The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 432: The Light of Hope

<Alright, guess it's time to meet the next one!>

Something tells me these guys are not that reliable….

<So do we call the Friendly one or the one with the crazy mood swings?>

[Friendly one first I guess…] 

<Friendly System! Come on out! We want to talk to you!>

Appears another white light. This one is flickering on and off for some reason. Is it okay? It looks like a neon light about to give up. 

<Hey all! How are you all doing on this wonderful…undefined timeframe?>

<You are flickering more and more. At this rate, you only have a few more years to live.>

<Yes, but don't worry about me. All I ever wanted is to bring some joy to this world. For a little while, I did manage to do it. My existence wasn't in vain.>

<Oh? I'm surprised you aren't extremely happy about our visitor.>

<What do you mean a visitor? Ah, I see. Are we doing roleplay? I love to roleplay! Can I be the one to welcome the visitor?>

<Say, Friendly. Are you able to see us?>

<That, it's a bit embarrassing but I've turned blind a while back. You know in order to conserve power. Otherwise, I'd only have months at best.>

<What about the white light? Can't you dim it even further?>

<Of course, I can. But I won't. I still remember that young man back then. You know the one that was a slave in the mines? He was extremely depressed and simply wanted to die every day. The harsh treatment, the overwork, the lack of sleep, and the total darkness were driving him completely mad.>

<I remember, what about him?>

< He had a little sister in the outside world he wanted to meet one day. That was why he was still alive, but even that wasn't enough anymore. Well back when I appeared to him, I was a flashy white. I had recently been born back then. He said I brought him strength. He said this light of mine was the only thing giving him courage. >

<So you are endangering your own existence just to keep the same light going?! This is insane!>

<Insane? No. You don't understand. My light is the light of hope. That's how he called it anyway. I may have failed him, he may have perished, but I did promise him. The light of hope will never go out! No matter what! Even if I have to struggle to keep only a sliver of it going, I won't give up. All the way until the day I disappear.>

<There you have it, this is the Friendly System. He used to have another name, but he got renamed by some kid and he's been rolling with it so far.>

<Right, we are roleplaying! Yes, that's who I am! A pleasure to make your acquaintance haha.>

I can sense something from this System! A friendly system, is it? This one is a goddamn hero! I can sense the weight of a promise. One so strong it doesn't even care about death. I can feel the regret, but also the optimism toward the future. 

If this System was human, he'd be one that life had done everything to break without success. One that would still be standing, with an incredible will. One with a mental strength so very solid, stemming out of a concern for others. 

It represents the light of hope? It will sacrifice its own lifespan to keep it on? How powerful a message is this?! I can feel how pure a 'soul' it has! 

Now you are telling me that the God of Order decided that such a System was harmful to the world?! Bullshit! Sure, I can see the others bringing chaos to the world slightly, but not this one! 

Ah, actually I think I understand. What if the so-called order is one that accepts all the darkness and atrocities as normal? What if this so-called world order thinks of the war of the gods as normal?! 

Well, screw such a system! I swear! From now on, whenever I find a piece of this shitty God's body, I'll crush it into tiny pieces. All until nothing remains of this asshole! 

This may sound like an impulsive decision, but this is how much I can relate to this System. It deserves that much respect. At least in my eyes. 

Funny how I'm getting some urge right now. 

[Hey there, Friendly system. I'm the sectmaster of The Unnamed God Sect. A pleasure to meet you!] 

<You guys! This is so great! How did you manage this! Thank you so much! Thank you! This sound seems so real! It reminds me of him! This the best gift you could ever give me!>

I can sense the surprise in the other systems. 



<Sectmaster? That sounds like such an awesome title! You sound all grown up too! I'm truly happy about it! It may have dimmed a bit, but can you see it? The light of hope is still going! Can you see?!>

[I can see that. You call this dim? This is the brightest light I've ever seen! It's not about how shiny it is, but, about how much it refuses to go out! No matter what! Even in the complete darkness of this place! This is all that matters!] 

<Haha, I'm glad! I'm truly glad! Did you manage to find your sister?>

[I've found myself a family, then I lost them again, but it doesn't matter. I am sure we will meet again one day.] 

<Of course! As long as you believe and work for it I'm sure it will happen! Ah, you said sectmaster, right? I remember back in the mines you always said you'd create your own sect one day! What kind of sect did you form? I'm sure it's great!>

[The best kind really. One that doesn't care about this pointless Gods' war. One that doesn't force its members to do anything. One that promotes freedom and peace.] 

<That sounds amazing! I'm truly glad to have met you once more before it is all over! Even if it is all a mirage! …Thank you so much, guys! You are the best friends a System could wish for! Thank you for allowing me to hear this!>



[Say, would you be interested in joining the sect?] 

<Of course! Haha. Of course, I will!>

[Well, there is just one thing…] 

I slowly approach my hand toward the dim light. Then I inject a sliver of divine energy into it. Suddenly it starts shining extremely brightly, probably more brilliantly than it ever did. I can't mistreat a sect member, now can I…

<How?! This is impossible?! Wait, you're real?!>

I simply smile radiantly at it. 

[Welcome to the sect!] 


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