The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 430: God of Order's Prison

*Falling SFX* 

So…Note to self. Next time I kill a wannabe god toe, I need to get to safety before I crush it. I guess it made me fall as I was crushing it mercilessly. You know since the bridge was obviously magically made. 

Anyway, no point thinking about spilled milk. Still, this fall is awfully long, isn't it? I feel like I've been falling for a few days already. Am I going to the center of the universe or something?! 

I've stopped feeling the air around me too. I think this is some sort of void space. I just hope I didn't leave the Earth realm again…

That would be annoying as Hell. The man said something about this place being used to seal creatures he voluntarily forgot to preserve his sanity. That sounds like a load of bullshit but still. 

He also said something about creatures unpredictable by nature that can't coexist with humans, not sure what he meant by that either. 

So, why am I not freaking out right now? Why am I not fighting to stop my fall? Well, I did freak out and flailed my arms around a lot earlier…I got bored of it after a few hours. 

I mean I can't be expected to just keep screaming 'Noooooo' for one chapter, right? Although that would be funny as Hell, well not if I'm the one doing it. 

So anyway, what should I do now? Ah, think I'll nap a bit. 


Some bright light is shining in front of me. What is this?! Opening my eyes, I can see some sort of golden ball floating in front of me. It doesn't look to have any substance. If I had to describe it, it looks like a wisp? Actually even less corporeal. 

[So bright! Damnit!] 

<Ah, sorry about that. It's been a long time since I've interacted with a human!>

[You can talk!] 

<So can you! Wow!>

[I feel like you are making fun of me.]

<Oh, no worries. It's because I am.> 

[Are you trying to pick a fight? Also, where did you come from? How come you are falling with me?] 

<Oh, actually I'm not falling. You are not falling either. You've been floating here for a while.> 

[Ah, that explains the lack of wind…So why is it so dark and empty in here?] 

<Well, it's a prison. There will not be anything for comfort here. Not that the ones here need it anyway.>

[Right, the creatures. I heard there are some scary monsters down there or something.] 

<Who did you hear that from? Some Cronies of that bully Order God?>

[Yep. So, are you some kind of devil wanting to tempt the heart of humans? One that appears kind at first glance but really has a dark side that…] 

<Eh, not really? I guess the tempting part maybe. But the dark side I don't. I can either glow golden or golden brighter. Want to see? Here it goes!> 

*Ball of golden light with flickering light intensity. *

[That's it?] 

<What do you expect? I'm not even tangible in the first place. If it weren't for that I wouldn't have a color at all.> 

[For that?] 

<Yes, this will be hard to explain but there is a thing called a 'miracle'. It's kind of a trope you know. It's when something unimaginably good happens for absolutely no logical reason and …>

[I know what a miracle is! What does that have to do with you being golden?] 

<A lot really. It turns as wow ok into a WOW!>

[So, you are admitting to being a sham?] 

<Let me put it this way. Humans tend to judge a book by its cover. If I offered you the most delicious brownie but I shaped it like a huge brown turd would you be as keen to eat it?>

[No way!] 

<There you have it. It's not really deception if the cover simply fits the content too. Take this one novel I know. On the cover is a carefully drawn stickman that has even the gods themselves in awe of such beauty. BUT! It does fit the amazing content pretty well see? Oh the rest of the cover is okay too…>

[Why do I feel like you are just trying to advertise some crappy book? What kind of demon are you?]

<I'm no demon! I am what we call a System. *Sigh* But that would be way too long to explain the concept so just know that…>

[Oh? A system? What kind of system?] 

<So, are you really just going to pretend you know what I am talking about? >

[Mission, Reward, Punishment, Stats, XP, Level up, Cool titles, etc. Just answer the question now!] 

<Oh my god! You really know what a system is! How?! Did you know someone with one?! Wait, no. Most systems in their bounded form have a non-disclosure agreement clause. How?!>

[Meh, long story. So, what kind of system are you?] 

<I am the amazing Literary System! Impressive isn't it?!>

[Not really to be honest. I mean I've heard of way better.]

<How dare you! Nothing beats literature!>

[I mean from the way you talk can it be called literature?] 

<How dare you! Literature is not about the form but the intent! There is no shame in using informal speech from time to time, or always even! All that matters is to have an indomitable spirit and boundless courage to…>

[You are right, my bad. So, why are you here?] 

<A tale as old as time itself. The God of Order feared my power! Thus he imprisoned me in this god-forsaken place! I mean that both metaphorically and literally! >

[I mean it makes sense that a god of Order wouldn't like to have a System around…] 

<I disagree! A System is the very definition of Order! He was simply jealous. There is nothing more orderly than a power that is easily quantifiable!>

[Well, you do have a point. It's just that there is always more than one perspective to a situation. On a micro level, you are orderly, but on a macro level you bring chaos to the world or something I guess.]

<So you are taking his side?!>

[Not really. I crushed the Fucker] 

<What?! You did?! That means we'll be able to get out of here! All of us Systems!>

[Wait…you said 'us'? There are more like you?!] 

<Well, yeah there is.…>

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