she simply looks at me blankly. From time to time she will throw an enchanting smile my way and return to her previously frozen expression. 

My guess is she is lost in her memories, probably reminiscing about a better time. Whatever scarred her made her want to run away from reality perhaps? 

But no matter how long I wait,  the storm doesn't show any sign of stopping. This is annoying but we can't remain here forever. I head outside carefully, circulating divine energy in both of us. She seems fine, well physically. 

Her skin is still blue, but she is not trembling or anything like that. Is this her usual skin color? Perhaps she is some kind of snow elf. Anyway, I just need to find civilization. A long and arduous quest for sure. 

I start trekking in the snow. There is so much of it that it comes up to my balls. Even with divine energy, it's pretty uncomfortable. I keep progressing until...I can see lights in the distance! Blue faint lights that seem to be dancing! There should be people there! 

As I slowly get closer I can see an elf! She's graceful and proud-looking. She's wearing clothes that look so delicate they seem made of ice! Just as I'm getting closer she sees me and runs away. 

[Wait up! I rescued one of your brethren!] 

*Sigh* It's no use. She's gone already. For some reason, she didn't seem bothered at all by the snow. She simply glided over it. 

[This is sad. Won't even help someone in need. Are your people scared of humans or something? Did someone try to enslave elves or something? I could see that happening…] 

Of course, my companion remains mum. She simply looks at me wordlessly. There is no trace of fear in her eyes at least. 

Many times we encounter the same blue lights. I finally understand what it is. It seems to be the reflection of the moonlight on their ice garments. How is it even possible in a snowstorm? Magic, I guess. 

But every time they simply flee at top speed. Either there are no males or they look feminine enough that...God, this reminds me of bad memories. We keep going …that is when it comes out! 

As I step on some ice, I see a creature come out of the ground! One made entirely of ice! Its arms end with extremely sharp-looking icicles. These things would obviously be deadly. It stares at me and then…*DASH!* 

Before I know it it's already in front of me. Quick! Gotta move! It aims for my chest but I manage to move enough for it to hit my face instead! Then starts an onslaught of piercing attacks. 

One after the other! The creature is relentless and unstoppable. This won't work. I quickly throw my luggage in the snow. She'll be cold for a little while but it beats getting accidentally skewered. 

[Give me a second to deal with this enemy!] 

I rush at it! I need to hurry. If I'm too slow she'll die of hypothermia! Kick, kick! Punch, punch! It's hard to maintain my balance in the slippery snow, but that won't stop me! 

I'm fighting to protect a life right now! It's a cute girl to boot! At this rate, I won't make it in time. That thing is way too agile. 

Wait…I know! Wait…wait…now! 

*Pierce, spurt!* 

Oh god, it hurts. My shoulder gets impaled from side to side. But this is all according to plan. It tries to evade but its arm is stuck inside me. 

[Take this, you bastard!] 

I hammer its head and reduce it to smithereens. It finally stops moving entirely. My wound is rapidly healing, I'll be okay. I run toward her. 

[Hey, you are fine, right?!] 

I pick her up once more. She instantly holds me even more tightly. *Sigh* This place sure is unforgiving. Cold-hearted elves, deadly elementals ready to ambush people, and the damn weather! I have the feeling this place is a goddamn disaster zone. 

At least it's way more troublesome than the savage archaic forest that's for sure. Ah, who cares about that anyway. Time to resume our journey. 

The more time passes and the more I find this all troublesome. Until finally I see a shadow at the horizon. Well, by that I mean a few meters ahead because that's as far as I can see. I stumble upon a small construct made of big solid stones. 

Wait a minute! Is that what I think this is? I look around and…never mind. I was expecting there to be another similar one nearby to show the way but it's not the case at all. 

I spend a long time trying to find more clues, but there are none. I simply leave except that no matter what I seem to be coming back to that same monolith. 

[*Sigh* I fear we are stuck into a powerful maze or something similar…You don't know the way, right?] 

That is when I see her extend her dainty hand to touch the stone construct. I'm not sure what she does but suddenly it starts glowing. Wait, did she add pour mana into it?! That would explain a lot! 

Then a bright and shiny orange light can be seen exiting the construct. Then it bolts toward the distance leaving behind a shiny light trail. Ah! I see, this really is a marker. 

This is discrimination toward people void of mana like I!

Anyway, time to go. Hopefully, there will be people awaiting me at the end of it. I need someone to help her and to tell me where this is... 

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