The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 420: Wanna See My Big Toe?

1. Slowly uncover a secret through long and arduous deduction spending a few chapters to do it? 

2. Directly ask with a clear lack of tact? 

Welcome to jacka-...TUG! Time for option 2! 

I enter the throne room. It is as small and silent as before with their leader simply sitting there apparently not doing anything. A part of me can't help but admire him. Stern and cool-looking shut-in! Wow! 

Honestly, I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face sitting on hard stone all day. He has my respect for not squirming around. 


Nailed that greeting! He slowly opens his grey eyes. Even then he doesn't say anything. I swear this guy feels like an NPC with broken dialogues! 

[What is this place? Also what's up with everyone here?] 

This may be rude of me, but I don't care. 

"What is up with everyone? Nothing we are simply living our best life. If you wish to remain here, you will learn to understand our way of life too. It is the most efficient."

Live efficiently?! That's not living at all! Is he Germa- no, I won't go there, too easy! 

"We are currently on the Everfrozen Peak. Well, inside it to be more accurate."

[Everfrozen? Is it always that cold outside?]

"Yes, you can expect a perpetual snowstorm where ice elementals and Yuki-Onnas roam tirelessly."

[Then why did you guys start living here? Aren't there better places?] 

"Out of duty. We are guarding the Antaloth's Continent against its biggest threat. We are here to make sure everything remains in order in here and the depts."

Yep, there is a secret right there! 

[Guardians? What do you guard against?! There are people preparing to go to war outside! Will you do anything about it?!] 

"Not in the least. We simply take care of this place. This is enough. Always and forever. This is our happiness and our gift to the world. This may be hard to understand for an outsider, but this is our way of life."

I feel like we don't speak the same language! He's answering my questions but none of it makes any sense to me. 

"I can show you if you want. You will understand everything then."

Should I accept his offer? There is definitely something fishy going on. The smart thing to do is to get away as fast as possible, but I'm quite curious about what made them like that. I'm guessing mind control magic. 

Considering I'm immune to illusion magic my resistance to that stuff should be over the charts! Yep, I should be fine, why not! 

[Sure, lead the way!] 

We start walking. On the way, everyone is ignoring us as if we didn't even exist. All until we reach the deeper level in front of a huge plain door.  It seems to be extremely hard to make budge and…

"In order we trust." 


It opens by itself! 

Wow! Order, is it? In there awaits a narrow path made of floating rock tiles. It is so long that I can't see the end. Well, that and the darkness. 

Still, from what I see it looks extremely fragile, possibly breaking at any moment. On both sides are deep bottomless chasms.


I'm careful as Hell to make sure I don't fall! Could you imagine if I lost my footing or that guy decided to push me? I'll make sure this doesn't happen. 

"This is the pathway of order. Don't worry it is extremely sturdy. On each side is chaos. Chaos is the vilest thing there is. It corrupts the worthy, takes pleasure in spoiling anything good, and is the bane of humanity's existence."

[That bad?] 

"Yes, chaos is the worst evil there is for a simple reason, its very existence is a sin!" 

This sounds way too philosophical! 

[So what exactly is down there? Maybe it's just empty?] 

"No, I have seen it. Some glimpses at least. Down there are creatures unpredictable by nature that simply cannot coexist with humans."

[Anything specific?] 

"I have voluntarily forgotten it to preserve my sanity. Just knowing about them is a risk. It may develop into a slight curiosity and then all our efforts would go to waste."

[So let me get this straight. You guys have no life, are taking care of this place, and are doing all of this to defend against creatures you aren't even sure are real?] 

"No, they are. Soon you will understand."

This is a super ominous line, brother! After a while, we finally see the end of the pathway. There stands a small altar. One that is super boring. Stone slab with a small stone box and nothing else. Ah, there actually runes all around that are barely discernable but in good condition. 

[What is this?]

"The god of Order himself. *Sigh* He sacrificed his body to protect the entire Earth realm. He is the only one that…" 

[So, what exactly do you do here anyway? Do you just wipe the box? Clean the runes?] 

"Yes, that is exactly what I do. We must preserve his holiness! How is it? Isn't this the most magnificent aura that you have ever felt?"

...Said in a deadpan voice it totally sounds like sarcasm you know! Also, am I supposed to feel anything? This stuff looks so boring a garage sale would be more exciting!

"Here, now you will understand everything." 

He approaches and slowly slides the small box cover open. That is when I see it! Something amazing…not.

In there lies what looks like a …big left toe?! What the heck is this?!  Somehow it both seems like it's been here a long while and yet is still perfectly preserved. 

Heck, it still looks like it is fresh enough to have blood coursing through it! When he said sacrificed his body, I didn't expect it to be this literal! This feels more macabre and distasteful than heroic!

[Can you explain?] 

"The god of Order used his different body parts in order to seal the chaos everywhere."

So like a source of power, eh?  I wonder if something happens if you collect all the pieces. You know, exxodia style.

Still, the way I see it this is probably the remnants of an evil god, one awaiting to resurrect. As much as he talks of protecting the world…these guys completely lost all humanity already and are but slaves. 

The most impressive is the complete lack of awareness. Alright, how do I get rid of this thing? Maybe just throw it in the abyss? Yep, let's try this haha. 

I grab it ...or try at least. As soon as I make contact, something happens!

The stone pathway? Gone! My guide? Gone too! I look around slightly confused. I'm in a white room. Oh god, that brings back PTSD. I swear if it's another random summon…

That is when I see it. There is a gigantic left big toe hopping towards me. What madness is this?! 

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