The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 425: Elf on a Journey!


I am on a journey. I want to see the tree that gave life to my people, the elves. I also want to find my kins. 

I used to live peacefully in Eaglevein while practicing my carving, but he convinced me to follow my dreams. Well, I was pretty much reaching the limit of my abilities anyway. I guess this is normal considering how I had remained cooped up at the same spot for so long. 

We elves are made to be close to nature. That may seem like a paradoxical statement for a carver, but it's not. It is all about reaching an equilibrium. You want to give more to the forest than you take. That is all it is about really. 

For instance, I would use nature magic to make the trees grow faster. Then I would get rewarded with part of their wood. A win-win relationship for both parties. 

This is something most humans seem to ignore, but trees are actually alive and have feelings. They each have an individual consciousness and a collective consciousness. The first is shallow and to it only matters three things: water, sun, and nutrients. Nothing else! 

The collective one is more complex. This one is actually able to feel and share emotions. We call such a phenomenon the forest's spirit. It gives the pulse of how the forest itself is doing. Is it growing? Is it having issues? Are there any dangers? All of these! 

In this continent, this feedback is actually low. It is quite normal given how rampant humans are with the destruction. 

I can't help but imagine how it feels to live next to Yggdrasil. *Sigh* Perhaps one day. I often find myself playing with my necklace. It was a gift from my mother. Not only is it a traditional elf one but apparently it should help me recognize other elves, if they are still here that is. 

Anyway, I know my end goal isn't on this continent. I'm actually looking for clues. I want to figure out where the elves that came here were from themselves. Of course, it will be extremely hard to find anyone that remembers such times. I've been searching without success for a while. 

It has been many generations after all. But it won't stop me. If I am lucky, I may find relevant writings about it at some point. 

Now, there is one thing on my mind. Something atrocious happened a few days ago. I stumbled upon a scene that was extremely horrible. I stumbled upon a razed forest. As I strolled through it, I could feel the echoes of the pain and despair of the forest spirit that used to be there. 

It made me sick. My legs started trembling. Not because of the destruction itself, but because I realized something worse. The wood had simply been left there to rot. It had completely died out and was unusable. 

That is the part that enrages me. I'm used to humans being selfish, but at least there is always a purpose behind them ruining entire forests. I won't blame them too much if they actually use the wood. They simply cannot feel it as I can. For them, trees may as well be rocks. I can't explain how alive they are either. 

At least I can console myself thinking that out of their sacrifice comes some good. Somewhere, some happiness is generated from someone have a roof over his head, or some warmth from a fire, or something similar. It is sad but there are a few good points.

But this scene was completely different! It didn't stem from solving a need.  What could motivate such senseless slaughter?! The next few days I couldn't sleep at all. Every time I would remember that scene of carnage. 

Then as I'm simply walking, I come across another forest. That is when I feel it. I don't know how to explain it, but it feels evil. Some profound and senseless hate toward trees. At first, I'm questioning my sanity. How is that even possible?! 

But then I see them. A bunch of humans, all in front of a tree each. They are sending concentrated killing intent toward the wood. They all have an axe…wait! They are the ones that did that earlier massacre! I'm sure of it! There is no way I will let them proceed! I angrily shout at them!

"Stop this at once! Leave this forest alone! Stop your reckless havoc!"

They look at me puzzled.

"Slaughter? We are just cutting trees?" 

"Exactly! These trees are alive and do not deserve such treatment at all! Step aside and leave this place!" 

That is when a girl in their midst tries to convince them to do so. "Guys, we should probably just leave…"

"No way! We are lumberjacks! We cut trees! There is no compromise to be made! We have our pride!" 

Fine! Let's see how they handle this! I use nature magic. It is something all elves are born with, albeit at varying degrees. Vines come out of the ground, violently going toward them in a bid to restrain them. 

Then the trees behind them start slapping them with their branches. That's the limit of my powers but it should be enough against….

That's when I feel it. Somehow, they direct their attention at me and I become their target. I can sense the hate and the killing intent! It's so intense that I have trouble breathing! 

This is crazy! I use nature magic to increase the potency of the attacks on them! Yet they are simply slowly marching toward me. Their glares chill me to my very core. They want me dead. 

As they advance, they violently chop the vegetation apparently effortlessly. Normal-looking woodcutters are getting rid of my strongest spell extremely easily! How?!

At this point, I'm at my wit's end. I have only one card left to play! I use illusion magic! Then they all stop. Oh my god! That was so close! 

The 12 woodcutters are all stunned looking confused. I changed my appearance in their eyes with that magic spell. Of course, it is one that is easy to break. Any target with mental resistance could get rid of it. Alternatively, if I attack it will break too. 

Now, what the Hell am I supposed to do? I think I'll just run. I want to protect the forest but there is nothing I can do against these monsters. But it's fine I'll just….

That's when I feel some wind behind me. It is also when I understand that there were not 12 woodcutters, but 13. Sorry mother, it seems I won't ever find our brethren…

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